The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 17, 1907, Image 9

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For Love.''
IOAY, FEBRUARY ,17, 1007.
iny lypnt'iyiHiiuiiuK-riiiviik' hii-
I m liny of HiiiiNliliit, III liltttM- i-un-
In tli'lucHmd, i1ImiiikiIiiIc.1 I'urls,
in,) mt in tlu hi-nrl. Tim nil-win
'i-nr with llu. ,ilnu Hf nnMl.-iy,
ioili striving w ith niii-iituniM if-
III UViTniMI" Iht' HlllllHlllll'l1 of
lliriiiiHtiiiut tin. city, Will K'i I -
lt'ki'nn itliiitiiliin! Hollow mirth!
it It oil lili' shallow nf ttn ,ii-
lillitf l'tlnmlilim him! Hii- iiipiillliiK
irt of ili-wiliHc niln'-ry, j
hlit it iimlni niiiriyui'il, rni'li'ly
Willi MuiiMtnmn, nnt I'li-not, mi
nm a huuli vuliiiiiii of "flimiM
itic"; nl hlx fin-i mini Iht pnndt'r .
imn, Th iiiliiu'tii itml o.l-
Hlifl Clf flirt MMlt Wl'ln lll-CI-ll"
by lliu sound of tiriiiiiil nu n pu
the ntrcaln mnt Urn hynU-iliul
f lipwlhli'ivil (HUitiH frmii
it, 8ul'lli)y I'li llOl flllliK tllfl vol-
it llm ndim n, t ituitlit up it ,
p'W luu.lly ihruuiili ln nui iow ,
n to on Ivy t'liul i-oiiiiKti I"H.' to
iiuiilnr Iiittlii. A iiiIhmIIx whs Hung.
luttlcK ttiii.liiw nlH'Ve and a,
llltln fitn lit uui'v t-uinn lnio
rrutt". I'li'iiPiif, i mum riKlit
It wtiiit tt"iiMiiii, oniy? your
ktW plll'tlV''"
ili-nr no! Willi wrtonl mil rl-
mi In ili ;iity ii,iiii'l, NwiM'io.-iirl,
i mutl'l tmy. I,iive tlKhllnif.
men, i
B tin you will, I'li'trrtw-; 1 will.
pitrc my fnther's Iiuuno, I war- '
u! I t un flKlit wlUi i life bt of j
1 Iciivo your 1'lorrrtte to plnei
vlih lunllneM.'
;ver iVff tliun with you wwnnii! i
would hup(Mtii to ihrt world lfj
Itii'l nwfoiheiirln hud thWr way?"
I-mi hi umke the world Ivnn nuugh-
hlnhn, 1'lrrnn!"
mens?! Com down, Pierrette,
rune be serious!"
I In hand, they went to the paved
ird. Hi-utt'.l on ft large oaken
they tulkoil and chattered until
Ill you be away long 7"
Itnll utmut three weeks," said
"C'nn you be true no lonirT"
fill bny! Who else In there?"
titv, hn ndinlrPi you terribly."
w! Munluvw In u conrelti-d pop-
crlml Pierrette. "May at
then. Pierrot, l-iim"
n n"t; the ilruiun cull m!
earl, nweur to tne "
Pierrot I must not!"
niunt tli-nile, nweitr to l fullh-j
t you irtml nut. Pierrot?" j
' I.H's Ko to tin- IIUli- church
ic, iiinl tlii'ie nny KoO'l-by."
i their put roil Hullit, III tliej
eillllff, the Iwo flKUi- knell
h:nnl. The dim HkIH pinetrat.
ntiilneil wlmlown aii'l it Hhiift
I full upon tha two reverent
LVhen they h'fl the i luii i h Pler-
Inn rryliiK.
I, ui.'.ni.. f,, I.,. Inn' unit' Pliif
all light for tile PrtiNHluiiH with
heiirt, now, ileurle.'
that nlRht, with the harvest
iil(?h In the heuveiiH, Pierrot
orth to fight, A nniiirt noMlor
hh bin hug book of wurn mid a
tlbb), Plmretle wun alinont too
:o wcop.
l-by, deiir hiiitrt, until"
y, HWetithuiti't mine."
fit the l'runnlitnn nre vnnquUhed.
belln of Notre Dome tolled nol
and Pierrot lookeJ back for tho
h tlmo. The little handkerchief
from the lattice was Junt a
tly a month later Pierrot ro
to Parln, prouJ and mlHcrublo
1 bocauae three PruBslana at
Sid fallen by his hand; miserable
nothing boyond ono solitary
ad come from Pierrette. But
were so mnny poslble explana-
Perhaps the letters had mls-
rnaytoe the name and number
toglment had been lost. It was
e too, that Jealous austave had
fed matters to suit his own wick-
. With many misgivings, poor
tapped at the door of the Ivy
ottage. It was empty! Intul
his feet wandered towards the
their church as they had al
armed it. A restful feeling cam
m as he remembered their part-
!re. He aproached the niche
hey had knelt together. A little
g voice startled him. There;,
the Saint, was a lonely flgur.
ierrette's nad face. Uluriilnfttel
streaming sunlight. Plerrojt
to a pillar aiid listened, '
r mother, teaph me what to 'Jo
la coming back from the war,
love OuBtave. I swore to be
Boost S
The big ball has been started to rolling and now let
every man woman and child in Astoria get in and boost.
Get interested in our good old town and stand by her.
If a rich man starts a project encourage him; if a poor
man, help him. Don't be afraid to stick yoor hand in
your pocket. If you have means invest in something
that will give employment to people. Do not kick on
every proposed improvement simply because it is not at
your door. Do all you can to beautify our town. Be
friendly to everybody and courteous to strangers and y
never forget that you are part of the town and that your
own deportment does its share in giving Astoria its char
acter. Stand by, all enterprising citizens, and be ready to
do something yourself and don't grumble or spend your
time in prophesying failures, in short. BOOST AND
KEEP BOOSTING and you will be surprised to see
how quick good things will come.
We propose to do two things SELL REAL ES
TATE AND BOOST. If you uant to sell your
property list it with us and we will sell it for you which
means quick sales. Have now several good investments
that are bringing from 10 to J5 per cent on the invest
ment, also several good speculations. Come look over
our list.
56(9 F. No OarR Company
495 Commercial Street, Near 11th. Phone Red 2241.
true, and I will be but It wouldn't be
fair I know It wouldn't, I'm so mis
erable, for Pierrot has been braver
than anyone. Gustave has. been kind
and good toame, I love him. But I
swore to lie true to Pierrot."
An hour later they met In the stone
"Oh, Pierrot, I am so glad to see you
"Are you, Pierrette? I'm sorry!"
"Sorry? Why?"
"Human nature la so foolish, dear!"
"What can you mean, stupid?"
"I was wounded and lay in hospital
for a wholo week I don't know how
to tell you, Pierrette.".
"An awfully pretty girl nursed me."
"Oh, Pierrot no!"
"You, will hate me, Pierrette, but I
forgot you."
"Only for a week?"
"Pierrot, you are a flirt!"
"No I love herl"
"Well, I don't care; I lovo Gustave,
but I was never going to tell you,"
"What a dear old world It Is, Pier
rette; everything works out for the
"You mustn't kiss me, Pierrot."
"Why not?"
"You love the pretty nurse!"
'My word! I had almost forgotten !'
Once again that night Pierrot knelt
before the Saint aloner-and in tears,
and prayed for forgiveness.
"A He for her love," he pleaded.
The San Francisco Chronicle has the
following to say of the now and potent
"bum" drink in vogue there now, and
which has good, old, raw whiskey done
to a frazsle:
"Tho passing of the wine bum, a
picturesque but undesirable charac
ter, la threatened by the advent of a
new drink. Its correct name is ponce
a la Toscana, which means Tuscan
punch. The wine bums have forsaken
their "paint" and taken to the new
drink like ducks to water.
"The new beverage Is much more
potent than the tinted water which
used to he sold at the wine cellars, as
the police have discovered after try
ing to arrest some of the slaves of the
new drink. One glassful of the new
drink is a stimulant, two glasses gives
an inspiration for muslo and the most
unmusical is smitten with the hallu
cnatlon that he has Caruso beaten a
block; three bring vlstons of Tuscany
and black-eyed damsels in the vine
yards; four instil the belief in to the
drinker that he can abolish the Po
lice Department with a few blows; five
produce what the doctors at the Cen
tral Emergency Hospital call acute
alcoholism, and necessitate a week's
session in' the "D. T." .ward In the
company of wlerd beasts and insects.
It is reported that one man 'drank six,
but that was not proven at the In
quest ,
"The drink U made of coffee strong
enough to shatter the foundations of
a re-enforced concrete building, plen
ty of rum, lemon peel and sugar. The
rest of the component parts are for
chemist to discover. The Italian name
Is too much for the wine bum to mas
ter, so ho has corrupted It to 'coffee
"The 'transformed wine bum is now
called the coffee bum by the police and
at the Emergency Hospital, where his
shattered nerves are glued together
with bromides. It's the coffee joint
and not the wine joint that will be
the disturbing center of the restored
Baritiary Coast.
"When the drink was first intro
duced by the Italians, the wine bums
turned up their noses at it. ; But since
the Are destroyed most of the alleged
wine made especially for the bum
trade, the vagrants have been driven
to the use of 'coffee punch.' It In
stantly found favor with them because
of its potency and It is probable that
the wine bum is a thing of the past."
J. Q. A. BOWIST, President. ' fRAXK PATTON, Cashier.
0. I. PETERSON, Vice-President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital Paid in 1100,000. Burpios and Undivided Profits 156,000.
TrrasMts a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time DepoetU
168 Tenth Sfavet,
What To Do When Bilious.
The right thing to do when you feel
bilious Is to 'take a 'dose of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
will cleanse the, stomach and regulate
the liver and bowels. Try it Price,
25 cents. Samples free at Frank Hart's
and leading druggists,
Pine Salve Carbollsed acta ltke a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
s4 for ?Mma,' for chapped hands
sad llp euts, burns.
;iBJB by Prank taarft bra Store.
The Foard & S(oRes Hardware Co.,)nc.
Successors U Jttui ft Steke Cs,
Up-t-Dt tiaw kill Machinery! Prompt atteationrglven WL repair work. , ,
,18th and Frankllii, Ave. Tel. Main tttl.