The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 17, 1907, Image 5

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Our Great Orange Sale is now in full
blast. Wc arc selling a larger orange for
less money than any one else in the city.
If you buy from
low price on box
Till I.HAU1NC.
m iiiej of 1 1
Morning Antorlan, 10 c.nt a month,
4tllvrd by carrier.
Go to A. D. Cmlfl for your tin",
awnlnge and nil kind of ennvit wrl(
12th and Kxchn. tt
The very bent hoard to bo obtained
In the city l lit "Tho Occident Hotel."
Ilulet vary
Making Repair Albert Johnson,
lUKllBl.lIlt KUllMilllltitl'llt of til"
water work, U out mi the ll'o Ittir
repairing ii lo'ik i couple of mile from
For Eloctrio 8rvlce Installation nr
repair work. go to J, H. Vernon, tb'c
trleUn, No. 7 KKctmnge street, lei
ephotio, Main 2443. All manner "f
elwtrlc and trlt(ione work dime nl
whorl notice.
Library Attociation M.eW The la
dle of tb Library Anneiitloii met In
regular mnMmi yesterday itfM'rin'ii.
Mt Of till' bllHllK'l" tlitllHIl.lcll Wll
of n routine character.
Diioharg.d from Hospital Mr
Ciilhcrlnu Tunn-y of this rlty who him
bri-n II! Hi Hi. Mary' hospital for Home
limn with u ru-rvurn complaint, was
dlitch.irged yi-Htcrdiiy and returned to
her h"tin'.
Make Good Uii of It There I an
odd and end" ale on Juat now tit
Iht popular ahOB houao of Cha. V.
Itrown. Don't fall to avail yourself
of Iho unuual opportunity for bar
gain In footwear. If up lo you!
Old School Chum Allen C. Abbott,
manager of tb" Seattle branch of
the American Itadlalor Company 'f
Chicago, was In the city yesterday,
hob-nobbing with III old law-school
chum, City Attorney Chiirle II, Ab
crcroinble. They were football glad
iator on tin- famous Ma.llHon VI.)
Ijiw School team, when It walloied
the CnlverHlty of Minnesota mo dis
gracefully In the dim and misty past.
They enjoyed tin- day hugely, Mr. Ab
bott leaving for the I'llK'-t Sound me
tropolU oM hint nlKht' i xiu'chh,
Do you feci aleopy anrt not & bit
like working In tho afternoon? Pcr
v hap It' bocttUKe of the kind of lunch
you're eating too hunvy nnd too hard
" o dlgeat. Why not try tho Vulaco
MMlAurnnt on Commercial tret,
where all the baking I done In thorni
famou alow-procc ovpm. which turn
out llgl)t, appetizing wholoaomc
hlRgtT Tou'll av monoy, too, tf
Strictly Fresh Country
30 cents the dozen.
Scholfield, Mattson $ Co.,
I 1
For a
oil ii son Phonograph Co.
Parian Second Floor over
us. Wc make a very
and half box lots.
Orkwiti cover umbrellas.
I Wlih to rent ii llixt rl'iMM room
with omc prlvuln family, F. N Clink.
Dell II. Smiily, NoUry Public ai
Snilly'n Cigar Htura. Any old hour!
J, A. Qilbaugh i. Company, Under
taker, 649 Dunne street, corner of
TwHfth. tf
For Fint Watch mid rim k repalrl v,
no to Frank J. I lorinerbeiK, tin- re
liable J-w.l.r. Ill llih Ht.
Don't Suffar (So straight to Linton'
druK tor, on Eleventh street be
tween Dunne and CommiTlnl. It I
open dny und night. Everything of
tin. purmt ond let.
Idun Society Entertain The Hun
Ho. l.-ty nu t at S . 3 ft l int evening to
enjoy a liil evening. After a lit
'nuy and musical iiroKriuii. refresh
ment wile Indulged In and the km!
nf (In- evening wim spent In old world
KanitM nml iiniUM. no tit M. An cnjuyahle
meeting U reported.
I. L. Cherry, local Lloyd' retire,
xetitntlve, ban received and forwarded
to J. J. Moore & Company at Sim
"rainlno, two bids for the purchase
'f the Ilrltlsh bark M'-aiioe, a d re
Hit. Takaa Southern TripCity TieaHiir-
r ThoniBH Deahy nd wife have left
for California, vh?rp they w Hend
neveral day vIhIHiik thflr duugnter.
Mr. K. Footer. Auditor nbif Ander
Hon I teiiitiorarlly attending lo 11,0
collection of money due the city
Sunday School Worker The 'tut -Hop'
County Sunday School AhhoiIh
ton, of which Mr. J. K. Fcikuhoii,
of thin city. In the capable
will ivcne here, lit the Firm f.m-
Ki-.-Katlonal church, on the 'Jlii.l and 3rd j
of April, next, and It In expected that ;
every Sunday nchool In the county will ,
be In attendance by ample delegation. ;
The State Ain latlon will "end ll
llllHHlo -it ry, Kev. C. . I'lilpp. to the
convention and he will be aided by
Itev, Mr. Metrltt, one of the Intern, i-
tlonal Held workers. An enjoyable and.
successful convention Is anticipated. t
Chocolates and Bonbons
Are the BeSt
8oholfIeld & Mattson Co.
The g'nl work goc on upaco!
Heiielary Frank X. Clark, of Ue
Chamber of niineiee, nnd of the ac
tive Committee of Fifteen, yeteiday
went 11. alone, In iiient of new tiiem
ber inn! more money, garnering nine
of the foimer and V.W) of Ibe latter
by the clone of hunlne hour yeater
day, the followliig aplrlteil eltlxen
going 'ii record In tbl impulnr be.
(I. C, Flavcl i.V0')
r, H. Itrown 25.00
Allen Willi I'a per I'alnt Co.. .1.00
Fr-. Warren C.'t'r
A. linnllli.g .1.00 ,
I, Ketginann f00
A, .1. Taylor 2.f.0
J. A. F.akln 2..10 ;
II, L. MellhlMOII 2..VI.
Till bring the new year' cah to
tal to fv.'.co, and there ale many more
good people to hear from, and all will
bo vltted In dun and iiub k "tempo."
If he happen to iiiIwh yu tomorrow
ju.t call at the Chamber of Com
ni'Tre meeting lomoirmv night and.
do your do It will come handy and
you'll not be d!appolnted.
The amount prvlouKly aubacrlbed
were a follow:
Herman WIo 125 00
Uotii. IIIkkIii & Company 25.00
North Pacific IJrewIng Company 25.00
FiMicr I',ro Company 25.00
Astoria Klectrlc Company 25.00
AMorlan National Bank 20.00
Atorla Abtract, T. & T. Co 25.00
Ceo. W. Warren 20 00
P. L, Parker 15 00
Clataop Mill Co 1500
Atorln Saving Bank 2500
Of-o. W. Sanborn 15.00
Astoria Iron Work 15.00
IlrownBvllIe Woolen Mill Store., 10.00
Jame W. Welch 10 00
A. Dunbar Co 10.00
Bhormnn Transfer Co 10.00
Foard & Stoke Hardware Co 10.00
August Danlelson 10.00
S. D. Adair 10.00
Van Duaen Investment Co 10.00
F. N. Clark Co 10.00
P. A. St 'kos 10.00
W. 8. Copeland 15.00
Victor P. C. Miller 6.00
Central Drug Store 5.00
Jame Plnlayson 5 00
A. V. Alton 5.00
Chn-i. Hocrx
One Schoenbnuhler. . .
S. Danxlger & Co
Piael-Klgner Co
Callendi'r Navigation Co
Dr. T. L. Hall 5.00
II. Hoeder 5.00
T. P. Laurln 5.00
Dr. Jay Tuttle 5.00
John Chltwood 6.00
Morse Department Store 6.00
F.rlck Haucke 500
Norrls Staples 6.00
L. Larsen 5 00
! Mrs. O. K. Pulton
: Mrs. H. J. Prael
I a. U. Cyrus
Mrs. O. K. Pulton 5.00
i Dr. A. A. Pinch 6.00
j H. M. Leathers 5.00
Dr. W. C Logan S.OO
Scholfield. Mattson & Co 5.00
A. Scherneckau 5.00
Astoria Crushed Hock Co 6.00
Will Madison 6.00
C. G. Palmberg 5.00
C. R. Hlgglns 5.00
Edwin Hobson 6.00
Theo Bracker 5.00
Peninsula Land Co 25.00
Narrow Ecape Peter Bjordgstrom
ami Casper Drilling of Port Stevens,
camo very near going out over the
bar yesterday morning. They were
trying to make Sand Island In a small
boat, but wind nnd tide set out to
sea so strongly that they were swept
past Peacock Spit. The Cape Disap
pointment life saving crew noticed
their signals of distress nnd put ouf
In time to save them from what would
have been certain death.
The rare opportunity of hearing
America's foremost lecturer will be our
privilege next Monday night. It Is
not often that the nation's greatest
men visit our city so that the coming
of Dr. Hlllls will be the event of this
Thore are only seventy-five available
seats. Those expecting to hear Dr.
Hillla should reserve seats at once, at
Martinson's tailor shop, 11th street
Monday night! Presbyterian church,
8 o'clock. St
Laat Year Insurance Imposition Or
i dored Cut Out.
I ti intiii in Van Duaen, onti Of the
l.'t..1ttiv t't.uiird Ii-. rnf.ti ..f iMu .III I
yesterday received the following or
der fr'.m Manager J, C, Stone, at Sun
FranclHco, and Immidlatcly apprld
till olllie of the welcome news:
"To Agent of Fire Imurance Com
panies In the Stale of Oregon ami
"The application of resolution pub
lished by Circular ?,ll (Zi'i) is dlMeor,
tliiued as of January 1, 1007, ns to the
buln'HM of Oregon and Idaho.
"itelurn premium under the opera
tion of this resolution, on policies tak
ing i.ffect prior to .January 1, 1JI07,
'annot bo paid except at short rate.
"J. C. HTONK, Manager."
Teacher' Certificate Granted Yetter
day by County Board.
County Kuperlriteridi'nt of Schools
Ml Kmma Warren, City Superin
tendent of School A. L. Clark, and
Mis. C. A. i'irharl, noiiHtltutlng Ihe
examining board In that behalf, yes
terday granted the following certifi
cates to teachers In the grades named:
First 'lia.Ie Mis Anne IwIh, Mr.
F L. Keexel, Misse Sophie Ander
son, Mabel C.' Steven. EMu (,'onklln.
Second (Jfiule Mlsse Hlodwln I.i
vIch, Kthel Cerdlng,
Third Jralt Mis tiraie M. Mor
ton. State Certificates Mlw-a Clara
liulker, Nellie Uerdlhg, Lucy Morton,
Mary Clark, Inez Luce.
Life Dlplorna--MiHS Jessie Sands.
Equalization Board Meets The
Hoard of Initialization met at 4:30
o'clock yesterday afternoon to equal
l.e the asfietoiiTienU made to defray
the expense ($327.25) of construct
ing a sewer on 37th street from Com
merdal to Duane and for the expenses
($334.20) of repairing the McClure
drain. No objections being flleJ the
board will recommend to the council
tit Its n'"xt meeting that the assesH
iiiMtil be confirmed.
Fifty Sen That's the name on a
coin which came Into the hands of
an Astorlan representative yesterday
It Is a Chinese coin, familiarly known
In China as "Mexican." There they
use the 50 sen Mexican and the one
dollar Mexican almost exclusively In
silver coins. The oe alluded to Is
an odd looking coin, one side having
the Chinese Dragon, some Chinese
characters and the words "50 Sen.
The reverse side contains more Chi-
ncne characters encircled In a wreath.
The Astorlan secured the curiosity
from Mr. Hug S. Pook. the manager
of Hop HI ng Lung Co.. 376 Bond
street, and Is prized highly.
The Cute Hooligans In passing the
Hon Ton .Millinery parlors of Mrs.
tieorgle Pennington, 4s3 Bond street,
Just cast your eye on her window dis
play of dainty, catching Happy Hooli
gan hats for ladies. They are of the
cleverest and prettiest designs In the
latest faddy headgear and will repay
Gold Fish Have you seen the beau
tiful gold llsh In the windows of Hll
dehrand & Gor? Look them up. Fan
Talis, 35 cents; straights, 25 cents.
$20,000 and a Wife One of the four
brand new films Just put on at the
Waldorf theatre nnd concert hall, il
lustrates the swift and dangerous ac
tion of an automobile race, the stakes
In which are a wife and $20,000; an
other Interesting display Is the pic
tured adventures of a baloonlst who
achieves a remarkable rescue In mid
air; still another, in popular vogue
there, Illustrates the delights and vi
cissitudes of a modern honeymoon.
These leaders in the moving picture
world, are amplified by the fun and
frolic incident to the pranks of "The
Village Cut-up," and the miraculous
transitions and exposures In the por
tralay of Alladln and His Wonderful
Lamp; tho whole scheme being inter
esting from end to end.
New Rooming Quarter That Mrs.
Captain M. Nolan has taken charge of
the rooming privileges of the Cope
land building, over the "Bee Hive," on
Commercial street, Is a certain guar
anty of the excellence of the service
to be given there hence forward. The
place will be made manifestly the best
of Its kind In Astoria and every pa
tron will be made as comfortable as
excellent equipment and conscientious
management can attain to.
Five Cents to $3.00 When you feel
like "sponging" a bit, drop Into Frank
Hart's drug store and buy a sponge.
Tou can find Just what you want, from
5 cents to $3.00 per sponge.
$4.00 and $5.00
They are the hright of fash
ion but not the extreme.
Full of comfort and good
service for the man that
walks much or little
They come in various leathers.
All sizes and widths in stock.
j Wherity, Ralston Company
Si, The Leading 8ho Dealer.
Itev. K. OJerding has returned from
a church conference at Seattle and
will occupy hi pulpit today.
Chas. Cleveland of Gresham was in
Astoria yesterday.
K. C Walker came, in from Skamo
kawa yesterday on business.
V. Lindbach and wife are down from
the metropolis.
Rasmus Pederson of Jewell was In
Astoria yesterday.
P. A. Anderson came down from
Portland yesterday on business.
J. L. Mark of San Francisco and J.
S. Mark of New York are visiting in
this city.
A. G. Long came down from Port
land yesterday forenoon on a brief
Rev. W. S. Gilbert of the First
Presbyterian church, returned last
night from Portland, whither he had
gone to conduct the funeral of the
late Mr. G. Donahue.
Rev. G. E. Rydqulst of the First
Lutheran church, leaves tomorrow for
Spokane to attend the Columbia con
ference to be held there.
In Adjourned Session The county
court of Clatsop county will meet to
morrow morning at 9 o'clock in ad
journed session, and will be engaged
very' largely In road matters.
Many lines of
too numerous to mention have arrived
arrived during the past few days.
Now is the time to make your selec-
tions for early spring sewing.
DRESS GOODS- Lace Curtains
Nottingham, Brussels Net,
Just opened a very com- Cable Nets and Batten
plete line of 1907 Spring burg. All kinds of new
Dress Goods, entirely new lace curtains priced from
materials of unusual style 39c to 10 00
and beauty that will find Underwear and Hosiery
great favor with the best All kinds and all prices,
dressed women in town. Women's Silk and Wool
Plain colorings, checks, Union Suits, light weight
plaids and stripes. a beauty at $3.75.
500 Pairs 2 1-2 yard Nottingham Lace Curtains,
Special at 39c pair.
Big Shipment Just Arrived
Values Bigger and Better Than Ever.
Between Commercial and Duane
on Eleventh Street.
1411 Mlin IHIIMMMI t ?
5 pairs of Sox, gpod wool
en to cotton Sox, regular
price 25c to 3 for $1.00
at Wise's removal sale 5 pairs
for $i.oo;
HATS, formerly $2 to $4
now 55 cents at Wise's re
moval sale.
All new Neckwear and Sus
penders worth, from 50 to 75
cents now 35 cents at Wise's
removal sale.
, Boys' Suits ."reduced from
75c to $2.00 at Wise's remov
al sale.
25c caps for 15c at Wise's
removal sale.
$1.25 and $1.50 Umbrellas
reduced to 85c at Wise's re
moval sale.
Men's Suits reduced from
$2.50, $5.00 and $7.50 at
Wise's removal sale.
Winter Overcoats as well
as top coats reduced almost
one-half at Wise's removal