THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1907. MARINE 1 EMORANDA Columbia Sails for San Francis co Sunday Morning BIG FLEET CROSSES THE BAR Undine Picks Up a Snag Bunch of Schooner Pass Both Ways Steamere Galore and Somt Squart Riggtrt In Here. The schooner Ottillle Fjord came down from Rainier Sunday morning on the Oklahama along with the schoon er Prosper from St Helen's. The for mer was loaded with 275.000 feet of lumber and the latter with 870.000 feet In the course of cutting loose from the Olkahama, the schooners came together bows on, and the Pros pers head-gear was badly raked, but the damage was not sufficient to de ter her from proceeding to sea. The steamship Columbia came down on Sunday morning last and went to sea and San Francisco at noon. In addition to the list published In Sun May's Astorian, the following passen gers Joined her for the voyage south: Edward Saar, William Wllford and D. Roberts, in the cabn; and G. M. Smth and Frank Curtis in the steerage. i The Kamm steamer Undine had the bad luck to run afoul of a snag off Pillar Rock on her way up from this port on Sunday morning. She picked It up on her starboard guard, and it forced its way through the upper decking and had to be sawed oft. It did not stop her for a minute, how ever. It takes more than that to bluff Captain Larkin. The jmnounceinent was made at the office of Vice Consul P. L. Cherry yes terday morning that the British ship Peter Iredale has been sold, as she( stands, to the Pacific Iron Works of this city. The Pacific people will break her up as convenience dictates and use her material In effective fash- Ion. The price paid was 100 pounds sterling, or about 1500. The Gerald C, motor schooner, was anion the Sunday arrivals from sea. Captain Latham reports a long, hard siege in the Tillamook waters during the recent gules. He brought a load of mixed merchandise in from the Xe halem country and 1,366 cases of sal mon. She will undergo general In spection today. Captain Hansen of the Susie M. Plummer reports that he spoke the sealer Victoria off Cape Ulaneo on the first of the present month, and that she had taken three doien fine skins up to doate and were all well, A four-masted barkentlne entered port last evening on the tow lines of the Wallula. It Is supposed she Is the Puako, coal ballasted for S. Elmore & Company, from San Juan, Guatamala. SI days out Laty It Is the Puako. The steamer F. A. Kllburn arrived down from Portland yesterday after noon, and went to the lower harbor without any loss of time. She prob ably went over the bar on the evening flood. The steamer Volga was equipped with her new boilers yesterday and the repairs due to her will rapidly fol low. Contractor Lebeck's machine do ing the 'lifting" stunts in both cases. The Pacific ocean 'greyhound." the Delia, left out for sea and Xestucca on Sunday afternoon, which accounts In a measure for the extraordinary tides that swept In yesterday. The fine oil tanker Rosecrans ar rived down the river from Portland on Sunday and went to sea yesterday In company with her fleet-mate, the Ma verick, from the lower harbor. The steamer Yosemite came in over the bar from San Francisco on Sun day morning and went directly up the river after a lumber cargo for the return trip. The four-masted schooner Susie M. Plummer was among the arrivals from San Francisco and lies off the A. & C. pers, ready for her up-river trip. The three masted schooner Dora Muhm arrived In from Sun Francis co yesterday afternoon and lies In the city channel, awaiting towage to Portland. The steamer San Mateo arrived d-nvn on Sunday morning last and wont to San Francisco on the fore noon flood yesterday, lumber laden. The schooner Annie Ijiirsen, of un happy fame In this city, left down and out yesterday morning from the Mc Gregor mil!, Shu Francisco bound. The steamer Aurvlt was a 5 o'clock arrival yesterday afternoon, from Sun Francisco. Shu went on up the river without any lose of time. The steamship Roanoke Is due down from Portland, en route to Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles, some time this morning. The four masted schooner Alplna came In from San Diego on Sunday laat and will load out lumber for the return voyage. The wean tug Samson and her tow the schooner Washington got away for San Francisco, alright, on Sunday morning. The French bark Entitle Galllne went up to Portland yesterday morn ing on the hawsers of the steamer Oklahoma. The schooner Irene came down from Portland on Sunday lust and went to sea and San Francisco yesterday j morning. The steamer Thomas U Wand went to sea yesterday morning with a big I cargo of lumber destined for the Hay City. The steamship Costa Rica is due In this port from San Francisco tomor row, some time, from tho Bay City. The steamer Nome City was among the outward bound fleet sailing yester day morning, for San Francisco. The British steamer Agapanthus went up the river early on Sunday morning, for the metropolis. The schooner Alumna was among the Sunday get-aways for the Bay City. ive Bays More in which to save money. Five days more in which to buy a Suit or Over coat at just about half price. You Thrifty -Buyers Buy Now. OUR SPECIAL FOR TODAY We will put on sale today forty-seven dozen high grade men's wool mixed Underwear $2.25 Suit. Today only. PASTIES Uncommon Clhtoes Great investment, absolutely safe, brings returns, giving surplus earn ing power of youth till old age, secur ing comfort and health In your de clining yars. That's what llollls-t tcr's Rocky Mountain Tea does. For sale by Frank Hart. 4 DONE BY DEED. Great SACRIFICE SALE We need more room for our large spring stock which will soon arrive, which compels us to sell a large amount of clothing between now and March 15. In order to do this we are offering this fine new stock at a great sacrifice price. We are going to run a series of Great Slaughter Sales, giving the best bargains in clothing ever offered in this city. WEE 250 Bright, New $15.00 Suits on sale at exactly One-Half Price 7.50 These suits came from the tailor shops this season, are strictly up-to-date, first class in every particular, and will bear inspection. Watch This Space for More Bargains. See Our Window Display, mm LE l9 HILL (Irlmen tirove l,nnd Co. to A. J. Ifolnday, lot 7, block 10, Crime's drove t V. A. Johnston to Jennie Camp bell, lots 4 and 5, block 8, Clatsop drove Frank I'lidon, ft al. to W. W. Williams, lot IS, block 2. Hilt's 1st Add. Ocean Orov It. TaubenlielmiT and wife to Detroit Trust Co., H'4 Hcctlon 3fi-4- C. K Union and wife to C. A. Curler lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 block & Astor Add. to Ast"Ha I,. O. Haaven and wife to B. J. Sitteni north 100 feet lot 7, block 4, Sblvely's AstorlA .... B. J. H. ttem and wife to L. O. llanvi'n tin. I wife, lot 9, block 4. Htilveiy'H Astoria !20 140 60 10 40 250 RISING FROM THE GRAVE. A prominent manufacturer, Wm. A. Fertwell, of Lucama, N. C, relates a moat remarkable experience. He says: "After taking lens than three bottles of Electric Hitters, I feel like one ris ing from the grave. My trouble I night's disease, In the Diabetes stage. I fully believe, Electric Bitters will cure permanently, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder complications which have troubled me for years." Guaranteed at Chus. Rogers', druggist. Price only GOc. . C. JUDD, Proprietor. 684 Commercial St. Between 15th and 16th. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Fa vorlU. "We prefer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to any other for our chil dren," says Mr. L. J. Woodbury of Twining, Mich. "It has always done the work for us In hard colds and croup, and we take pleasure In recommend ing It." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. A STEADY DRAIN. Sick Kldntvi Weaken the Whole Body Make You III. Languid and De pressed. Hick kidneys weaken the body through the continual drainage of llfo Klvlng albumen from the blood Into the urine, and the substitution of poi sonous uric acid that go,e broadcast through tho system, sowing the seeds of disease. Iosn of albumen euuso weakness, languor, depression. L'rla poisoning causes rheumatic pain, ner vousness, nausea, cricks In tho back, gravel and kidney stouts. The proper treatment Is a kidney treatment and the best remedy Is Doan's Kidney ruis. N. 8. Williams, carpenter, of 239 Liberty street, Salem, Ore., says: "A number of years ago the doctors told me my kidneys were In bad shape. I came west on account of the trouble, thinking 'ho change of climate would help me but nothing I did gave mo re lief In spite of the use of remedies and medical treatment. On procuring Doan's Kidney fills I found them the !,.t t"'!!elne I ever used. At th time 1 got them I was suffering from an Intense burning sensation and If two live coals were placed directly over my kidneys. The secretions from the kidneys were tho color of strong black coffee and of a bad odor. After using two boxes of Doan's Kid ney fills I did not have the least pain in my back or trouble with the kid neys. I glvo all the credit for this to your valurtblo remedy." Plenty moro proof like this from As torla citizens. Call at Charles Hog. ers' drug store and ask what his cus tomers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Company, Buf falo, N. Y., solo agents for tho United States. Remember tho nnmo Doan's and take no other. Morning Astorian, SO cent per month. Make Us a Visit. We carry a fancy line of Canned Fruits and Vegetables Received by today's express a shipment of Smoked - Bloaters ACME GROCERY & DAIRY CO. Milk Phone Red 2285. Grooery Phone Main 681.