SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1907. 8 THE MORNING ASTOR1AN, ASTORIA, OREGON. A QUICK LUNCH Why spend a couple of hours preparing your noouday lunch? We carry a large line of ready cooked foods. Little Neck Clams, Canned Crabs, Chicken Tomales- Spanish, Asparagus Tips, Etc., which can be prepared in a very few minutes. A. V. AIJLEN, Phones 3371 and 711 Main. Sat Agent for Baker'a Barrington Hall Steel Cut Coffee. CLIMAX NOT N SIGHT Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw Two Days on Stand End is Not Yet JEROME'S TASK IS DIFFICULT District Attorney Must Shake Story of Chief Witness Without Attempt, ing to Attack Validity of State ments Made by Her. I NEW YORK, Feb. 9. The nature of' District Attorney Jerome's cross ex- j animation of Evelyn Nesblt Thaw, who j has already spent two days on the wit- ness stand In the defense of her hus - band, was the principal object of Jis- cusslon, .when court adjourned late yesterday until Monday morning. Mrs. Thaw's direct examination has con- Unued almost without interruption for two days and there la as yet no sign of the climax, the moment when the attorneys for the defense will turn her over to the tender mercies of the die- trlct attorney for cross-examination, The District Attorney has a difficult problem to face In this cross examlna- Hon. With the truth or falsity of the Guards Because of Sentime stories the witness has testified she! NEW YORK, Feb.9. General Loy told ber husband, he has nothing tojnaz del Castillo, according to a Ha do. The statement that she told him these things Mr. Jerome cannot pos- slbly disprove. His strongest chance In cross examination Is to make her stumble In the story as she told It with the gentle guidance of her husband's attorneys, or compel her to admit tel ling him other things about her past life which would tend to minimize in' his mind the effect of the story of her relations with Stanford! White. He can introduce evidence, if he has It, generally affecting her credibility as a witness, but as to the main state ments in her story, the testimony which made her recital perhaps the most striking ever heard In a court In this city, Stanford White himself, if he were alive, could not go on the wit ness stand and deny them. The point in the case Is not as to the truth of these stories, but as to their effect on Thaw's, mind. This fact was impressed on the Jury yesterday when the court, at the re quest of the District Attorney inform ed the Jury under the law the prose cution could not Introduce evidence with the object of disproving any state ment that Evelyn Nesblt Thaw has made, except the statement that shej told her husband all the things she has I testified to. That Jerome will strenuously object U C A N B EZ You Can Be Easy! W. L. Douglas Shoe They are the Greatest of All Shoes fn single and double soles, warm and strong, protecting the feet and health at the same time. These shoes have that soft, velvety feeling, and have that peculiar action making walking a pleasure. They are gratifying to the most sensitive feet. Our Specialty Line of Loggers Shoes guarantee satisfaction to the wearer. No better but a leader of all. S. A. G1MRE 543 Bond St., opposite Fisher Bros. of the further Introduction of what he i termed, "taltllngs of the tenderloin,' was plainly shown yesterday when h ! claimed, and was sustained by the ! court as there hud been no evident' i j to show that Thaw is now, or eve was Insane. And until this I shown I any more cf these stories will be en tlrely Immaterial. This ruling by th J court may bar any other stories that j Evelyn Thaw may have to tell until such time as It has been shown that I there is a reasonable doubt as to th j proper balance of Thaw's mind at the j time of the shooting. If this Is done, then the floodgates are likely to be open for the admission of almost anything that Thaw may have tolj his wife or she told him, or that he heard In any way that to any j extent may have contributed to the ! unbalancing of his mind. Thaw's attorneys stated last night that Mrs. Thaw would again assume the stand Monday morning on direct examination, but to what she would , testify they were not prepared to state. , Mrs. Thaw appeared yesterday In the same costume she wore the day , before. Her testimony was not so In i terestlng, nor so convincing, for she ; was less direct In her manner of speak ing anj more dramatic In her delivery, ' Many observers thought she did not ' make as formidable lmpre4n as she did during her first day on the stand, j j DESPISES AMT 'CANS. - Cuban Refuses Chiefancy "ural j vana dispatch to the Herald at the j meeting of the Liberal party, held last night to protest against Increasing the rural guards said: "Every time I see an American I have a contempt for him. "I cannot bear to look at the stars and stripes waving unjustly over the Cubans. If, some day Cuba Is to fight It will be with Americans. Not until then will I accept the chleftancy of the rural guard." EVEN FROM THE MOUNTAINS Ballard's Snow Liniment Is praised for the good It does. A sure cure for Rheumatism and all pains. Wright W. Loving, Grand Junction, Colo., writes: "I used Ballard's Snow Lini ment last winter for Rheumatism and can recommend It as the best liniment on the market. I thought, at the time I was taken down with this trouble, that it would be a week be fore I could get about, but on apply ing your liniment several times during the night, I was about in 48 hours, and well in three days." Sold by Hart's Drug Store. FRENCH WARSHIP DAMAGED. TOULON, France, Feb. 9. The French battleship Brennus broke from her moorings during a severe storm yesterday and grounded near Hyeres, She was subsequently gotten off with considerable difflculty and then re turned here;, damage She sustained much HUNTING POR TROUBLE. "I've lived In California 20 years and and am still hunting for trouble In the way of burns, sores, wounds, bolls, cut?, sprains, or a case of plies that Bucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure" writes Charles Walters, of Alle ghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting Mr, waiters; it cures every case. Guar anteed at Chas. Rogers' drug store. 25c. DISLIKE DUTY. RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 9. The cof fee growers, at a conference here, de cided to ask the government to abolish the export duty of three francs per bag on the product. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Siguaturo cf FOR OPEN RIVER Legislators From Washington and Oregon Meet in Portland. FOR AID OF UPPER COLUMBIA Delegation from Idaho Prevented by Snow Blockade from Attending Washington Legislature Has Already Taken Action. PORTLAND, Feb. 9. Oregon and Washington shook hands over the proposition of state aid In Improve ment of the upper Columbia and Snake rivers today. Through legislative conference com mittees representing the two states, the projected Joint action toward the permanent Improvement of the upper courses of water navigation was ap. proached more nearly than it ever has been before. Owing to the snow blockade the Idaho delegation was unable to attend the conference, but they telegraphed the fact that the state to the east stands ready to fight to the end for an open river from Lewlston to the sea. Through the conferences this morn ing it developed that there is pend ing before the legislature of Wash No Use Merit always has and al ways will win. Croakers may Croak, Competitors may talk, FRESH CLOTHING at Good Fat Reductions draws the multitudes YOU BET. Four days of price cut ting has brought the prudent shopper in large numbers to Wise's Groat You take, no risk in trading with Herman Wise Astoria's Reliable Clothier and Hatter. BEHIND EACH ARTICLE IN HIS STORE ington a bill appropriating (300,000 to be expended by the Secretary of War In opening the Columbia above Cell lo and up the Snapke. Representa tive Rhodes, of the Washington del egation, declared that there was no question us to Its passing the House, hut he couldn't speak for the Senate. From away down In Lane county, where any appropriation for the Im provement of the Columbia would benefit only Indirectly, Senator I. H. Bingham eloquently declared that he would stand by any measure to bring about an open river and would sup port It as far as he was able. The meeting of the Joint commit tees was held in the Portland Com mercial Club rooms. Harmony Is th one word that describes the whole morning session. Delegations attending the confer ence are as follows: Washington Legislature Senators J. R. Stevenson, W. B. Presby and F. M. Paul'y; Representatives K. R, Henderson, Harry A. Rhodes and M, M. Clodman. Oregon Legislature Senators C. J. Smith and L. H. Bingham; Roprc sentatlves P. W. Knowles and Amua Brlx. Vancouver Commercial Club Dr. A, B. Eastham, W. P. Connaway, E. E. Beard, Lloyd Du Bois and O. I Com IngH. Portland Chamber of Commerce A. H. Devers and J. N. Teal, What will It profit Missouri Dem ocrats to quarrel over their party pri mary methods when the Republicans Intend to walk off with the senatorshlp to be filled In 1909? Talkini $2.50 to $7.50 off on Men's Suits or Raincoats. $3.50 to $10.00 off on Winter Overcoats or 50c to $1 off on Hats. 35c to $1 on Shirts and Drawers. $1 to $5 off on Trunks. 40c to $3.00 off on Umbrellas. 50c to $2.50 off on Pants at Remova IS FOR ENCOURAGEMENT, NEW YORK, Feb. . Frederick T. Clates, chairman of the- General Edu cation Hoard, to which John D. Rock efeller gave 132,000,000 on Thursday, said yesterday that tho Income from Mr. Rockefeller's prior gift of $11, 000,000 will be used to Increase th resources of the various educational Institutions in this country within tho next decade by from $200,000,000 lo $250,000,000. That Is to ny the board will aim to stimulate local pride In and generosity toward universities and colleges throughout' the nation and Its distribution of the Income will usually be conditional upon the raising of large amounts by the recipients, Thus, gen erally speaking, Mr. Rockefeller's huge donation will become- a nucleus for an amount for education much larger than his recent present to the board. PORT OF UNION. NEW YORK, Feb. 9. In affirming a decision dismissing a writ of habeas corpus Issued out by Abraham Kopel, tho appellate division rendered an p- ionion yesterday to the effect that Por to Rico Is actually and constitutional ly a territorial department of the Uni ted States and the laws of requisition rather than these of extradition ap ply as regards criminals. Builds up waste tissues, promotes appetite, Improves digestion, Induces refreshing sleep, giving renewed strength and health. That's what Hol llster's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by Frank Hart. In Nnvri wiunnw niftPi AV Danzlger & Co. are showing a novel Idea In displaying a ton dollar suit sale In their corner window. Instead of using the regulation price card they ore Instead using ten one dollar bills to show the price of suits displayed, and the novelty of seeing real money in a window Is attracting consider able attention from passers-by. For Rh.umstio 8ufforers. The quick relief from pain afforded by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm makes it a favorite with sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica, lame back, lum bago, and, deep seated and muscular pains. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists, Morning Astorlan, 60 cents a month, cVllvored by carrier. Aiwiyt Remember th Full Nam tfxattvfe rain aeleto cm oa in OfraDiy oatvury On