WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY , 1W7. A OUICK LUNCH Why spend a couple of hours preparing your noonday lunch? We carry a large line of ready cooked foods. Little Neck Clams. Canned Crabs, Chicken Tomales Spanish, Asparagus Tips, Etc., which can be prepared in a very few minutes. THE MORNING ASTORIAN) ASTORIA, OREGON. A. V. ALLEN, Phones 3371 and 711 Main. Sal Agents for Baker's Barrington Mall Steel Cut Coffee. TRAINS AKE STALLED Washouts and Land Slides Block Roads Leading to Portland. SHIP HARVEST QUEEN LOST slliles were encountered. The lldt j was found this side of Shell Rock, near j Mosier, and it was decided to return I to The Dalles, but in the meantime I slides had come down in the rear and esvsii was rut off. The aim of lion era 1 M.m.itrer O'liden is to establish a steamer transfer around the block ade and run stub trains from Portland to connect. It Is presumed he will hold the Harvest Queen at lioiinevllle until some such arrangement Is perfected. Goes Up River and Authorities Lose Track of Her Wires Leading Out of Portland Are Nearly All Down. PORTLAND, Feb. 5. What untold perils hundreds of people now storm- PUGET SOUND GALE. Damages Craft, Especially Smaller Boats to Considerable Extent. SEATTLE, Feb. 5. A southeast gale swept over the Sound today and smaller boats suffered severely. The bark Marie dragged her anchor and brought up against the Wall street dock. She is not damaged. The hulk bound along the reaches of the Upper j Marlechen also dragged her anchor for Columbia are facing may only be con- j a short distance. The schooner Annie Jectured here. They are as Isolated j m. crashed into the Great Northern from all means of communication from Portland as If they were people of a lonely isle of the sea. What the fate of the steamer Har vest Queon, which left here for Bonne ville, yesterday, Is no one knows. Hundreds of anxious people here are hoping she Is safe, but there Is no news to comfort them, nor none to be had. Trains along the O. R. & N. are lost, swallowed up completely, between and behind rock-slides, hemmed in by washouts of tracks and by ruined and unsafe bridges. The Harvest Qiken is known to have reached Bonneville at 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon. Grave-like silence has followed her subsequent move ments. What work has been done toward re moving the debris and snowslides cov ering the O. R. & N. cannct be known until she is reported, for she hastened up the river to see just what the sit uation is and to rescue the storm bound passengers from the hemmed-in trains, not one of which has been able to get through for several days. In the event the Chinook prevalent here Is felt along the Columbia, it is feared the snow will go out with a rush, and damage may result more serious than that wrought by the snow, In which case the road may be out of commission until near the end of the week. No trains have left Portland since Saturday nightt, and the inabil ity of the operating department to es tablish communication by water around the blockade precludes any chances of passengers or mail getting through. One of the stalled trains left The Dalles lesterday for Bonneville, having aboard 150 passengers, but it proceed ed but a short distance when snow trestle and was severly Injured. Sev eral scows were capsized or smashed against the docks. WISHES NO WAR. Japan Believes Situation Susceptible to Pacific Settlement. CHICAGO, Feb. 8. Dispatch to Trib une from Washington says: In response to a cable from the Chi cago Tribune to Marquis Salonjl, Min ister of Foreign affairs at Toklo, the Japanese government yesterday ca bled the Embassy here to convey to the American people its disavowal of all Inclination for war with the United States, and the belief that the differ ences between the two countries are and always have been susceptible of pacific treatment. ENLARGE RESERVE BUTTE, Feb. 5. A special from Hel ena to the Miner states that the Lewis & Clark reserves one of the largest In the United States, is to be made lar ger. The land added to the reserve is 49,920 acres, lying east of the boun dary reserve. UCANBEZ You Can Be Easyl W. L. Douglas Shoe They are the Greatest of All Shoes In single and double soles, warm and strong, protecting the feet and health at the same time. These shoes have that toft, velvety feeling, and have that peculiar action making walking a pleasure. They are gratifying to the moat sensitive feet. Our Specialty Line of Loggers Shoes guarantee satisfaction to the wearer. No better but a leader of all. S. A. G1MRE 643 Bond St., opposite Fisher Bros. RE-ELECT REDMOND. DUBLIN, Feb. 5. Irish parllamen tary yesterday unanimously re-elect ed John Redmond as the chairman as the chairman of the party. NEW SHIP SERVICE. MEXICO CITT, Feb. 5. Advices were received here yesterday stating that the arrangements have been com pleted for the inauguration of steam ship service between ports of Canada and Mexico. REDOUBLE NAVAL WORK. VALLEJO, Cal., Feb. 5. It was an nounced yesterday that the force at work in the navy yard here will be raised to 4,000 by June. This la dou ble the present force. DEBATE TERMINATED. WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. The gen eral debate on the Rivers and Harbors bill, which has been before the House since Wednesday, terminated this af ternoon when the reading of the bill under the five-minute rule began. Grocers and Butchers - Mil DURING HOW? MOW? , I WILL ALLOW YOU FROM $3.00 to $10.00 ON MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS I WILL ALLOW YOU FROM 65 cents to $2.00 ON BOY'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. 1-5, 14 and 13 Reductions on Pants. 1-5, W and 1-3 Reductions on Underwear. 1-5, 14 and 1-3 reductions on Overshirts. 1-4 reductions on Trunks and Umbrellas. Mind You These are New Goods Sacrificed, aai IiiiiL erman Wise BEHIND EACH ARTICLE IN HIS STORE 3 THOMP80N NOT CLEAR. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels the cold from the system as It is mildly laxative. It is guaranteed. The gen uine Is In the yellow package. T. F, Laurin, Owl Drug Store. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The Kinil You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Father Fight. Again to Save Him from Life Term. SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 5. Prose cuting Attorney Macintosh, of King county, at 2:30 this afternoon filed in formation charging Chester Thompson who was acquitted Saturday on the grounds of insanity of the murder of Judge George Meado Emory, of Se attle, with being a dangerous person. The result of his action will probably be that Superior Judge Snell will or der a hearing to determine whether or not the charge is well founded, and if such proves to be the case, ChcBter Thompson can be sent to the peni tentiary for life. W. H. Thompson, father of Chester, argued and pleaded against such ac tion, asking the Judge to take the only other course possible under the law discharge the young man and allow his father to keep the promise made to place his son in an asylum. Mackin tosh objected, however, and the mat ter is being discussed at further length this afternoon. ) Jaw. How he escaped being crushed , to death is a mystery to the attend ing physician, as the man weighs morn than 200 pounds. Bailey and some companions were working on the telephone lines that were put out of commission by the recent ntoon, when the accident hap pened. He climbed a P'de and was near the top when the strap on his climbing spur broke. His foot slipped from the spur, and, losing his balance, Bailey plunged feet foremost towards the earth. His fall was broken by his clothes catching on a foot spike protruding from the pole and to this ho undoubtedly owes his life. FIRE LOSS HEAVY. BISMARCK, N. D., Feb. 6. Fire at Coal Harbor caused a loss of $75,000. LINEMAN FALLS FAR. How Robert Bailey Escaped Death la a Mystery. PORTLAND, Feb. 5. Robert Bailey, a lineman employed by the telephone company, fell 40 feet from the top of a pole at the corner of First and Gibbfl street this morning and escaped with nothing more serious than a broken Pine Salv. Carbollxed acts like a poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively used for Eczema, for chapped handn and Hps, cuts, burnt. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. THI8 MAY INTERE8T YOU. No one Is Immune from kidney trou ble, j so Just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the Irregular ities and cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. Morning Astorian, 60 cents a month, delivered by carrier. 60 CICNT8 IKR MONTH ASTOKIA') 11BBT NKWHPAPKlt 9U- Guarantees to its Advertisers A Larger Circulation Than Any Paper Published In Ajtorla OUR BOOKS ARE OPEN TO INSPECTION BY OUR ADVERTISERS