The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 02, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Acts of County Court During the
January Term.
To r
T.t of All Ord.-i Mad and Lltt of
All Claims and Warrant Thorefor
All 8tpi Takan In Relation
to th County Builnoa.
Hum I or A, It. Fimtn for maintain
Iiik it fluitHiiK whurf nt Lwl and
Cliirk Draw MrlflKo No. 1 bid-i'd ttin
ili"l mil IiIh li'!ii'liii'n cxiiii'nili'l.
Cli'ik i tu tiiMt rui'l Ifi-ptii' nf
Ml.) l.t tlK- I" lH'Ufy tli imill' rf own
ln hmIiJ Huut I" ul I'll1'' i'iiiv( nuiiii'
or n In u timul im liiiffiliif'iro nnli'ifil.
The 'mill nfi'T ititit't-t ittK II") i
llriilli'im t r i'iiuiil iilil. u itft ! Ilml
the f II'iwIiik l, ll IHl'd iinill t In
ruiiicr r-i-f of ihi t.
John Mi'OivK'U $s.Oii l"'ip mouth In
Kicii t il. ii fiuin J. Wi-hi mi I Co, Hn.f
Mm. Hoplui Sal villi, IIO.iii) .'t iniiiiHi
In i Ji'iici'i IrN rrmii )'". t-Bwr uii'l t'o,
Hiiiiifl'li'. , j
Mm Mil Htcliilclin, IHLOO i month i
In iir'i cit" (unit It'iKH. IIIkkIhn and j
Mr. Jnlin l'iikklii. t jut month j
In lipHi-ilr from Suoniuliiluen Co-op
rni I vn ' 'h.
Mm. '1'lii'iiMn lli'wn, H mi pi-r moiilli
In i h-iM-i'i i fiuin Hiiniiiiiliilnin Co-tip-priitlvo
Mm. A nun t (ii fur, 12i0 per month
In ; r .--t ) frum rt. I.. Nfinthrup,
Mm Mru,iri't JulitiHini, $10, nn per
)iintit)i In (iron) I' from A, V. Allen.
Mm. c'hiulin Wfuc-rluml $.'' per
month In (irui'irli'M from Kii"iii;il.'ilirn
Ci-iiiiruilvo Cu.
Mrs. J'Mlu IS. oo )xir month In tiro-rrrl'-x
from Hyniuliilni'M Cooperative
Itouc Story fa. oo pi-r month In Oro-rcrl'-H
fr' tn It. W, Dto, He'isld".
OcitK" (lore $7.&Oj i.t month' In
(irnicrli"' from Morrison and Joliinon.
liitoiKt WIlHnii Js oo prr month to
In pal,) to MIhh It, I'p'il.
Wllllnin HihkIiiihI 110.00 n'r month
to lu tut 1,1 to Ilium I, uuli'.
Mm, J. (iruluT tJS.oo p'T month to
In' piil, to John Huh)),
Michael Cody nriil Wife p..r
month to he ptil.l to Mlrhni'l t'oily.
The application of Mm, Mary Mat
no)) for idil. denied upnii I ho r''iuHt
if her Hon, stating that ho was Wfll
iihlc anil willing lo support her.
It appearing to tin- Court thitt tho
account of Fred oniun, former super
vlnnr of rt"i)il MlNirli't still remain
iuiNittil. It Ih ordered thitt tin
Cli'ik notify IiIh lionilMit)!')) that set
tlement must Im- inaili' by tho next
regular term of the Court,
Tho Clerk hnltiK made fij)jillcntln
for Four Coin Demi indexes, nn.l huv
Inir submitted a letter from tii-o. r.
Barnard and Co. offering to furnlnh
Kiimi. for HO. 00 iurh. Oril'Tld that tlx
Clerk In iulh"rl.el to purchn-ip mild
Imlexi'H ul I ho prleo ntntcil.
onlorod Unit tho Clerk auk for lMn
for fiirnlHhliiK 3000 iihi.I poll tux re
rolptH for tho ycor 1907.
I! pon the roitieMt of HnrrlKon Allen,
DlHtrlct Altorney tlio iuin of $25.00
per month heretoforo nllowoil for otllco
rent Ih illH-eonllinieil.
Onlerol that th ilnt of Hoocm.l Ail
illtloii to (leiuhiirt l'ark ho approvoil,
John Frye havliiK inailo npplli'allon
for ro-nppolntmont n Hoaii Maxtor
for HiIm year li)07, anil thU holtiR too
I lino llxed by law for makliiR said ap
polntinont. It In oivleroil that John
I'Yyc bo aptiolntod Hoad MONter for
tho year 1907 and that bin Hillary bo
llxed at $100.00 per month aiid that
lio furnlHh a bond In tho Hum of $2000,
Ttoad rotlllonod for by C. R Dow
and othoro road Report of Viewers for
oeoonil time and declared a public
will buy one of tho boot dulry farms
In thin unction of tho country, well to
outxd, modernly Itnpiovod and paylnf
now about $2,(00 a your not prol'n.
l''or aula for a limited tlmo only, Tcn)i
For a flnn bunln)ii lot near wator
front on Oth Direct. A very valuubln
pleco of Kiound arid a Rood InvoMtmont.
'jOO Each.
Four fine rel,luneo lotn on Juromo
Avenuo iioo r 17th. A flno view of tho
wholo country. Thoe lotn will bo
worth $1,000 each In I''mh than alx
inoiiiliN, Will dell ono or all. A lino
chance to got a cholco ruNlilonce lot
at ft low price.
A line bulnHH chance for a couplo
of younu men. Oood paying, well o
tttbllnhod cigar atoro and pool room.
1'remint ownor'it hoallh o poor ho l
forced to mdl and leavo thin country.
You'll have to hurry,
A Krat bnriratn, 100x100 foot, cor
ner 3rd nnJ Bond, with two utory
bulldlnic on It. Thin lit a pleco of
property that will bring big profits In
tho near future.
Corner lot, 60x100, with new two
ntory building with twenty rooma, all
fornUhed with atore room on ground
lloor. Building coat $2,750 without
furniture or lot. ThU piece of prop
erty la worth $4,000 at tho loweat ex
tlmute. Good aide wulka, basement,
electric UKhts ann near car line In
Alderbrook. This t a good bargain
for mime one. Easy terms.
Once more we warn the proprrty owners in
Astoria, that something had better be doing
here pretty quick or our greatest chance will
be lost. This may sound absurd to you,
but if you don't wake up we will have the
"I told you so," on you before long. We
are in a position to know what is going on
and we know that if Astoria don't take ad
vantage of her chance, with the start she has,
that she will be the second city in size and
importance at the nuuth of the Columbia
instead of the first, in less than two years.
Now we know that no loyal Astorian after
giving this matter a little serious thought
wants to see this thing happen, nor do we,
and we are not going to let it happen
if we can help ourselves.
This is an Astoria real estate firm with
the object of 50,000 people in 19 JO away up
our ladder, and we are going to make a fight
for Astoria, the most important sea
port on the Pacific coast, but we can t
do it all alone. We must have help. AH
we ask of you is to come to our office and list
all the property you have to sell and give us
ammunition for the "big guns" we are
We can interest outside capital if we have
anything to offer, so no matter what you
have or where it is, if it is worth $50 or $50,
000, come and list it with us and let us get
busy. We say emphaticallydon't put it
off, delays are dangerous, especial
ly right now.
If you want to invest in realty come to our office and see
what we have to offer. Have some good bargains.
A choice piece of property well lo
cated, modern flat, t room-j, hot and
cold water, three lots 60x150 on cor
ner. Improved streets; also small house
on property. This property will net
10 per cent on the Investment. What
better do you want? For full par
ticulars call at our office.
for a well established and prosperous
drug store. Present owners must sell
at once. This Is a chance for some
young man with a small capital to
make a start. Good location, every
thing new. Further particulars fur
nished at this office.
will buy one of the choicest residence
lots in the city of Astoria, located In
the best residence district with a fine
view of the whole surrounding coun
try. This is a rare bargain for some
one. A corner lot and Is easily worth
$2,500. '
for two fine residence lots 50x100 near
Senator Fulton's home. These lots
are easily worth $2,000 each. If you
want a first class home site, this Is
your chance. Will sell one or both.
will buy one of the best pieces of wa
ter front obtainable. Good location
and lots of room for a good big enter
prise. $500.
We have for sale one lot right at
the depot at Warrenton, that will bs
worth $1,000 in less than 60 days; $300
cash, balance to suit. Now If you ire
awake grab this.
for a fine residence lot In Alderbnnk.
On Improved street. Easy terms.
We have a hundred other bargains.
Ue F. No Clairli Company
495 Commercial .Street, Near Uth. Phone Red 2241.
Always Remember the Full Name
Cuf told in Oftd Day
Cuce Qrm ja ?wo JDaya
on every
TOnrU be 25c
highway and ordurod opened for travel. Hry $5.00 per month.
Arrangements having been mado for Ordered that bond of the Sheriff, as
timber, the road master Is Instructed Tax Collector for the year 1907, be
to make arrangements to start and llxed at tho sum of $50,000.00.
run Hit) County hiuv mill as soon as' Ordered that the County Judge be
the weather will permit, and cut not authorized to have Commercial Street
to exceed 300,000 feet of lumber for repaired.
bridges. Semi-annual report of the County
It appearing that there Is nhvays Treasurer and County Clerk, read and
iiulle an amount of scrap lumber ; referred to George I Clerk to be ex
wblle sawing lumber for roads and ' pi'ted and to lllo his report with the
bridges and settlers being desirous of Court.
purchasing same. It Is ordered that j The Court having under consider
tho price of same bo fixed at $8.50 perjntlon the matter of tax levies upon
thousand feet, at tho mill, and all j the tax roll for the year 1906, which Is
lumber sold shall be paid for, to the j In total $4,912,000.00 and having esti-
County road master, when same is. mated the expenses for the coming
taken from tho mill or delivered to
purchasers at the mill.
year, to-wlt:--County
Court .
Ordered that the Itond Master pro- J Circuit Court 2,500.00
ceed to oporato the County Hock
Crusher for the purpose of manufac
turing crushed rock for road No. 77
ond other roads,
Andrew Hue appointed Janitor for
tho County Court House for the year
1907, at a salary of $30.00 per month.
Itond of W. K. Deane for maintain
ing a floating wharf at tho Lewis and
Clark draw Uridgo No. 2, In the sum
of $100.00 approved.
The following brldjge tenders ap
pointed for the year 1907.
Albert Strelne, Youngs Bay "bridge,
Salary $30.00 per month.
Nat Jones, Lewis and Clark Bridge
No, 2, Salury $25.00 per month.
Loxon Anderson, Lewis and Clark
Bridge No. 1, Salary $15.00 per month.
A. McClean, Walluskl Bridge, Sal-
ary $15.00 per month.
R.J. Abbott, Sklpanon Bridge, Sal-
Justice Court 1,000.00
Court House Expenses 1,000.00
Clerk's Otllee 5,600.00
Sheriff's Office 4,000.00
Treasurer's Otllee 1,000.00
Assessor's Otllco 3,000.00
Assessor's Office for Ownership plats
as per contract 2,000.00
School Superintendent's Office' ..750.00
Coroner's Office 600.00
County Jail Expenses 1,000.00
Collection of Taxes 3,000.00
Poor and Indigent Soldiers ...4,500.00
Insane 250.00
Current Expenses 2,000.00
Roads 5.000.00
Bridges 5,000.00
Interest 4,000.00 j
State Tax 21,730.00
Total 69,930.00
The' Court finds that the fees of the
Clerk's Office for the past year amount
ed to $5,897.00 and other offices $285.00
making a total of $6,182.00 and there
fore figures this as a revenue. The
Court being now fully advised It ''
ordered that the following levies be
County Expenses and State tax 13.S
County School 5.6Mllls.
County Library Fundi.
County Court House 19.5 Mills.
Making a total levy for State, Coun
ty, County School, County Library and
Court House of 39 Mills on the dollar.
Further ordered that a tax of $3.00 be
levied upon each male between the
ages of 21 and 50 years, the same to
be paid in cash and to be collected by
the Supervisor of the several road
The Court having under consider
ation the completion of the New Court
House and hnving heretofore levied a
tax for same, and having invited bids
for the completion of same, which bids
were as follows.
Hastle and Dougan $S9,599.00
Ferguson and Houston $91,600.00
F. A. Exixon $96,785.00
Robert Wakefield $90,350.00
The Court having fully considered
the matter and deeming the bid of
Hastle and Dougan a reasonable and
satisfactory bid. It is ordered that
the contract be awarded to Hastle and
Dougan to finish said building accord
ing to the advertisement, plans and
specifications. Time to be 10 calen
dar months from February 1st, 1907.
It being understood th,at Hastle and
Dougan shall use all material or ma
terials now on hand and heretofore
paid for by the County, namely:- Ter
ra Cotta, pressed brick, stone, steel and
lumber. It appearing that said Has
tle and Dougan has deposited with the
Clerk a certitled check in the sum of
$5,000.00 that they will enter into such
Contract. It is ordered that upon the
signing of the contract by the parties
hereto, that is Hastle and Dougan, and
the County Court, and upon Hastle
and Dougan furnishing a good and
sufficient bond in the sum of $50,000.00,
the said check be returned to them or
their attorneys. The District Attor
ney is requested to prepare said con
tract in accordance herewith.
200 names selected from the tax roll
for the jury list for the year 1907.
The following reports from the var
ious Road Supervisors read, approved
and their bondsmen exonerated. .
John AV. Welch, Supervisor Astoria
Road District.
August Jurhs, Supervisor Road Dis
trict No. 1.
A. W. Duncan, Supervisor Road Dis
trict No., 2.
George Irwin, Supervisbor Road Dis
trict No. 3.
District No. 4.
John Larson, Supervisor Road Dis
trict No. 5
.Andrew Johnson, Supervisor Road
District No. 6.
Fred Watson, Supervisor Road Dis
trict No. 7.
Geo. Richardson, Supervisor Road
District No. 8.
Cornelius Hunt Supervisor Road Dis
trict No. 9.
Andrew Lee, Supervisor Road Dis
trict No. 10.
Dan McLean, Supervisor Road Dis
trict No. 11.
William Jones Supervisor Road Dis
trict No. 12.
Henry Hill, Supervisor Road Dis
trict No. 14.
James Jamiason, Supervisor Road
District No. 15.
Victor Michelson, Supervisor Road
District No. 16.
Reports of the Supervisors of Road
Districts No's 13 and 17 not being
complete, same are ordered continued.
It appearing from said reports that
the supervisors of the various road dis
tricts have complied with the order of
(Concluded on page 6)
Coldt,$rMp, I 1
Whooping j
Cough, Etc jf E
Conforms to l 1
National Port I I
Food and . I I
Drug Law. i 1
AH ooa rh tynpt eontaialnc opiateg eoMtt.
Pt. th bowel.. Bee'. Uxativo Honey aod
Tu sutm ta bowels ad containi ao opiltM.
old by Frank Hart's Drug Store.