WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1007, THE M0KNIN6 ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. N1TL1D MARKETS Latest Quotations in the Portland Markets. CompliU Marka-t Reports Correotad Eaoh Day, Qlvlng the WhoUtala Prlo of Commodltlti, Farm Pro duo and Vagttablai. I'ditTI.ANIi, Jiu. I'll, Tln. it'lvuitct' ntiniiuiuuil idiliiy In illy cri'iiiiii'iy bai lor Wll III" chief NIlllJlH't Of lll'UHlitl HlimtiK cuiiiiliy IiicmIiho ili-ulm till mill iilnrf. Ountry liutter cuiiie In no Imtlly iiu ki'l mill In nui'lt ill vrtlty of lmio u j t 1 u 1 1 n Km u fur unylhliitf i n ct'lil conking, Tliciii nro a tuw court- try eieiiiiieiln unit put nut n ijuitllty nf liutter itiut hi'IIh iiI"mhi1ii of rlty creiiiiiery iitiit ul iilmut Mm witum 1 1 -. do. Grain, Flour and Fotd. Whottt Wnlln Wnllu 0K 7c; valley 07c; blun-DtPin, M flo; roil, till c. Oats-Whlto, t2M0 y 2d; gray, !4- UU. Flour--(ard wheat pritcnt, t IKO; alrnlght, 13.35; tofilmiu, $3.&0; ry, &; whole wheal (lour, 13.76; Valley (lour, 3.4uy3 05, Diikotn. $5.S0U &.00; Ka-t rn rye, 15.40; l'lllnlmry. ,20; Cor vullli, 13.70. Corn Whole, 2827; crack J. $2 211 per ton. Hurley-Uri-wlntr, 224f 22.&0; fend, $210 21. CO, rolled, 22i23. Hyo 1 1 40 per rwt, liny Vnlli-y, timothy, 11314; ext ern Ori'Koti, $IGUI8; clover, 7t'7.50; cheat, I7if".&0; nlfiitfii, 111.50; rnln lmy, i"4j; vetch, li.&ddiH. lluikwhciit-1 .11 n?r ton. Mlll!uff- MliMlliw. $25.00; chop, $15; limn, I Ifl 00; short, $18.00, Cereal Komi- Hulled Ont, rrcum, 90-rt mickM. $7.00; lower grade. $S,60il (.50; ont rnenl. w I t cut, 45-tb .u k, IH. 00 pi-r Mil.; 9-lti sack. 14.25 per tmle; out men I (ground), 45-Ib mirkn. $7.60 per Ml,; 9-lb ck $4 pnr tmle; ipllt prim, $4 25 (x-r lOOlti iuk; 25-tt) boxe. $1.25: per hurley, $4.00 per 100 tti; 25-tti biixen, 11.25 per box; pantry flour, 10-lb Hack, 12.30 per bbl. arnln binc-FnrflKit "Jul din"tlc, I 3-4f. Fruit. Troplciil fruit-llitrmnn, 5c per To.: plno nppb'4, H.5oy5.50 per do.; lem on. $4,6045.50 box; ornnicea, $3.25M 3.75; grape fruit, $4.50 crnte; lime. 76cW 1.26 per 100; MuliKi Krnp. $7.50 (if 100 bbl; pomiKiaiiltcii, $2.50 box; tuiiKcrliii'H, $2.ou box. 1 toineat li: fruit - Apple, Common, 8Gc 1.00; fancy,-11. oortf 2,50 box; l4idy nppleN, 11.26'if 1.75 box; ki1""h, $1,504 $2 criitu; pmr. $ I'd 1.75 box; Krupea, II. 604(2,00 crnte; pear", 2.00 box; huckbbecrlcH, 1 ()' 1 ': pound; enm- berrlea, 1104(11 bbl: rlimnon, 11.60 n t,virpool, ton, fltUKl; huge, HO 11, I'ox. ; irosm.l. HMI. ton. .00; K. S. V. P.. ! 20 ft-lb cartons, R. 8. V. P.. 24 S lb Vofletabl. 'carton, $1.75; Liverpool lump, Urn, I'ottitorH -In country, 11.10 per cwt; $10.60. TurpentineIn mM, WJoi in wood Urrelit, 83o) In Iron barrala, 70o) in 10 ohm lota, Mo. LliiMwd oil Raw, fl-Urn l lota, 47c 1 barrel lota, 48c j In om, 63o. Boiled, 5- barrel lot, 40c j 1-barral lot SOei la mM, Sfio. flnnolliio Htov gaiioiin. oaae, 4i Iron barrolt, 10c 80 ile((rcei gaaollne, camw, 33oj Iron WreN or druma, 27c 72 (ler.rn c, 211 Jej Iron barrel, 20c j nyliic dint 1 1 1 te, iron btrreU, Bo. Oregon grapa root Per W , $34. lb e wx 4IokI, clean and pure, 21 24c per 11), lUipo Pura Manila, M!''; standard, l.Hi'l 8Im, 1 lct M brand 8Ual, 10a Molialr-fhole. 28,'io. Wlra nalla prraent bamt at $2.00. (fray or mtxd. 263; duck. wblU, 18 (it(U, duck mixed, 12fr15c Kaathera-leaM, wlilt.-, itH4(k) gtt, Wool Valley " 222Bc Kaatwn Ore Kon, 18(i(22c aa to ahrlnktge.. Caicara tagrada (Cblttim bark)-2 4o, Hp (3u)e, 100S, illbl2o; prima, 10i Ho. Imi1 Htrictly pura whlU lead and red lead In Um lot. 7c 600-lb Iota, 8c; I n than 600 IIm, 8Jc. Olivt oil ("alifornia ,per gallon, $2.76; lie; trout, 18c; nllvor-1 1 8c; uarU, per ca. dozen, $7.25; pinta, 2 ateulhenda, 10c; tomcoda, 7c; nmclf, ! do, n, $8.60; i plnU 4 dozen, III. a wnit point on, 24(3 cent, CnbbiiKoLb: 1 8-42c; cnulldowor, 12.602.75 per crnte; pitraloy, 25a per doxitn; hot houo lettuce, 11,60 per box; hend, 4 On do,en; xplniich, 3 4' 6c ttii uitlclioke, 7,6c VI, 25 p"r doxnti; pea, 14c lb; iriirlle, Vi9n lb,; red pepper, dry, 204125c lb; culory, 05485(! dozen; i'KK pl'iiit, 1150 cnitn; okr.i, $1.75 box; aprmit. Ho tt, roiimtoc-$1,7542 box; Hubbard IUih1i, 14 1 rctil lb, f MllotlH Hf.f! Hill) $1. Turnip-Per ack, D0cf$1.00; car rota, 75c47 1.00. beet, $1.25; rndlalm, 12 1-2 and 15c doxcti Iiuii'Iich; Imrnn nullah, 7V41f&o tti, Fraah Meat and Flih. Freh meat-Veal, medium, 75 to 100 lb., 8 l-24f tc; 10 to 160 lb., 7-1-24 He; 150 to 200 lb., 048 1-2 c; 200 Mi and over 6 '4 47 Co ; pork, 84 8 He; beavle, 74 8c; beef bull, 241 8 8-4c; cow, 60'ic; teer, 847c; mutton, medium lzo, 'ut',c; luru", (14 7 c; aprlnir lamb, 0 4 10c. Flt)-irallbut, 3c; black cod, 7c; black bn, per It., 18c; etrlped ba. 13c; lierrlna, 6c; flounder, 6c; ciiiflxh, loc; hrlmp, 10c; perch, Gc; aturi'ion, OytirHliowlwater Hay, per k"I $2: per miik, $4.00; per 100; rilymplii. (ilympla. per kkIIoii, $2. Clam Jlurdahell, per box. $2; ra zor clam, $2 per box. I'roduco-Old HooUrr, 94110c; hen and KprliiK, 144 15c; lrNcd, 154(131 c; duck, 134 14c; turkey, 174 W, dreed, 2042lc; fancy, 21422 l-2c; j iceee, v(., 104 Mc; dreed, 124 13c; p!K!Oli, per dozen. $1,004 1.25; Niiuiib. 11.7541 2. Ekb -Oregon rianch, 32 l-24f3.'.c; Kaittern, (few In flock). Hutter- Country creamery, 3l4f32c; cKy creamery, 35c; toro, 16 1-2417 cent; butter fat, 33 1-2 cent. CheeHp Young Amerlra, 184(16 1-2 cint; Oregon full cream, flat, 15 15 1-2 cent. Honey-Dark, 10 1-24llc; amber, 124113c; fancy while, 14415c. Grocenea tad rrovlatooa. Nuta-Walnula, So. 1. aoft .hell. 17c No. 1 hard ahell. 16V; Clilla, 13c; almond, !7f?IHcj flllerta, 16c; HrazlU, lftcj pe can. .1ffl( l6c hickory, He; Virginia p- a- nuU, Ac Jumbo V'ginla peanut, He; lapane peanuta. 6 ; cbetnuU, Italian, 14c ; cocoanut, dozen HSrti ftOc. OifTee-Mm-ha 24'2Hc; Java, fancy, 2HC'i32ci Java, giKxt. 20 ( 24c j Java, or dinary. 17ft 20c t CoaU Rica, fancy, 18 2(cj Coeta Rica. good. 12ft Hie; Ar buckba, lo per lb; l.lon, 14c per lb; Columbia coffee, 14c; Balvador, 1IM 15c Provlelona Ham, to aire, I4e; ham, picnic lOJc; bacon, regular, 11? ; bacon. fiincy bieiikfat 20c; dry wilt eidea, lljc; Iwcka dry alt 11 l-4o. Knit-Mule of 75 Xt, liale, fl.tH'; Ul I of (10-3 bale. $1.00; bale of 40 4. bale, if I . (10; bale ol 15-10, bale, $1.00; bit 50c; fine, ton, $i2.00; biiLK, 60 lb, genu- (Tanned aalnmn CO'umbla River, 1-lb Ulla, I.H5; 2 lb UIU, $2.50 fancy, l ib Toko Point. $l.o;""' " ''"7 so; lancy 1,1, mm . I .,. . II.. f 1. (120 tti.) 15; 1 " Aaxa ian. pina, voc; r (1. $1.45; nominal, 2, Ull. $2.00. (Vreul f(Kid Ro!M oat cream, 90-lb ck, $7.(H); lower grade. $5.606.50; (i t meal, tc cut, 60-lb aaelc, $8 bale; 10 lb ack, $4.26 pe( twle; oatmeal (ground), 60 lb aack. $7.60 per bale; 10 lb ack. $1 per bale; plit pea, $4.60 per 1 ib lack; 26 lb Imxei, $1.25; pearl barley, $4.75 per 100 lb; 25-lb box.-, $1.25 per box; paltry flour, 10-lb ack, $2.60 per bale. I! Ice Imperial Japan. No. 1, $6.05; Southern, Japan. 6c; broken. 4c; head, fancy, 7c; head, choice, lie 011, Lead. Eta. Coal oil - Pearl and aatral oil cat, I lie per gallon; water white oil, iron barn-la, 1 3 J.-; wood barrel, lflc; eocene oil. cum, 211c; elaine oil canct, 271c; extra star, caeeA, 221c; headlight oil mm 21c; Iron barrel. 161c. Benzine- Slxty-thri-e degree, oaaea. 20c; iron barrel. 16lc IN THE FAR NORTH MISTAKES 8IGNALS. I Prince of Monaco Makes Report in Trip to Artie. MAKE DIFFICULT SURVEY Party Mad up of Men of Nine Na tionalise Gain Interesting Data Regarding Hitherto Unexplored Region of 8pitzbergen. NEIGHBORS GET FOOLED. 'I wim literally coiiKblng myaelf to death, und had Income too weak to leave my bed; and nclghbora predict ed that I would never leave It nllve; but they Kot fooled, for, thank bo to (inl, I win Induced to try Dr. Hints' New Discovery. It took Juct four one ilnllar b. ittle In completely cure the coukIi and lesloic mc to boiiiI siiund Iniil! Ii." write Mrs. Kva rncapber of irovi-i Imvn, Stark Co., In I. This Klnit of coukIi anil cold curcn and healer of throat and ItniK'. In Kuaraiitci-d by Chan. Hukpi-h, DruKB'st. 60c and $1.00. ! Trial bi'ltlc free. TIDE TABLE, JANUARY High Water. Date. Tueday Wednoaday . . . Thursday Friday Saturday .. .. SUNDAY .. . Monday Tuesday Thuraday ... . Wednesday Friday Saturday . SUNDAY . SUNDAY . Monday . . , Tuesday . . Wednesday Thuraday Frld.ay Saturday ,, SUNDAY . Monday ... Tuesday ., Wednesday Thuraday . Friday .. , Saturday ,, SUNDAY . SUNDAY . Monday ... Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . JANUARY, 1807. A. M. P. M. h.m. ft. I h.m. ft.' II 2M6I 7.0 1:31 8.6 2:62 7.1 2:06 8.8 S 3:26 7.8 2:46 8.3 . 4 . 5 . (1 . 7 . 8 .10 . 9 .11 .12 .13 .13 .14 .16 .16 .17; .18 .19 .201 .21 .22 .23 24 .25! .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 .81 4:01 4:42 5:27 6:16 7:10 9:12 8:12 10:08 11:00 0:27 11:50 1:15 2:00 2:43 3:2s, 4:14 4:15 5:401 6:81 7:26 8:20! 9:13 10:05 10:48 0:16 .2711:28 0:60 1:22 1:64 2:25 7.2 7.5 7.7 8:30 4:21 6:23 6:37 7:59 10:82 9:21 11:35 12:4010.0 7.6 7.7 7.9 8.0 8 8.9 8.5 0.3 9,7 7.1 9.9 7.5 7.8 8.0 8.1 8.1 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.9 7.9 8.0 8.2 8.4 8.7 8.6 6.712:06 1:28: 2:16 3:03 1:65 4:48 6:51 7:03 8:23 9:40 10:42 11:33 12:41 1:17 1:661 7.9 7.3 8.8 6.4 6.1 6.4 6.1 6.8 JANUARY, 19071 9.8 9.4 8.9 8.1 7.4 6.7 6.2 5.9 5.9 6.1 6.4 8.8 8.9 8.8 8.8 SUNDAY TRAVEL TO PORTLAND Increasea and $2.50 Wound Trip Rat via A. & C. R. R. U Popular. Travel from this city to Portland on Sunday at the low round trip rate of 12.50 I on the Increase and many enjoy that day In the metropolis each week. This rate will be continued throughout the winter and the volume of travel toward Portland every Sun day would Indicate that the public appreciate It. 11-8-tf Low Water. A. M. P. M. Date. h.m. ft. J h.m. ft." Tuemliiy" 1 7:55 375 8:25 -0.5 Wednesday ... 2 8:27 3.3 9:00 -0.4 Thursday 3 9:05 3.2 9.33 -0-1 Friday 4 9:61 3.1 10:10 0.3; Saturday 5 10:38 2.9 10:50 0.8 SUNDAY 6 11:33 2.6 11:37 1.4; Mondav 7 12:40 2.31 Tuesday 8 0:35 2.6 1:65 1 . 8 Wednesday ... 9 1:39 2.4 3:11 1.11 Thursday 10 2:47 2.8 4:18 0.21 Friday 11 3:55 3.0 5:17 -0.6! Ritturdny 12 4:69 3.0 8:08 -1.3! SUNDAY 13 5:57 2.8 6:57 -1.7 Monday 14 8:50 2.6 7:41 -1.8 Tuesday 16 7.40 2.6 8:25 -1.7 Wedncsdny . ..16 8:81 2.4 9:10 -1.3 1 Thursday 17 9:22 2.8 9:50 -0.6; Friday 1810:18 2.2 10:84 0.1 j Saturday 19 11:11 2.2 11:17 0.9! SUNDAY 20 12:11 2.1 1 Monday 21 0:03 1.6 1:17 2.0 ! Tuesday 22 1:01 2.3 2:29 1.8 Wednesday .. .23 2:05 2.9 3:35 1.4 Thursday 24 3:11 3.3 4:31 0.9! Friday 25 4:11 8.6 5:17 0.4 Saturday 26 5:04 3.5 5:58 -0.1 SUNDAY 27 6:50 3.6 6:82 10.4 Monday 28 6:80 3.8 7:05 -0.7 Tuesday 29 7:04 3.1 7:36 -0.7 Wednesday . ..30 7:38 2.9 8:06 -0.5 1 TThursday .. ..31 8:15 2.6 8:37 0.81 THIS MAY INTEREST YOU. No one Is Immune from kidney trou ble, so just remember thru Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the irregular ities and euro any cae of kidney and bladder trouble that Is not beyond the rench of medicine. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store, It's healthful, wholesome. It's good for ono as the other. The more you take the hotter you sleep and eat. Makes people happy. That's what Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 conts, Tea or Tablets. For sale by Frank Hart. Astoria & Columbia R. River R. Co Effective Sunday, September 0. 1006 Paclflo Time. e83 Unprecedented Success of ai, '84. -A . 21. "28. 87. a.m. B.lft 1.851 8'3ll 8.4K 8.4H ' 8.AA R.IW 9.2 6.11 6M n.m O.WIIll I" 6.1011-66 i2.or, 12'IA 6.2(112.30 B.rtttl -40 7.20 D'm pin 7.00 8.10 8.'M a. in 8-00 9.10 U'2D Tv7 I.OflllOOR lO.HJIU'-i ,n.: ll.w 11.60 12.80 p. m PORTLAND OOHLK RAINIER CLATHKANIK Ar ASTORIA Lv. " Lv. ASTORI Ar. Ar. WARKKNTON LV! Lt.WAKHKNTON Ar. Ar. FT, HTKVRNH Lv. lv rrrsTKVKNH Ar Ar. WAHBKNTON Lv. Lv. WaRRKNTON Ar, Ar. BKABIDB LV. Ar. ii. in U.S6 10. IS H0.HO 9.4i 8.20 8.16 7. 7.64 7-42 7.41 7.27 6.60 p. m 8.40 8.2,r 7.40 6.10 5.20 h.0R 5.05 4.80 p.m 2.16 p. m la. m 1.45 10.45 2.20 10.2A 10.86 2.001 10.14 10.14 10.06 10.06 9.80 a.m- THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR U Who la known , througVout the United &M'gUtei.M aoeounl ol JiShis wonderful cure, ! No poiBone nor drug uaed. He guaran tees to cure catarrn. uioma, iung u throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousneas, stomaoh, liveh and kidney, female com nlaint and all ehronic diseases. ! SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT If you cannot call write for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents ie tamps. ' THE C GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 1021 lint St, Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mention the AstorUn Enginerr Haa License 8upended for Causing Diaaaterou Collision. HAN KltANCIHCO, Jan. 29. The II oeri -! of D. C, Gray, the first assistant engineer of the st.-(irn schooner (,'annel, wiim HUKpended yesterday by the Uni ted Stale local Inspector of boiler and hulls, for making a mistake In the signal given from thu bridge when the vessel wat leaving San Pedro on January 25. The result Sva that the, Carmel collided with the uteamer El liott, sinking her. Oray's excuse was that the. lectrlc light were not on and he could not see the Indicator plainly. HUNTING FOR TROUBLE. "I've lived In California 20 year and and am still hunting for trouble In the way of burns, sores, wounds, bolls, cuts, sprains, or a case of piles that Bucklen's Arnica Salve' won't quickly cure" write Charles Walters, of Alle ghany, Sierra Co. No urfe hunting Mr. Walters; It cures every case. Guar-j anteed at Chas. Rogers' drug store. 25c. ; grateful parent: NF.W YOKK. Jan. 29. -It Is said Uf'i good aullioilty that even If the Hlraus-Wllde opera "Salome" In with-i drawn from tb Metropolitan opera I lion,-, which seems to be assured, ow ing to the aliltude of the directors of the Metropolitan Opera and Heal K- tati? Company other perf'.-rrnanee of the opera will be held at some other place In thin city. Although a Joint meeting of the iilrector of the Metro politan Opera Moumi? and that of the ('onreld Metropolitan Opera, Company I to be held tomorrow, ostennlbly to adjust the trouble, both sides feel that It will be a perfunctory gathering. George O, Haven, prcblent, and his fellow directors of th,. company which' Read this letter from a own the opera house have not chang- d their views toward "Salome," and the Conreld Company's directors have given up hope of winning thern over. Director Conreld does not Intend to lose the costly getting and costumes In which he has Invested and he will give the opera at the theatre must available fur such an elaborate work. ThlH probably will be the New Amster dam theatre or the New York Theatre. The sale of tickets for "Salome" went on yesterday and the seats sold will be exchanged for seats In the theatre to bo selected. A dispatch from Chicago says that the possible discontinuance of the production of "Salome," Oscar Wilde's inlapttitlon of the biblical stpry of John tho Haptlst at the Metropolitan Opera House In New York will not affect the engagement of Herr Conn-Id's opera company In Chicago April 8, according to Mllward Adams, man ager of the Auditorium Theatre. Manager Adam sees no reason for striking out what the New Yorkers have characterized as "objectionable," The scene where the degenerate Sa in mc kissed the Hps of the decapita ted prophet and the Kgyptian dance of the "Seven Veils," are founded up on Scripture, he says, and slvuld not be lnterprctated in a manner different from tjic average understanding of the words of the Wide. UNFIT FOR WORK. Officers Are Not up to Standard 8et by Military 8chool, SAN ANTIONIO, Tex., Jan. 29. Colonel George Leroy Ilrown, 18th Infantry, has been notified by the War Department that 10 per cent of the soldiers detailed for Instruction at the military school at Fort Leavenworth, are physically unfit to take the course. The Department In a supplemental or der notified Colonel Brown that the officers must undergo a physical ex amination at each post from which they are sent before being detailed for the course of Instruction. Purity is our watchword. Selecting only the choicest herbs and roots known to pharmacists. No spirits or harmful drug. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea is purity Itself. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. For sale by Frank Hart. "Plneules"" (non-alcoholic) mad used for hundreds of years for Blad der and Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, 11.00. Guaranteed. Sold by Frank Hart Drug Store. Doctored for Five Years Here is a boy whom D. D. D. Prescription cured quickly of Eczema and at a total cost o$j. oo after all other remedies and many doctors had failed. JUxCM-rixs. O., Jan. lib, M. Tl O.o.o. company, CIllraiKo, III. nmlrmn I can truthfnlly ay thai,. U ertalnl a wariilnrlal preparation for Ecu, ma. our uiy wan troonlM with Krwma for y-an. and e v lured llli ditterrnl docion for yoara, halni( pre rrlptlona BlU-d at tli drug era and alao tmluif many Tarlooa adTurtlwd rmdii hm at laat pur uailed to buy a bottla of I. 1). 1, at lli Ailania l'har mary and try It. I am ry Klad to ay tbat artr mlng threw bolt I -a of I. I. D. at (l.oo a bottle, our boy laioand and veil, and haa no alini of &-xerna left. People aay that thla quick careerternreyeara of untold oirerlnir acaia Uttta abort of marvelous. Youra truly, a B. MOORE. Airent Well.. Fargo Co. and i-acine Kipreaj. it- . c-y Eczema Sufferers! We do not know who were Mr. Moore's doctors, but we do know that a great many of the best physi cians have overcome their former prejudice and now advise their patients to simply get V.D.D. from the drug store at $1.00 a bottle. You will agree with ns that credit is due these physicians for thus sac rificing the larger tees they could make by writing ont their own prescriptions. Will this convince you? Or will this at least influence you enough so that you will investi gate further? Investigation is all we ask. Investigation will prove to you that this pleasant external liquid D. D. D. Prescription is based on the only scientific principle of curing the skin through the skin by killing and dislodging the Eczema germ. The cats o! Herbert Moore li but one of hundreds, ye thousand. REMEMBER WE OUKSELVKS CAREFULLY IN VESTIGATED THIS REMEDY BEFORE ACCEPTINO THE AQENCY IN OUR HOME TOWN. Knowing tht D. D. D. will cure any kind of kln trouble, whether a Ring Worm, Eczem. Barber' Itch, PsorU.sU or other fkln diseases w e have decided to recommend it In pref erence even to our own prescription. CHARLES ROGERS, FREE But we realize bow many times the poor skin sufferer has paid good money for so called blood remedies, for smeary salves, useless ointments and harmful soaps. We do not want yon to spend a cent until vor are convinced; hence the oner of a lakuc PIUDI E SAMPLE BOTTLE iABIrLt FREE.prepaid-a BOTTLE take away the Itch and give indications of an early care. Doa't spend a cent atour store until you have tried tbe free sample and have found that you too are relieved and will be cured like all the others who doubted at first Cut this ad out, mail It to the D. D. D. Co., Suite 112-120 Michigan Street. Chicago, and the free sample bottle will be sent at once 1 SH IP YOU WANT CA FOR YOUR REAL, ESTATE OR BUSINESS I CAN GET IT No Matter What Your Property is Worth, or in what Town, City or State it is located 0 B B B T- mwm UUaLO Ii I did not have the ability and facilities to sell your property, I certain-! ly could not afford to pay for this advertisement. This "ad," (like all my other "ads") Is practically sure to place on my list a number of new- properties, and I am just as sure to sell these properties and make enough: money In commission to pay for the cost of these "ads" and make a goodjl Droflt besides. That is whv I have so larcre a real estate business todav. t Why not put your property among the number that will be sold as af result of these "ads"? I will not only be able to sell It some time but will be able to sell la quickly. I am a specialist in quick sales. I have the most complete anctj up-to-date equipment. I have branch offices throughout the country and field force of men to find buyers. I do not handle all lines usual!? carried by the ordinary real estat agents. I MUST SELL real estate and lots of it or go out of business, I can assure you I am not going ou' of business. On the contrary, I expect to find at the close of the yea; that I have sold twice as many properties as I did the past year, but ltwill first be necessary for me to "lUi" more properties. I want to UVtYOTJRS and SELL it It doesn't matter whether you have a farm, a horn without any land, or a business; It doesn't matter what it is worth, or where It is located. If you will filfi out the blank letter of Inquiry belowand mall it to me today, I will tell you how and why I can quickly con vert the property into cash and will give you my complete plan FREE OF CHARGE and terms for handling It. The information I will give you will be of great value to you, even if you should decide not to sell. Tou had better write tolay before you forget it. If you want to buy any kind of a Farm, House or Business, in any part of the country, tell me your re-fl quirements. I will guarantee to fill them promptly and satisfactorily. David B- Taff , theLandMan,415 Kan .Ave. Topeka,Kan. If You Want to Sell Fill in, Cut Out and Mail Today. Please send, without cost to me, a plan for finding a cash buyer for my property which consists of Town County State. Following is a brief description Lowest cash price. Name Address If You Want to Buy Fill in, Cut Out and Mail Today. I desire to buy property corresponding approximately the following specifications: Town or City... County State... Price between and) I Will pay $ ..down and balance j,' ' Remarks 1 Address Name ....ii .Ul