The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 30, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Man Gets Rocompcrso for Trials
Which Ho Faced.
Conurtii Cuti Claim for DamafjM
Considerably, Out Allows It Df
partmtnt of Agriculture Pub
lith.i Ext.nilv Treatise.
WA8IIINHTON, Ji- 'Jtt -('"imrt-H"
U not IWU)'H fllKIIKl'il III HlB bllKllM'HN
of I'liiuilMK hI.iIii iiiiJ imiNly li'KMii
lion in which them In wither itmitl
nl' iit ii'ir Mii-tiy. iinif In n while It
toon Ih,. unusual dilute, uml Him uii-j
timiiil hii.iinil thl wiu-K, when thn;
llmrn iuhhii1 u Mil to ii IhiIiiumu ii !
niiiti f-r th" troul'l" to whlrh he wiiK '
iui beiuuii Iln haplM'iii"! to kill iin-i
other IIHIII. J
Tim mini who thu - it 1 1 m t -.1 tin- nyiti-
JKIttlleN of III" lloll" lH oil" rt0!IH !
V, l.uikln, ill on" time deputy iiwr
nha In ll.mliliiM roiiiity, 'I'l'iin,, it 'II"- ,
trlrt In wlil. li fm im-rly Hi" hiiMlm-tm ;
of imikliitf iiiootiHhlii" wlilUry Hour- j
lulled Klfltlly. It w:ii Willi" l-IIKIIK"l
In Ih.. "umilit" of hlN nlllciiil iliiHenj
thil 11 kin itit'u'.l "ii" of !h"H ;
iii"oiililii"tn In 'In; liojm Unit h" could
..,' him to il"lt from prm-tlre
'nliKIi ttlt-t i"i ri "'l WITP llllllllrill
Ik l!i" mii i i ioifiil inliiiliilnti Mlloli of
th" Inii'iiiiil ii-viiiii" liiwH. TIiIm par
ticular iniion-hlniT wax nliMtrrprrou
noil thn nnountr rcnulfJ In his
Mrkln ttim nrr"t"il. tried twin- mi'l
filially ;u iillll".t. Iln lll"il 11 lnliri
nitnliiMi t'ml" Hum f"r $1,700 for Ions
of lime int. I ntt' i in y'fi frr. Th" ,
Houxo, how"V"r, (llHinfti."il with lar-;
kin im to tlm value of his tlni", hut
nilmlttiil I hut h" hn.l oiit" nor! of it
i liiliii anil allowed him ITiUO. I
If th'T" I a fiirnnT or htinti-r any-
wln t" In th" roantry who In -tervl
with wov" mill wuntu to know how
to get ihl of thi'iii, all hts him to lo U
to to th" l"mrtini-iit of Aitrl
cull urn ami uk for a ropy of Fulfliit
ItfHcrvt. Hull-tin N. 72. Thin hull"
Iln In Kiitltliil "Wolvtit In H"lutloii In
Hto k. liinii" nn.l the Nutloiml Koiont
H"HiTV.," hut If It nvftlix'kn any
thing pertaining to these animals
whh h Hi" th" tiu I tn al i-ni-rtili-H of
runners, "Hii.-i'liilty In Ih" vvchIci'ii
H"ctloii of th" country, thn imm!
painstaking rcHi'iinh fall to linllcatoj
what It In. It tells nil iil'oiit the wolve
to In' foiiiiil In Ih" various states ami.
Ih" chiinnli-r of lon the firmer sun
tiiln t.y reason ,if tli"li ini'.l.itory vMts,
Th" i hli'f oliji'i t of th. report, a
Htuti-.l hy th" iiinplli i', i to put In
tin. hands of every hunter, (nipper,
forest ritiiK")', iiiel ruiirhmiin direction
for trapping, poisoning nn.l huntliiKj
wolves mill finding the tleim of the j
young. If lh direction, given are fol
lowed, It Ih helleveil Hie wolveM will
he mi rivltii-cil In tiumlier that their
leprci,ionn will cease to he It Serious
mi-mice to stock iuIkIuk. rrlme wolf
Hkln lire worth from $4 to Id eneh.
ortoimh lo Ill-luce trnppein nn, I enter
lnlnlnK nirich hoyn to innke nn effort
to Hecui" .them If ii reiiNoimhlL' ilcKieo
if HUeeeHH Ih iiHriureil,
The minimi conlllet between the
TreMlili iit iiini C'onK'reHrt over the huIi-
Ject of the IlirleiiHe of the llllVIll nH
liibllnliiiient will Hoon he on. The
l'l-i'Mlili'iit In IiIh recent letter to Chiilr
iitii M I-'ohh, of the lloiiHO Comtnlttoo, let
It be iiiulci ftnoil llint ho whh IiihIhI
ent Hint two bltf Imttle-iiilpN Hhoillil
be iiulherlzeil thin yeur.'iiH none wii.h
nuthoil.iil nt the Inst hchhIoii. The
rrcHlilciit wuntu HkIHIiik miuhlneH of
the KiikIIhIi Iireailiiium'ht cIiihh. The
illHponlilon In the Houhp coinniittee Ih
to Klve the PriHlileiit whiit he imkn,
but the committee Is by no meiinn
will buy ono of thu haul Uuiry farmt
In thU aoetlon of the country, well lo
cai'xl, moilernly Impiovoil uml pitying
now about IZ.D00 u your not pron'a.
I'or aitle fur a llmltml time only. Term
Wo havo for ule one l"t rlRht ut
the ilepot nt Wiuri'nton, Hint will h
worlh 11,000 In Iohh tbiin (10 duyn; $3"0
c(ih, bnlanca to ault. Now If you
HWilkj) Bin b thin.
Mr two fliio renl'!enr otn 00x100 riftnr
Henutor 1iilton'n home. Thee Iota
arc, eimlly worth $2,000 ench. If you
want a Hint iIiihh homo Hlte, thin I
your rhtiiirv. Will m il on or both.
will buy one of the bent piece of wa
ter front obtainable flood loratlon
uml lot of room for a oo. I.Ik enter
prlo. $400
for u lino resilience lot In Ahlerbro ik.
cm Im proved Htreet. Kitay terinH.
will buy a piece of property that will
brlnif blK relurna In 0 ilaya. Will take cimh to awlnir. llulnnce eauy
terma. A K"o'l chnnc'c for aomc man
or company to make n bite lump of
money. Today only. Tho V. N. Clark
$600 CASH
One of the beat located and eatab.
IlKhej eoiifectlonury, fruit, clear nd
tobacco atand In Aatorln. A change
for a man with a amall capital who
wiinla to get Into bualnena for himself.
Worth looklnn Into. I'uylng well. For
further pnrtleulare we
Is now in the hands of Astorians and'it is up
to them to make the best of it.
To be plain, conditions in Astoria are shaping themselves
so that if this opportunity is not taken advantage of it
will be a long time before an opportunity like this
will come again.
This up-building of any city is done principally through
its commercial organizations, but these organizations
are promoters without the support of the people. An
effort is now being made to throw the various or
ganizations into one, namely The Chamber of Com
merce, which in our opinion is the only thing to do.
Their purpose is to
Launch a campaign that will make Astoria
known to the whole country,
To advertise her and to get new people here. But here
we meet a stumbling block, viz: 'What are we going
to do whh these people when they come and what
have we to offer them? If a man should come to As
toria today and put in a new enterprise what has any
one to show or offer him? NOTHING. Now to the
most important thing of all.
If you want to see Astoria go ahead, you
people who own property,
YOU MUST SKLL IT. To sell it to the greatest advan
tage you must put it in some one's hands who can sell
it. THAT'S OUR BUSINESS. Don't hold it your
self atd think that you can sell it and beat the real
estate man out of his commission. If you do you will
lose in the long run. If yon want to see Astoria come
out of the old "rut" and become a city,
Give a helping hand and come in and list
your property with us.
We will take care of your interests and see that you make
money by it,
Let us sell your property and we will show you where you
can take the money and re-invest it and make big profit.
One of the beat eatabllahed phot i
graph gallerlea In Aatorla; very prom
inent location. Object for selling, mut
leave Aatorla. A snap that won't
hang long. Come at once,
2,D00-acre tract of heavy Umber fir
or ceJar; must run over 30,000 feet to
the acre. Location no object, prefer
timber far back from any pre4at
aource of navigation.
A choice piece of property well lo
cateJ, modern flat, 9 room, hot and
cold water, three lots 60x150 on cor
ner, Improved Btreets; also funall house
on property. ThU property will net
10 per cent on the Investment. What
better do you want? For full par
ticulars call at our office.
for a well established and prosperous
drug store. Present owners muat sell
at once. This Is a chance for some
young man with a small capital to
make a start. Good location, every
thing new. Further particulars fur
nished at this office.
will buy one of the choicest residence
lots In the city of Astoria, located In
the best residence district with a fine
view of the whole surrounJlng coun
try. This is a rare bargain for some
one. A corner lot and Is easily worth
wiil buy a good building on Commer
cial street containing two store rooms
now renUng for $50 monthly and 20
rooms 19 furnished) up stairs, renting
for about $150 a month. This build
ing stands on leased ground at $25 a
month. Lease expires November 1,
1909, but can be renewed. This Is a
chance for some one to get a bargain.
Good location.
We have a hundred other bargains.
Uye F. No Clark
495 Commercial Street, Near 11th
uimnlniouH In this vlnw. Kvon hIiouM
the t'lnnmlttci; lo this, thoro Is no
tclllnK what the llousi; would do.
Over In the Si'iinto there will lie
UKgreSHlvt opposition to the two lmt
th'Hhlps progritm. Sctintor llnle, tho
chairman of the Semite committee, Is
npptixpil to anything of 'he sort; ho
may even oppose the construction of
one or more, and Mr. llale'8 lnllneiice
In his committee and on the lloor of
the Senate Is potential, lie Is not
Inltlienced hy antagonism to tho
President's Idea hecauso It Is Mr.
KooHevelt'H, but hecause he believes
that we. havo gone far enough for a
while and should wait until It Is de
veloped whether modern lighting ships
When You Need a Laxative
Do not resort to violent purgatives which simply produce n effect with
out removing the came of the trouble. Cathartics do not cure constipation.
Their use eventually weakens the bowels snd Interferes with digestion.
The safe remedy for constipation, whether occasional or chronic is
ntl1 Mtahlfahiu hftalthv ind repnlar move-
A BUUIfc liuuiau v. ."vv I ' D , . . . .
- t. - AAnAaln fAf ttiliia t)in hrnmi. Iflfl frnflnt. and diminish-
menu, iuc uvvhiiui. "- - 7 . J ' 7 ,,,
ing doses will produce the desired effect. The benefits from these pills ro
Immediate and lasting. They Improve the digestion, strengthen the organs,
remove bilious conditions snd are world-renowned as
The Best Bowel Medicine
Sold Everywhere In Boxes, lOo and flSo.
t can still be further improved before
( throwing away money on ships of war
I that may bo obsolete before they have
j left the ways at the shipyards.
In both Houses there Is a very large
j contingent of members who fear that
, a costly naval program may prevent
the passage of a sutllclcntly compre
, henslve river and harbor bill. There
are many proposed new projects In
Ithls bill that members from the in
1 terlor sections of the country are fight
ing for, and If they become convinced
that continued naval expansion will
J Interfere with a proper Increase In
1 the amounts to be allowed for Inter
nal Improvements of the waterways of
the country, these men will center
their fire on the naval program to
j prevent It from interfering with river
i and harbor impovements. The situa
tion gives pomlso of a very Interest
ing set-to in Congress in which the
conlllctlng interests will clash. The
clashes usually result In compromise
In which each side gets Its fair share
of tho money authorized to be ex
pended. "Well, well" as the showman says.
Wo at Inst mustered up courage to
Increase our salaries fifty per cent.
The lot of a Congressman next session
promises to be more pleasant than ev
er before. They will draw $7,500 a
year; they will have a goodly clerk
hire allowance; they will get their
stationery and postage free, and they
Will have a $3,500,000 office building
set aside for their use. In view of
thesv facts It seems about time they
were abandoning the little campaign
Judge of free garden seeds. When
tiiey are provided with oflioes and
clerks nfid a good salary it looks as
though they might relinquish a petty
graft like the pumpkin and squash
seed distribution. The press has gen
erally approved the Increase in sala
ries. Had it been otherwise Congress
would have hesitated long before tak
ing the step. The press has roasted
the turnip seed graft to a finish; will
its voice be as Influential on that matter?
Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Ho
ney and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many Imitations are offered
for the genuine. These worthless im
itations have similar sounding names.
Beware of them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar Is in a yellow pack
age. Ask for It and refuse any sub
stitute. It is the best remedy for
coughs and colds. T. F. Laurin, Owl
Drug Store.
Up-to-Eate Saw Mill Macbineryj
klin Ave.
Pronpt atteution'yiven Unl. repair work
Tel. Main 2g?
ManZan Pile Remedy put upjn con
venient collapsible tubes with nozsle
attachment ao that the remedy may be
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly,
bleeding, Itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Frank Hart's drug
FuD line of regular blank books.
Orders solicited for loose leaf
books, card indexes, and supplies
for same. Office fixtures and
supplies. Specjal prices on quan
tities. B. A. Higgins Co.,
Books Music v Stationery