The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 25, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Till', LKAD1NG
IlltS 01 II IH
Deli ft rkmlly, Notary Public, tt
Scully's Cigar Bture. Any oM hour I
Or. J, M. Holt Is relieving Dr. Pinch,
during his absence and wilt keep the
regular hours, ll-ll-tf
Tbs very best boaid to bs obtained In
the city U tt "The Occident Hotel"
Ratei rery reasonable.
Columbia and Victor Oraphoptionee
ad all lit UUwt record at CkWo
prices, for Hit by A. R. Cyrus, 114
Oommemial Ht. tf
For Fine Watch and Clink repnlrlmt
go to Frank J. loniiwrtnrg's, the re
lint.!., 1,.wtllr. 110 lilt) Ht. tt
Go to A. D. Craig for your t"ni
awnliK and nil kind of ennvaa w-irli
12th and Fachnnge. tf
III With Pneumonia llunnln Jnrger
nt Viiunir'ii lllvor wnn tnken (4,
Ht. Mury'a hotpltul yenterday morn
lnir. miffcilnif with i ncVere attack of
A Dig Savor Thorn. 25 wit wo il
uu'kn In our window for 1 2 '-4 cen'.n
are winners; don't foil to make ft I'liy
thin wk. wMI they r ff.rd.
A. Stoke.
For Oraatar Aatoria F. N. ClarK,
tho real etnt donler, left for Port
land lant avenlng. Hla vlnlt la tr
th purpoait of lnterntlng Portland
capital In Aalurlit tnvoatinonta.
Balow Zrro Thal'a where you will
bo If you don't chck that cold and
euro that cough with Hart'a Compound
Hyrup Tar and Wild Chorry. Kuto
thing. At Hart'a drug atore, corner
Hthiund Commercial atrorta.
Do you fool alcepy and not a bit
U working In tho afternoon T Per
hapa Ifa bcnu of la alnd of lunch
you'ro eatingtoo heavy and too hard
to dlgeat. Why not try tho Palace
raatourant on Commercial ntrcot,
whore all the baking la done In thoao
fmoua alow-proceaa ovena, which turn
out light, appetising wholeaome
thtngaT You'll eav money, too. K
Viaiting 8tate Capital H. M. Imit
aen, nocretary of tha Columbia fllver
Klahormon'a Protective Aanoclatlon, n
at prenent In Hnlern, llatenlng to the
ollbaratlonn of the Oregon Holonn. lb'
U expected to return by next Hutu
day. Mayor Hernmn Wine la nlno li
tho capital city, in company with Hon.
W.1 J. Bryan, who la alated to deliver
nn nddrcaa beforo the leglnlnture.
Chops all kinds of raw or oooked meet
hotter than any other machine; It also
chops all kinds of vegetables and
fruits, fine or eoarsa as desired Intj
clean-out, uniform pieces, without
mashing them. In this respsct it has
no competitors. It does away with the
chopping bowl and knife altogether.
Hold on ft week's trial.
Scholfield, Mattson Co.,
For a
JohnsonPhonograph Co.
Parlora Seoond Floor over Soholfleld A Mattson Co.
OrkwlU eovere umbrellas.
Tomporary Retirement It wan n
very unhappy logger thut faced Po
lice Jud Olnf Anderson yesterday
morning, but he was still good natur
m1. Ilu Imd looked too hard upon
the whin when It was red th night
before and ho waa mill In u very tits
repulnblo condlilon, H seemed denlr
able to put semicolon to IiIh career
at once, no Judge Anderson gave, iho
fellow a couple of day nniluslon In
tlw Hot id Alio,
Will End Soon Mir 20 per cent din
count niil will poltlvdy -nd on the
Mint of IVIuuary. On acco.tiil of the
ndvanio In Iho factory prlco on iilumMt
. v.-rythliiK In our lino, It will bo Im
. .Mild" f'ir ua lo coiitlnui! our h.iIo
nny luiiK- r than tin- a Ivi rtlio d Hun-,
i "hat. IMIborii Ht Company. Coinplele
Will Met Today The imetliig of
trnppera and Mlnern which win de
ferred front lat week, through the j i ti.- hundaonur pannenger ntatlon. which
lnubllliy of uptlver membera to b!needx llie Impiovi-uient quite aa bad-
ptvnetit. will t" held today. Action
will be taken on tho Htlbjcct of like
IMhery leglalatlon on both nhoren of
tho river,
Cook Still Living - The cook of tho
nte.inier Agm-n, whono non-appearunce
I.m4 c.iued bttn l. bo ronnldored
di'iwned, In now aboard the at turner
..iie, He had quit the Aglu-a without
tiili and gone to Portland.
Judge McBrida III Information from
Oregon City ntuten that Judge Thotnan
A. McHrbb wan taken 111 In that city
Wednenday, and will not be recovered
nufhVlenlly to hold court for neveral
Prepering for Examinetiont Th,
niiil-nnnual exiinilnatlonn of tho An
torla public nchooln will begin a week
from today and n certain nhado of
care In already noticeable on tho brown
of young Antorla.
Ioepital Operation Captain Uren
vllb Hoed, former bar pilot, wan tak
en to Ht, Mury'a honpltal yenterday i
morning to have nn operation per- j
formed. The reaulta were entirely j
HiUlafactory, and It In expected that;
he will amnt be on bin feet again.
Chocolates and Bonbons
Are the Best
I Wanted Counter show ens In o '1
! condition. Alno what have you In
j counter un! store table;'. Apply to
'linker, (It. Am, Ten Co, 1-24-21
We Want You to como In and ItioK
over our linn of tH.OB nulla. They lira
I ho biggest bargains yet offered In I ho
hmI.-, I'. A. Htokos,
Met Thie Evening Tim porcanrk-
My of the Flrat Lutheran church
; Will Ixi elllot'talned IhlH evening hy
i Minn Jlllina P'-ternon ;tl her homo,
where (ill member and Mends will be
; most welcome.
Will 8oon Bo Out Tho new tele
phono directory for the clly of A
toiU Ih about ready for the pre anl
will kooii bo distributed iimnnK 'ho
mna of patrons, who will bo gla4 to
get It.
Still at It Bli?rirr Tonn-roy and hU
deptltle HII) Ktlll bllHy, pUttlllfT tllfl
doiallH of tlio roonl tax -nab! In final
Hhnpo, and the reHulia will ( lonely ap
prlniai (he mim of 3,510, and thi
cerllllciiteK to bu iMHUed will numb
tioiuotldii Kover COO. A record mot
Kratlfylng to all tho illlcerH of th?
Card Party to Comt Th. Ladlen of
tho tlrand Army aro to glvo a card
party at Cnrnithnn'a hall on tho .-ven-InK
of Vediiendiiy, Jan. 30. foffeo and
enken will bn In evldanne. and prlzon
will be given to all wlnnerH. Admln
Hlon 25 cetitn.
Throwing Light On It For tlm fir'
time In lt lilHIory, tho warcboumi of
thu A. & ". Hallway company here In
lighted with electricity, and the public
In waiting with buU'd breath for the
dlHitppeanitico of the coal-oil lamp In
On a Flying Visit J. D. Johnaon.
of the big whipping firm of Wilson
Urothern, of Ban FrancMco, wan In Iho
city yenterday. the guent ot President
W. V. McCregor, of tho Antorla Box
Company. Mr. Johnson 1 on of the
lending factorn In the Pacific lumber
ing world, with mllln at Aberdeen and
veanela In all the lumber porta of the
Deck Hand Drowned Word waa re
celved In thla city yenterday that a
deck hand on the nteamer MUer bad
been drowned Weduenday evening nt
peep Hlver. Ho fell from the boat at
6:10 p. m., and although Immediate ef
forta were made to aid him, no trace
wan found until 11:15, when bin body
wan brought to the nurface near the
place where ho fell overboard. Th
corpao ahowed that he bad been seized
with cramp". Tho deccaned wan 23
yearn of ago and a renldent of Peep
Hlver, where bin funeral will bo held
tomorrow from tho residence of hln
I The Man In Black as produced by
j tho Cai llnl,) Stock Company at the
Star Theatre, In one of tho funniest
pemodlea ever neen In this clly. The
i (day Is strictly farce comedy, com
' bluing a legitimate amount of bur
; lenitiu and In presented for laughter
ouls-. The lines, the expression of
tho players and the ludicrous situa
tions, combine to muko one great cll-
max of laughter. While the plot c-f the
; nlav centers unon tho character of
Abrahuin Muffin (The Man In Black)
j tho comedy Is well divided and glveJ
every member of the company i
chance to display their talent. This
production will be seen nt the Star
i again tonight for the last time. The
i company will give four performances
of the beautiful old legend Rip Van
Winkle, starting Saturday matlneo.
Thla la the strongest production car
, t ied by the Carlisle company, and as
it will be their last production In
this city it will doubtless bo well pa
tronized. Mr. Carlisle has played Rip
Van Winkle seven successive seasons
' and hla Interpretation of Vhla charac
ter la second only to one, Joseph Jeffer
son. .
Why 8uffer from Rheumatism
Do you know that rheumatic, pains
can be relieved? If you doubt this,
juBt try one application of Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm. It will make rest
and sleep possible, and that certainly
means a great deal to any one afflict
ed with rheumatism. For sale by
Frank Hart and leading druggists.
Columbia and Victor Graphophones
and all the latest records at Chicago
prices, for sale by A,' R. Cyrus, 424
Commercial street. tf
Horning Astorlan, 60 centa a month,
delivered by carrier. t
Geo. Murray of H.-attle ik In thl city
on bUHlneK.
W. if, Marvin ciirno down from Port-'
land yenterday.
Max Frledenthal of Portland la reg
iHtorcd at tin; Merwyn.
VV. C, l!aHiih!iMt of Warrenton waa
In thin clly ycatcrdny.
J, F. Hyan of Portland In upending
U few day In thl city on bU'dnwm,
H, T. Hendry x of Portland la a gueat
lit tho Occident Hotel,
Kdlior Oeorge Hibbert of tho Chi
nook Obnervcr, wna In Aatorla ycater
day. Mr. and Mra, H, E. Harrla cimo
d wn from Portland yeatorday for a
brief vlnlt,
John Adlar of Hunnymoade waa In
thla city yeatorday,
J. 1). Millar of Kan FranclHco la at
pienent In Atoiln on a bualneag vlalt.
C. M. I'loraon carno down from Port
land yenterday for a ahort trip.
U. C. Teuchi:r of Portland waa In
Antorlfi yenterday.
Olaf Oleaon, the Iwla and Clark
run:hr, apent yenterday In, thla city
trtinaactlng bualneaa, returning home
laxt overling.
Tho Mennrn. Kggman of Skamokawa,
tho well known loggera, wore In the
city yimterday on bualnoaa bent.
AuKUi-t Lurnon, of the Altoona
Packing Company, apont the day In
Antorla yenterday. In aoarch of newa
and relaxation from the enforceJ idle-
Menu consequent upon the late freeze
and the Interrupt l n to the unual mall
nervlce at Ida up-river ntatlon.
Francea Cheney Strong et ux to
Kdmund Hall Cheney and Isa
bella. Caryl Cheney, nectlonal
land In Clataop county f
I'nlteJ Slates to F. M. Glrard,
10 ucren In Section 13-4-6....
Same to C. H. Wheeler, 40 acres
In Section 15-4-6
Same to K. B. Miller 160 acres
in Section 11-4-6
Kamo to Mamie A. Akin SE 1-4
Section 6-4-6
Sarno to Mary Knott, NE 1-4 of
Section 17-4-6 ...
Same to Frank Clark. NW 1-4
Section 17-4-6
A. J. Klafkl and wife to Helen
O. Knutsen, Lot 6, Block 96,
McClurc's Antorla 1.150
Robert Burch to the Bremner
Logging Company, Becllonal
landa In Clataop county
Fresno Undertaking Employe Shoots
Girl and Then Himself.
FRKSNO. Cnl., Jan. 21. John I
Jackson nn employe of a local und3r
larking firm, in a fit of insane Jeal
ousv shot and Instantly killed Susl
Pearson, last night, in the presence of
her father, Grant W. Pearson, who wa
ennployed by the Southern Paclfl
Jackson then shot himself through th
head, killing himself instantly.
Jackson attempted to shoot M. Pack
ard, who had taken the girl to the
theatre but she Jumped In front of him
with the exclamation, "No, shoot me."
The affair occurred on the round ta
ble where Pearson was giving the par
ty a ride. Jackson evidently knew
that Packard and Miss Pearson would
stop there on their way home, and he
had gone there a short while before
they arrived.
After the shooting Jackson's dog
guarded his dead body, and had to be
lassooed before the coroner could ap
proach the remains.
Federal Legislation Desired to Obvi
ate Touring Difficulties.
NEW YORK, Jan. 24. Charles T.
Terry, the new chairman of the law
committee of the American Autonn
bllo Association said yesterday that H
had been decided by tho association to
Introduce a federal automobile law at
the present session of Congress to
test the feasibility of a general nat
ional measure, to obviate many of the
difficulties which motorists suffer in
touring from one state ta another. Mr.
Tory, with the new president of th
Automobile Association, W. H. Hotch
kiss, have formulated a plan which
they believe will meet the numeraui
exigencies of the case.
Mr. August Sherpe, the popular ov
erseer of the poor at Fort Madison,
Iowa, says: "Dr. King's New Life Pills
are rightly named; they act mere
agreebly, do more good and make one
feel better than any other laxative.1
Guaranteed to cure biliousness and
constipation. J5c at Chas. Rogers' drug
One Piano Number free with every S
End of
will soon be here.
Between now and
February 1st
on everything
except contract goods.
Herman Wise,
Behind each Overcoat, Suit, Hat, etc.,
sold in his store.
$4.O0 and $5.00
They are the height ot fash
Ion but not the extreme.
Full of comfort and good
service' for the man that
walks much or little.
They come in various leathers.
All sizes and widths in stock.
Wherity, Ralston $ Company I
The Leading
Law by Miller Fixes Line Between
Lane and Lynn.
SALEM, Ore.. Jan. 24. The first
law of the session finally passed the :
House this morning. It was Senatsjand most prominent figures in the
bill 116, by Miller, fixing the boundarv j business wcrld, was shot dead In his
between Lane and Linn counties. It j store by a youth claiming to be his
was read in the House first, seconi son. The young man and Whiteley
and third times In 20 minutes. The law
takes effect at once, and will settle
the number of cases in the courts of
the two counties.
The House will adjourn this after
noon until Monday at 2 p. m. to enable
"""" - " ' " " "i
tho printer to get his bills ready. The
' . . tt . -.
House will visit the State University'
tomorrow at Eugene, most of the
members going down this evening. AH
state Institutions are to be visited by
one Joint committee this year. The
House adopted the Senate Joint reso
lution to this effect. This committee
will take the place of the usual score
of junketing committees and will do
all the work of investigating the stata
officers, Portland charitable institu
tions, the Oregon penal and reform
prisons and schools and the state col
leges and the university. The com
mittee will have no clerks, no specUl
expense allowance and no mlleags
graft. This cuts out one of the chief
rmiMno crmfts nf tha legislature. It
. . j n.
will save thousands of dollars each
session if made the rule.
NEW YORK, Jan, 24. Under orders
from Washington, the steamship Fl
nonce, which sailed yesterday, will
touch at Jamaica toi take aboard, des
titute wives and families of Jamaican
negroes at work on the Panama canal.
The reunion of negro families on the
Isthmus, it is argued, will tend to keep
the laborers contented and relieve the
situation in the earthquake stricken
city. When they heard of the earth
quake the laborers wanted to drop work
on the isthmus and go back to Jamaica.
Shoe Dealers.
Prominent Business Man Shot by an
Unknown Young Man.
LONDON Jan. 24. A dramatic
tragedy startled London today when
W'illlam Whiteley, one of the unique
had been closeted for a few moments,
when they emerged from Whiteley's
private office, the young man follow
ing and importuning, and the elder
waiving him off. Suddenly the young
man drew a revolver, fired two shots
and Whiteley fell dead. The personality
of the assassin and the motive of the
e , A ,
crime are enveloped in mystery. He
gave his name as Cecil Whiteley, but
relatives of Wm. Whiteley disclaim all
knowledge of him. The police believe
the attack was the result of a fancied
HAVANA, Jan. 24. Jose Miguel Go
mez sold yesterday 250 head of catle
from his farm at Sanctl Spirltus at a
considerable sum less than they cost
him. His action has caused consider
able comment. It is said to be due to
lack of confidence In prevailing con
ditions because of extensive specula-
tlon now in progress
NEW YORK, Jan. 24. It was an
nounced yesterday that Richard Straus
will probably tour America next sea
son conducting his symphonic pieces
and operas. At present nothing has
been decided definitely, but there is a
plan on foot to have the composer di
rect both "Fuersnot" and "Salome."
at the Metropolitan Opera House.
Dr. J. M. Holt is relieving Dr. Finch
during his absence and will keep the
regular hours. 12-19-tf
Morning Astorlan, $0 cents a month,
delivered by carrier.