The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 25, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE MOKNING ASTOMAN, ASIOMA, OREGON. . ' Friday, January a i07.
Established 1I73-
PoblUhea Daily Except Monday by
By mail, per year $7.00
By carrier, per month..... 10
sont 112 miles Inland from U(h an
open, navigable, Mfe ntul convenient
port AT ALL? Tho greed and four
of the metropolis nt the dunner Im
pending, I answer enough for the
present. There will come a Aty, per
haps sooner than anyone antlolpntes,
when questions of this sort will reuse
altogether, the answer having been at
last made, freely and Irrevocably, to
the query of the long, long years.
Bj mail, per year, ia adranc. .fl.OO
Knterad m leflond-eUM matter July
80, 10. at the poatoffloe at Astoria, Ori
son, aider the act of Coafreet of March t,
ar"Oritort for Ike (Wlwinjj of Tas Moan
maurroajAJt toarthor reeMeooe or place of
tRMtam .nay made by postal oard or
through toleeboo. Any Irregularity In i
llTarr akould b imroedlatWj reported to the
offios of pobUoatioo.
Official paper of Clataop county and
the City of Astoria.
Western Oregon Light rain
or snow south, sloudy and theat-
Tor the next twenty, fifty or hun
dred days, this country Is to be sur
feited with tho mawkish drivel em
anating from the Eastern court that
has the case of the "State of New
York versus Harry Thaw" on Its
docket. Slobber, and rot, specious
pleas, theatrical poses and simulation,
hired eloquence, and "human Interest"
stories on the side, and all the gush
and slush that money can procure
will be wired and fired broadcast and
at the end oX it all the millionaire
lecher and murderer will Jump Into
his carriage and drive home with a
contemptuous shrug for the Ul-adr-vlsed
delay of the law that withheld
his freedom from him so "beasttly
long, you know!" There la no place
In all America where the old. never
dying doctrine of caste Is so vividly
apparent as In the court room, and It
sways bench, bar, Jury, officers and
spectators alike, to the utter, yet un
realized, shame of a free people.
solilsh personal ambition In the Col
onel. He has exhausted every resource
of modest effort to avoid It.
Life would be lacking In one f Its
chief Joys if there were not contin
ually some statesmen at Washington
who try to maneuver to put Theodore
Uonsovelt In a hi'le, and then have to
call loudly to be pulled out themselves.
among us who when he Is asked for
coal g'ves you stone.
Motor-car sickness will probably
be diagnosed eventually as uutouto
or snow south, cloudy and
threatening north portion.
Western Washington FUr.
Eastern Oregon Light rain
or snow.
Eastern Washington. Idaho
Generally fair.
Bourne tactics and Bourne success
have created an intense partisan feel
ing in Oregon against the operation of
the initiative and referendum law and
not altogether without cause, but this
sense of injury must not be permitted
to run counter to the principle of
popular selection that lies at the very
root of the law itself. There are not
many men of Bourne's pertinacity or
methods or means and such thrusting,
struggling, money-bolstered campaigns
as his for the federal senatorship are
likely to be rare, especially when the
people shall come to know better the
primal purpose and real use of the
law. He was shrewd enough to real
ize the popular ignorance and distrust
of the law, and skillfully forced his
name and claim to the forefront of
consideration, winning out on the hy
pothesis that the initial handling of the
edict by the people would be clumsy,
inapt and practically reckless. The
law does not need amendment, so
much as the people need education as
to the actual, organic operation of the
best statute they possess; and if it
must be amended we insist that this
be done solely for its simplification
and easier application. The whole
state will resist the re-establishment
of the old regime of party primaries
and conventions. To press this mat
ter to a resumption of the old polit
ical program, in whole or in part is
a reckless aftd dangerous reversion
to things known and hated and an
invasion of newly acquired (If not
wholly understood and appreciated)
liberties. There is folly in retrogress
ive measures always, and the proposed
bastard-bill attempting to fuse par
tisan and popular primaries will prove
the star blunder of the session. Amend
the law, knock off its useless and con
fusing points, simplify it until the
school-children of the state may read
ily interpret it, but do not assail nor
mimify its vital principle and precept
of freedom. There is danger in such
Hon. John C. McCue. of the Clatsop
representation in the House, has in
troduced a bill licensing the salmon
packers and canners of the state. We
have not reviewed the bill and can
not say what it signifies, nor how
well Justified It may be but, on Its
face. It is a good thing. The Industry
Is not likely to suffer If the men who
realize the last and largest profits of
it. are compelled to pay for the ad
vantage within reason. But this con
clusion may undergo reversal when
the text and terms of the propose!
new law are fairly and critically analyzed.
r'lvo women were chosen as county
treasurers and seventeen women us
county superintendents of schools In
Idaho, at the recent election, ulul yet
women must llglft for tho franchise
now conferred even on llowery toughs.
The Imperial tlusotte of lVkln Is said
to have been published for over 1,500
years. Its earlier tiles must throw
light on the origin of Punch' Jokes,
and some of old Cuuncey'a after
dinner humor. ,
Your Uncle Jim Hill will bo pleased
to have the public regard the snow
blockades of this winter as a com
plete explanation of the abominable
service of his railroads during last
summer and fall.
Disgusted Congressmen have dis
covered that $2,500 mote a year Is not
to be attained merely by waiting to
have the Senate force It upon them.
Boston's troubles have taken on vi
vid colors. An epidemic of scarlet
.fevejr has seriously Interfered with
pink teas among the blue-stockings,
Baseball magnates make a great
mistake In not mocking their enter
prise for J3.000.oao and establishing Its
Intrinsic value on the New York curb.
The gentlemen who delight In In
troducing Mr. Bryan to the lecture
audiences as the most distinguished
private citizen in the country might
properly and that this1 distinction Is
in no way attributable to any mere
After mature deliberation it Is be
lieved that Senator Tillman will decide
to reply to Senator Spooner, rather
than to attempt to answer him.
The cause of Justice sweeps on by
summoning men before the grand
jury to tell whether they committed
a crime, and if not. why not,
Evidently Governor Swettpnham is
confident that Jamaica ginger Is good
for any klnJ of a bellyache that Ad
miral Davis may develop.
Oregon is In n fair way to nttraot
the attention of magazine specialists
Intent upon a study of the model legislature.
There Is that manner of fuel dealer
What Difference Does It Make Who
Owns the A. & C?
A reader of the Astotian says he
'does not see why there Is so much
concern on the part of the public as
to who holds the stock of the Astorbt
A Columbia Hlver Hallroad Company?
The road la runningdoing n large
business making lots of money, and
will soon have to double It tracks
It Is now the. terminal road, one, by
which all the trans-continental roads
coming to Oregon, reach the ocean at
Astoria and Flavel?
At first glance this Inquiry seems
quite plasulbie. Bui another reader
of the paper it of the opinion the
query Is answerable. Ho says the own
ershlp of the road meant the "dif
ference between being a mere feed
er, and an active element In a com
posit system; between the Inactivity
of a by-way and the commercial en
ergy of a highway; between possess
leg the status of a fictitious terminal
and that of a real, potent commercial
terminal, with all Its adjunct us, faell
Itles and rates; between being Astoria,
the shunting point of an Indifferent,
principal road, and Astoria, the fixed
and desirable objective of a system
of roads converging and merging here
for business."
And there you have It. One good
man assumes that n will make no
especial difference, whether Mr. Hill
or Mr. Harrlman. or Mr. Hammond,
own; the properly; that It will not
amount to any more than It has ever
amounted to; and the other, undoubt
edly basing his convictions on the su
premacy of Mr. Hill, believes the road
ami Its territory, has a big and defi
nite future. Take your choice.
Increase and $2.50 Hound Trip Rata
via A. o C. R. R. Is Popular.
Travel from this city to Portland
nn Sunday at the low round trip rate
of J2.G0 Is on the Increase and many
enjoy that day In the metropolis each
week. This rate will be continued
throughout the winter and the volume
of travel toward Portland every Hun
day would Indicate that the public
appreciates it. 11-l-tf
Wednesday $ Thurs. Nights, U
en. 30 and
J JLJa aJL rfuVnaa aUL r& dLl JLL JULaaaa hjjjft
Up at St. Helen's, on the Columbia,
a good town, but small, devoid of the
conveniences and markets and attrac
tions that the traveling world rejoices
In, there was gathered for a
week a big fleet of big
steamships, all barred from Portland,
their point of destination, by the ex
traordinary! barrier set up by Na
tnure, at Warrior Rock. Why were
these vessels sent up there? Why
were they not permitted to remain
in this port, at good safe docks, in
sheltered channels, with a ready mar
ket at their elbow, for every possible
human need In the way of utility or
diversion? The queslton is suscept
ible of one answer only: the fear of
the Portlanders that too long a berth
in this port might awaken the con
viction in the minds of owners and
masters of the extraordinary super
iority of Astoria as a port of refuge,
entry and departure, and give rise to
natural inquiries as to why they were
T'n Kind You IIuvo Alwiiy llouiflit, mid which lut been
iti iin for over 00 yearn, Iium bortio tho ftltrimturo of
mid I111H lMMMi miulo umlor ItN nor-
fj-tL. ftoiutl " ir vision ttlnro tin lufUncy.
f-CCCCA4ti Allow tin ohm tuihuwlvit vitn In ihU.
All Counterfeits, Imitation mid Jiut-iw-(fool"uro but
KiptrlnwtitM that trttle with and Miriiuirr tho health of
Infants and Children Kiuerlonoo uyulnnt Kipurlmoiit.
CaatorU U a luxriulou nubntltuto for Cantor Oil, Pare
fforlt. Drop and Soothing Hyninw. It I l'leaaant. It
contain neither Opium, Mornhlno nor other Nareotlo
substance. Its ago 1 It guarantee It destroy Worm
and allayi FeTerlshncwt. It cures Diarrhoea and Wlud
Collo. It relieve Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency, It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and llowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
Soars the Signature of
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
i vox. cm.
First Class In Every Ratpeet
Fraa Coach to the Houe,
Bar and Billiard Room.
Good Check Restaurant
, . .1,1, . t;
ma - T3f T?-SWi'
I Quod ttamplo Koomi on Omund Hoof
for Commercial Man.
JOHN FOX, I'r.n.
t' L lilSllor. Screlar
jNYUtin Trt)., Vire-Pren, and Hunt.
Designers and Manufacturers or
Canning Machinery, Murine Engines and Boilers,
Complete Cannery Ouuits Furnished.
0KRESPONDENCE "SOt.CITED. rend of Fourth htwi
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co Jnc.
Succeitort to Foard & Stokes Co.
By W. A. Milne, author of "Aladdin" etc. Given by home talent.
Rehearsed by the author.
250-Young Ladies and Children in the Cast-250
All in grotesque and beautiful costumes, representing
Pixies, Brownies, Goblins, Insects, Pickaninnies, Monkeys, Fairies, Butterflies, Flower Girls,
Pages, Amazon Guards, Japanese Maidens, Yankee Doodle Girls, Etc.
Under the auspices of Ladies Guild of Episcopal Church.
Two hours of Fun and Frolic in Fairyland, where all is Gauze and Glitter,
Music, Love and Flowers.
Prices, 25, 50 and 75 cents. Seats on sale at the Box Office beginning Tuesday, January 29.
i To Be Happy
and Gay
Maana not only good thing, to aat, but alto tha beat of thingi to drink,
and tha beat of all good drink. Is 8und & Carlson's
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies,
Choice Wines and Champagnes, j
" 509 Commarpial St.;u. . , "
' ;
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
i:STAHLISHi:i 1884S.
Capital $100,000