THE MOHXIXG ASTOIUAX, . STOMA, ORKGOX. TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, W CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. WEST SIDE NEWS Daily Happenings at Warrenton, Seaside, Hammond and Fort Stevens. WARRENTON WAUUKNTON, J.m. Jl. Mrs. P.. A. Net is in Ht ill ..Ollll,.l In her '-) by llliii'S.i, h.T n' preventliiK nip1 1 movcry. Mrs, Jacob Bhari who was j rkuisly 111 lust vvk. I" nmh Improved and her speedy rcioveiy Is cp. t t ed. The torrential rain which began S-u-urduM nlsht mil continued until 'at.: iact nU'lit, nnlt.vl nearlv all of the ! iilor.i: the river hank hte n hurt' iuid blue water. The jam between the shore an.l tin- wharf at Fhnvl hits entirely .llsappcarftl, enabling; the 01.1 Oregon Mills Company to tow a mw alongside, the nteun nohoont.-r Northland, which is loading lutnb. r for San l'edro. The Northland' ea -go Is nearly completed. J. B. Ixvett. chief carpenter nt the A. & C. K. car shops, has hwn su' ferlnK from thills xlnee Saturday. ln less his condition Improves ho will go to Portland, whir his family rt'sM'. J. II. Weber, formerly n lo(f buyer In the employ of the OM On-tpm M'M Company, has remove.! with his fam ily to Mukllteo, Wash., where ho ha? a similar position. William Ashley, a saw f.l.T In the Oregon mill, 5. as moved into the Olson house, formerly occupied by Mr. Weber. FVr the first time since the aJvent of the recent extremely col.l snap the OU Oregon and the D. L. Kelly mil!. resumed operations thin morning: w':h praoUcally a full working force. ar.d In consequence there was general re joicing among the men whose en forced. Idleness was becoming irk some. The former mill has enougli logs on band for only two days' run. The Kelly mill has a considerably sup ply on hand and It is probable thai It will sell seme of them to the Ore gon mill unless gnme rafts arrive b -fore the present stock Is exhausted The storm worked but little Injury to the Kelly mill, but It will cost '.he Old Oregon Mills company full $1.00 to repair and replace water pipiM damaged or destroyed by the f:os:. K. S. Mcllroy, manager of the OM Oregon Mills, Went to Portland th'. morning on business. George Warren and wife arrived home from Seattle Saturday, after sev eral days' visit in the Sound Pity. The bark Big Bonanza, which '-) tug Samson was compelled to cut adrift at sea recently because of in juries to her own hull, and which put back to San Francisco, will again oome under tow to the Flavel wharf, to take a cargo of lumber from Vie Old Oregon mill to San Pedro. Mrs. P. K. this morning Warren went to Asto-!. A. F. Hinshaw returned this morn ing from Portland after a two we-k V stay. Purlng his absence Mr. Hin shaw iiassed the barbers' examination before the Hate board of examine and he will reopen his shop heiv. i SEASIDE SF-ASinK, Jan. 21. - B. J. Callahan has just Installed the llrsi elect rici! piano in Seaside in his saloon. It I: from Filers piano house at Astoria. Mrs. O. McGuIre of the Hotel Me" Gulre, returned today from a busl ness trip to Astoria. I. Slmler spent returning today. Sunday In Astorlr. All efforts to locate A. B. Crosno who suddenly disappeared near Flk Creek. Jan. 9, hnve proved unavailing although a thorough search of tV surrounding country has been made It Is fenred that he perished In th bush during the recent cold weather, or was lost while attempting to roiMi' one of the points on the coast. Cros no, who was SI years old, had be-n employed by a surveying party it".' on the day of his disappearance hj was returning to work. Bob Gllhson, who set I'rosno across at Klk Ore, . . ! Is i lie lasl man who Is known lo have seen him. I'rosno's father, who Is .oll.'cior of custom at 'IVIe.lo, t -nether wilh a man named Kant hay.' lisM'ule.l a thorough search of the wo.vls an.l ate still scouring the uelg'i borlni? country. Sheriff K.vs of Lin coln county, also joined In the iuv for a time, but has abandoned ti i hunt. While living In Arizona a f.w years ago, Orosno fell over a cllif and was gone 13 day-1, when lie return.' I homo. The Seaside 1. umber ManuCic turning tVntpany will start Its oor factory tomorrow to work up sor surplus s!ok. After running a Vv .lays the mill will close again U"U the per.iment resumption of busln-vn in all departnien! between Kebrua'V 1 and February 1V I.u:her J. Wright of Hammond an 1 Miss Delia Stevens of this city wer yesterday trite,! in marriage at th" residence of the bride's m'ther. t'v Uev. C. A. H,ousel of the First M. F.. church etJlclatlng. Miss Amy He"W ard acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Wright was attended by Quarter Mas ter Sergeant IC II. Henderson, 3Kh company, coast artillery. Fort St ens . The only other guests were Vr. Wright's mother, Mrs. K. N. Wrlga. Miss Jessie Hubbard and Mr. Pi". The young couple departed on the evening train for Portland, where thy will remain about a week, after wh'eh they will reside in Hamomnd, wh" Mr. Wright Is In business. The younj pqople of Seaside collected 8 larg" quantity of old shoes and plenty of rice with which to speed the coupl In the approved fashion, but the ter rific rainstorm prevented them from carrying out their plan and Mr. and Mrs. Wright were allowed to depa.-l In peace. HAMMOND HAMMOND, Jan, SI. The Ladles of the Maccabees gave, an enjoyable .so cial and dance at Ited Men's hall Sat urlay night, which was enjoyed bv ,; large company. The drill team '.'.v. an exhibition and several vocal selee :e.s " , i to the en. y;ueu'. ! Ue e - ei it.:'. The oft-repeated rumor that A. P.. Hammond Intends to erect a mamm-th si . rnill eith.r at H.i.utnond or c ivi Is again revived. Mr. Hammond's re cent purchase of a large amount of land at Hammond forms a basis for the belief that 'his city will be ; !.? site of the mill. He owns a larg river frontage, with space enough to build a large plant, while a whir could Kisily be tun out to deep wa ter near the government wharf. Another story Is to the effect tM' Mr. Hammond purchase,) the land for the James J. Hill Interests and that it was a part of the rumored sale of the, A. & ". R. to the Minnesota rail road magnate: The sages have devise 1 two plans for Mr. Hill, neither of which he has accepted. ()r'' ls he establish a steamship line, with Hammond as the home port and th terminal for a greatly Improve,! tal' road service. Another Is that Mr. Hill build a mill for th. manufacture of ti.-j and oile r timber required in rail road construction. In tie- latter event i hey would h ive him extend the roa to Sa;i Francisco and as evidence of Ids intention to do so they point to the fact that surveyors are now lay ing out a right of way In the vicinity of Tillamook. CURED OF LUNG TROUBLE. It Is now eleven years since I had n narrow escape from consumption," writes C. 0. Floyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, S. C. "I had run down In weight to 135 pounds and coughing was constant both by day and by night. Finally I began taking Pr. King's New Discovery, and con tinued this for about slz months, when my cough and lung trouble were en tirely gone, and I was restored to my normal welflht, 170 pounds." Thou sands of persons are healed every year. Guaranteed at Chas. Rogers' drug store. DOc and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Morning Astorlan, 60 cents a month, delivered by carrier. I FT. STEVENS FOUT S'PF.V FA'S. Jan. It wish intense anxiety thit the sol lei at tin.) post are awaiting (he slew pro gress of the bill providing for a ma terial increase In their pay. There i a bill now pending in 1'otigtv s, whl i It' passe, I, will increase the monthly stipend of privates from fl.t to l, corporals from $: to J I s . sergi-.i'i' s from $1S (o wilh; Increase In other guides. Near!' every general othe r In the aimy In-' from lime to t;me uiged In, iv c-- 1 pay, and In his l i t report, Just pui -Mslied, General Frederick Funs' ei recoiinm-nds the substantial lucre ()f -(, pT i.(,n( ( lay (lf I oltl,vr)) ., ,,;,,m,, ,,.. V,i! I. ' a t' men at the fort are net hopeful cl getting as larg,.. an increase as i; n. Funston urges, they believe th combined pressure of the chief otll is of the army will Insure at 1- ist 'he Increase carried in the bill now peal ing. Captain Percy Willis, of the ?t '.a company, this morning said thai I.-, his belief, a marked adv. nice In 'lie It.ll' of enlisted ineo Is inn, el at i ce 'f any semblance of the normal stniigt'i of the army Is to be maintained. "Th enlisted men In the service teed '.lie Increased pay more the cttlc-r.i. ' said Captain Willis, "and I sdncer hope that Congress will see lit 'o grant the advance to them wheth" or not the officers' salaries are !,! vanced. In this of general and prolonged prosperity, laboring tne.i can make J2 clear of their board a -id there Is little incentive for good m -r. to remain In the army at less thin 50 cents per day. Purlng a period of business depression there Is less i!,f Acuity In procuring good men 'or the army, but now when all classes of business are thriving, soldiers abiu don the army as soon as their dills' ni'-nts expire, and .iiigage In other vocations." Social affairs among the olllcers ate at a complete standstill, owing lo the ice In the river no govorninoin boat is acces lbie for us.- be'w'ovn I';. Stevens and Ft. Columbia, and as a result, there has te-eti no Interchange of llHi'.S between t h,. poHls. The las! social affair at Fort St.-v.ns was on N'.-w- Year's night when the enbst.-l m'-n of both cmnpar ,-s gave a grand ball. Heiuy Cauh-y of the t'-lrd compa".v Is the six'h of the list of veterans at the post who are ne-ulng the pv lod of retirement and whose aggre gate service in the army approximates 140 years. Mr, Caub-y enlisted In ta Sixth Infantry 25 years ago. Aft ' s.-rvlng five years in that regiment at Fort Pouglas, l.'tah, he enlisted ii the coas; artillery, serving 10 years at the Presidio and an i-.pial l-ngt'i of time at Fort Stevens. He has a wife and several children, who re side in a pleasant cottage at Ham mond, which was built by Mr. Can ley. A bill recently p provides for an In d by the S'-n.".'e is,, or coast Plstil.t of Columbia ,J tlllery In th, 1 iinpanies or rn uly 1 . pto men. l-'ven if 1)... !,. 1-, is not expected tha! the full autlrir l.ed increase will be made in tine of peace, but It Is thought that the (,'ar rl 0:1s at Stevens, ('olumbla and C ii by will be greatly enlarged. There -ir, hardly more than enough men st 1 Honed at Fort Stevens now to ma, the mortar battery, having only a handful of men to serve the rcma'n Ing IS guns of varhiis calibre. Col. Walker, ('apt. Steele, Capt. Itlshop, Ll'-ut. Collin, Sergeants Stan ton, White and Ln.skowskl and Cor poral Hoover went to Astoria Satur day, returning yeslerdny. There are six cases of influenza an I klndryd aliments being treated In tV ' post hospital. The h'lil'h at the post is generally excellent, which Is nt trlbutjible to the equable climate of the coast. Only when the engli r- Ing department Is working at the jei tles Is the hospital service taxed, an I the majority of those cases me hu.' glcnl. Morning Astorlan, 60 cents a month, cb llvercd by carrier. WANTKD A SKAMSTHKHH plain niiil fancy sowing, nWo : making. News from Want-Adville HELP WANTKD. POSITION WANTFP- Ni K WKt N girl desires place In family lo do housework. Apply 405 Puane. 3t AGENTS CANVAS8KUS. MIXKRS, peddlers, solicitors, mall ordr eo ple. etc.. should buy KRA MRU'S BOOK OF TRAPK BKCRKTH. Regu lar p lea tS, hut bal. of last edition for J1.25 aa long ns they Inst. Guar anteed. Order quick. Slou Pub. Co.. Sutherland. Iowa. ll-!5-tf WANTKP-8AI YSUES, MANY MAKK flOO to $130 per month. Soma even mora. Stock clean; prown on Iteer vatiim, fur from old orchard. Cali alvamvd week! v. Choice of territory. Aildrva Washington Nuraery Company, Tipeniah, WaHhlngton." 0-2A-U W'ANTHD TWO GOOD 8UBSCRIP tlon solicitors to work. First class proposition, good pay. Apply Astorlan offlca. For UKNT-T11I-: RKSIPKNCK 'P Mrs. W. S. Kinney. Address No. 67. . are Astorlan. 1-21- .' W A NT HI i i:.T I . I ' M A N oil LAP'.' of fair education to travel for M . cin'dle House of large capital, 'Pr rltory at home or abrc.a.l to ran', Weekly salary of Jl.nai) p, r year u.d expenses. Address, with -tamp, Jo seph A. Alexand'-r, Astoria, Ore. t-23 :t FOR SALE. WHALE AM HER. M APR IN NOR way, guaranteed finest hne drens Ing out. Tour dealer handled It. Al fred Andreuen & Co., Mlnneapolln, Minn. 12-is-tf FHKSH MILK COWS FOR SALK LonKden, Warrenton, Ore. -A. ct KISCELLAKTOUS. VOCAL. CULTURE MISS GRACE Rannel will give Instruction in tone production. coaching in ciaiwicai 1 8ongg and ballads. 144 Puane ntreot. Phone Red 2091. tf NOTICE. Notice of Annual Meeting of ntock holdeis of the Union Fishermen's Co operative Pncklnff Company. Notice 1 hereby given that tne an nual meeting of the Union Fishermen's co-operative I'acklng Company will lt. i. i o. . .. , . '" 11 ''iooib 10 in" ny-niws oi !'al corporation, and at the h.ill of the Columbia River Fishermen' Protec tive Union, In Astoria. Oregon. on Monday, January L'S, lO'i", at 1 o'clock P. m. CHAUI.KS WILf-'ON, Pn. Attest: FRANS KANKKOXLN, Secretary. Why 8uffer from Rheumatism oo you know that rheumatic pains can be relieved? If you doubt this, Just try one application of Chamber Iain's Pain Halm. It will make rest and sleep possible, and that certainly means a great deal to any one afflict ed with rheumatism. For salt by Frank Hart and loading druggists. Wise Counsel from tha South. "I want to give dome valuable ad vice to those who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble," says J. n. Rlankenshlp. of Rock, Tenn. "I hava proved to an absolute certainty that Kloctrlc Illtters will poslllvely cure this dispensing condition. The first bottle gave mo great relief, and after taking a few more bottles, I was com pletely cured; so completely that It becomes a pleasure to recommend this great remedy." Hold under guaran tee at Chas. Rogers' drug store, Price COo. FOU dress ITTLI3 Sister Wllkorson Was handy with the namll. Tucks and darts tin I hems and gore 8h certainly could whedl Out of, Into, any goods. Ph alwnys dressed most tasty. Brother Wllkerson, h died, rneumonln ralhrr hasty! All the sisters of her church Exchanged surprise nnd wonder, A to how she'd get along. She got along by thunder' Went to live In Want-Advllle, Where seamstresses were wnntad. Never once by poverty Was Llttln Sister haunted. MOHAT., Advertise In The Morning Atortan. PROFESSIONAL CARDi. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HOWARD M. BR0WNELL, Attornyt-Lw. Offiot with Mr. J. A. Eakln, at No. 420 Commercial 8t, Astoria. MU3IC TEACHER. HANTKK - TUKKK MFSIC I'Ul'Il. Itiipilre st Atrln oftiw. MANIWI.IN I.KSSON8 (J1VKN-MIW C. I). Stewcrt. 127 venth street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BOARDING. THE LIYDC Rooma with or without board j rate raaanrtabla; good accom modation for trnmltnU. Utb and CommarcUi. OSTEOPATHHTi. DR. RBODA C. HJCK3 fWTROPATH Offlca Mnnti; Rid. lliona Hla:k 1011 671 Commercial Stw Atotia. Ora. FIKST-CI,AS.S MKAL for Uc : ii ice citko. rnffon nin nr ' Jduiiglnuits, fjc, at I). S. Restaur - ant. 43 1 R(nd St JAPANESE COODa I j INRXP KiN ST V K JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OP BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, HAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT-NOTS, BOOKCASES, SHELV ING, ETC. Yokohama Bazaar 2S Commercial St., Aiitorla. HiKDKKCKNO.V im08.-Ve make j "poriulty of house moving, carpenter!, I contractors, general Jobbing) prompt at-1 lonl ion to all orders. Corner Tenth and Ounnc, LAUNDRIES. BUTTON HOLE AT THE BACK. Your experience with It lias no doubt j lad to much vexation, possibly pro faulty. Broke your fingernail trying to pry It up from the neck -band, eht You won't have that that experience if you eend your shirts to uj we are you this trouble, and danger of tearing the dilrt. Try us and TROY LAUNDRY, Tenth and Duane Sta. Phone 1991 trn. m uru iiinufnMClt A JiiVKSStl Ui nifrnnntoraI It I u 1 4.ri. i (lli,iirt,inii"""'."."" il.in4 ill Irrltntloiii or ill, rtlon OH tlfldluw. of IllllflOlU IMMIlDrUIH. iHKtii I'miiuIa. PaIiiImh. nA not aitrlo- IrHlflAMSli'MfMIOAl CO. gniit ur polminou. Mold by Dranuil, or M"t In plain wrapper, by pr"i., prupuld, A. IUI .. a I. ,!,. a A-t n I'Arnulikt uui on rttaLUJUlk RESTAURANTS. ! I " "" " ' 1 1 Rnn Xftli Ynur Rfinf him mm HOUSE MOVERS. j WINES, LIQUORS AND CIOAlf. TIIK SAVOY lVpiiUr Omoert Hall. (IiskI iuuiIo. All art walwma. Ow ear Bovsnta and Aitor. .i.i.i(.i.i.i.i.i.i.x.i.i.(l,X.i..i.rXSXaXi 1 41O BOND IT, I ASTORIA, OSIOOW ' Csnln ths rioeat Lin tt Wines, Liquors i and Cigars I 7 CALL AND SEE US ! ( Eagle Concert Hall 1 320 Astor Kt. Tha liuiiliiig sintisrinent Ixiiiia. j Agency for KdUon I'honogrsphi aad i Hold Moulded Records. j I'. A. 1'KTKftHON, 1'r.if "PaleBohemlan Laer Beer" THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and lo bottlaa firrwed wUt Hnlttry con.iltlont ibiI ftovttif ti"! rlKhl hrr In AMorla. North Pacific Brewing Co. ASTORIA, OREGON. NO MAITKR WIIKKE I)0ATH : TropartlM and Bulna of all klnda ioU quickly for rtih in all Darta of tba 1 Cn,tI 8l,, I"n't wait. Writ to- nay aaicriiung wnat you hiva to tan and girt cash prloa on tarn. IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Hulne or ftaal EataU nywhera, at any prion, writ m your requlramanta. I can you tima tmA mona. DAVID D. TAFF, THE LAND MAN 415 Ktnaai ATenti. T0PEKA, . KANSAS. DENTISTft. Dr. VAUGHAN, Dkntiht Pybln BulldiiiK, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. W. C. LOGAN nt'M'nu'i 7 mmvm&l St., Building ThK AMKRICAN -jCoIIection Atgency No fee charged an- leu collection ii made. We make col lections in all parti of the United Statea, 413 Kauai Ave. T0PEKA, KANSAS. ANTHONY P. WILSON, Attorney HOTEL PORTLAND Fines Hotel ln the North weel PORTLAND, ORI. UNDERTAKERS. HI I Wn VWII I VUI I1VUI bUIUIUUI UUUiHUUW J. . OILBAUOH COH Undertaken and Embalmera. Phone Miln 1U. Cor. U and Duane. U-4-tl