The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 20, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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tSfqn ,. , . y - 7IL ... in HI
Mm. Myra Ferguson was down from
Portland yesterday on a visit to her
daughter, Mr. 1). E. ltlount. of this
Mr, nnd Mr, C.rant Vim Arsdale
of Crab Orchard. Nebraska, arc In
the city, guest of J. S. Van Arsdale
and Mr. and Mrs, John S. Slade.
A. O. Price of Sacramento is nt
present in Astoria.
E. O. Miller and John C. Mayo of
the A. & C. R. Railroad, were In
Portland yesterday on business con
nected with the road.
J. Kopp of Seaside was in Astoria
3m. Vernon, the electrical Jobber,
returned last night from a business
visit In the metropolis.
Manager Oevurta of the Star Thea
ter, Is In Portland, on theatrical busi
ness. Sol Shyman of Seattle was In this
city yesterday.
M. Von Valtler of Chicago Is In
Astoria on a business trip.
Robert Forbes came In from Aber
deen yesterday for a short stay.
J. A. Stringer of Portland is regis
tered at the Occident Hotel.
J. P. Claud came down from Port
land yesterday on a short business
Anonymous Notes In conversation
with Dr. Mohn, city physician, yes
terday, that gentleman reported
health conditions in Astoria as free
from any serious complications of a
communicable sort; and liicidently,
the doctor said he desired it known
all over the city, that he declined to
take any notice whatever, personal,
nor official, of anonymous communica
tions addressed to him. A number of
uch missives have reached his of
fice lately, calling his attention to
disreputable and unhealthful condi
tions in certain yards and premises,
but unsigned, and therefore carrying
the quality of spite-work and certain
ly that of irresponsibility.
Astoria Circulating Library Adds
Eighteen Volumes to List.
Those who take nn interest In cur
rent fiction will be Interested In the
arrival of the books ordered sne
time ago by the Astoria Library Asso
ciation. The list shows excellent se
lection and the additions are now ol'en
for public use. Following are the
books by title and author: Jane Ca
ble, Coo, Parr MeCutehoon; Half a
Rogue. Harold MoCrath; Reus of the
Woods. Warwick Peeping: Seelr.g
France with I'ncle John. Anne War
ner; The Tides of Rarnegat, F. Hop
klnson Smith; The Doctor. Ralph Con
nor; Hilly Wales. Jr.. Margaret Ward.
A Knight of the Cumberland. John
Fox, Jr.; A Utile Son of Sunshine. Kl
len Douglas Poland: Sophy of Kra
vonla. Anthony Hope; Henry North
cote. Collls Snalthe; Reyond the Rocks,
Elinor C.lyn: Prisoners, Mary Chol
mondley; Wee Winkles and Snowball,
Gabrielle, Jackson; Dissertations by
Mr. Dooley, F. P. Dunne; Legends Ev
ery Child Should Know. H. W. Mable;
Hawaiian Yesterdays, Henry M. l.y
mn: Memoirs of the Countess Potoc
ka, Casimir Stryrlenskl.
Meet on Monday The city council
will hold their regular bi-monthly
meeting tomorrow evening. The most
Important matter to be decided upon
is probably the petition to have re
pealed the ordinance requiring oil
tanks to be removed, which petition
was presented at the last meeting.
New General Manager-Oswald Gus-
tafsoti has been appointed general
manager of the Soumalalnen Co-operative
Company in Cniontown, vice J.
R. Kruum, resigned.
Toomorrow Night The Astoria
Chamber of Commerce will mwt to
morrow evening in regular session at
the Bond street rooms, and will prob
ably have something of decided in
terest to consider. Those who have
neglected the work of this important
body, will do well to be there.
Bold by Frank Hart's Drug Store.
Are you tired, fagged out, nervous,
sleepless. fe.? mean? Hollister's
Mountain Tea strengthens your nerv.v
aids digestion, brings refreshing sleep.
35 cents. Tea or Tablets.
For sale by Frank Hart.
Lost Rlack hand purse, containing
$10. between Hlldebrand's Furniture
store and Hart's drug store, Saturday
evening. Suitable reward for return
to Mrs. Hawks, 519 Duane street. 3t
Dade's Little LlTer PMe thorough-
ly dean the system, good for laxy llv
jexa, make clear complexion!, bright
I eyes and nappy thoughts.
To benefit yourselves, and to give us work
during the month of January. We are go
ing to sell 20 SUITS for 30 DOLLARS
A SUIT. Suits like these we have been
selling for 40 dollars. GIVE US A CALL
i fiautala Raitanen
Steamship Still in Ice Jam a
Warrior Rock,
The Old Stove Man
Hat been hunting around for a year or more to find a line of
as good or better than the kind he sold here twenty year ago (tome
of these ar beginning to wear out). He think he ha found the
line. He will show them to you if you will call at the etore of
W. C. LAWS & CO.
Plumbers and 8team Fitter.
i i i i i i i i i i i t
We have the largest and
most complete line of Cigars
and Tobaccos in the City, and
keep only the prominent brands
and High Class Goods.
Small Boxes of Cigars, 12 and 25 in the Box.
PIPES Fine RIereschaums and Briars from
25c to $2000,
Alumna Arrive in and Goes to Knepp
ton Bark C. B. Kenney Here from
Son Francisco Geo. W, Elder
Due Here Tomorrow.
The lino light-house tender Heather
went out on a supply minion yester
day. t tho light-ship off the Columbia
ami to the light million nt Tillamook
Kock, and to round up a bunch of
truant buoys that have drifted down
and out of the Columbia during the
recent col J stiup.
The bark Charles It. Kenney. from
San Francisco, In ballast, arrived In
port yesterday, and will load lumber
outward as soon m she can find her
way to an up-river mill.
The big line steamer Potter I still
ensconsed In the bight above the
Clatsop mills, awaiting a clear river
to Portland. It was rumored yester
day that, anticipating an extended lay
up here, some of her crew were paid
off and returned to the metropolis on
the evening train.
The Catlen.ler steamer Melville
Micceeded yesterday In coming out of
IVep Rlvt-r with a 3on.nn t log raft
for the McOn-gor il'!s- landed
them safely at the boom. Slie had
her ."hare of Ice-trouble both ways on
the trip.
At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
there had been no change In condi
tions at Warrior ltck. The steamship."
Columbia. Arragonla and Roanoke
were still In company, the two latter
an anchorage, the first named In the
Ice. But It I hoped today will see
their release, and their arrival at the
metropolis and at this city. Some day
soon they will make this tliulr port
of arrival and departure, and then
there will be no such wretched delays
and costly Interruptions to business.
The British ship Halcwood went to
the lower harbor on the hawsers of
the Tatoosh. but was not reported out
at 4 o'clock, it Is more than likely
she went over the bar on the f, o'clock
flood, on her way to Tacoma.
The four masted schooner Alumna
arrived in from Sat: Francisco yester
day afternoon, and will haul to the
Knappton mills for her outward load
of lumber. The schooner Churchill Is
now here taking on lumber for the
lower coast.
There was no abatement In the
quantity of ice in the river at this
port yesterday, though its quality whs
manifestly of the "mushy" sort that
testified plainly to the effects of the
thawing weather and the hope Is
abroad that the end of the spell Is at
hand. It was crumbling fast as It
swept to and fro on the channel wa
ter all day and breaking up into mi
nute pieces, the large fields segregat
ing on all sides. The pi"r fronts
along the city channel show distinct
ly the op'-ratlon of passing, crunching
masses that have swarmed in the bay
for the past six days.
The steamship Geo. V. Klder is due
In this port tomorrow, from San Pe
dro, San Francisco and F.ureka, and
will probably load alongside her run
ning mate, the Roanoke, In Portland.
The Ice In the river has disorganized
all manner of schedules.
The Callender boats for Deep River
and Gray's River went over yesterday
morning, and as nothing had been
heard from them at dark, It Is pre
sumed they were successful In get
ting up those streams, for some dis
tance, anyway.
The steamship Santa Maria, of the
Union oil fleet, left this port yester
day afternoon (at least she went down
to the bar for that purpose), on her
way to the Sound cities. She left S,-
000 barrels of her cargo of 40,000 bar
rels and will dispose of the balance
at Seattle and Tacoma, as she could
not make It to Portland. Portland Is
practically off the map when It comes
to a freeze-up In the Columbia.
Notice to Mariners.
WashUigton Tongue Point Crossing
Gas Buoy, 1, page 30, No. 107 (List of
Lights, Buoys, and Daymarks, Pacific
Coast, 1908, page 56). Moored In 23
feet of water on the northwesterly
side of a sharp turn In the Tongue
Point Crossing Channel, Columbia
River, "Wash., and about 1 miles from
Tongue Point Light. This buoy, re
ported extinguished Jan. 17, will be
relighted as soon as practicable.
Oregon Sandy Island ' Channel
Front Range Light, page 34, No. 137
(List of Lights, Buoys and Daymarks,
Pacific Coast, 1906, page 60) Located
mm. , x
luo Weeks More
and you will sec the last of our
January Clearance Sale
Have you taken advantage of this opportunity of
saving dollars. If not we want you to in
vestigate. Come in and iook over
:i:::;;;e:::: .!!!;
mm ml ir -
our stock.
fit :ii
& ted
Yesterday we went through our stock and picked
out some more bargains. We have sold tho
last lot all but four suits. Wc offer them
for $4.35. Come in early if
you want them,
What We Have forYouThis Veek
$1:5.50 Suits for $ 6.85
SISJX) and $1(1.00 Suits for 9.40
$l7.oto $20.00 Suits at 11.35
We will expect you tomorrow.
p. a
on tb' westerly bank of the Colum
bia Hlver, Ore, about 5-8 ndle south
easterly from rnterprlse Landing, and
opposite Kalama. Tho structure from
which this light was shown, carried
away and the light extinguished Jan.
15; will be rebuilt and the light re
lighted as sonn as practicable. Colum
bia Hlver, page 55 Oilman I.odge
liuoy, 2. and Sylvia I Orasse Wreck
Muoy 4, each a red first-class nun, re
ported out of position, Jan. 17, will b
replaced as soon as practicable.
Birthday Plesiurei Nellie Ijirson
celebrated the tenth anniversary of
her birthday Saturday afternoon by
Inviting a number of h'-r girl friends
tii her home on Tenth street, the af
ternoon being spent in playing games
and other amusements, closing with a
dainty luncheon In which all partook
ami wl-hed the little hostess many
happy returns of the day. The In
vited guests were: Irene and Maud
Shultz, Pearl and Ruby Oimre. M 11
dre, Copeland. Ruth Johnson, Mar
garet Harry, Margaret Ifo-rk. Alice
Rarlck. I.ylla Kalbnth, May Monroe,
Oltfa. Paulsen, Oenrude Wei. kin and
Nellie Larson.
Niw Firm Name Part Interest In
the ('utbblrth ("tipper Paint Company
by '. I. Peterson, and hereafter the
firm name will be the Cut birth - Peter
son Copper Paint Company. The
standard nuallty of the products of
this company has created a demand
which will necessitate the Increasing
of the capacity of the plant In the
near future.
Make Us a Visit.
We carry a fancy line of
Canned Fruits and Vegetables
Received by today's express a shipment of
Smoked - Bloaters
Milk Phone Red 2285. Grocery Phone Main 681.
Will Start up Today The new oil
burning fixtures at the Astoria Klec
trlc Company's plant will be Initiated
today. The railway oil tank did not
reach the works until last night and
the Introduction of the new fuel sys
tem had to be delayed.
You Should See the Columbia Wool
en Mills Company's display of line
suitings now on view at the Hotel Oc
cident, this city. In charge of John
A. McKee.
The weather and other conditions
now being favorable, It Is ordered by
the Water Commission that the water
will not be turned off tonight , or at
all, until further notice by the com
Katurdav. January 19. 1907. It
NRW YORK, Jan. 19 Edward de
Cordova, the Jamaican grain Importer
and plantation owner, who was re
ported to have been killed by the earth
quake at Kingston, Is safe. This In
formation was conveyed In a cable
gram from him last night to his bro
ther, Erlel de Cordova of this city.
new mm
liquid Ucntcr h a wonder I It will make the
whole interior of your house .shine like new,
making re-finihinjr or re-varnishlnjj entire
ly unnecessary. It in not a varnish, but a
surface food and cleaner, building up the
original finish and making it brighter than
ever. It is applied with a piece of cheese
cloth and no experience in necessary. No
drying to wait for. Removes all scratches,
stains, dirt, dullness. It can be applied
to any finish with beneficial results. Nat
ural wood, as well as any color of paint, will
be better for an application of Liquid Veneer.
liquid UMr will improve even the most
beautiful furniture. It will take that smoky
look from the Piano and other Mahogany, and is highly bene
ficial to Golden Oak,White Enamel, Gilt, vSil ver auel other finishes.
Clquld 0etr sells at 50 cents a bottle, and a liottlc Is enough to
renovate the ordinary home. Try it and you will always buy it.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. At four
o'clock this morning the atmospheric
conditions had not cleared up suffi
ciently to permit the operator at the
navy yard wireless station to catch the
message from Admiral Evans. A
stray word or letter was al Ithat could
be secured. Part of the mes
sage may be caught at one of the oth
er wireless stations.
Sherman Transfer Co.
Hacks, Canriages Baggage Checked an d Transferred Trucka ard Furniture
Wagone Pianoa Morad, Dozed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street'
Main Phone 121
t tM I HIM HI iU