FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1007. THE MORNING A STOUT AN, A STOUT A, OUEGON. FINK FOR DAINTY DINNERS lRI:FEKKHl STOCK "CORN ON THE COB" nonk lmrri-R, just ukk fresh corn TVVOS1ZHS 30 and 65 TIIK CAN ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. Till-; U'.ADING CKOCKKS ' Without a Blemiih The mlllim-fi at Mm Antorlii Box ('iiirijKiny'H tilimt turned nut a IImd cut yesterday of wlilcli nil hiiri'lM nr proud. It wn 21-lwh cunt, Kin I ii ("Ik" iki'I 28 feet long, llit two fool-bun rln fulling nwny ; from It nlMolulely without a dlMoern-i llili! IiI'ihIhIi on a Mingle one of thorn.' i I Moot Tomorrow A medlng of tho CliilKnp County llorlleulturnl AhhoiIu t t'n will In' held tomorrow afternoon, lit tin- court Iioiihi', J" 1 1 Mofli.-ty Iti Icii'ln lo ml'i'i ihmI riT'OMiii -ri'l ii com jii'lciil mini for the uini;mi of couu ly fruit liinii i tor, which oillcc him lllllll-IIO ll'-l'll unfilled. IiS Of 1 1 Dell 11 Kouily, NoUry Tuhllo. i Bcnlty'i Cigar More. Any oM botirl Or. J. M. Holt U relieving Dr. Finch, during hi absence and will koop the regular hour. 12-l-tf Tho very beit bond to be obtained lo the dtj U at "The Occident Hotel." ,fiateo very reaeonafcle. Columbia and Victor (irephojihoiuw and a.U the latmt recoTdn at Chicago pricva, for ele by A. It. Cyrua, 424 Cummerrial HI. tf In 8uoceion Ibm. Frank J- Taylor, of this oily, hun been ii.ji i ri t ! " ni"inl! of tin, Slate Hoard of Pilot ('iiininll'iii'-in, vice t Itrigu Nuhiii'l. rlK",'l. Anothor Wadding Due County Clerk Cllntiiu yenterday ImiiiiI ii mar ring,' Ileum III fuvnr of Mr. VIIJ;nn I.unkkoueu niiil Ml A nt! Jitrvl, doth of thin city. Dead at Nl Kdwnrd IVrlhi. n younic mini of ;h year", dleil Thurit tiny nl Niurl. lli wn lit hut u tdioit time, wim ii imtlvn of Finland, iiml rejected ly nil who knw him, He will hn burled there to.lny. Orkwiti cover umbrellni. Oo to A. D. Craig for your teuu, nwiiliiKN mul nil kind of cuiivim work. Inquire 12th uti'l llond. tf Pae Throuth Attorla Mr. J. II. tilllmugh, brother of J. A. illliaugh of IIiIm illy, mul MImh Mary McMann, Imth of Portland, wry married In thnt city Wediiewl.iy. They will make n li'iin-ymooii trip to California, pimalng through 1 Ii 1 h city on the cteamer Co luriihlii, which Im m preHent euught In till' lre Homo illMtawe up tin: river. For Fine Watoh and Clock repairing go to Frank J. iJonnerherg'a, tho re liable Jeweller, 110 11th Ht. If It Will Be to your Ion if you full to take iiilviiiiliiKn of lleilhoin & iV'tnpuny'ti twenty per cent discount Mill). tf Liberty Bell Social Club will give a iluine Knturdny, January 19, nl I,o Knu'n Hull. Kverybody Invited. 1-15-01 If you Intend buying furniture In Ui insnr fuluru, you run auve twenty per cent by buying now. At lleilhoin A Company'" Jiinuury clem am halo. tf May Be Ice Bound 1'reHldeiit V. K. ,Irf!ic(i,r, of the AMtorl.'i HoX Com pany, wiyn It 1m peiipp. Imve f iiir blp rnftM of line lon linomed on Crny'a mid leip ilvern, nnd Hint Hie 'ul I'Mider IioiiIm im.. nfter them. If they run be brought cut, nnd over, tin; mill will keep on runnlnif, but If they kIiiiII prove to In- ri--bnuud, the plant will have to i Pin.. In n day or two. If ym havtI imyihlnit to mil lint It with the l N. Clurk Co., Ileal l (lite. They will ndvertlne it free of charge to you, which ineann ii (ulck Nab. Ripe in Yeart H. Iiunean, nn,. of Aioi!ii'h honored veterann, now nt (he lioini. of hi" non-ln-1r.v, Cnptftln ; William Htarr, celet,r;ite, bin Kfith j Iditlid.iy yeHierday, nnd h im hale I and In-arty tin many n man it wop' of j years hl Junior. Hi? Hlitiuillzed the; day by rnakliiK bin unfalllnif rail fit i the Aeolian olflce Uji continue hUj Hubm-rlpt Ion. May ho live long and ha)plly. Below Zero Thnt'a where you will bo If you don't check that cold nnd cute thnt rough with ltnrt'e Compound Kyrup Tnr mid Wild Cherry. Sure thing. At Hurt'N drug elore, corner Uth nnd Commercial atreete, The Clever Thinae To do by one'K feet Ik to keep them hiiiidmutudy und j comfoi tubly Nhod from tho alroumt ! at k f C V. llrown. No better rule enn b txlabllHhed, nor maintained, than tbi. lw Home From Bandon C. Tlmmon won ii homing pamtenger from Man don on th Hteiuner Alliance- thin trl ninj bilnn" cheerful new of the sal mon m imon there. Ho report bin pack nt lM'in ciiKen anil U peif.itly mil lufleit With the record. I I nrre ib no ue puiunK uui erty In mmn real edtntt? man' handn thnt will not aell It. Give It to um nnd we will advertise It i"'J Hell It club kly for you. We advertlm- It freo of chaiKv to you. The V. N. Clark i Co., Heal Kutiitp. Declined With Thanke VfHterdny morning Koine nf the b'KK'TH In the Horetmon iami nt SveriHen Hlmt a bounidtig wildcat, nnd promptly tele phoned the fact to Secretary R P. Nimmin, In thin city, ofTerlilg him n "hind Hunrter of the tipiiKt If he wna xhort of meat," Mr. Noonan dccdlned It. with thanka, ui-on tho hypothenU "that tho mark't for dog wn nt 111 good hero." With the Antlered Folk Malcolm Itarger. headed a gi'oup of Atorla ICIkH, for Salem yeHterday morning, where they Joined 'he Salem fratern In the dedicatory cercmonleii Incident to the opening of the beautiful M. 1. O. K. temiih) In that city hint eve. nlng. Do you feel neepy and not a bit lltee working In tho nftprnoon? Pt httpa It'n bm-nuHe of the kind of lunch you're etxtlng too heavy nnd too hard to dlgeat. Why not try tho Pnlnco rwaViurnnt on Commercial atreet, where all the baking In done In thoao fiunoua alow-pro(.'o ovona, which turn out light, appetising wholcaomo thkagsT Tou'll envj money, too. tf A Mimp for a young man with $600 rimh. Wc have for itale a IuhIhi8.i In Aatorlu that In now paying $75 a mouth net, anil could with a little ef fort be rained to 123 a month, l'or further partlcularit fee The N. Clark Co., Campbell lildg., 415 Com mercial HI feet. Service Improved For iome tlm piiKt the management of the Morning Atorlan han rontempbitcd the am lillfyliiK f It" local fcrvlce, by Incor porating u full, dally detail of current affalrx ax they happen in and about Wnrrenton, Hammond. Kort Stevens and Seaside, nnd thin It In now pre pared to do. Mr Guy J. Snxton. n practical neunpaper man, having been emi'loyed and iiH"lKned to that district. The net-vice will begin thin morn ing nnd will be maintained. Tor dale by Frank Hart. If you have no friend" or money, In the river you can fall; Man lag"" are unite common nnd, More people there will be, Provided you take Hocky Mount iht Ten. Chocolates and Bonbons i Another Little Blaze Councilman J. J. KiililhNou caused n little excitement lant i veiling by Kenrchlng for and finding a leaking gnu pipe. Something was wrong with the gas, and, accord ing to report", Mr. Knhlnwm tin-Ki-rewrd the tap nnd climbed down with ii candle to Investigate matters. He found out nil nbout it and the lire di pnrtinent reached tho residence, which Is on the corner of Eighteenth and Kxchange streets, nbout twenty live minutes to eight, but found nil lieneeful again. Are the Best Just received by today's express a fresh shipment of Spitzenberg' Apples $1.50 per box. Scholfield, Mattson Co., SUCCESSORS TO JOHN80N BROS. For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH goto Johnson Phonograph Co., Parlore 8eoond Floor over Soholfield A Matteon Co. Hiah-Claie Entertainment Lovers of genu I no good music artistically ren dered can Indulge this taste any eve ning this week by dropping Into th Ixnivre and listening to the dellcbua singing of Miss Annie Merrill, th possesor of one of the finest high bo prnno voleca heard here for many a day. She gives a number of operatic selections and Introduces an up-to-date and dainty song entitled "The Saucy Little Bird on Nellie's Hat.." Miss Merrill Is most cleverly re-ln-forced by Miss Eugenie Paloma, a marvelous contralto, whose work Is In pleasant contra-dlstlnctlon and la equally meritorious. Automobile Crooks There Is a start ling and realistic string of film pic tures running at the Waldorf this week that Is proving wonderfully at tractive. It shows the rapid, swing ing career of a man and his wife and an automobile, the combination pro ducing a long line of bold and dash ing thefts from every possible source such a city as New York offers to a smart pair of crooks. The Interest in tho maneuvers of the pair, their adroit and successful deals with the detec tlvos and cops, and their hair-breadth escapes keeps the spectators on the tip-toe of excitement until the last live picture on the string Is unfolded. Miss Violet Parker, the dainty ballad lst, sings with great effect the new and beautiful song entitled, "Let Me Write What I Never Dared to Tell!" the whole making a very pleasing scheme of entertainment. tf Dance and Piano Contest next Thursday evening, Janu-ary 10, 1907. Clearance $ale. 118 MEN'S SUITS Sizes 84 to 42, Former price $10 to $20 NOW $9.35. MEN'S OVERCOATS REDUCED GREATLY. BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS A number of Boys' Suits and Over coats worth from $4.50 to $7.50 Your Choice $3.15. ODDS AND ENDS IN HATS NOW 80 CENTS A reasonable reduction on regular stock also, ex cept on Collars and Cuffs, Knox Hats and Carbartt work clothes which are contract goods. Merman Wise, BEHIND EACH ARTICLE SOLD IN HIS STORE PERSONAL MENTION. 4) lien K. Worsley, former county as sessor, and now a successful fruit grower near Svenson, came to As toria yesterday morning. He left lai evening for Portland, where he will spend a few days, A. F. Stoner of Corvnllls, M. A. Lynch, of Portland and J. J. Walter, formerly of Astoria, also ! Portland, left this city yesterday to examine timber properties in the Nehnlem dis trict. K. S. Loper, representing Blumaurer, Frank & Company, Portland, Is In the city, visiting the local drug stores. Big Deal Pending The Sorenson Logging Company Is about to close a deal with Hurch & MeClure for a mag nificent belt of timber, 800 acres in extent, and with many millions of feet of choice lumber available, all in Township 7 North, Range 9 West; wholly and closely tributary to their camp und plant, Pleasant New. A wire was received In this ottloe last night, announcing the pleasant news that the State con vention of Retail Grocers' Associations had unanimously elected Frank J. Car ney, of this city, president of the Ore gon Grocers' and Merchants' Associa tion. The honor was thoroughly well placed nnd is entirely appreciated here. Believe Fox Found Sheriff Pome roy believes that he has located In Portland, Roy Fox, the companion of Blanche Day, who committed suicide at the Waldorf dance hall recently. Mr. Pomeroy Is in communication with the authorities In Portland, and it is ex pected that tthe young man wll be brought to this city In a few days. The coroner's jury have evidence enough in their possession to make things very interesting for him and perhaps for other persons In this city also. Police Court Busy Yesterday found the doc kat the police court crowded. Three persons charged with drunk enness forfeited five dollars ball each and failed to appear. One man on the same charge stood trial and was fined $5 or two days in Jail. Three vag rants were fined forty dollars apiece, fine being suspended conditional upon their leaving town. Another man upon the same charge pleaded not guilty and stood trial. According to testi mony, he Is a bartender at the Wal dorf taking a lay-off. The only item of general Interest developed in the case was the fact that the Waldorf Is not a house of ill fame, three wit nesses under oath denying the accu sation. The prisoner was found not guilty, as charged, and Police Judge Anderson therefore ordered his discharge. FOR MEN AND WOMEN Of the Highest Grade of Stoqk with the Nicest Care SUCH FOOTWEAR WE SELL The testimony ot many customers in this vicinity proves it. Anticipate your wants and take fad- vantage of our Extraordinary PricesJ for Choice' Wherity, Ralston Company The Leading Shoe Dealers. 4444: DONS B7 DEED. j W. B. Troutner to Thos. Mitch ell, et al, trustees, lots 17 and 18. block 5, First Add. Ocean Grove i T. S. Cornelius and wife to T. R. Davies, lots 1 to 39, inclusive, block 10, Merrlwether Downs E. M. Houghton and wife to John and William Kenny, lots 1 and 2, block 4, O'Hara's Add to Warrenton H. F. Cooley and wife to Lucy D. Hoye, lot 4, block 3, Rail road Add. to Ocean Grove 275 300 10 20 Odd Fellows Install The members of Beaver Lodge No. 35, I. O. O. F., held their installation of officers last night. J. L. Kline, D. D. G. W., was the Installing officer. The new of ficers are: Gust Anderson, N. G.: E. C. Younce, V. G.; O. Anderson, Sec retary; John Hahn, Financial Secre tary; C. S. Wright, Treasurer; J. L. Kline, R. S. N. G.; J. W. Babbldge, L. S. N. G.; A. Y. Anderson, Conduc tor; Alex Tagg, Warden; William 01 sen, R. S. S.; Chas. O. Johnson, L. S. S.; John Frye, R. S. V. G.; Audley Gragg, L. S. V. G.; James W. Welch, Chaplain. Card Party Tonight The members of Gateway Rebekah Lodge are look ing forward to a card party which Is planned for tonight. The affair will take place In the Odd Fellows' hall and a pleasant evening is anticipated. TO THE PUBLIC. The supply of water coming into the city being insufficient to supply the demand, either on account of the waste or carelessness of consumers, and there being a prospect of the sup ply being entirely exhausted in another 48 hours, it is ordered by the com mission that the water be turned of from all mains in the city at S o'clock tonight, Wednesday, January, 16, 1907, and remain turned off un til 5 a. m., tomorrow (except In case of fire). And this order will be In force until further order of the com mission. Therefore all Interested will take notltce that the water will be shut off every night at 9 o'clock and turned on again at 5 a. m., next morn ing. By order of Water Commission. LARS BERGSVIK, Supt. WILL ARBITRATE. Bolivia and Paraguay Will Allow Ar gentine to be Judge. LA PAZ, Jan. 17. The signing at Buenos Ayres by the Bolivian and Paraguayan Ministers of a protocol submitting the Bolivia-Paraguay boundary question to arbitration has been received with satisfaction here. Argentina will play the role of arbi trator. By this agreement is ended what seemed to be an Insurmountable obstacle in the way of a peaceful un derstanding between the two countries. Morning Astorlan, 60 cents a month, delivered by carrier.