The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 18, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1007.
. -z . i
No Signs of Graft Have Yet Come
to Light Among Measures.
Measure for Relief of Car Shortage
New Text Book Law Provision for
Increased Poll Tax Many
Other Bills.
SALEM, Ore., Jan. 17. The number
of bills Introduced clearly shows this
is to be a busy session. Last session
S77 bills were Introduced In the
House and about 5 were passed. Al
ready there have been Introduced In
the House 112 bills, or nearly a third
bills so far and the usual routine bills
legislature, and more than twice the
number passed during the entire ses
There are practically no measures
for private relief, no suggestion of
graft Is apparent In any of the House
bills so far; the usual Routine bills
have been cut to the minimum. Some
of the important measures introduced
today follow:
By Eaton of Lane, Increasing the an
nual appropriation for the State Uni
versity to $123,000 and providing that
if a less amount Is appropriated by
any legislature the surplus shall be
available for the future needs of the
By B. F. Jones of Polk-Lincoln,
providing that any one demanding cars
from a railroad corporation shall get
these cars In Ave days if less than
ten are asked or in ten days Is from
10 to 5 cars are asked, and In 20 days,
if more than 50 are asked; provided
that the shipper has freight on a line
of the company sufficient to utilize all
the cars demanded and that the com
pany has cars in its equipment of the
sort demanded. This bill Is exhaustive
in its attempts to remedy the car
shortage conditions and works both
ways. It provides heavy penalties for
the shipper who takes more than 48
hours to load his cars or for the con
signee who takes more than sis days
to unload his cars, or for that com
pany that does not supply cars on
time, does not ship them directly and
quickly, and does not give them ac
cording to the priority of demand
among the shippers.
Burns of Multnomah has Introduced
a pure-food bill closely patterned af
ter the Congressional act recently ef
fective, that provides for labeling of
all adulterated, colored or dangerous
drugs, foods, condiments or anything
else that is supposed to enter the hu
man stomach.
Beals of Tillamook has a bill pro
viding that the state shall receive 10
per cent of all county, city and town
liquor licenses. Mr. Beals is a Prohi
bitionist from a prohibition county,
and designed the law to dJscourag
the licensing of saloons by small towns
on the plea of revenue.
J. W. Beverldge of Multnomah has a
free textbook law that is different from
Eastern or other proposed free school
book measures. His bill provides that
any school board may call an election
of the district voters and have a vote
taken on the book question, and if a
majority with not less than 50 voting,
favor free books, the board may levy
a special district tax and buy books
and supplies for the children of the
district. The bill is different, as it
places the matter in the hands of each
district, and prevents the use of other
local or state school funds.
Beals of Tillamook would increase
the polltax from $3 to $4 a year and
make the road supervisor In each dis
trict collect the tax in cash, not in
work. Other members would abolish
the poll tax and increase the other
sources of revenue for the improve
ment of roads.
A most important banking bill has
been introduced by Washburn of Lane
and passed to the second reading. The
bill provides for the loaning of current
state funds by the state treasurt-r to
any state or national bank wltii more
than $25,000 capital, provided the
bank applies for the loan and secures
it with bonds or cash securities. If
bonds are provided 50 per cent of their
value may be loaned the bank; if se
curities, the cash value may be
loaned bv the state treasurer. The
state shall receive not less than
per cent per annum on these accounts,
the Interest to be computed on the
monthly balances which each bank is
to report. The rate may be higher,
but not less than 2 per cent. It will
be fixed each May by the governor,
treasurer and ultoinoy-gonciiil. AH
state deposits In batik shall be sub
ject to payment on treasurer's order,
ami all current funds in the ltrca
urer's hands shall bo banked If there
Is a demand. The amount loaned any
bank will be determined by the ratio
the bank's securities beats to the t
tal amount of securities the rest or
the state banks have placed in the
hands of the treasurer as wurlty for
loans. The bill provides for the pay
ment of this interest to the state, and
makes it a felony for the treasurer to
prollt by the loan of any state money.
This bill, or one similar, was to
have been passed last session, when
the legislature put the state treasurer
on u salary of $4,500 a year and
planned to cut oft the profit from In
terests on state funds, but while the
treasurer's salary was boosted from
JSO0 u year to 14.500 the banking bill
did not pass, and the treasurer has
since had si double salary and vied
with the state printer lit the amount
of his revenue.
Ill Fated Island City May Slip Into
the Sea.
According to Information received
today the Kingston horror is growing.
Communication has been partially re
stored and every message brings fresh
details of the appalling affair. The
number of dead Is estimated at from
00 to l.iOO. asul the number of In
jured at thousands, while tens of
thousands are homeless. Oanger of
famine is increasing and stalking with
it is the spectre of pestilence. The
business section of the city Is wiped
out and estimates of the damage range
from ten millions to twenty-five mil
lions. Among the dead and Injured
are a number of prominent English
persons. Eight Americans are miss
ing and it is said many tourists un
doubtedly were crushed by falling
walls in the, shipping district.
ST. AUGUSTINE, Jan. 17. Wire
less messages received here today say
Kingston is gradually sinking, than
many holes and cracks hundreds of
feet deep were formed by the earth
quake and grave fears are felt lest tne
entire city slip into the bay.
LONDON, Jan. 17. It is now known
that the death list from the Kingston
earthquake will certainly exceed five
hundred and may even reach 1,000, and
hat large numbers have been Incapa-
ciated by Injuries. The city Is a heap
of ruins. According to further dis
patches received from Jamaica, dated
Thursday, the total list of dead is ex
pected to reach 1.000. Many bodies
in a state of decomposition or charred
beyond recognition had to be buried.
Plum Point and Port Royal light
houses are both at the bottom of the
harbor. The navigation channel is
materially changed and in some .laces
he depth of the harbor has been al
tered by from forty to sixty feet.
KINGSTON, Jan. 1". Thousands of
persons were killed in the earthquake
and the dead bodies are being taken
from the debris by hundreds. The
whole town is in ruins anJ me great
er portion is still smoldering ashes. A
meil of burnt flesh pervades the air.
The cable line from Kingston is brok
en and your correspondent had to go
forty miles to Holland Bay to file this
message. The earthquake came as a
sudden oscillation, not from any par
ticular direction, but up and down.
Thousands of persons were on the
streets at the time and great numbers
of them were crushed. Many Americans
were killed and have been buried.
The military suffered severely. In
the burning of the hospital camp a
number were killed. Major Harayman
and Lieutenant Leader are dead. Col.
Hay and Major Lawrenson are serious-
Injured. Part of the town of Port
Royal has sunk and two are drowned.
l several places the water Is spout
g through the debris. A tidal wave
has Inundated Anotta Bay, washing
many houses. Richmond was
maged by the earthquake and sub
sequently destroyed by fire. It Is re
ported from Aanotta Bay that the cra-
of an extinct volcano is emitting
flames and it is thought the earthquake
originated there. The body of Sir
James Ferguson was found and bur
led today,
CHICAGO, Jan. 17. Scarlet fever Is
epidemic in Evanston, well nigh so
in Oak Park, serious in several north
shore towns, and a source of concern
to the Chicago health authorities. Chi
cago's total of 107 contagious diseases
reported yesterday, 65 of them scarlet
fever, is the largest for one day for
several years. At present there are
several thousand cases in the city and
its environs.
is to be a saver for our regular customers and a trade winner for
us as we are going to keep on the good work of clearing our
store of surplus stock.
We want you all to "get into the game."
$10 and $12.50 Suits $4.35
$12.50 and$15Suits$7.35
See those Overcoats for
Dress Shirts 65c
2 pairs 25c for regular 25c
We are particularly proud
of our Hat specials.
See those for $1.35 and
British Ship Hale wood to Leave
Out Today.
Alliance Fails to Make the Run to
Portland No Kamm Boat Down
Fleet Crosses Out Arragonia
in From the Orient.
During these days of Icy adolescence
the office of the Har Pilots' Associa
tion is a great rendezvous for all the
weather-bound mariners, inward, up
ward and outward-bound, and the
gale of talk Is unabated, and of the
s'n of the bar tug Tutoosh, h.r new
Halls having arrived from Portland.
Captain Hrew lias made many friends
in this port ho will be glad to r
him and his line vessel ugtiln.
The big llniT Aragonla from the
Orient crossed In yesterday at 11 u.
in., and went on immediately to Port
land, under the pilotage of Cuptuln
Archie Pease.
Captain V. K. Hniith. formerly of
the customs steamer Patrol, has been
promoted to the staff of customs In
spectors at the federal otllce In this
The Meteor went down yesterday
afternoon and crossed out on the Hood
for San I'ranclsco, with her big loud
of lumber.
The Japanese t;cani"hlp rioto Muru
made It over the bar all right yester
day on her way to the Land of Tarna
tions. The steamship Aztec left down at
L is uiitiuaieo, ou .,1 no--
. noon vcstirdav. and .'iter i iossim out
sea salty. There Is a freshness ami
, for San Francisco,
vigor about the yarns that fly to and
fro around that habitat, that makes,
the landsman's hair tingle at times WaMhlnKtl)n
as though It was on the veTrge of a m f f
rise, and if he stowed away all he U;iynM ,.,.. (.r)ilHt, ,,,, ,.
hears there In the course of an hour's
" c . St;.) located on the southeasterly side
visit, he would have the swell-head ...... , , t.i
of the channel of the 'olumblu River,
trying to accommodate It. But It Is , .
j 2 3-S miles above Tongue Point, ore-
goti. The structure from which tlilH
" , . light was shown, carried away and
The steamer Alliance made an at-
, , . .,1 the Ight extinguished January
tempt to go to Portland yesterday
11 10 gO w, bft r(.bu, anil tht. Kht r,.g,ted
morning on a hawser strung from the
T3,....rArr V. , , f ill., Ilmi . '
the place for marine items par ex
sne koi aroun'i lonKue i 'm oj,- .
sue ISJl u , K,lvorlt,; u,.,.f Huoy, 2, a red first -class
poslte Altoona, the Ice wa making.
1 i.i nun, reporter) about mile north of
sucn inroaus in ner woouen wuw ,i- , , . ... ,
, Its position, December 2fi, will be re-
to necessitate her Immediate return ....
, . , . , I piacea as noon an nm ui uurc.
to her dock here, and here she lies, .
awaiting orders from San Francisco. ,nmt ,euiyftu
j Tf ntUn 1 1 1 nnonmvjown.
The captain of the steamer V. A.. - -
, i . .u 1 statt t Loca oiriKes i rain on oiamg,
vi ii.irn vot.rrlMV anneared at the ,
custom house and withdrew his clear
ance for Portland, made on Thursday,
and took out new papers for Eureka,
going south that far for freight and
passengers, to fill in the time he might
have to wait for the river to open
to the metropolis, a stroke of busi
ness likely to pay him well.
Alaska Saginaw Channel, page 94;
Saucr Kraut -rc lb.
Dill Pickles '2c doz.
Mixed and plain Sweet Tickles 1.1c pt.
Sour Pickles l.rc qt.
Fancy Queen Olives -)c qt.
Manzanilla Olives l!c qt.
JAll Kinds of fresh Fruits' and Vegetables
in season.
Milk Phone Red 2235.
Grocery Phone Main 681.
Music Department
We have just finished putting in a NEW
DEPARTMENT for Sheet Music. Just to
the right as you enter. We have just re
ceived over one hundred New Titles direct
from the publishers. Many can be seen in
our show windows. Come in and have a
look. Music is easy to look over and you
can take your time.
Nl'CCKNNOltN TO .1. N CltllTIN
BooUh Music Stationery
There is nothing doing in the
Kamm fleet so far as the Astoria
Portland run Is concerned, nor were
there any orders on file at the com
pany's office here yesterday In rela
tion to a resumption. If the bad
weather continues much longer the
Lurllne will be the first boat appearing
here in this service.
The steamer Oklahama made it down
from Portland all right with a big load
of local freight and returned to the
metropolis yesterday morning In the
wake of the steamship Roanoke, and
got in in good time yesterday even
The steamer Nome City arrived
down from Portland yesterday morn
ing and went to a berth at the Kin
ney dock. She will lay here until the
stress permits her crossing out to
San Francisco,
The British ship Halewood will leave
out today for Tacoma, on the haw-
Killing Two.
I5ELL1NOHAM, Wash., Jan. 17.
The switchman in the Great Northern
yards was killed and Engineer Scott
of the south bound Owl train serious
ly and perhaps fatally Injured In an
accident at 3 o'clock this morning.
An open switch at the west end of
the yards caused the Owl train to
take the siding and plunge Into the
local passenger train from Seattle,
wrecking. both engines. The Owl was
slowing up for the depot, and was go
ing at a speed of about twenty miles
an hour. Its passengers were consid
erably shaken up, but none are re
ported injured.
The name of the watchman, who
was In the cab of the local engine
at the time of the accident, was not
learned. Engineer Scott was removed
to St. Luke's Hospital.
Your house wired? Your door
bell fixed? or your telephone
connected up?
Drives Thousands of Persons Along
Banks from Their Homes.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 17. Thousands
of people along the Ohio river are
homeless, on account of the prevailing
high water. Indications point to a
Btage of at least 55 feet for the river
in this city, making the greatest
flood since 1884.
First Class In Every Respeot
Free Coaoh to the House.
Bar and Billiard Room.
Good check Reataurant
pi. tm mm e2 1' Ty-
Good Sample Rooms on Oround Floor
for Commercial Men.