The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 18, 1907, Image 3

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Name of Conflict Between North
and South Will be Civil War.
Houit PaiM Private Psnilon Bills at
tha RaU of Nearly Savan Bllla
Par Minutt Smoot May Kaap
WA8IIINUTON, Jnn. n.-fm.itlly
there wit never any "Wur of tho fin
liolllon." The t?riH"iT Hliit.-H Henate
hM i'kInIiiIiiI Unit term mil of elnt
mu (mil hereafter In offlclii! dOlll
lllelll till) llllu Ullplt'UNIlllllIC between
the NHh ittcl Month will In' known
h Did "Civil Wur." Till chuiiH In
nomenclature wti brought about thin;
wiwk during; llin immtiiKii (if the gen
cm! rrvli' pension Mil, which, (!
dentally, ri'1ii fully $12,000,000 to the
Annual mil. 1". x jil t' hi to llin Iiiiiiif
"Wur "f tli Iti'lu'lllon" wa taken by
Hetititor Money nf MIHlHtppl, hii1
lifter it Hplilted debatu h" won hi
point, tluit hereafter the exprelon
"t'lvll Wiic" will In- iiHi'd In referring
to tin' miiigulimiy conflict that raged
bi t wim )i JKOI iui'1 1N65. While Hi"
Henitte wim busy In the pnimge of the
general pension Mil, the House thl
week established ft record In the num
ber nf private pension Willi pussed
Wlllllll II KlVl'll llllin. Ill I 111- pace nf
95 minute llin Houso pned on ff'i
r the., private pension tiiiiM, (ir nn j
average of nearly 7 bill per minute, i
Thl record never wii approached be- j
Ther In ii decidedly strong polbll
Itythitt Hermtor Hmm of Utah will
not bo ousted from the United Htatv
Senate. Kruni present Indication the
chitnce tire favorable for h vote per
witting htm to retain hi seat. Hi
fellow member have t?m mr with
thl (iui'tliiii fur tnuny month, far
ing to champion lit cuiiKit and being
equally loath to vote against him.
Driven Into n corner now, however, n'
number of Senators who hitherto havej
kept their hand off ure coming out j
boldly Into tho open mid declining hlj
right to retain hi official toga. Henit- j
mt Hopkins thl week made u jmwer-'j
fill speech III ilefetliie of Mr, Hinont, llli
whlrh he questioned the rlKht of th(
Helmte to kih upon tlie t'lah tni'tn-f
her'a case, lie declined thlit Sena- J
tor tire nut Federal ottlelitl to Hie ex-I
tene thlit the Hetmte cull pan llpi'll I
their iiitlllli utliui or run Impelled j
them for hiKh crimen iind mlmletnenn-j
or. He cited H it preredeht the CI'HO
ef Helialnr lllotliit of TelineHnee, i hiilK" j
ed with ireuHolliihle correHpiilldellce !
with ii furelun itat Imi more thiin one i
Hundreib yeur hko. The eonnluwloii
reiii lied nt Ihii! time wh Ihut tho Hen
lite hud no right to try the rne, hut
thiit It eiune within the jurlxdletlon of
tin! Federal court. Thl ierloti nev
er hit been reverned. From ii con
Htltutlonul atiindpolnt Mr. Itnpkln'
nrxument wa powerful, and tiu-re I
no doubt Hint ninny Heliiltol who iie
ft'etly have Hympiithlzed with Mr.
Hmoot will take xhelter behind till
phaxe of the ,-iii'ral law and vote
flK'lhlMl 111 1-XplllHlllll.
The Ht orni center at lite Capitol this
The groalcMt menace, to womiin'g
permanent huppinoHH in lifo in the
BulTuritiff that coincH from Homo do
rariKeinont of tho fomiuine orifnua.
Muny thouHands of women have
realized thi too late to save their
health, barely hi time to save their
To be a successful wife, to retain
the love and admiration of her hus
band, should bo a woman's constant
If a woman finds that her ennr
glesare flaiflflnfr, that she gets easily
tired, dark shadows appear under
her eyea, she has backache, head
ache, bearing-down sensations, ner
vousness, Irregularities or the
"blues," she should start at once to
build up her system by a tonio with
speciflo powers, such as
Lydia E. Pinkham's
t.hno-reat woman's remedvfor woman's
I t cures Female Complaints, such as Dragging Sensations, Weak
Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and all
Organio Diseases, and is Invaluable In tho Change of Life. It dissolves
and Expels Tumors at an early stage. Subdues Faintness, Nervous
Prostration, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones the Stomaoh, Cures
ITeadache, General Debility, Indigestion, and Invigorates the whole
female sysem. It Is an excellent remedy for derangements of the
Kidneys m either sex.
495 Commercial Street, Near 11th ASTORIA, OREGON.
week ha been tho room of the Com
mittee on Itlver and Harbor. Dele
gation from ChlriiRO and Kt. Loul,
reinforced by the I'onKi'eHHlnruil dele
gation from IlllnolH and MInhoutI,
have stormed tho HtronKhold of Chulr
innn lturlon In nn effort to cure re
coKultloii for Hit! LnkeH-to-tho-C.ulf
deep waterway, Tho Pennsylvania
di li Kiitlon In tho Houe held n rati-
Vegetable Compound
Ills, made only of roots and herbs.
ill during the week at which resolu
Hons by Representative Acheson were
udonted denouncing; the niggardly pol
Icy of Congress toward waterways in
general and urging the Importance of
a survey for deepening the channel of
the Delaware River to 35 foet. Rep
resentatives from practically every
quarter of the country also have ap
peared before the Committee to press
general schemes for particular Im
provement. This activity has Im
pressed Congress with the remarkable
Interest being developed in the gene
nil plan for waterways development
throughout tho United States. For
the purpose of crystallising and mak
ing more effective this growing Inter
est, tho National Rivers & Harbors
Congress, thro' Its secretary, J. F. El
lison of Cincinnati, has Issued a gene
ral call to the entile country urging
commercial organizations, firms and
individuals to Join it In pressng the
clams of commerce before the Admin
istration. Copies of this call have
been received by members of Congress
and It Is expeeted that the response
will be widespread and complete. The
National Rivers and Harbors Congress
nt the present time has a membership
extending over 32 States and the Terri
tories, but It Is hoping to double this
membership within the next year. The
list of membership fees as shown In
the official call Is remarkably mode
rate, and for that reason the response
Is expected to be, prompt.
Although there Is not the slightest
anticipation of trouble with Japan,, the
recent flurry on the Pacific Coast has
had the effect of making the Navy De
partment change Its plans materially,
Forget Portland, Seattle and every other City on the
coast and put forth all your energy to Boost Astoria
We must make this a larger city and to do it we
must get more people and new enterprises in here.
We are preparing to send out circulars all over the
country but before we can do it we must have something
to offer the people. If you own any kind of nice pro
perty in Astoria or vicinity put a price on it within reas
on and come to our office and list it with us. Don't put
it off. Delays are expensive. Don't hold your property
thinking possibly you can get a little more for it. Sell
it. You can always buy more.
We want to get these circulars out as soon as possi
ble, therefore our offices will be kept open evenings until
9 o'clock. No matter what you have, business, residence,
timber, dairy or farming property, we want it listed
with us.
so far as the dlstrbuton of the naton's
war vessels, is concerned. Although
the Naval General Board denies that
it entertains at present any intention
of disturbing the plans made several
months ago for maneuvers In West
Indian waters, It is credibly reported
that as soon as the big fleet now under
command of Rear Admiral Evans rea
ches Northern waters along the Uni
ted States coast. At the same time,
Congress has under consideration a
bill for the creation of a fleet of fif
teen submarine vessels to be stationed
in I'acillc Coast ports. If this bill be
comes law and the big war vessels fol
low out the program outlined, the Pac
ific Coast will be fairly well protect
ed In case of attack.
Representative McKlnla.y of Cali
fornia will Invade Illinois next month
on a speech making tour. On Feb
ruary 8 he will address the Business
Sceince Club of Springfield on "The
Japanese in California." The follow
ing day ho will appear before the Oak
Park Club at Evanstron to discuss
"Oriental Trade," and on February 11
he will speak before the Commercial
Association in Chicago on "The Pan
ama Canal." Mr. McKinlay is on ora
tor of some note In the House.
Whether or not Mark Twain's pro
phecy of the coming American Mon
archy is to bo taken as a result of his
recent visit to Washington, there has
as yet been no scramble on the part
of prominent families for court posi
tions under the new regime. In fact
its Imminence Is doubted and there Is
a strong belief that there Is no danger
of King Theodore I. That Mr. Clemens
views an unavoidable tendency due to
business expansion in the light of a
conscious advance to monarchy is the
general opinion here, but It Is evident
that this movement is hardly what he
takes it to be. To the argument that
the federal government exercises pow
ers unthought of fifty years ago is
adduced the answer that the corpora
tion was also unthought of then. The
activities of the federal government
find their excuse in the fact that the
various States which have tried to
solve the latter-day business problem
-the regulation of corporations- have
often been particularly unhappy in
their attempts, and in consequence
have often passed such extreme laws
as to harm themselves seriously. It
has already been demonstrated that a
state cannot solve the trust problem
merely by passing extreme laws dur
ing excitement, while it has been
shown that such action offers the best
way of hurting the business commun
ity. Meanwhile there are many who
believe that States saould refrain from
such divergent and dangerous laws,
and that the solution is to be found by
the Federal government. That Mr.
Clemens calls monarchy Is here being
labelled merely adaption to new busi
ness conditions.
Omaha Is the latest point of resi
dence for Secretary Shaw on his re
tirement from office in March. The
report was circulated in official circles
this week, but as usual the astute head
of the Treasury Department looks wise
and says nothing when the matter is
broached. Rumor has had Mr. Shaw
taking up his residence In his old home
in Des Moines, In New York, in Seat
tle, and In various other places, but In
every case he has treated these rumors
with silent amusement. It Is proba
ble that the Secretary will spend three
of four weeks after his retirement at
Hot Springs, Va., where he will rest
after his strenuous term as guardian
of the nation's pocketbook, and avail
himself of the mineral baths at the
noted Virginia resort.
The White House next week will be
the scene of an Indian council, with
President Roosevelt In the role of
Great White Father and the pipe of
peace in distinct evidence. Other par
ties to the conference will be Appa,
hereditary chief of the Utes, and his
band of auxiliary chiefs. Mashusi,
Miassa, Pagodan, Spears and Jim. Ap
pa is a chief of the White River band
which ran amuck in Wyoming some
time ago and which was run down
by the United States troops and cart
ed off to Fort Meade, S. D. Chief Ap
pa contends that his tribesmen have
been discriminated against and he
seeks Justce at the hands of the Presi
dent. He Is an old-fashioned Indian,
clings to his blankets wears feathers
in his top-piece, carries a tomahawk,
and like a number of white squaws,
paints his Uaice. The White House
policemen will see to it that there Is
no Indiana uprising during the pow
la a stage and Ballard's Snow Lini
ment plays a most prominent part It
has no superior for Rheumatism, stiff
joints, cuts, sprains, and all pains. Buy
it, try It, and you will always use k.
Anybody who has used Ballard's Snow
Liniment is a living proof of what K
does. Buy a trial bottle. 25c, BOo aad
11.00. Hart's drug store. ' ' " '