SiSSaSftsr iftffflrfl UBLItHlfft PULL AStOOIATIO PRI HT' V UOVKRS THI MORNING FICLD ON TH8 LOWE OOLUMBIAil v VOLUME LXIU NO. 15 ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 17, 1907 PRICE FIVE CENTS DEBATE WILL SOON Brownsville Affair Will be Investigated. RESOLUTION OFFERED Senate Will Decide Today If Com mittee Will Be Named for the Task. rnnutrv citnitir.c rimnnirc vOiiiVi rtujj joiriuu Attack, Republican Senators Who Have Traduced Rooeevelt, Saying They Are Inapirad by Angar at Hia Battar Daada, WASHINGTON', Jan. 1.-The Henate leadnre tonight regard the end of the Hrownavllle dlacuaalon to bo In alfht, and It I confidently expect- id that the compromise reaolutlon of fered by Foraker Juat before the clone of today' aeaalon will be adopted. For aker had the floor to make what he today expreaxcj bin hope would be the concluding apoech on the subject. He will proceed lrnindliiti'ly after the morning bualnea tomorrow utileHa In terfered with by ii a peel ut order of to day. Whether ho apeak tomorrow or Friday, It la exported that the vote wilt aoon follow, although it la I"'" allile that other brief apeerhea will tie made before the end U reached, Forakrr'a aubHiltute la: "Resolved, that the committee on military affaire la hereby authorized and directed by a aub-cofiimltiuo or otherwise, to take and have printed tho teatlmony, for the purpoae of ascertaining nil tho facta In reference to or connected with tho affray at Hrownavllle, Texna. on tho night of AuguHt IS, 196. Bald com mittee Ik authorized to send for per sons and papera; admlnlater oatha; to alt during tho session of tho senate, and If deemed ndvlaable, nt Browns vlllo or elsewhere; tho expenae of tho Invewtlgntlnn to be paid nut of the contingent fund of the Senate." Tho language of this provision la aatlsfnc tory to Iidge and other aupportera of the administration, and It la believed will bo unanimously adopted. A feature of toduy'a debate waa the arraignment by Senator earmark of Republican senntor who hnvo crltl claed the President for his action In the Brownsville matter. Ho regard ed It na nn at torn pt to "dethrone" th President as leader of the party. Car mack asserted the President had done enough to alarm any friend of tho conHtltutlon. but with nil that, he haa had tho cnthuslusllc support of all tho senator on the Republican Ride. Ho declared It was through tho better acta of this ad lstratlon that tho President has aroused such deadly antagonism with in his own party. Ho might havo con tinued to trample on tho law to the find of thorn, and there would have hoen no voice of protest, If ho had not otherwise offonded. The President has made tho mistake of compelling his party to break with Its old time friends and to turn Its guns upon Its alTlos of a hundred battles; ho has brought the great railways and trusts to know that there are such things as government. His party leader have yielded a snarling and reluctant half way obedience to his will, biding time and opportunity to strike." "It Is an effort to put the party back Into Its old position, to renew Its old alliances, make peace with Its old time friends and renew its covenant with the plunderer and oppreaaora of the American people." earmark auld all the reaource of the "gentleman In the White Houe" cannot atay the Inevitable, Ht ha attempted the Impoaalble taak of re creating the Republican party. He told the Republican seriatora they muat make a choice of alternatives: either to renominate Prealdent Roose velt or "give u bark our platform." Senator Stone, Money and Knox followed, each upholding the authority of the Prealdent to take the action he did. Foraker atarted to make hia closing apoech, but wa Interrupted by tho adjournment of the Senate. TAPPED WIRES. All Went Well Until Officer Arretted Telegraph Operator. (JURAT FALI.B, Mont., Jan. 16. After winning 12.000 In a local pool room on the reaulte of race at Oak land and Aacot, Wm. Molden, a tele graph operator In the employe of the Poatal Telegraph company, wa ye terday arreted on a charge of send ing false meaange. The pool room management allege that he waa a party to a aucceaaful wire tapping Kchmne. Molden commenced betting with $40 and made three beta, which netted him 11,905. It waa later learned by the manager of the pool room that fale return had been received over the wire, a two of the horse on which Molden had caahed beta were not win nera on today'a card. When arreated Molden declared that he had done the betting for another man, a stranger to who mho had turned over the win ning and from whom he had received $100 for his services. He wa unable to describe thl man. No other ar- reat have been made. BALLOONS AT FAIR. Jameatown Expoaition Will Have Sep arate Building for Exhibit. NEW YORK, Jan. 16. The detail of tho Aeronautic Congreaa to be held at tho Jameatown expoaition thl sum rner were formulated at the meeting of tho committee of tho aeronauts held last evening. The exhibition of mod ela and other paraphernalia which la Ui be the moat extensive ever shown will be placed In separate buildings devoted exclusively to the subject. A committee of five composed of Captain H. W. Hedge, ihalrmun; Dr, J. P. Thomas, A. M. Herring, Leo Stevens, and R Bronaon. wa appoint ed to make arrangements for tho meet ing. The question of racing was dis cussed and It was determined to hold a number f series of every conceiv able variety In addition to other prize competitions In line Incidental to the sport. CUTS OWN BILL. State Printer Dunlway Depart From Usual Custom of Employes. SALEM. Or., Jan. 16. The House Messlon opened this morning with the calendar light. State Printer Dunlway spoke In favor of a new form of dally calendar, ond said: "I think this Is the first time an Oregon state printer over asked the legislature to cut $10,000 from his yearly salary; but I want you to do It. If you adopt the form I advise, the calendar will cost $7,500, Instead of $17,000, for tho session." Jackson of Douglas and Speaker Davey favored the measure, and the House applauded Dunlway, and at the close suspended the rules twice and passed tho simplified calendar form. Later Jones of Lincoln attempted to have a bill passed doing away with calendars entirely, but the resolution came too late. NEW LINER LAUNCHED. NEW YORK, Jan. 16. Tho Holland American line received a cable from Belfast yesterday announcing the sue cessful launching of their new twin screw liner Rotterdam. The Rotter dam will register 23,700 tons and will have accommodations for BOO first and BOO second claa passengers. She will make her maiden trip to New York In April of next year. SUSPICION AROUSED Kendall's Remains Lack Vital Organs. MOTIVE IS MYSTERIOUS Body Guard of Hertey May Have Been Poiioned Because of Position. AUTHORITIES INVESTIGATE Suppoied to Have Died of Meningitis, But 8ymptome Are Declared to be Rather Those of Peraon Who Had Been Poiaoned. PORTLAND, Jan. 16. Clrcum stancea that have developed since the death In San Francisco last Friday of Oscar J. Kendall, body guard to Aa alatant United States Attorney Gen eral Franc-la J. Honey, have given rise to strong suspicion In the minds of the family and friends of the deceased that ho did not die a natural death a wo supposed, but that he waa the victim of foul play. Conditions dis closed through an autopsy performed in this city leud the operating physl clan to suspect that, Instead of dying from tho effects of cerebro-splnal meningitis, Mr. Kendall was killed by poisoning. Investigation has disclosed the fact that the symptoms manifested by the patient during his brief lllnes, Instead of being those of meningitis, ' were it hose of poisoning, and all tho Infor mation which has thus far been se cured points so strongly to foul play that a thorough Investigation haa been started by the authorities, who are determined to run the matter to the ground and In some way or other clear up the suspicious circumstances, which have come to light. Tho most suspicious of these clr cumstances was furnished through the discovery after the arrival of the body in this city that every vital organ In It had been removed and newspapers stuffed In their place. Where, when and for what purpose these organs were removed constitute the mystery which has aroused the family, friends nnd authorities to determined action. DUNBAR NOT BLAMED. Lack of Printing Supply Cost State Five Thousand Dollar. SALEM, Or., Jan. 16. Because there were no printed supplies, the House adjourned to Monday at noon today. The legislature has lost a day and a half already for the same reason. Thus the first week of tho legislature will have wasted four and a half days, or about $5,000, because the secretary of state did not order the necessary sup plies before the session convened. The printer has worked his forces twenty- four hours a day since Monday, but a great mas of supplies could not be printed In a day. House members are stirred up over ithe delay, but the animus Is not against Dunbar, whose request this morning for simple calendars to save $10,000 a session In printer's bills, Im pressed the legislators. PRINCE TAKES STUMP. German Chancellor Will Appeal in Fa vor of Imperial Policy. BERLIN, Jan. 16. Prince von Bue- low, the German chancellor, It Is stat ed here, has decided to take part In the electoral campaign. This Is a atop against all traditions, and I brought about, It I said, because of the unfavorable signs so far a the government I concerned, In tha election proapect. The chancellor I expected to takd the stump on Saturday and will appeal In behalf of the Imperial policy u against that of the Socialists and oth er opposition parties. The speech will be made to a select audience at a ban quet, but It will be sent broaJ:al through Germany. The move Is sup posed to have been Inspired by the Kaiser. TROUBLE IN EXCHANGE. Caued by Trading in 8tock Not on Stock Exchange Liet. NKW YORK, Jan.. 16. The Tri bune today say that many brokers In the financial district are expecting a declaration of war between the stock exchange and the produce exchange ever since the produce exchang board of managers reported at the beginning of this month In favor of trading In mining and industrial aiicka wiiicii lite not on the stock exchange list and which have been traded In extensive ly on the Broad street curb. The spe cial committee appointed by the pro duce exchange to formulate rules for an increase of trading will make Its report on February 7, but It Is ex pected that the stock exchange rec ommendations will embrace nearly all of those recognized on the curb. In commenting on this, a leading of ficial of the stock exchange Is quoted a saying: "If the produce exchange plan contemplates trading In practic ally all curb stocks, the stock exchange will cut off Its produce exchange con nections and force ita member to re sign, as produce exchange members. If that doe not suffice, we will move the curb to the stock exchange, not cutting out the trading In worthless stocks. At the present nine-tenths of the curb trading Is for the benefit of tho stock exchange firms. MURDERER RECAPTURED. With Another Decperado Broke Jail at Butte Montana. BUTTE. Mont., Jan. 16. Sheriff Charles Henderson is in receipt of ad vice from San Bernardino, Calif., to the effect that Charles Lennox, an es caped murderer from this place, Is un der arrest awaiting the sentence of death. He effected his escape from the Jail here in a general delivery, In which his partner, James Martin, also escap ed, Martin was subsequently recaptur ed and executed for his crime. ' Len nox and Martin killed a locomotive fireman named Williams here about three years ago, while they were hold ing him up. NEW SHIP CHARTERED. Big Vessel Will Carry Pacific Coast Lumber to Orient. PORTLAND, Jan. 16. Taylo.r Young & Company have chartered the German steamship Tiberius and the British steamship Strathclyde to transport lumber cargoes from Port land to China, The former will arrive and load In February, and the latter In March, The aggregate carrying ca pacity of tho vessels Is 6,500,000 feet of Oregon flr, each being capable of handling a trifle more than 3,200,000 feet. ASSASSIN WAS ARISTOCRAT. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 16. Con sternation has been caused In govern mental circles fry the discovery that the assassin of General von der Lau nltz, late prefect of police, was tie son of a prominent personage conneot ed with the government and a mem ber of an aristocratic family. BOMB IN BANK. NEW YORK, Jan. 16. A St. Pe tersburg dispatch published here to day, says that the Municipal Credit Company's bank burst into flames at midnight after a loud explosion In the interior and that some persons are known to have been killed. WORST FEARS CONFIRMED Kingston Earthquake! Was , Very Destructive. HUNDREDS ARE KILLED All Buildings Within Radius of Ten Miles Reported De molished. MISERY iS INDESCRIBABLE Money I Uelee Provision Urgent ly Needed People Are Warned to Keep Away Dead Being Bur ied Under Ruin. LONDON, Jan. 16. Brief dispatches received here tonight, Including some from Kingston direct, declaring one hundred persons had been killed by the earthquake Monday, leave the country apparently to renewed sus pense as to the fate of Jamaica's cap ital Earlier reports had tended to minimize the worst features of the first messages received, and although there Is disinclination to credit larg er estimates, the relief felt this af ternoon has given place to despon denc yat the possibility that the worst fears will be realized when authentic accounts of the disaster come to hand. Great satisfaction Is felt here at the action of the American government in taking prompt steps to Investigate the real situation and afford necessary succor to the stricken city. Relief Is also felt at the safety of Sir Alfred Jones and his party. Up to a late hour, the colonial office had no fur ther news to give out At the time of writing this dispatch, however, a dis patch was received from Sir Alfred addressed to Elder Demster & Com pany, confirming the worst fears. Sir Alfred says Kingston was overwhelmed by earthquake Monday. All the houses within a radius of ten miles were de stroyed. Fire broke out after the earthquake and completed the destruc tion. It Is estimated that one hun dred persons were killed and one thou sand were Injured. Public hospital and offices and hospitals are In ruins. Among the killed were Sir James Fer guson, many prominent merchants and many natives. No fatalities occurred at Constant Springs Hotel. Sir Alfred's message is practically Identical with other messages from Kingston, including one from the cor respondent of the Standard, who Is with the Jones party. With this ex ception: AH others glve the death list as several hundred, while a dispatch received by the West India Cable Co. says the loss of life is "heavy." ST. THOMAS, D. W. I., Jan. 16. A report received here from Jamaica says it is estimated that one thou sand persons were killed by the earth quake and fire, and ninety thousand are homeless. The damage to King ston alone Is placed at fully $ 10,000,' 000. Advices state that all persons have been warned to keep away from Kingston. The stench Is describe as something awful. Money Is use less. Banks have been burned, but the vaults are supposed to be safe. The misery on all sides is Indescrib able. Provisions of all kinds are ur gently needed. It Is impossible to say where anybody can be found. Sir James Ferguson, vice chairman of the Royjal Mail Steamship Company, Is among the killed. The dead are being burled under smoldering ruins. The Inhabitants of the mercantile com munity suffered most severely, ware houses falling upon them. Many were found dead or Injured. Negroes are looting. Ghastly scenes are being wit' nessed. All shops are destroyed and all buildings In and around Kingston are In ruins: Very few of them are safe to live In. The governor and his party are safe. It Is reported that an extinct volcano In Portland Parish Is showing signs of activity, but this has) not been verified. No news has yet been received from other parts of the Island of Jamaica, communication be ing very difficult. NAPLES, Jan. 16. Professor Mat teuccl, director of the observatory at Mount Vesulvlus, report increased agitation of this volcano, coincident with the Kingston earthquake. MEET3 AWFUL DEATH. Aged Portland Woman Burned While at Household Duties. PORTLAND, Jan. 16. Mr. Nancy J. McCalla, an aged and well known pioneer woman, met a terrible death by burning at her home today. There was no other occupant In the house when the accident occurred. From appearances, Mrs. McCalla while stir ring the fire In the kitchen set fire to her clothing and went to the sink la the pantry for water. She apparent ly found her efforts fruitless, for pieces of burned clothing show that she ran to the front of the house, evidently to call some neighbor, and overcome by her suffering and exhaustion, she dropped headlong over a chair near the front door. People in the neigh borhood who saw the smoke coming from the windows, went to the house, to find Mrs. McCalla expiring. NEW DRASTIC BILL. Provides Equal and Adequate Service From Public Service Corporation. SALEM, Or, Jan. 16. Campbell of Clackamas introduced a bill on pub lic service corporations of a sweeping character. The bill applies to tele phone, telegraph, railroad, gas, pow er, steamer, electric light and express companies, and defines the duties of officers with remedies and penalties for abuse of power or failure in duty. It provides equal and sufficient service from all corporations to all patrons on due notice. The rates for service are not to return more than 2 per cent annually above the legal interest paid on actual capital invested. The cap ital invested is not to be held more than a third above the" assessed valu ation. If the corporation Is guilty of not giving equal service, the officers are to be fined, the persons prosecuting to receive ten times the amount of damages sustained by the failure. The most Important provision is the giving attorney general power to proceed to take away the franchises of any cor poration convicted of three violations in a year. He is to get Judgment and sell the property for the amount of Invested capital or less. The old of ficers are not to have charge of the offending corporation for five years. The bill finally provides that the state can revoke any lease between a cor poration and sub-corporation. TEST CASE. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 16. The initial step In an International test case between Japan and the United States over the exclusion of Japanese children from the schools will be tak en tomorrow, when Kel Kechl Aokl, a ten-year-old Japanese boy, accom panied by his father, will demand ad mission at Redding primary school. He will be refused admission on the ground that It is contrary to state law. An Issue having been thus made suit will be at once filed in the federal court. SPIES IN AMERICA. EL PASO, Jan. 16. Three Japanese who have been employed as servants by officers at Fort Clark, have mys teriously disappeared. . Their actions In examining the fort and equipment, their close attention to drilling and the discovery that they were frequent ly making memoranda, led to th ' lief that they were Jap-