The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 16, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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The county court of Clatsop county
met yesterday morning In adjourned
session, with Judge Trent-hard presid
ing and Commissioner Larson on the
bench with him. Commissioner Mas
ten was absent County Clerk Clinton
and Road Master Frye were In at
tendance upon the court The court
devoted the day to the consideration
of road matters, making the following
orders In that behalf.
It was ordered that bids be cnllel
for, for the Improvement of the KUt
Creek road, an dthat notices be pub
lished In the Seaside Signal. h
Budget and the Astorlan.
A petition was received from res'
dents along the line of the Elk Cre 'k
road and same was filed for future
The report of Road Supervisor WUH
lam Hartlll. of district No. 4, and ihe
same was approved and allowed, and
his bondsmen were exonerated.
The bond of B. F. Allen, as com
mander of Cushlng Post. O. A. R., in
the sum of $500 with Messrs. Thonu.
Dealey and A. Scheruakau as sure
ties, was received and promptly ap
proved by the court.
In the matter of the reported Chanel
in the building of road No. 99. whev
the same touches the property of A.
M. Holter, a deed from Mr. Holter
covering said change w-as presented,
received and ordered of record. It w.i
further ordered that so much of the
road as surveyed and affected by sVi
deed, was declared vacated by th?
It appearing to the court from the
reports of Road Master Frye and Su
pervisor of Road No. 99, that J. M.
Wherry had completed his contract
and that the A. & C. is graded on th
survey, an order was made that Mr.
Wherry's warrant be delivered to hint
In payment of said contract, that hU
bond be canceled and hU bondsmen b':
A deed was presented to the cou.'t
by W. E. Dement and wife for a rlgh'
of-way, forty feet in width, In b
half of road No. 107, and the sain-?
was accepted, and the surveyor whi
ordered to prepare profile, fleld-nos
and plat of same, and same ordered
to the road records.
A communication from Andrew
Johnson and J, A. Elliott, regarding
certain road contract, was received and
referred to Road Master Kry for re
port thereon.
An amendment was ordered mud-
In the contract now hold by Otto RU
dorhusch and same was ordered iwk
to the court for re-slgnlng.
The county clerk was ordered to
purchase one new mavrlago license
record, two deed records, and one
mortgage record for use In his cilice.
The appointment of Carl KnuttuM
as deputy sheriff, by Sheriff M. T.
Pomeroy, was approved by the coin
ami after diroctlng the Issue of sv
oral minor warrants, the court ad
Journed until 9:30 o'clock this morning.
Chamberlain's Couoh Remedy a Safe
Medicine for Children.
In buying a cough medicine for
children, never be afraid to buy Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. There l no
danger from It, and relief la always
sure to follow. It Is intended espe
cially for coughs, colds, croup and
whooping cough, and there la no bet
ter medicine In the world for these
diseases. It is not only a certain cure
for croup, but, when given as soon as
the croupy cough appears, will pre
vent the attack. Whooping cough Is
not dangerous when this remedy Is
given as directed. It contains no opium
or other harmful drugs, and may be
given as confidently to a baby as to
an adult. For sale by Frank Hart and
leading druggists.
In on the Alliance Among the crow!
of passengers arriving here on tit.-1
steamer Alliance yesterday were Sta'."
Senator John S. Coke, of Coos county,
on his way to the legislative assembly
at Salem. There were also Mr. and
Mrs. B. J. McMahon, thither bound
Mr. McMahon is a well known news
paper man In the northwest.
Bad Stomach Trouble Cured.
Having been sick for the past two
two years with a bad stomach, a friend
gave me a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They did
me so much good that I bought a bot
tle of them and have used twelve bot
tles In all. Today I am well of a
bad stomach trouble. Mrs. John Lowe,
Cooper, Maine, These tablets are for
sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists.
Minnesota has 698 cooperative ftnd
181 independent creameries.
If you have no friends or money.
In the river you can fall;
Marriages are quite common and,
More people there will be,
Provided you take Rocky Mounnln
For sale by Frank Hart,
is to be a saver for our regular customers and a trade winner for
us as we are going to keep on the good work of clearing our
store of surplus stocks
We want you all to "get into the game."
$ JO and $12.50 Suits $435
$12.50 and $15 Suits $7.35
See those Overcoats for
Dress Shirts 65c
2 pairs 25c for regular 25c
We are particularly proud
of our Hat specials.
See those for $1.35 and
January clearance sale
The Greatest Bargain Event of theSeason
Delighted customers throng our aisles daily, enthu
siastic over the great bargains we are offering this
sale includes every article in the store in every de
partment will be found matchless bargains in wearing
apparel for women and children, as well as household
effects of every description.
$2.00 value Chiffon Broadcloth, all
colors; sale price, $1.38.
J1.25 value, 50-Inch Broadcloth,
all colors; sale prlce,79c.
Value up to $1.50 novelty dress
goods eiegant range of patterns,
sale price98c.
36-inch Wool Plaids, Novelties
and solid colors, regular 50c and
I5c values; sale price, 39c.
25c Dress Goods; sale price, 19c
Values up to $20.00; take your
choice, at J9.00.
A large assortment at 25 per cent
Table Linens. Bed Spreads.
Blankets and Comforters.
Domestics Staples
AH at special sale prices.
We have a very complete line of
skirts to choose from at a discount
of 1-4 to 1-2 the regular price.
10c and 12c Outing Flannel,
light colors, 9c
10c Outing Flannel, dark colors,
6c Outing Flannel, 5c.
15c English Flannelette, large as
sortment, 9c.
15c and 18c Cotton Eiderdown,
45c All Wool Eiderdown, pink,
blue, tan and grey; sale prlce,25c.
Women's 50c Fine Casslmere
Hose, 39c.
Women's 25c Fine Casslmere
Hose, 19c.
Children's 25c Buster Brown
Stockings, 15c.
15c Hose for boys and girls; sale
$12,50 Plaid Silk Petticoats; sale price, 12i2c.
price, $10.00.
$9.00 and $10.00 Black Silk Petti
coats; sale price, $7.25.
$6.00 Taffetas, good range of col
ors; sale price, $4.98.
Furs from 98c to $10.00.
All our winter underwear priced
to you at wholesale cost; this means
a great Raving to you. It will pay
you to buy now, for next winter,
at these prices.
Remember this sale includes every article
in the Store.
The steamer Alliance came In from
Kuroa and Coos Hay points yestcrd.iy
morning and docked at the Callend-r
pier. She had about 90 people In h t
catiliiH and was loaded dci-p with kti
enil lines of freight. Captain Kellv
concluded to s.-nd his passengers for
ward to Portland by the A. & C. train
last evening, and after putting en
some extra sheathing for Ice contin
gencies en route, will leave up this
morning for the metropolis.
Jimmy Robb started yesterday
morning for the city, from the Ituoy
Station In his launch, and about naif
way down got caught In the lce-!loe
and his propeller jammed and ren
dered him helpless. He Immediately
hoisted his (lag with the ensign down
as a signal of distress, which was
answered at once by the ("alb-nder tug
Melville, which towed him in to th-j
The British steamship Suveric now
in this port. Is one of the bigg;-: .
vessels that has entered here for Horn.;
time, being of 11,000 tons net. She h
from Honolulu via San Francisco and
went to the Islands from Portugal
with 1,400 natives of that country ;s
Immigrants. She carries Immlgran' .
and cattle, as a rule, and Is comfort- j
ably and handsomely Hxed up. j
It was rumored yesterday that !'.)
master of the steamer Northland ha I
been offered the sum .-f 13,000 cash t.,r ,
his services in picking up and bring- I
ing into port the wrec ked bark II
anope, last month, but that he prompt
ly turned It down, and the issue i-1
still to be made as to final settlement
in the libel suit for JG.'.OOO, now pend
ing In the federal court at Portland.
The British ship Halewood, Captain
J'rew, has been ordered to Tacoma, to
load coals for Mexico. He will hi
towed over to the Sound, but Just whit
tug will take him over, one of the
Columbia boats, or one from th-;
Sound, Is more than he could say yes
terday. He will probably leave out
on Thursday,
The British steamship Condi-,
which entered this port on Monday
evening, comes after coal, and will load
out sixty tons from the Elmore bunk
ers today, and leave Immediately fo."
Seattle, where she will discharge her
cargo of nitrates from the South
American coast.
The ice conditions in this harbor
were Just a bit worse yesterday
morning than on Monday, as It w3
of heavier calibre, and there was mo,---of
It; but it did not stay the vessels
that had to go through it, hereabout,
and the afternoon ebb dispersed It
pr'-tty generally.
The steamer Undine, Captain Lav
kin went up the river at 7 o'clock yes
terday morning, wlih twcnty-Hev-in
passengers, and a heavy consignment,
of mall, and her progress was tele
phoned back all day long. She made
it in all right, but somewhat off her
schedule hours.
Captain A. E. Beard, late of the
Callender service In this port, and
master of the steamer Vanguard, was
yesterday assigned by the customs
authorities here, to the command of
the customs launch Patrol, vice Cap
lain William Smith, retired.
The steamer T. J. Potter Is still
tK-i lhed at the . It. & N. pier h.-i
and It Is not known for a certain'.
that she will get away for the metrop.
oils today, but she will If there Is any
chance of her making It through wish
any danger. She Is not sh-nth-d
against the Ice.
The steamship Axtcc Is lying fully
loaded at Portland, ready for her
voyage to San Francisco, except t tin t
she must lake on coiil and there Is no
coal to be hail on the instant, but she
will probably get away today or tomorrow.
The steamship Columbia Is due to
leave out for San Francisco from
Portland tomorrow morning at ;
o'clock. This will bring h'-r to tie
. It. & S. clocks lu re some time to
morrow night and she will leave ont
on Thursday morning early for thj
It. was a matter of doubt yestc-rcliy
morning whether tin- steamer X.iln nt
ta would make the trip to Ilwico, or
lay up for a clearer rivet, but sh
left for the nnrth-diore about noon
and made It all right.
The steamer San Mateo arrived
yesterday afternoon with Captain l'o
of the river pilot service on th'- brldg-lb-
rep' rts the Columbia as full of
Ice, and navigation as arduous as it
Is Interesting.
The British tramp steamship Stt-v.-rlc-
arrived In yesterday and Is n
anochor In the city channel. She c
under charter to load grain out if
Portland for Oriental delivery.
The four-nwiscd sc hooner Churchill
of the Simpson fleet, arrived in from
San Francisco yesterday nnd went .0
her berth at the Knappton mills 'or
another big load of lumber.
The rirllish ship Iverna left out
over the bar yesterday afternoon on
the flood, on her way to South Africa,
Captain flus Anderson of the bar pi
lot service taking her out.
The schooner F. S. Redflcld rlenrnd
yesterday at the custom house fo
San Francisco with 515,000 feet of
lumber, and left out at once.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore wdll
leave out for Tillamook this morning,
with plenty of business above and be
low. The Roanoke Is due to arrive in to
day from the south, being now t"
days over her regular Monday schoi
uln. The steamer F. A. Kilburn Is due
in this morning, having left Coos Piv
yesterday at 1:30 o'clock p. rn.
Saucr Kraut "c lb.
Dill Pickles L'Oc doz.
Mixed and plain Sweet Pickles l"cpt.
Sour Pickles l.'c qt.
Fancy (Juccn Olives .'Oe qt.
Manzanilla Olives 'JOc qt.
All Kinds of fresh Fruits and Vegetables
in season.
Milk Phone Red 2285. Grocery Phone Main 681.
Music Department
Wc have just finished putting in a NKW
DEPARTMENT for Sheet Music. Just to
the right as you enter. We have just re
ceived over one hundred New Titles direct
from the publishers. Many can be seen in
our show windows. Come in and have a
look. Music is easy to look over and you
can take your time.
E. A. Higgins Co., jj
si'ccKssoits to .i. x (iicirrix
BooUh Music Stationery
Your house wired? Your door
bell fixed? or your telephone
connected up?
Bee's Laxative Cou(t,h fcyrup con
taining Honey and Tar, Is especially
appropriate for children, no opiates or
poisons of any character, conforms to
the conditions of the National Pure
Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1908.
For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It
expels, Coughs and Colds by gently
moving the bowels. Guaranteed.
Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store.
First Class In Every Reipeot.
Free Coach to the House.
Bar and Billiard Room.
Good Check Restaurant
! ' if " " - l: - .'j -V-'
Good Sample Rooms on Ground Floor
for Commercial Men.