1 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1007. THE MORNING ASTOItlAN, ASTOKlA, OREGON. nnnTi mn NIUIULttllU MARKET liimvloa, 7 BP Bt; ; hunt, bulls, 208c; cow Htc; Mwrn, C l-2W6c; mutton, medium al.e, HI'D l-2; large, 7c; uprlrig lambs, ftttt'Oe-, Flail - Halibut, 8c; black cod, 7c; lilnck Iiiihm, per 11,,, lKc; nlrlii)(l Imas, 13c; hcirliiK, Be; Houndm, tit:; cat Ibdi, Hie; allver MtiH'H, lie; Hlirltiip, 10c; porch, 5c; Hlurui'dii, lie; neit I rent. 15e; allvonil.leit, 7',i,'; ald'Hieada, He; I linn cod, 7c, j ('hiiiifi- lliit'luln'll, inr dox, $2; ra- Comeli MaiUt RrpoMaCoueeWd Racn j ''"r ,,,,,n,H' I,,T ,,"x Day Giving the Wholraale f'ili:t,s ul Commodities, Kami urtin n mid Vpg Latest Quotations in the Portland Markets i fahlrs I'ltll'I'I.AN'h, .l.iii. Ill l.mnl nhl- 'IK of I p" i 11 1 l M llll. I 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 M llll' Wll till ' liiK llii' Hiiillln i ii nimki'lH rlunely, A! pl.Hcni iinliilliih In Hun I'iuihIhi'I mil lii'ic llicie U hiiri'ly a I'i'i'lll In lltllliK iuliiiii' ilmvn ul lliul imliit, nitllillliK rn lttlit, "In InkiiKi', ili'inui niKi' lint IimihIIIhk. Hut If cur cuiild In- liinl Itomptly there U llllli- iluulil ibu' I'llll ll I'llK' l ltlll'lll lit W III' llld'll! I Veil ill III,- Milium tlll'K'' of pli'Ola. drain, Flour, fttd. Whmt-Wul Wallu, 3U4c; Val ley, Ofl'iSic; blueatem, tWtlc; r1, 4u(lc. ' Oat - Wlillc. IH.&ofllS; if rny, $24y f 14.60. Klotir - Ilai (1 wheat patent, 13 00, t raltfhi, US'.; Knilmin, $3.50; rye, 16.00; wnolr. wheat Hour. 13 75; Val y fli.iir, 3 400 3 5; ; Dnknt i, $5.30',f I. tu, F.iitcrn rye. 15,40; I'lllabury. l.Ji; 'otvall .70. (Join Whole, $27; I'lUckml. $28 per toil. Iliirl.-y I !r $-'2; feed. 131; roil'-. I. t:,:ir.,3. !: II J.) per cwt, ll.iy ;.li. uni'-thy, lll'till; FlUli-Ml I ''(.:"ll. II. ill, I'll'ViT, 7.60. rl.i'ii, l.'.r. ;.. itifiillii, 111; gtniu iii. i;"ir r.n. v-tcii. i;ii7.6o. tii l. h.'.il I ill per Inn, Mill-' ' Mi.l !!li,.: i ' if 25. li"p I.l ill, !',. Mini I. III). i' ! f.,.,. i I : -. : t - I mil, i -renin. tn. ..-ui. ! . ht, r ; , t'lwr r ' ! h . :,,. ! . i.n'in.-iii uli I I'll1 , fi'i Hi a. I, J . . !., I- l.ii ! I 25 p r W". i'liM i-il k: iiiiii.Ii ' Hi it.'iili", J,- p.-i I, ill- )ii Hi nnrlti, Jt l--r bale, nplll pivi. 1 1 'i'i pur t m - JT . fcii-tti. 3i I'. lx". 11.25; p'-iul tmr ley, 31.75 prr Shu !M.; 25 !!i doxes, II , 2.'i pi-r .n. in'ry Hour, lo-lt ucki $2,t,U p'T I'll". ;rlii Iiuku I'oii'Ikii iiihI iIhuh'kMc, 1 3-4c. (lynlciN Hlioiilwiiti r May, per k'ii- Ion, 12; per nu l, Jl; 'I'oUn I'lilnt, 11.(10 per 100; OlyinpliH, (120 ti.) 5; do, per jsnlloii, xz. Fruiti. Trnpli'iil 1'itilt" I'.ainniiH, fc per pmiiul. ilni'iipple", l.fiD'd 5,50 per (Ioki'ii; leiiiiiiiR, $ I .V( ,'i.MI per tmx; nrin KeH, j::.(!'.i 3.75; Kl-'ipi fi lilt, I .'..00 rrnte; litue. 75"i $l.2."i per loo; M;i!n rii grn !" 7.5H'.i S do Mil.; ioin.-Kr:in- llteli, $ .. f. I per illlX. tllUK-l'llleH, 2 II box. I iiitiii'i-i' I,- fruit' Applet, riiiniiiori, X& 51 II on. fiinv. $ I Hi' it 2.5'i l.ox; I.aily Bppii-H. l.25'.i I 75 l."X, Kl'Ilpel', $1 r.O'ii J.Oli el:i'.'-. pe:it. 1 1 .ii'i'.l I.'iii liiX; liuc- klel.i 1 1 i.i. I'i'.i i:v lb.; criiiilH'i i l' H, ttl.5'!t I2.5-) Mil ; pel wliiiiii.'ii., $150 box. Vegetable. I'l.ln'ii. ' III i i'iltil i v, vr.i '. Il.nO per CVVt.; "Wee! pnl:i!oef, 2'iji' poll tlit. fiilil.i:"- I'er It'., 1 1 -!'; f.'iullll'iw pr, I? Ml' - 2.75 per nn!e; iiiii ley, 25c per iliii ll liol-limi e i-t!lee, 11.50 per bin. Ii' ii.l I"!' ilo.. ; Mplii:ieli, 3 5c lTi.; iirlli liuU-7 "..'.,- 1.25 per iloz.; pe.-in 14c lb.; u.irllc. 7 fn '." lb.; n-.l pepper, 1re n -'". Hi l-elei V K5cfll S5l- ilo,' 'Ri: pi.uit. II 50 ci.it. ; (.km 11.75 linx; aprouiH, f- iti. i TuinlpH I'er Bin k. 90c ii 11.00; cur-, rote, 7 5c '.i It; beeiM, $1.25; riullHlioM, ; 12clill5' ilo.elt Iiuiii-Iich; hoi Hel Itil-J Ml, 7'filSc III. ' onloim $1.001(1 1.10 per cwt. ' Toiiinti.eH $175rn2 box; Hubburil miuiiMh, I 'ii 1 'jc 111. j Frenh Meata and Fish. I i Fr?h ineiiiHVciil, niciliiim, 75 to; 100 ttm., SSHe; 100 to 150 lb a., 8c; 150 to 200 Ibn., OrrffiVjc; 200 lti, nnd over. t'Aii5V5c; pork, SiiiS 1-2c; Produce. Kkkh - OrcRon ruiicli, isc; Kimtetn 30(ir32c, Ituttnr--Country cronnmry , 30 32 city cinniiU'ry, 85c; Ktorn, lt UVr, buti.-r fm, 33'4c Cbeiiau -Vountf America, 15'itflOc; OrnKim full (renin, llita, 14'iWllc, Honey-Imrk, 10'tfllc; umbor, 12 f(13c; fiuicy whlto, 1416n, I'olutry (Jld rooftora, 74i8c; hnna ami "prlNK", lOyllc; ilrKNtl, 12 13; ducka, I4ai5c; turkeya, 17W18c; dri-axed. 202Jc; fiimy, 2122'c; Knenn, llvo. 1213''; drcKmul, 134fl4'4c; plKenna, p'r doxeri, $1125; aaunba, II.75W2. Ciocera and rtovlalona. Nula - Waliiuta, No. 1. ift h. I7cj Nu, 1 hard In' 1 1, loVj 1,'IiIIk, I 3c; aliiiomU, 'l7flHcj flllMTtK, lc; llraxil". Iflcj ie (mi. I.'lji 15c; hickor)', Ho; Virginia p, a- ' niit, Ac; JiiiiiIiii ' ifinin traiiula, He; 1 .liipmif ! pealilltn, 5i ; clientuiiU, lUliull. jib-; i-iK:iiiinilt, ilocf. WftltOV, i Ilotiry -Iiark, Idjc-r lie; amUr, 12 iff IV; fancy white, I4M 15c. Coffe --Mocha 'J4''i'2se; .lava, fancy, 2'1'ii .1.c; .lavii, yii.nl. '.!(i''i '.'4i-j .lava, or iliii.ny. Iii'ine; (iiiitii Hica, fancy, 1 H r 20c, I'o-ta ;ea, (,"ixl li!''il'fe; Ar lnirl.1 n. Iilje per lb; l ion. MJc Mr lb; r.ilmiibia eiilb-r, 14?.-; SiiUadnr, ll'.i l,5r. rnni-l.iln Hull!', to le. 111.'; ham" , i : n.-; I.in.ti, l.-j,'iil,ll. I Hie; I."'";!., '.iiii-v b c. ktnt '.'ii'-. .Ii) "alt -i'len, llj'-; ilr;, ,al! II I . . I". I f.' I I'i. Uc.l pij;. le t. i ..- h. i l'"re; ",',; 15 II. kit- ' I ,:.5, pi, 1,1.-1 llipe, i barrel-. i.5(HI; luiileU. . 7.1, 1,5 III Ml, lfl '25; pickled pit"' 1'iiiiTuen, Im i r I", $0; J luirrel, $.'); I. 5 -lb kil. II.5D- (ueklcd I r rtt ( tonuCH, i b.iiieU. i; 1 buiieU, 15 II kita f2"5. .-ul! - liiiln. of 7 2d, bile, l. ball uf DO .1-.. Iialr. tl (il; 11 of bl 1 (HI; bale ol 15-Ida, bale, 11.00; bug ..fie I flii, ton. i2 0O; bajr. 80 lb, jfenu inn l.lverpHil, ton, IIHot); bK, 50 ll, i (fronn.1. KK. ton. fJIXI; U. 8. V. !'.. 2d ft lb carton, R. H. V. P.. 24 3 Iti rnrtona, $1.75; Liverpool lump, ton, 111.50. olive oil -California- ,ner (rallim, 12.78; ipmrt, per eafc. doren, 17.25; pint. 2 iloi ii. $S.5(); 1 pinta 4 down, t!. Cnmieil onttiM n - ''i iimhl Kiver, l-lh lull. I H5; 2 lb ta!U. t2.R0; fancy, l-lh lliil-, 2lMl; lb lancy tin!, $125; fancy I lb oval. t2.75; Alaaka tall, pir.k. iMtr; r .1. $1 45; nominal. 2. tall. 12.00. (5'renl fundi-l!o!U"l oat cream. OO-lb uck, t7.(MI; lower iirmh. .')..riOr0.5H; out meal. lee cut, 50-11. urk. bale; 10 lb uck". $4 .25 pfj hale; out meal (f roiin.l 1 . 5(1 lb ii.-k. if" .50 pr bule; Ki ll. Kiiekn. fl per liule; aplit M-n, $4.80 per Ii) lb oick; '.'5 lb boxen. 11.25; pearl; barle.v. $4 75 per 1 1 K lb; 25-lli Ihixc. 125 per box; paltry flour, 10-lb k. fr.'.fill per bale. liiee Imperial .In pun. No. 1. $5.08; Southern. Japan, 5JV; broken, 4jc; bed, fimey, 7c; head, choice 8c, Oil, Lead, Eto. Coal oil - Tear I and antral oil. ca. I lie per K"oii: water wliita oil, iron liarr. la, l.lje; wood barrel, Kljc; eocene oil, cuaua. 2 1 Jc ; elaiue oil, caaea, 27e; extra tar, caacA, 221c; headlight oil m-e 21c; iron bairel. 15 Jc. Uenrine-Sixty threP decree. ea. 2(lc; iron barrel. 15Jc. Turpentine In eaea, 86cj in wood Imrrcls, 83c; in iron barrel, 79c; im 10 cane lota. B5c I indeed oill?aw. R-barrel Iota. 47c; 1- harret Iota, 4Hcj In oM, 63c. Boiled, 6 Imriel lot. 4llaj 1 barrel lota 60c j in eaai C8o, (laaollne Ktove j(aoiine. naae, Hie: Iron tin rrel, I He; HO den' aollne, caaea, .'l.'lcf Iron barrel or drum, 27c; 72 dejfr. e rae, 2(IJi! Iron barrel, 20c; limine dilHliile, iron harrvU, 0c. Oregon grapa root - I'er I'K) 11, 'Mui lb ewiix (Jood, clenn and pure, 2IC 2lo per lb. Itope-l'liro Manila, MI'-; wtandard l.lic; rllaiil, lie; Me brand Kixal, 10c. Mohair - Choice, 2Hte.'tO. W ire nalla-preai'iit bae at 1)2,60. (ray or mixed, 'lt 30c dink, white, 18 fs20Vj duck mixed. 12'16a Feather iiftm, while, SftOcj ((, Wool Valley 22f2finj Kaalern Ore Kon, lKfr 22c' ai to ahrinkK. (cara aagruda (Clilttim bark) 2) i. Up CJiolei, 100S, i I It) 12c; prime, lOfftllo. Ind-Htiii.'tly pure whiU lead and red lead iu ton lot, 7!''; 600 lb lota, Be; lcaa than 600 Iba, Hie Thiouith SALT LAKE CITY, COLORADO SI'KINGS, DENVER Stop Over Privilege Gtant1. Clinic of I'.mile I'.'ant of Col wad (i roint. Tor lllutriitei I'hamphlet I'ic t.irln Coloralo'H IWutiful Bcenery ritt W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Ajt. j u4 Third Sttect F0RTLAND, OR o; V'A ASK ANY TRAVELEF ami be will tell you the IU H 111 Electric Lighted. ft the Crack Train of them all for COMFORT and ILlGAKCt- Tic ticket oflifc at Portland 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3d. A. D. CHARLTON, ApaiHtant tli'iieni! lhmacntjcr Ant PORTLAND. OREGON. TIDE TABLE, JANUARY JANUARY, 1907. HIkIi Water tin to. TueHiliiy .. .. Woilncfiiliiy .. 'rhiii'Milny .... Crliliiy Siiturdiiy . . . SUNDAY .. Mondny Tuesdny .... Thurailny ... WcdnoHiliiy .. Friday Saturday .. . SUNDAY ... SUNDAY .. . Monday 'Puoudiiy . . . . Wodnesdiiy . Thursday . . Friday Sivrurdny .... SUNDAY ... Mondny TiiBMilny .. .. Wcdncsrlny . Thursdny . . . Friday inturdnv SUNDAY .. . SUNDAY .. . Mondny TueHdiiy .. .. WfidnpR'lay .. Thm-Hday ... I A. M. I h.m. I ft 1 2MB 7. 2 2:52 7. .. 8 ..10 . 9 ..11 ..12 . .13 ..13 ..14 ..15 ..1(1 ..17 ..18 ..1!) ..20 ..21 ..22 ..23 ..24 ..25 ..2(1 ..27 ..27 ..28 ..2!) ..30 ..31 I P. M. , I h.m. I ft. 01 1:31! 8. l 2:0fi 8. 3 2;4fl 8, 7. 7. 6. (I. C. 6. G. 6. 4:01 7.5 3:30 4:12 7.7 4:21 5:27 7.9 5:23 (5:15 8.0 0:37 7:10 8.2 7:59 9:12 8.910:32 8:12 8.5 9:21 10:08 9.311:35 11:00 8.7 0:27 7.1 11:50 9.9 1:15 7.512:40 2:00 7.8 1:28 2:43 8.0 2:15 3:28 8.1 3:03 4:14 8.1 3:55 4:15 8.2 4:48 5:40 8.1 6:51 fl:31 8.0 7:03 7:25 7.9 8:23 8:20 7.9 9:40 9:13 8.010:42 10:05 8.2 11:33 10:48 8.4 0:l(i (1.7 11:28 8.(1 0-50 6.7 12:05 1:22 7.2 12:41 1:54 7.5 1:17 2:25 7.7 1:55 JANUARY, 1907. Low Water. A. M. P. M. Dato. h.m. ft. h.m. ft. TucfiiYnyr'T7'.T. ." 1 7:55 3.5 8:25 -0.5 Wedm-Hday . .. 2 8:27 3.3 9:00 -0.4 Thursday 3 9:05 3.2 9.33 -0-t Friday 9:51 3.1 10:10 0.3 Saturday 5 10:38 2.9 10:50 0.8 SUNDAY 8 11:33 2.6 11:37 1.4 Monday 7 12:40 2.3 TupHday 8 0:35 2.6 1:55 1.8 Wednesday . .. 9 1:39 2.4 3:11 1.1 Thursday 10 2:47 2.8 4:18 0.2 Friday 11 3: 5T 3.0 6:17 -O.ft Saturday 12 4:59 3.0 6:08 -1.3 SUNDAY 13 5:57 2.8 6:67 -1.7 Monday 14 6:50 2.6 7:41 -1.8 Tuesday 15 7.40 2.5 8:25-1.7 Wednesday . ..16 8:31 2.4 9:10 -1.8 Thursday 17 9:22 2.3 9:50 -0.6 Friday 1810:18 2.210:34 0.1 Saturday 19 11:11 2.211:17 0.9 SUNDAY 20 12:11 2.1 Monday 21 0:03 1.6 1:17 2.0 Tuesday 22 1:01 2.3 2:29 1.8 Wednesday .. .23 2:05 2.9 3:35 1.4 Thursday 24 3:11 3.3 4:31 0.9 Friday 25 4:11 3.5 6:17 0.4 Saturday 26 5:01 3.5 5:58 -0.1 S1TNDAY 27 6:50 3.5 6:32 10.4 Monday 28 6:30 3.3 7:05 -0.7 Tuesday 29 7:04 3.1 7:36 -0.7 Wednesday . ..30 7:3S 2.9 8:05 -0.5 TThuisday .. ..31 8:15 2.6 8:37 0.8 THE MILWAUKEE H The Pioneer Limited " St Paul to Cbi cago. " Short Line " Omaha to Chicago. " South-West Limited " Kansat City to Chicago. No train in the service of any rail road In the world equal in equip meat that of the Chicago, Milwaukee 4 St Paul Ry. They own and operate their own aleeping and dining cart and give their patrons an excellence of ser vice not obtainable eleewhere. Bertha on their sleeper are longer, higher and wider than in similar cars on any other line. They protect their train by the Block system. Connections made witu all trans-con tinental line in Union Depot. H. S. Rowe, General Agent, Portland or 134 Third Street corner Alder. (2SS 1 iaMta- Unprecedented Success of I fi- GEE 1 fur rmr a t Afi$f CHINESE DOCTOH Who Is known 'A! throughout the United v- Slate ts SMKMint nl :,iu$hia wonderful oure No poiaons nor drug used. He guaran tee to oure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, atomaoh, liver, and kidney, female com plaints and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4 cent in tampa. THE C GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 1021 First St. Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. l'leuae mention the Astorian 4 4 Y M in your office as well as in other departments Is Whatt Ccramite We make all kinds of 4 O o but our specialty is systems for the . 1 J JL il KB JL h : 1 : Jul ij 3 ii &S .LaSS 0 : ' J.-' - . . , ' '-" . - . f , . , ; . a - I 1 ,-,,-f r 1 in' i'ii- - .I"- ' . 1 i-.r -in ' ' - -' " 1 T HI ' ll LATEST STYLE RULING MACHINE FOR RULING PAPER. The majority of saw mills in the Northwest use our productions. We make all kinds of Voucher Records, Car Shipment Sales Books, Cargo Shipment Sales Books Pay Roll Ledgers, Log Registers, and a full line of Lumber Blanks. SEND FOR SAMPLES The J. S. Belling'er Co. Astoria, Oreg'on.