The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 11, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1007.
French BarK Cornell Bart Arrives
in fro.-n Antwerp.
The Second Week of Our
Calender Steamer Melville l Out from
Shop a Full-fledged Oil Burner
Mabel Gale Get Quick
Captain Genereaux. the Seattle
wrecker, left down yesterday morning
.t 11 o'clock, with a barge, In tow
cf the steamer Melville, for the scene
ot the Alice McDonald's grounding. He
tcok along a big mushroom anchor
and 1,000 feet of steel cable. The an
hor will be dropped In deep water,
the cable served and the schooner will
bo kedged off on the coming high tides
during the next few days. There Is
not much doubt of her coming off
with this outfit, as it is the best,
end with her own donkey engines, it
Is felt the Job will be entirely successful.
The handsome little steamer TatrV..
cf the customs service, has taken re
vge from the recent east winds an 1
her consequent thumping flga'n.-t the
tiling of the Flavel pier, under the
lee of the Callender rier and lies as
"fnug as a bug in a rug," and looks
8'mething like cne, too.
The four-masted schooner Mabel
Cile came down yesterday r.i.rni.ig cn
ti e hawsers of the Harvest Queen, and
went to the lower haibo' wh?re she
was nicked up instantly by one ;if the
Ijir tugs and got if dispatch tor j
blue wat t and Can Fra.K'Isc.
The Callender steamer Melville,
Captain Jordan, has reported for duty.
with her brand new and thorough
equipment of oil burners, and she
works like a charm with the new power
tnd is ready for any soft of service.
f "mm1
Copvrieht 1906 by Hart ScharTner isf Marx
The motor schooner Gerald C, ar
rived In yesterday morning from Ne- ;
halem, with a full load of stuff, and j
Wt out again last night with a re
turn cargo. She is making good uv
cf the prevalent fine weather.
The Harvest Queen r -turned to he
metropolis yesterday with the French j
will be even greater than the first. Our stock-taking is over and we
are prepared to exert all our energies to make this week
A lot of broken sizes that we will not carry over if prices will sell
them. $4.65, $6.50, $8.35. See our clothing window.
Our Overcoat Department.
Chock full of the finest and newest of the season's offerings. Wc
mean to sell every one of them, $7.50. $9.00, $13.50. See them.
Odds and end in the
are likewise reduced, Now is the time to dress the boys.
Men's Haberdashery
Have you seen that line of shirts for 65c. We advise you to lay in a
supply. Now is the time. Underwear specials unequaled.
At least come in and look over our hat offerings. We are going to
make this a record breaking hat week. See our window
of hats. They are winners.
We are having a sale that will save you money and and you will
always find us ready to show you through our stock and treat you
courteously whether vou wish to buy or not. Come in and see us.
metropolis yesteruay nnu -"e i-ich.m .i,u ,hj
ro r . ... -vjto interfere more or less with the
i..ip io Aiu ua u , flQw of gewerage and as nothing
rrenchman eoes to th Woolsey docks .
1 renenman goe. to ui , conduclble t0 epdemics of
ltb her cargo of coal and will load , , digease9 than accumulation
breadstuffs out forjSurope. wJthn wate pIpes
, , mKi J and sewers or near or around the
The light house tender Columbine
' 8 t m I houses, the intelligent public will read
got away over the bar yesterday morn-1
, . ' 4V .,. ,,, p. U'v appreciate how extremely import-
ng IOr ner . - - -
get Sound waters and along the Wash-. .., , ,hB
inp.ton coast line.
The French bark Corneil Bart, Cap
tion Cavelau, 18 days out from Ant
werp, for Portland, crcsjd in yester
day afternoon and is it inr in the
lower harbor.
The steamer Tiverton went to sea
and San Francisco yesterday morning,
with a big load of lumber from up 'he
Next Monday Is Roanoke day in
this port, that fine steamer being due
from the southern ports on tliat Jay.
City Physician Mohn Offers a Few
Words of Counsel
The rollowlne communication from
City Physician F. V. Mohn, will bear
the Interested scrutiny of all thought
ful citizens:
"Astoria ,Jan. 10, 1907.
'Editor Astorian:
erwers and the outhouses In the best
possible condition, particularly at the
t'me, when a cold spell is prevailing.
"First of all, the plumbing should
tt- attended to, if defective. Then the
raste pipes and sewers should be dis-
i'fected from time to time. Where no
s'-wera exist the waste water should
be freely sprinkled with unslacked
lime. For disinfection of waste pipe!
and sewers crude carbolic acid or any
other disinfectant will do. Formalin
m creolln, one table spoonful to a
ouart of water 4 or 5 times a week
Pnt through the waste pipes or sew
try preferably at night, may be rec
ommended. Yours for a healthy city,
"F. V. MOHN, M. D.
"City Physician."
Why 8uffer from Rheumatism
Do you know that rheumatic pains
can be relieved? If you doubt this,
Just try one application of Chamber-
lain'B Pain Balm. It will make reHt
and sleep possible, and that certainly
means a great deal to any one afflict
ed with rheumatism. For sale hy
"As a protracted cold spell is apt Frank Hart and leading druggists
To benefit yourselves, and to give us work
during the month of January. We are go
ing to sell 20 SUITS for 30 DOLLARS
A SUIT. Suits like these we have been
selling for 40 dollars. GIVE US A CALL
fiautala Raitanen
that It Is the very bent seen In Aa
ti rla at popular pi l'-' .
fSotll" ! ' HIU'dalllcH will bf In- !
CcdUc t-d b-tween ac t, m sp-clully I
worthy by Mr. Frank lbnvanl. who, If,
"', .laid, tia.s womcthirig up his hIm?W! j
that he has tx-i-n preparing for some j
time. I
It is reported that A. II. Hammond
:nd his associates have closed th- deal
"i the property and frontage between
Hammond and Fort Stevens belonging
to M. J. Kinney and W. C. Smith and
consisting of 200 acres, the considera
tion being $60,000. This gives the
Hammond interests practically all the
frontage from Alcher cr"ek to Fort
Stevens, and for which Mr. Hammond
been negotiating for several years.
With the acquiring of this property
nothing now stands in the road of the
development of what is known as the
West Side and It Is thought that, the
next move there will be the building
of one of the largest saw mills on
the coast, as the extension of the
A. & C. R. It. next summer Into th"
timber lands of the Hammond Com
pany makes it necessary thai a large
riant be constructed at once to mill
tHs vast body of timber. All of which
means eood thinirs for Astoria. as
. rnploy thousands of workmen who
v ill contribute to this city's general
The 1907 calendar of N. W. Ayer &
Son, the Philadelphia Advertising
agents, Is Just out, ami as usual, It
Is one of the season's best oillce cal- J
They have followed the same de
sign used In 1906. but their famous
medal and motto "Ke-plng Everlast
ingly At It Brings Success," appear
on a bronze foreground, which gives
It an exceedingly rich appearance.
While the calendar is arranged with
a month on each flap the figures are
clearly legible across a large room.
The blank spaces on the flaps are
filled with new and pointed epigrams
on advertising and business-building
In general.
The calendar is too expensive for
ueneral distribution, but while they
last, Ayer & Son will mall a copy
to any address upon receipt of twenty
five cents. Price 25 cents.
Phone Main 'S1. 52:5 Commercial St.
Burnett's Pure Lemon Extracts
For flavoring Ice Creams,
I'.lauc Mange. Jellies, Pas
tries. Ktc.
r.hamhrlain' Couuh Remedy a Safe
Medicine for Children.
tn tnivlnif a cough medicine for
children, never be afraid to buy Cham-
n. ;m,i kin.ircri iridiiu'r ieH will t.erlaln's Couch Remedy. There is no i
danger from It, and relief Is always
sure to follow. It Is Intended espe
cially for coughs, colds, croup and
whooping cough, and there Is no bet
ter medicine in the world for these
diseases. It Is not only a certain cure
"A Gambler's Wife" will be the bill for croup, but, when given as soon as
effered at the Star Theatre tonight and
with regular matinees Saturday and
Sunday. "A Gambler's Wife" is one
(,? the best emotional dramas ever
written and is one of the strongest In
this stock company's entire repertoire,
judging from the great success it has
r, et with wherever It has been pro
duced; and tha management of the
Sar Theatre are satisfied that all who
witness this splendid play will agree
the croupy cough appears, will pre
vent the attack. Whooping cough Is
not dangerous when this remedy Is
given as directed. It contains no oplurn
or other harmful drugs, and may be
given as confidently to a baby as to
an adult. For sale by Frank Hart and
leading druggists.
V :. .Smith and wife to Mary S.
Gregory, lot 5, block 17, W. '.
Smith's Warrenton I
Same to M. H. (ir gory lots I and
, block 17, W. C. Smith's War
renton Si'me to A. A. Gregory, lot 3,
block 17, W. C Smith's War
ton I. H. Welch and wife to Jas.
W. Well h, lots 1 and 12,
block 148, Hhlvely's Astoria...
,T:is. W. Welch and wife to Un
ion Fishermen's Co-operative
Packing Company, all water
frontage on lot 1, block 14H,
Shlvely'H Astoria
(' W. Carnahan and wife to W.
K. demerit, N'u of SK 1-4 Sec.
Foard & Stokes Company to
CroHHCtt Timber Company, ISO
acres in Sections 5 and 8, T.
7 N., R. 7 W
Trilled States to M. J. Joyce,
160 acres In Section 6-5-10
M. J. Joyce to H. K. Noble, 100
acres land In Section 6-5-10. . 1,(100
( W. Lelck and wife to H. K.
Noble, 171 acres In Section 12-5-11
How much of your life l spent try
ing to get well. It requires but a month
or less to put the average man or wo
man on their feet with Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea
or Tablets. For saU by ank IUrt.
Star Theater
Friday, Saturday, Saturday Matinee,
Sunday and Sunday Matinee, The
Great Emotional Drama,
0 i
Morning A-torian, 00 cents per montu
Delivered by carrier.
Morning Astorian, 60 cents
month, delivered by carrier.
Prioei: 15o, 25o and 35 o; Matinee:
10 and 25 cents.