FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1007. THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTOKIA, OREGON. 1 1 iiiiMi'. whi'iii liU nlilllly fur luyltift Sherman Transfer Co. uv u(,iuii' nM Iii dcliiiln Ih well rise i iil,i'i, r WASHINGTON NOTES THE DAY OF Wejt Insistent that Car Shortage Be Remedied By Congress. HITCHCOCK AFTER GRAFTERS Conflrimr Roiv Broni. Modal Moaiurt Introduced Ayalntt Convict-Madn ProducUNew Motor Will Harn. gta. WAMIIIN'JTm.N, Jim. 10, -Two Went-h-ii ini'ii HiIm wi't'k lirouKhi forcibly lo llln lt It'll! lull "'f riniKi' n Din Kiowlinj ili iiiiiii.I of the Went fur tielter Iiiiiih imluldii Mi;llltlM. Tliey mi- In. V, J. M !, of HI. LiiiiIm, wIhi U iilli'h'l" !K lb" convention uf (In- AiihtIiihi ,Htn:liillnii fur iIim Advancement uf jMlwiee, and (ielieiul (ire'-im 11. Iliniin, i f IIIIiioIh, Former ('ipiiiimIkhIi'Iht uf l'mnlon lr. Met lee, declined pub l'i l Mint I (n- iiiiihI pi oiuliietil Ihhiii' if tlii innl I 'uiiki lotnloiml i iiiiinilMii In the Wi'Hi will In' of wiil-r. II.' j I o t (hill tliii iii'ri'nly fur 1 m-i ; m- 1 ttAintiiorliitlou In I ho iimnt iUh (lull le-fore til n Hinlliin of till' enliiillV I' day iitid thut iin tin- rnllniiidx nr. Ii'l filly liiiiiriUiit.. In iiiiiitl tin- him t'lmiiKK f tliwl m'i'Huii, ( hi- Intel lur wnd-i wiiys uiiiHt In. Improved In per V It of til.- 1-Blnlillnliili' lil of Mm In uf freight riirryltiK ImutH, "If lll fl.ttoll !illlllltrillu! ipllti liil HiliVii Id.- pii-m-nt tit Relit ih-c'Ih." frt)' i. Mi ll, e, "the peuple uf In MbfilMi.i v. ill. y .iii, tie- Inli ilur tlltte Will clrr n ciiiiki -) tllul Will They inn I h.iv,- i. ll.-f" (ion, I t.-t u in In ciii illy lnlnl-ni Mtlliml rhulllii'll 1- j - I t 1 i:ir. '.. r tin- iii.ii i i lluim (tiuwth In lruHl' tli- h'IiiIm lu tliu return kiililo IlKureH P. lit tlllllll- I. II till- lilcilt l.liUl'H liil iit- tiilliii'l. mill di rl.ircK thut tlic uri iiii I' llu iKc mm. u iuiiiji iic with II. li' u Iliiutn l authority fm llu- Hl.ilnii nl i'lii (lu. tonriuge th::! lictrull iM-ry yenr Ih Kr.-.iti-r limn I li.-i ' luiiniik'c uf K iinluiiK, ll.ivrc, N-'.v York i inl liiili'liiii. If a naibtfurtniy rhimm l V. t-v etiUhllnlieil lictwcnll tlic l.iiki l i ril ib- 'ml r. t til n i ci ui'l iitihl In- In immhoiJ viintly, Ihi.hi h'iivy nut- IuiihIIiii' i uiil'l In. liMiulli'l frum the i".it nuithi'il) nt.ilex In lliuHc fiiitln r I'uilth lillri-ly wit bin 111'' imiliii'H uf thi' country. Tlic f.n t tlmt lii.pi i ;n It'i- t" :l uil J U ' ! liliicl. in ru, liHK tu K 1 1 i I niiii'iil IlKilf'-i, Hi')" n:iV"I In f'l-lubt iii.iiK'' "M Ih,. ;i,,ii f.ikrt l 'ulH III.. I'llUI IIIUtlN Kiim uf f 3ll.".,IHHI. run, Im ptil fui w.ii.l iti mi ail'b 'I I'c.u.uii v liy Iin- Kiivcriiiicnt Hhould cxpehil I Ik muiiih fur thin Krtii-nii' uf Intcriml l"iliinciiinil. I ! U llk'iy I'unuiri' Will ,.1HH II., Kl'M'l'M lill 111 S'uvliliilK fuinls fur w.ilrrw .i n iliii- UJ,.'!!! Ill, I'll! .I'Uuiill.'H uf tin- wuill .'.re i Nlruiii; siM rvi-r III lli' lr inni.-n Hun llml ItHHi' .ipiiruiiiiilluii Hbuill 1 Vr rcifiilur iiri'1 tlutl the wurk Mhmitil be roiiHturitly iiml t'aillly iihIii-, fur aril Hocretiiry Hitchcock In after liu-laid cnibheiN with v iiK'-uh". In an or ler JUKI IhmuciI In the Mpciial iikcIIIh : ml rerelyciH an, I r',i;lsrr; of Im al hunt oIllccH. he baM ileclni cl that all fi'lici'H enrliinltin: pulilti- 1 i n 1 1 h iniisl ti ii moved ticfinc April imi. if uu-y me ru( rcinovcil by that dale, the 1'. S. Kovprnmeiit will tear them down. 1 reHlib'nt UuiiHi'Vell ban heartily cii I'nrHoil HiIm ili'iinlve net ton of Mr. JHIchcock'M, iiIHioiikIi the HtrotlKOHt ) iihmIIiI,' prcMNiiri' Ii.'ih been brmiKht to bear upon Hie adinliilMlratlun In halK I ho order of the Interior I tepartment. There may be mutic iniidllleiitlonH nr rnged later, permitting the land grab bers to leanc from tic Kuvcriiiucnt the 1: ikIh they now have under fence, and In tlilH inanuer the feiiccH will be al lowed to remain up so hintf iih all the lawn are cninplbul Willi and the KasiM re not abrogated. Thin, however, will I e a matter for Secretary Hitchcock t-i decklo later, and In bin charai'teiin tlr way he Ih making no iirnmlnea. CoriKreHMinan Haiiholdt of MIshoui'I, who, uh vhnlrnian of the Am lican Itanch of (he Interparllani.Mitary Un ion, repreHented Amerlcu abroad at the Coiiki'ohh bint year, him been dec- luted with a bronze medal, which he values most highly. The docoratlon comeH from Huron d'KHtournclle du Conntant, president general of lh? council general of the Association for International Conciliation, and In In appreciation of the services rendered by Mr. Hurtholdt In the cause of uni versal pence. Mr. linrtholdt's views on peace are well known, and he Is an advocate of disarmament In season and cut. However, his peaceful proclivi ties do not extend to the floor of the A bill of roiit llripiirliiiin. to In hoi mhI Iii ilui iiiimiifiii'turliiK woil'1 Ih now lirf' i( Ilui H,tmti', biivliiK iilri-ii'ly I hmpmhI iii, ll'iiiMi', It In fuilowcil by li'liri'Miiiliilvo Kunl nf MlwHutirl, ainl CM-kd lo iiii'vciil I Im fri'o (iiihniik"i frtiiti Hliilii lo Htiilij if rmivlvt minis kuoiIm, At tint pri'mml tlinu uinlur Uin Intur Hlulit coiniiii'ico luw, iirlliii'H m it ii u fnc- tiiri'ii in Hiiiii iii'iiiiniiiliirliii may piiM fji'dy bcyoinl the boiiniliirlcK nf tin Hliiln iiml be nffi'icd In oiicn iiiiirknt In i ' iniM'tlllun will) Uin irii1u'tn of fro" b bur, Tb" Kunl bill w-kM lu rcmcly U Im llluniriil I'linilllluii of nffiiim by I ' iii-ib iilly niiiii'iIiik Uin ir v I rilorit nf Ibo liitor-Hliili i (iinincrcc luw, iind IClllllltllllt i-imIi Htiilo lo blnlHt fori llMi-lf on thft KUbJ(!t nf Ibi) rinpliiyini'iil if lu coiivlclK, iiml it I ho to ir"lilhlt tbo Inlni'liiiiluii Into Iin li-rrllory of Koo'ii iiiinb' by cotivli Ih In other HhitcH, I culi'iH In iiKrlrtilliiiiil liiiili-ini-nlN mid I', fiinin rH huiiIIiih uro oHiioi billy Ind r cfli'il In (In. ini'imuic, whli h will in lift lu mi mil Hi.' wlilniliiK com t('l 1 1 luti i ffi-ri-'l by Iin- hull- of IiIiiiIIiik twine j iniinufin iurci) In lhc Knllenllni leu of "v.. Hlnti'H iui'I Mhliipil beyiinl llieron linen i,r I bom- Hliilcn. In lliln piirlli ii l.u i .ini'( ihc rcHiilt lut h not only been to ('i-prlve free liihur i-nK'iK'-'l In Hi" niiui iifiiriuie uf Much twlup Hint ,(. work I hiil HK-uttn Ih ir (tally bri-ml, but Ih Imc iiIku cili)lcl Ihc ihfiilcrn who hid i uiilriu lei fur HlmkM of tin. twin" from I'Kiiliir iiiiinufiiiiiirern, A kihwIiik iMelclicy Ik Min-n In employ crinvli I bib'.r In upbtill'lltiK of public khuIh im.) In iiiirh uih-r wink an will offer no ' Mipi'llMuii to frc liilmr iiml mill he a li.'liclll tu Ih,. cnlll.' roiiiiiltllilty, A bill ulnillnr lu thiil Inlruiluccil ,y Mr. Hunt p:.!.. the lluiiii,. I,, ih,. M;ih enifrcHM but f.lllcl til puKH Ihc Keliate. I: Im h.ilcy, ,1 ihn hicimuic Ihih a. far I'ctlcr chaicc of pa'iHaifc In Ihc Heiiat ' "W than l hti-l then. l''i i 'l Stan, of Ai.KrlcN, In h'-r with a motor which he helli-vcii will i vutul Inn ,. Hi" moth- power of the win ., ArrurdlbK to Mr. Hlarr. he will !a enabled by ,N wave motor to Inc. nc Ih,. iMcltlc Ocean and manufac ture cleitilclty no cheaply that even the pooreltl can l lltny II fin- !,.;j.i!;j. bditliiif. Mr. Starr bellcVcH thut with IiIh modir the manufacture of liijul'l air will be m,i cheapened that II will become an Hctuul commodity. H f I" 'it 'I JciiiH of MtruKulis In thft face i f ridicule iitid In now here to perf-ct 'itpllanccH fur fuiclk'ti patent". lm- 1'iimcnt ncu-ntiMtH are neither i-ndoiH l-K nor pnoponhlnir Mr. Siurr's Invcu i '.... t it. . ... . . -'ii. uh.. Hue mo ai iHnuurian, lln y ' '" willing t h,. nhnwn. Mini' t iii,. Ham'- hour thai I'.inic Xitluti ,itilcd lu WanhliiKtnii with her I ii'rhi-i and tier delermliiatlnu in purl- fv CoiiKreHt and Ihc national capital l-'crct.iiy UilNuii, Snll.Kur Mci'al,. ' "'d IT, II W. Wile, nf . llcp.i, !. of AKiirultlll'., Hllpped nuletly ,,wa '" Inqulic Into Die in.inufai tine i Whiskey, 'liny will vldt vaiimis dls- i iicricH in rittMhui'K. Tcciia, IIh,, and Tern- Haul.', 1 mi,, In their iticnt fie li'formntbiu. In the meantime th cui'iai ( l uf.i'ier Ih sllrrliiK up a pretty row amoiiK the Icinperaiice women UasliliiKlnn. Mis. Nallun attended o.'ilire Kiven by the ( ll dcr nf the lt.irll- (hlti M Ibis week, Imi uh attended nnlv for the purpose nf ilcuounrl'lK th tiieiiilici h tor their frivolity, and !,.. i tared thai It was alnmst as had a the ruin evil. As a result, Mrs. Xa i, mi w.ih iicnuiinceii and (urn d nut of the ItachablleH camp to light the (I '- nun nun uv iiciMcii ami in ni-i- own v ay. I litis far Mrs. Natlen has nut i ..i i . , ircii nee ax, nor nas sne maile vcrv incny nenis in the worldly armor of (Infill Washington. in tile rew iin ys llml ('undress has I" en In session since the Christmas r. cess, llu'iv lias been a noted Increase In the attendance. While It Is not likely that John Wesley Culnes' plan to "dock" the niemhi-r.s fur being ab- f'-nl front llielr seats will ever becom. a law, nevertheless, his threat had -in limost electrical effect. It jarred from ineir easy chairs In the rotunda of Hie omestead Hotel at Hut Springs, Va a number of congressmen who had looked forward to upending sev eral pleasant and restful days at that mountain wittering place. Then- mem bers were noticeably In evidence when the Speaker's gavel fell and the de liberations of the House began on the I'i'sl day. Since Congress has re sumed, Mr. Gaines has not brought this project to the fere again. It prob t.bly was nothing more than a threat and the results, It. in believed, have sn wit lulled the TYnueHseait, that he will let the matter rest. Th Price of Peace. The terrible Itching and smarting, Incident to certain skin diseases, Is almost Instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Frank Hart, and leading druggists. rr rr la 1 ITLjlv w HKN the exprcMHinan set tnn down In MiiHter'N olllne, I whh dog-tired and croMH and bun- lungry, but the minute Muster lined me out of my box, t knew 1 was l.i I tig to love hi in and would grow Into a proper d"K, for he hud the "touch." Maybe you don't know what th? "touch" Is. Well, It'H the skillful hand I'ug that marks the knowledge an') love of dog aiiittouiy, and mo, I heard (be voice of Master, I loved hl; l aud, and Just kuvij It a good licking greetliiK, you're n bully Utile (Imp, 'pon my Hi ul," Im said, In a rb-h caressing vice; "I'm glad you've come In to lay, 'twill dicer ii fellow up to have you about." The be seemed to forget me for quite ii minute or so, until I gave tilM finger a fili-ndly r'-inlndliig nip and growled little bit. and then he threw back bis I i ad and laughed and said, "What a si vagi- little brute It Is! Jealous, too." He held me up and looked me In the fin e good und hard, su I felt unite i-m- I arruHMi d, silly thai I wa, for he shook head slowly, and still more slow- pronourit i-d my (loom. "I shall call nil tin- Wrecker, do you bear, yo;i I tlic hull terrier pup? -The Wrecker,' first because you're made, of fierce ain: uuartiiKoiuc stun aiei win ne an t i-iiiy to every one but ine ami my l'i ci a friends, and, secondly, because! i man I Inv'-ii, wrote a story once, and all (I It 'The Wrecker.' ai d In memory nf hlui I biiptl.c you the Same. Wi llie going to he great pals, Wicker; ou, the wn-ckcr of other p- opl' S prop erly, arid I, Hie wicker of my own." I 'Ud my b"Wt In plu!i"t; I wiggled ; cd Jumped and yelp. , I, and tried by I very gclltle alt I kll.-w, lu show him what a loving gentle kindly nature 1 I oNHi-Mi-d, for 1 felt that 1 simply could ut enter life so wrongly label. -d. 'The Wrecker!" why I wouldn't will ingly chase a i at, then bow could I i ver be ready to pick a uUari'L-1 and present a sullen and frowning front to the world. (ill, Master, why don't you und.-r-iland me? why do you wan't me to be Savage and disagreeable? Protests. I found, however, were In In, "The Wrecker," I was to be. A l-i nut Iful new collar, bearing my name, i. us placed iib"iit my neck, ami 1 wii I loudly displayed to alt nf Mast- f' i i qualnlam cs, of whom there seenic l l. be a great many. "He's a pietly tierce proposition," Vas. r would say, "I don't believe I'd i' uch him," and then 1 always lifted my Hp a little and Just showed mv I.ctli enough tn look Interc-ting. mil " in in rally threw In a growl or so and t .id.' such a good bluff uf It, that 'l ) i i,e would come near me, but jus! M.i ml at a distance and admire ni" "'aster would lock so happy an 1 t'ieaMed at my behavior that I always Ii iiped at him and tried to lick his fac nl then the visitor would say, ' S. . m . like you pretty well, Dick," an 1 Master would respond In un olT-han l f 'iiion. "Oh, the little duffer and I nr. ,r. oi! enough friends," but I knew how much pride be look In having me love Just him and no one else. I 'cor Master! I don't believe his llf l"'d been a very happy one; he used to talk to me a good d al about It. "Wrecker." he would say as we sat I, gether late at night, for Master neve v anted to go to bed. "I've made i n ess of most things; 1 wanted beauti ful good things -1 really did, but they w i i'e hard to gel, you see; so I took w'at came easiest, and, Wrecker, it's powerful lot easier to be bad than I. ood. If you would try to be a nice i.'c)itle tittle nog rnr a wnoie day, you ould see what a hard undertaking you had on fool; no, you needn't lick my hand, yon know you have a nasty I- mper and what about Hint last rusj you mistook for it bone?" He shook his fnger at me, and I dropped my tail nd looked ashamed; but I had to mile behind my gloomy visage, for In i der to keep up my reputation I de stroyed something every day or so, 'ust as a mater of practice. Sometimes I grew very tired of the " i t I had to act, for 1 had played cross oiig I was really getting to bo that way. There's something funny about that; you give a dog u bad name, he's .hist bound to deserve it, after awhile. Life jogged on uneventfully enough tntll "The Day." I speak of it in that ty because It was the famous day H at I have heard every dog hits some fine during his life, and it happened this way. Master was In the Club late In the nf. ternoon and I was waiting outside on tti.t steps for him. They have a pecu liar prejudice against dogs (I mean ct J-J Wvjt tfoMo with four foetj ut the Club, but I didn't care lu go in anyway; 1 prefer t fresh air, though on thin occuslori " fell a llttio tlrod una Impatient fj go home. 1 wan wishing that Muster would i cine, when suddenly an automobllo me Hplnniiig up the curb, and I bad ,'uei time to not li e a lovely bidy in it, with a gentleman, when MaMter came ('own the Mteps, and X sprang up to .eel him. Hut be uldri'l notice me ut t 'I, bo Jum mured hard ut tne huiy, vvbo Miami uard at him, und then Ihcy nemed to remember to nod their head .Ml In nic'ther minute Master wan alklug up the street ut a very bicon - I'i'eiatt- gate for me, j 1 felt ,t Intl.- hurt ul bis neglect, ho' vatdc no attempt to recull myself toj I'm. I heck-d It ull the way to our 'i, .u tinenl, mid, having readied lher, ' iih alaiuied to lind that Master, with-1 ' ut even a glance at his highball cor, dropped into bin big easy chair, j and pulling out a letter, hei ume up larenly lost in lis contents. ! iiiici- I thought I heard him murmur "Katherlne," but I couldn't be sur-. I iiung about, and tried In d iff en nt eys to divert him, but was unsuc isful, until, leaning back In his chair, 1 " closed his eyes, and the letter he i ad been reading dropped, to the floor. It was my opportunity, und I seized I1.. I was h bit Irritated, anyway, -it i having been neglected so long, so 1 Just grabbed that piece of paper, and tore It Into tiny shredH and then 1 (piletly lay down, and went to sleep, 1 nngiy, tlrd and hurt. I have no Idea as to long I slept, but. I shall ii'-vcr forget my rude awaken ing. A hand at my throat, a violent rhake, and Ma-ter's voice, hoarse with ii ge,- "Vou little brute," be said be tween cloned teeth; "you have de ft roy.-d my one chance of happiness? ""'-it letter,-oh. she would have be-i;--vcd It, and forgiven me. It was a confession, can't fyu understand ? u confession from a woman who had t' Id her lies about me, and this woman I; dead and can never speak again, an 1 Katherlne will never, never know the fi'lh." He turned from me with a gioan. "I'm mad," he moaned, "you've mined me; you'r.. nothing but a dug, but you've ruined me, and you don't ("n know It." With that he threw himself on the couch, face down. I loved him, oh, how I loved hln, but he had been cruel and unjust to me How could I tell that that particular (Continued on Page 6.) GIRL BABY'S Sight of Eye Destroyed by Disease Tried Five Doctors but Grew Worse In Agony Eight Months Parents Discouraged, Until They Tried Cuticura Remedies IN ONE WEEK ALL SORES DISAPPEARED "Our little girl, one year and a half old, was taken with eczema or that was what the doctor said it was. We called in the family doctor and he gave 6ome tablets and "snid she would be all right in a few days. The eczema grew worse and we called in doctor Iso. 2. Ho said she was teething, as soon as the teeth were through she would be all right. But she still grew worse. Doc tor No. 3 said it was eczema. By this time she was nothing but a yellow, crcenish sore. Well, lie said ho could help her, so we let him try it about a week. One morning we discovered a little yellow pimnle on one of her eyes. Of course we phoned for doctor No. 3. He came over and looked her over and said that he could not do any thing more for her, that we had better take her to some eye specialist, since it was an ulcer. So we went to Oswego to doctor No. 4, and he said the eye sight was gone, but that he could help it. e thought we would try doctor No. 5. Well, that proved the same, only he charged $10 more than doctor No. 4. We were nearly discouraged. I saw ono of the Cuticura advertisements in the paper and thought we would try the Cuticura Treatment, so I went and purchased a set of Cuticura Remedies, which cost me $1, and in three days our daughter, who had been sick about eight months, showed great improve ment, and in one week all sores had dis appeared. Of course it could not re store the eyesight, but if we had used Cuticura in time I am confident that it would have saved the eye. We think there is no remedy so good for any skin trouble or impurity of the blood as Cuticura. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, R. F. D. No. 9, Fulton, Oswego Co., N. Y., August 17, 190G." Complote External und Internal Treatment (or Every Humor of Infants Children, and Adults consists of Cutlnira Soap (25c.) to Cleanse the Skin. Cuticura Ointment (50c.) to Heal the Skin, and Cut Icura Resolvent (50c), ( In the form of Choco late Coated PIMs, 25e. per vial of CO) to Purify the Wood. Sold throuBhout the world. Potter Drug A Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston, Mass. W Moiled Freo, On Humors of skui and Scalp, AWFUL ECZEMA HENRY SHERMAN, Mwuuiei nck, C.irige Bggig Checked end Transferred Trucke erd Furnltor Wegone Pianos Mored, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street H. B. PARKER, E. P. PARKER, Manager. Proprietor. PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN. First Claie In Every Reepeot Free Coach to the House, Bar and Billiard Room. Good Check Reitaurant Oregon Aetorla, WHAT IS IT YOU NEED? Your house wired? Your door bell fixed? or your telephone connected up? STEEL (Si UP-TO-DATE ELECTRICIANS. SCOH BAY IRON ASTOKIA, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS Up to tate Saw Mill Machinery! 18th and Franklin Ave, ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pres. F L BISHOP. Secretar) Designers and Manufacturers oi THE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits FurniskJ. CORRESPONDENCE SOUCITED, Foot of Fourth Street OO CENTS PER MONTH Guarantees to its Advertisers A Larger Circulation Than Any Paper Published In Aftoria OUR BOOKS ARE OPEN TO INSPECTION BY OUR ADVERTISERS Main Phone 121 a, . IV.. ' t I'. '.'.' ..'' ' i ' u ' M " ' . . . su-? '. frill T ri--;'i',)i;;;v ' "J ' m'Jtt't K Good Sample Rooms on Ground Floor for Commercial Men. EWART No. 222 TWELFTH 8TREET, & BRASS NUB OISEGON LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS Pronipt stteDtioD'f'iven t nt. repair 'work Tel. Main 2451 Nelson Trotr, Vice-Pres. and Supt ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK, Treas ASTORIA'S BEST NEWSPAPER