The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 11, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1907.
ItUbUshed 1873.
Published Daily Except Monday by
By mail, per year $7.00
By carrier, per month W
H,, mail, per year, in advance..
Entered a ieocml-etM mm tr July
IN. lfUt. at tb poetofflce l Aitorta, Ore
roo, isder the act of Confrea ot aWirch t,
tWOrAen for the drttwinji of The Mom
MiuiroauJitoeiUMir nwMwioe or place of
bustMS oT be uutde by poatnl card or
through tl aooe. Any ImvularltT in de
lta? should be mmediatWr reported to the
office of publication.
Official paper of Clautop county uJ
the City of Aitorta.
I m
Oregon and Washington Fair
and continued cold.
Blanche Day, young, pretty, o-dd in
feath at the morgue, abandoned to
tfe miserable circumstance of such 1
Duriai as may be doled out to ho;
by the kindliness of her kind; strick
en In the very flower of her youth; a
victim to the lax regimen of the so
cial life of the country, homeless,
friendless save for the questionable
companionship of these fallen lower
fven than sh . had time to fall; tells,
lu her terrible silence, the vr tched,
trite and ever-damnable story of the
infamy of man and the weakness of
woman. The story is too old, too in
timately understood, to call for de
tails; Its changes have been run? from
time immemorial without apparent ef
fect on human society, and it were
hopeless to attempt to fasten its
dreadful significance now, after the
countless examples of the centuries
lave failed in their mission. Only to
the young, unused to the graphic and
terrible signs given forth in such ex
periences as hers, is the lesson borne
in with all its weight of infinite sor
iow. To them, if they will only think
it out, does it bear some weight of
warning and yield som? m'-asure of
proof and conviction that may serve
to save them harmless through the
perils so widely strewn along their
life's way. The public is not per
mitted to penetrate the veil that hides
the dead girl's past, it is not known
what, nor who, contributed to the bit
ter tragedy she has faced, and shrunk
from in the ever-dreadful refuge of
death; there are thousands of inter
woven causes leading up to such sick
ening climaxes, and only the lesson
remains for the young, the innocent,
to nurture, and apply, most happily,
to their own careers. That this girl's
unhappy death may serve to spare on ?
more of the same sort, or inspire some
faltering, reckless spirit with courage
to turn sharply from an unhappy des
tiny, then poor Blanche Day will not
have died in vain.
The great traffic managers, Stubbs
and Hannaford, representing two of
the gigantic railway combines of the
day and the world, have told the In
terstate Commerce Commission in un
equivocal terms, that the idea of stif
l'ng competition in that tusiness is a
farce and a failure and beyond the
power of the law, as it lies in th-;
hands of the commission, to correct,
o eliminate. This is plain di aling an 1
rails for some more of the same kind
at the hands of thj sovereign iowcm
cf the land in the rebuffing and pun
ishing of such contumacy. The ques
tion hinges, peculiarly, on just what
is the sovereign power, the govern
ment, or the railroads. It is high time
the people were taking over their own
fnd exercising it with such force and
direction as will forever settle this
much mooted issue. The moment is
popitious and Congress has Its op
portunity clearly cut out for it. What
Will it do?
eMp of the House aty the chief fct
tvrcs now confronting the monihcrsntu
t nd the battle for those honors H
afoot. Clatsop has no champions for
O'ese dignities and simply sends three
pood Republicans tip there to stand
for nil the best that can befall the
vato, and Incidentally, Clatsop. A 4
far as the House Is concerned, wo ate
V ost warmly disposed to Hon. Frank
Pavey for the speakership, and will
be glad to see him got It. because of
his entire fitness and honesty and the
j nurance we have that the State of
Oregon will be well taken care of In
very detail of legislative work. As
to the Senate, we are without prefer
ence, unless it be for Haines of Wash
! gton. nnd without prejudice unless
b- forninst Hodson, of Multnomah.
nd there you are!
(,1111 1 m ill! RETIRES
Raise more chickens, turkeys and
J ogs, and you will b surprised how
the earnings will increase at the end
of the year. Resides In this day when
tdulteration is practiced, it Is worth
more than can be estimated to have
pure food. When It is raised at home
you know It is pure. Too many farm
t? neglect the attention to little
things which the little things deserve
because they have formed the idea that
small profits are not worth while. Rut
at the same time they forget that,
compared with the original investment,
the percentage of protl from a hen, for
Instance, Is greater than It Is form
a fat steer. Say the hen cost 50 cents.
In the course of a year she will lay
t least ten dozen eggs. At an av-
cage price of Irt cents a dozen, whicn
i.- low, those eggs will bring $2. A
bvndred hen would bring $200, and
i"i st of the time they would b
rcratchinsr for themselves. Add to
this profit what could bo derived from
a bunch cf turkeys, ducks and pigs.
and the farmer man would have a nle
little bank account on the side, his
vfe and babies could have smart
t ew frocks.
Rumor of His Resignation from
Republican Party Chair.
Many Were Disturbed That Member of
Cabinet Should Be Chairman of
National Committee Position
Carries Great Influence.
There are two klu Is ,,f gossipers an I
1 t'th classes are genuine nuisances to
fcciety and an abominable evil in
general. One class deliberately lie and
circulate li-s. The besmirching of
imputations is their d-light. The other
c'hss, but little better, takes great de
light in delving in the past and re
minding the present generation of all
the forgotten faults and foolish errors
and mistakes made by people who have
me redeemed them by a life of hones
ty and probity. If all the gossips were
transported the work of salvation
would be a far easier task than It is
now. Exchange.
It is astonishing how many people
.re barely existing In the densely
populated east, while Kansas and
rther agricultural states of the west
and others of the south are praying
for skilled and unskilled labor at
"good wages." A man who says his
Idleness is enforced these days is fib
bing. It would be well also for evry
southern and western state to have an
immigration bureau for the direction
of home seekers.
The twenty-fourth legislative as
Brmbly of the State of Oregon is In
foeess of organization. The presi
dency of (he Senate and the speaker
There is no doubt that a large per
cent of the degradation, disgrace, ruin
nd crime among the young springs
from the habit of night prowling, cor
ner loafing, and kindred acts by both
cexes in city, town and hamlet, all
ever this broad country. Any person
who keeps his or her eyes open, knows
th's. Hundreds of boys and girls are
rut at night and we all know that
many influences for evil and none for
good surround them continually.
There is a lot of Inferior draft horses
being imported into the country, $200
plugs which are sold for $2,000
here on the ground that they are im
ported stock. A lot of Belgian horses
recently shipped in the United States
cost the buyer in Belgium less than
$'00 each, and were so poor a lot
that the owner would not allow them
to be photographed by an American
a't they were being put on the ship.
WASHINGTON, Jan. ll).At last, so
It Is aald, George H. Curtdyou Is to
tetlre as chairman of the Republican
national committee. Political Wash
ington Is kept busy gossiping u.s to
bis successor. Several men are men
tioned, but the race would seem to
b between Senator Nathan It. Scott,
ot West Virginia, and Col. Harry New.
of Indianapolis, the latter now vice
chairman of the committee.
No definite date has been set for
Mr. Cortelyou's retirement, but the
understanding Is that he will relin
quish his committee place before he
r"oves from the postothVe over to the
treasury as the successor of Secretary
Mr. Cortelqou's retention of the na
tional chairmanship has sh -eked a
good many people whose sense of the
fitness of things is keyed to a Hoe
joint. It will be remembered that Mr.
Cortelyou left his cabinet portfolio a'
secretary of commerce and labor to be
( "mo chairman of the natl -tial com
mittee and manager of Mr. Roosevelt's
(.unpaign in HUM. A good deal was
sr id at the time in commendation of
the President and Mr. Cortelqou, be
er use their notions of seemliness would
no! admit of a man being at once a
campaign manager and a cabinet min
ister. The campaign over and Mr.
Cortelyou returned to the Cabinet as
jostmaster general, It was not un un
natural expectation that he would Im
mediately relinquish the chairmanship.
Dame Rumor at one,, got busy and
('ate after date for his retirement
fxed. But the dates went by and Mr
C'Ttelyou said on. It was explained
that contests over patronage in some
of the Southern states were respon
sible for the delay. The contents wcr-
adjusted, cr ran their courses and db'd.
but th. expected vacancy in the chair
manship did not occur. Undoubtedly
there has been some reason, sufficient
to Mr. Cortelyou and the l're ident
v hy the change should not be made,
but the public has not been taken in'.o
their confld nee as to the nature of
those reasons.
The position of chairman cf the na
tional committee of the party In power
! one of large Influence, an,j o,,. plum
" highly prized by the politically am
bitious. Should Mr. Cortelyou resign
between now and next 4th of March,
there undoubtedly will be
a spirited contest. Control of the na
tional committee will be a valuable
thing when th; next national conven
tion meets. Opponents of President
Rooeve!t within the Reiubliean jar
ty will attempt to secure- this advan
tage. It Is not unreasonable to ex
jeet that Mr. Roosevelt will try to re
tain it.
Mention of Senator Scott in connec
tion with the place is of recent origin,
and is believed by many to be a part
of the plan in opposition to the Pres
ident. Senator Scott's allegiance N
with the old Hanna faction In th
party, and he has never allowed en
thusiasm for Mr. Roosevelt to get the
tetter of him. Col New, because of
bis position as vice chairman, has
been considered from the first. lb- was
formerly a Hanna lieutenant, but is
'so counted a staunch supjiorfer of
te President. This neutral po'dtlon
undoubtedly would be in his favor,
v.ere the chairmanship to be deride I
v Ithout a contest; should tie: cuntes'
Income strenuous, It might op rate In
1 Mmluate htm.
There Is more or loss iuIiimsIiich III
tbe anti-Roosevelt camp as to what
tT President's plans may be. I hey
have no assurance thai Mr. Coil lyou
is going to resign at all. though I hey
insist It would be a public scandal
to have the secretary of the treasury
reive as a national chairman. There
l.i also a suspicion that Mr. Koos,
-It may have In reserve for lhi jilai
ionic man uol yet mentioned, and It
always Is hard to lay plans to meet
en unknown eontliiKoncy. The 11IT11I1
promises to be interest lug nnd slgnlll
cant and It will be well worth watching,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Bene
fits a City Councilman at King
ston, Jamaica.
Mr. W. O Rellly Fcwarty, who U a
member of the City Council at King
ston, Jamaica. West Indies, write as
follows: "One bottle of Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy had good effect on a
cough that waa giving me trouble and
I think I should have been more
quickly relieved If I had continued the
remedy, That It waa beneficial and
quick In relieving me there la no
doubt and it is my Intention to ob
tain another bottle." For sale by
Frank Hart, and leading druggists.
A LISA NY, Or, Jan. 10 -The cloth -
in of Marie Muck, the fi-year-old
daughter of John Mack, near Shell
1 urn, caught fire while the girl was
: laying around a burning slump in a
1" l 1 which her father was clearing
The father nearly extinguished the
tl. noes, but the girl will die. Mack's
hands were severely bin tied.
SAN KUANt'ISCd, Jan. 10. When
in k,-d today us to the truth of tin
statement that 'hlnese mercnauts of
itekland were responsible for the boy
cott on American goods In China, Vice
Consul ( nvyang Kins -boiled all knowl
edge of the boycott.
XVl'fictitblc Preparation for As
similating Uic Food ntut Uctf ubi -ling
the Stumodu and Uovrcb of
ncM and Itest.Contalns neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion. Sour Stoniach.niarrhoca
Warms jConvuLsioas.Fcvcrish
ocss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tc Simile Signature of
new Yomc.
exact ccwor wrappm.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
Is a stage and Ballard's Snow Lini
ment plays a most prominent part. It
has no superior for Rheumatism, stiff
Joints, ruts, sprains, nnd all pains. Buy
It, try it, and you will always use It.
Anybody who has used Ballard's Snow
Liniment Is a living proof of what II
docs. Buy a trial bottle. 25c, 50c and
11.00. Hart's drug store.
The arbiters of fashion In the French
cajiltal have decided that the elbow
sn-eve must bo abandoned. This mean
the long gloves, too, must go, to th-'
great delight of the girls whose arms
do not lilt cut these coverings.
SI'Iv OUR WINDOW" i:'lRVT!!lN(; VU' Nl'I'D!
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co Jnc.
Sucrrjinis to Foard k Stokes Co
That's the house the doctor built
The biggest house you see;
Thank goodness he don't get our mon
ey, For we all drink Boi ky Mountain
For sale by Frank Hart.
A m . . T
To Be Happy
and Gay
Means not only good thing, to eat, but alto the best of tinny, to drink,
and the best of all good drinks I Sund & Carlton',
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies,
Choice wines and Champcignes.
509 Commercial St.
III, 12
A mountain of salt is one of the
natural cuiiouiii'-s of the island of
:-pn Domingo. A recent survey showed
that the mountain is five miles square
Et its base, and Is estimated to con
tain 90,000.000 tons of Halt.
Bad Stomach Trouble Cured.
Having been sick for the past two
two years with a bad stomach, a friend
gave me a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They did
me so much good that I bought a bot
tle of them and have used twelve bot
tles in all. Today I am well of a
bad stomach trouble. Mrs. John Lowe,
Cooper, Maine. These tablets are for
sale by Frank Hart and leading drug-
1 . - t
t Latest popular
Direct from the publishers
21 Sc Per Copy
See the Show Window.
E. A. Higgins 7o.
Books Music
Often a person is sized up hy his appear
ance; hy the lone that surrounds hint. And
more often a business house is sized up hy
Hie stationary it uses. A cheap letter
head or a poor hill head jjrjvos a mighty
poor first impression and makes business
harder to transact. Good printing costs no
more than poor printing. The first im
pression is half the battle in business.
You wouldn't employ a "sloppy" sales
man; why put up with "sloppy" station
ery, that gives a wrong impression of the
iniportanee of your business. Let us do
your printing and help you to make that
ten strike.
The J. S. DellingerCo.