The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 04, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Established 1B73.
Published Daily Except Monday by
By mail, per year $7 00
By earrier, per month W
B, mail, per year, in advance.
Roturtd aa moond-ilMi mattw July
W. 1M. at th poawfflc at Astoria, un
f oa, aider tfa act of Cotujresa ot March J,
tWOnWt for the AtXnrmg of TBI Morm
lira touaji to etUww nwkWwe or place ot
btalaea aay b mad by postal card or
through teto acme. Any hrjruUrity In !
tirrrj should be mnxiiattj reported to the
offlcw at pobUeaUoa.
Official paper of Clatsop county aud
the City of Astoria.
parent dodjs, such .in (lit:: and abate
t'v 1 ! , f their inquiry and reme
dial resort. The list nf 1 'linnuencles
ehartfoable to the Villi Hues of Ore-
Son If tin immense eno. and mi f
the rlcm uls if contention are f ir too
pronounced In longer remat m:iii
Justed. It Is strictly up to tills IckIs
liitut,- t.i do Its duly by t!u people of
Oregon mi this vital subjtvt without
: n vt In f ifi moiv than an honest ivkuvI
for the real riuhts of tin- transporta
tion companies. The people's turn Is
at hand.
Western Oregon and Wash-
Ington Rain or snow; colder In
south portion.
For want of something to hurl at
Theodore Roosevelt and disparage his
past and cripple his future, the ene
mies of his administration are en
deavoring to fix upon him the charge
of warping the federal powers to the
point of centralization and focusing
the sway of the government to lines
unauthorized by the constitution. The
trick will not work. The people know
to a dot all they have had to bear
from the dominance of great and pow
erful combinations in wtry avenue of
human supply and they know that for
the first time in scores of years the
law of precedent has been thrust aside
and the law Itself exercised in its
fullness and purity, for the common
The President is doing what his
predecessors failed to do, that Is all.
And the hearts and hands of the com
monalty are with him and behind him
In his courageous course of convic
tion and correction. He is simply try
ing to put the government in such a
position that It may assert the su
premacy of the people against the plu
tocratic kings of commerce, and pre
serve the rights of both. No man in
his position has had the nerve to un
dertake such a revolution and the com
mon knowledge of his pluck and suc
cess has become his most powerful
endorsement and his invincible ally in
the war of righteous regulation.
Roosevelt is no autocrat and would
be the first to fight the dangerous as
sumption of illegal authority, let alone
Its expression for cumulative pur
poses. He may not succeed himsMf
In the great post, but while he IS
there, he will be- President of the
United States, and every atom of law
at his command will be Invoked for
the doing of the right thing and the
undoing of the wrong. The p'-ople in
general did not know how much law
there was on their side of the immense
questions confronting them, until this
man called it into forceful effect, and
they glory In his will and wisdom to
apply it as he has.
With a realizing sense of the exaet
temper of the people, and its new leg
islature, in matters bearing upon rail
ways, rates and rebates, the O. R. &
N. Company sounds Its key-note of
fear and conciliation by publish! r.g a
new and sharply redured freight
schedule to interior points in 'iregon.
The reductions, as to classes, run all
the way from $2.60 to $3.20 per ton,
and the public announcement is
hedged about with all sorts of excuses
lor the radical change in the tariffs,
always excepting the real excuse, of
course. It is directly in line with the
railway policies to do this sort of
thing when they are up against a
tangible expression of popular disgust
and it were well for legislators to re
member the literal expediency of the
move and discount It accordingly. The
people of Oregon want no subter
fuges like this; they want a complete
overhauling of the railroad businesses
of the state, and fair and honest
treatment. Nothing more nor less
than this will do and representatives
at Salem will make the blunder of
their lives if they stand for any trans-
The death of this noted citizen has
caused very sincere regret all over the
State of Oregon, ami not the least In
Astoria, whero he had many devoted
friend who have known ami appre
ciated him for years past. Ho mis one
of the real political lenders of tho
Republican Interests in the northwest
and at one time practically directed
the policies of the party here. He
was a virile, strenuous, self-reliant
man with big faith In the future of
Oregon and the Impulse and courage
to assist in the accomplishment of that
aestiny. that ne ilia eoninluiie
largely to the growth and development
of the state, no one with a knowl
edge of history of the past score of
years will deny for a moment. He
died in his prime, and his los Is to
bo regretted in more ways than otv;
and the Astorlan. nlomr with the hosts
of Oregon Republicans who knew him
well, realize the utmost of this sad
and sudden ending of a useful and
honored career.
The little brown man can be as
as the rankest of Old World ;
Will Mr. Weather Man please hold
up the rain now for a while until we
get our spring plowing done?
Sailors have reached this port com
plaining that they can't stand the
canned meat they g -t on shipboard.
Is It possible they have read "The
That N'icaraguan hurricane which
killed nine men was more destructive
than a Cuban revolution. Philadelphia
North American.
A corn crop of 2,780,069,000 baahtl
suggests that the internal revenue of
ficers will have to be exceptionally
vigilant. Atlanta Constitution.
"pinion, I lYnmln, Yours very respect
fully, "II. (1. VAN IH'SKN,
(Signed.) "Muster Fish Warden."
"Salem, liecember ,11, lliort.
"lion. II. (1. Ynn lusen, Master Fish
Warden, Astoria, (iregon.
"iVnr Sir Replying to yours of the
:'SUi Instant, relative o the concur-
rent Jurisdiction over the waters of the
Columbia river, permit me to call your
intention awn In (o opinion furnished
you under date of November IT. I'.'Otl,
upon the same nuesilon, In which we
cited the opinion of Judge ItcUingcr
' In re Matteson, till Federal Reporter,
525. concurred In by Judge Hanford,
The following correspondence be- nm, ,,, whu.h ,,,, ,. ,tiy down
tween the office? of Master Klsh War- the rule In substance that the word
den II. Ct. Van lMisrn. of this state, 'concurrent' In Its legal nnd generally
and Hon. A. M. Crawford, attorney lll'l','l,',,' definition, means acting In
conjunction, nnd when applied to the
general of Oregon, explains Itself In
Jurisdiction of Oregon, to enact penal
very specific and Interesting terms. ,1UV for tht, ,,,,,,,,,1 r,V,P( 4.(n
and Involves a conclusive opinion In only mean the power to enact such
favor of prosecution by either state criminal statutes as nre agreed to or
for offenses committed In either, an acquiesced In by the State of Wash
opinion that means much for fisheries Ington, or us are already In force
officers, nnd for the men disposed to within Its Jurisdiction; that the eon-
evade either territory In a criminal current Jurisdiction can bo Invoked to
way. punish nets that are crimes In them-
Following Is the text of the letters "elves, or that nre made so by the
passing, on this subject: liuv!l "f ,m,h- states having such Jur-
"Astorla, ore.. Oct. 17, 19H6. '"diction.
"Hon. A. M. Crawford, Attorney O.eti- 'Comparing the statutes of the State
oral, Salem, Oregon. of Oregon and the State of Washing-
"lVar Sir- Uist month Information ,on' relative to the clos0 season for
was furnished by Water li.iilliT Set- fishing for salmon In the Columbia
torn,' that on the evening of Septem- river, I find that each state makes It
her 9. fi o'clock, lh- close season per- criminal to fish for salmon by any
lod. he found a trap fishing that ! ""'" whatever between 12 o'clock
was situated in the Columbia rlvr. j "" the 15!h day of March ami 12
which was being operated under a ( "'dock noon on the day of April,
Washington license. The matter wasjnn'' '"'tween the hours of 12 o'clock
ptvs-nted to the district attorn, v who . """" the ISth of AUKUHt and 12 0YI0, k ,
was In doubt about the courts sus- "f the loth of September In each
taining him In branglng an action ' 'ear. j
against the onwvr or operator of thej "Therefore, both states hiving pro
trap, inasmuch as it was located on I vlded the same time for tit- do,, s. i
what Is claimed to be Washington sol). I """ and making It a crime to take
"Relative thereto. I beg to stat-- j "almon between Hie date above m, -u-that
I was of the opinion that a case j tlon-d, I am of opinion that th- case
similar to this was up before Judge j comes within the rules laid down by
Bellinger several years ago In the i Judges Hanford and Itelllnger. above
Professors of the Smithsonian In
stitute declare that the rattler's bl'e
is not fatal. Westerns do not believe
him and are not anxious to be
Indiana should be known henceforth
as the "Candy State." It produces
more peppermint and more sugar-coated
best-sellers than any other state
In the Union.
Wm. Thaw of Pittsburg is laughed
at for having prophesied years ago
that Rockefeller would be a failure.
Judged by the best standards the oil
king has been a conspicuous failure.
Lawyers of Montana have adopted a
uniform scale of fees and raised the
rates. They say that hard times nnd
high living make this necessary. And
high living makes lawyers necessary,
so they are entitled to the consldera
I'nited States Circuit Court, who held
that the fish commissioner of this
state has no jurisdiction over matter"
of this kind, inasmuch as the laws of
Oregon and Washington did not at
that time concur; but then tin
laws have been made practically the
same in both states, and as regards
the close season per to 1. they concur
fully; and In accordance with th"
opinion rendered by Judge V'.elllnger
heretofore referred to, we should have
concurrent Jurisdiction over the entire
"In order to be mad right relative
thereto, I respectfully ask for your
opinion on the matter In question for
it places us In a very awkward posi
tion if we are not allowed to pros cute
everyone found fishing on the Colum
bia river during any of the close sea
son periods. Thanking you for this
mentioned, and that n person fishing
In violation of the laws of either slat
can be arrested and pu'.tsh.d under
the laws of the State of Oregon.
"Very resp. ctf uiiy- yours,
(Signed.) "A. M CRAWFORD,
"Attorney Ceneral."
Bad Stomach Trouble Cured.
Having been sick for the past two
two years with a bad stomach, n friend
gave me a dose of Chamberlain'
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They did
me so much good that I bought a bot
tle of them nnd have used twelve bot
tles In all. Today I nm well of n
bad stomach trouble. Mrs. John Lowe.
Cooper, Maine, These tablets are for
sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists.
Morning Atorian, 00 cenU per inontL
E E - S A W
Have you Seen our Saw Window.
Special Kitchen Saw 25c
We have everything in Saws.
TheFoardftStokes Hardware Co.Jnc
the amnECT clothes shop
know that siktwh in iiu'icuntilo Hiich,
iH)v-u-lii)'H in tlm reward of mot it acci
dental Miiet'OMHOH are Few, Hpecia: fuyorn
count for little. The man who delivers the goodn winy
A Notable Collection of
Conservative Models
The eoiiHervativo man
this year m always in K
ing to ntick to coiiHorvn
tive model.
Stylo dojuirturoH do
not appeal to him.
What lie wantri in an
overcoat or nuit that
will piiHS unnoticed in a
crowd hut when examin
ed at close range will
oxcite admiration, ho
caiiHO it is the highoHt
Htandurd of tailoring, in
fabric, fit and flinch
Our new connervativo
models of Sack Suits for
tho advance Spring
Stylos differ in many
minor features from
those that have gone he
fore. They are master
pieces of goodiie-s and
(juiet tm-te.
Prices: $10, $12, $lf,
$1H, 2 f'JA, $:U, $:5,
The clothing; store that has tnulti-: .,. ,.r . .
plied it.M sales by ten in less than half 1 ' "pWiirM
us ninny yeiirs, that has increasing; its; trades areahsnlutclv U II -
I' . . fl II .1 I ....
inutt'liulih'. 1 luro ure
clients all more nipidly than ever be
fore, that is growing faster than tiny
other in its community that store
deserves to be know n as Til K ISh'S'l
We sell nt reasonable cost the best
clothing that is nunlc, cmbnicing the
world famous Stein, Hloch ( Vs. np
purvl; and our Ktocks are graded down
to the lower priced, sturdy, reliable,
well-nmdc, geiiteel-u penring clothing
for evcry-tliiy or business wear. We
inert the requirements of the must fas
tidious tiisto and of the lighter purse,
guaranteeing satisfaction to every pur
chaser. Sizes for ever)' man. Satis
faction for every man.
The tnnrvclotiH bargains of the im-
are on. lie sure you get your full share
a' rv this harvest season of rare bar
gains shall puss into history.
iio ' and others"
Those at $H) and $12
we cannot praise ho high
ly hilt they're as good
as can he sold for the
5. NE
The Store That Never
Succesaora to Foard & Stokei Co.
As long as the disposition prevails
to a considerable extent, to find more
fault with muck-rakers than with the
muck-makers, there ought to be em
ployment for the muck-rakers. Kan
sas City Times.
President Roosevelt Is determined
that the Senate shall not take the
command of the army away from him,
despite the efforts of Senator Fora
ker. The Senate's attempt to usurp
the prerogatives of the President as
the commander-in-chief of the army Is
even worse than Hoot's proposition to
wipe out the constitutional rights of
the stae by Presidential proclamation.
Why Suffer from Rheumatism
Do you know that rheumatic pains
can be relieved? If you doubt this,
just try one application of Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. It will make rest
and sleep possible, and that certainly
means a great deal to any one afflict
ed with rheumatism. For sale by
Frank Hart and leading druggists.
Have you indigestion, constipation,
headache, backache, kidney trouble?
Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will
make you well. If it falls, get your
money back. That's fair. Tea or Tab
lets form. 35 cents. For sale by
Frank Hart.
We wish to thank our customers
foo their most liberal patronage
and to wish everyone a Happy
and Prosperous New Year.
E. A. Higgitis Jo.,
t Books Music Stationery i
First Clasi in Every Respect
Free Coach to the House.
Bar and Billiard Room.
Good Check Restaurant
Good Sample Rooms on Gruunu Moor
for Commercial Men.
To Be Happy
and Gay
Means not only good things to sat, but also th bast of things to drink,
and th best of all good drinks is 8und A Carlson's
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies,
Choice Wines and Champagnes.
f 509 Commercial 8t.
Often a person is sized up by his appear
ance; by the tone that surrounds him. And
more often a business house is sized up by
the stationary it uses. A cheap letter
head or a poor bill head gives a mighty
poor first impression and makes business
harder to transact. Good printing costs no
more than poor printing. The first im
pression is half the battle in business.
You wouldn't employ a "sloppy" sales
man; why put up with "sloppy" station -cry,
that gives a wrong impression of tho
importance of your business. Let us do
your printing and help you to make that
ten strike.
The J. S. DellingerCo.