t THE MORNING ASTOMAN, AS'IOHIA, OKKCOX. THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1907, THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1I73. Published Daily Except Monday by Tit J. S. DELLINGEH COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year $7.00 By earrler, per month 0 WEEKLY ASTOEIAH. mail, per year, in advance, .f 1.00 KitferM m ssoond-olani matter July 30. 1906. at trie poetoffloe at Astoria. Orv roe,, aader the met of Coufreu ol March J, us trOrfan for the Mimmg of TBI Mom owvarouAX to either muiVwoe or place of 1 butlana oay w mad by postal card or 1 .1. -. h W hAM An IrnwiilArdtw In dA Utmt should bo 'ounedialWy reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIS 661. Official paper of ClaUop county and t be CHy of Astoria, doctrines of amendment now under v..,- In Cohkh'S . Now York utul the whole country my to bo heartily iou Krntulutctl upon the wisdom of the Kmplro electors In smashing the Hearst regime and putting tills "kld Rlove aristocrat" In tho s.von I K''';it ofTUv of the fnlon KILLED BY COGS. ENGLISH SHOOT WELL. Engineer of San Francisco Schooner British Gunners Improve Fifty Meets Fearful Death. Cent In One Year. Per 4 WEATHER, - Western Oregon and Wash- lngton Rain or snow; colder In south portion. OUR TREATY WITH JAPAN. It is quite apparent that the state ment that the attempt of the Presi dent to castigate San Francisco was for the purpose of saving the face of the Japanese had no foundation in fact, and the story that there was In contemplation a treaty by which Japanese coolies would be excluded was equally without a basis. When Booker T. Washington and Joe dans are representative types of their race and each satisfies th. standards of their respective following. The pity the latter yam was tirst spun met wi-.r Chronicle pointed out that there was nothing to it. because such a treaty RECIPROCAL DEMURRAGE. The State Library Oonimlsslon has Withered for the use of the members of the Legislature the reciprocal de nuirraKo laws of the different States haviist such a provision in force. The present agitation for a law ivsulut Ittg railways brings many Inquiries to the Commission as to tho number of States that have lejtlslated on the subject, and for the text of their statutes. Those Inquiries come not only from members of the legisla ture, but from the public at largo. Texas has the most stringent law of the six states which have enact ed laws on the subject. It makes the penalty $25 a day for failure to fur nish a car within 48 hours, to be re covered by the shipper together with all damages sustained by him. and he is liable to the railroad In the same amount. Kansas has the latest law on this subject. It was enacted last year and while it contains some provisions not found In the Texas law. the penalty on j th? reciprocal reature is only $1 a day. Tb.r states that have passed recip rocal demurrage laws are: Virginia. North Carolina. Missouri. Kansas, South Carolina ami Texas. However, these are not all the states that have such a frature in operation. Some have railroad commissions with au thority to promulgate rules concern ing these matters and therefore at tain the same end hut by a different method. S.i I e m S t a l : sin a n . SAN FKANClSCo. Jan, 2. - Louis I.ONPnX, Jan. Two further re IVtvlck. Iti it engineer of th steam turns concerning the gun practice of schooner Phoenix, was crushed to tho llect have been Issued giving the death between cogwheels shortly af- result of practice from T.'.' torpedo de ter the vessel left port today. The stroyers with 12 pounder and nix rhoonlx stratcd from the Oakland pounder guns, and tho result with pier at 2 o'clock .and had reached a rapid tiring guns on .Mi ships of the miimmtimilHtlimmWHIIlliillllWmiiHlHtlll ii r point off Point Honlla when the acci dent occurred, Oereick was leaning over the cogwheels to tighten up a screw, lie lost his balance and be fore he could catch himself his cloth ing was caught In the cogs and he was dragged into the teeth of the merciless w le i Is. The engine w as reversed as quickly as possible and the man's body extracted but he expired a few minutes after being taken out. The schooner put back to this city, Meet. The (argots used were six by eight feet and (he range varied from ItOll to 1,000 yards. The reports show that the percentage of hits to rounds tired has Improved from 21. In llKifi to 31. 5 In l'.iotl. Throe ships mount 3 pounders of Vlckers type guns supplied with the new tel .tieoplc sight iintl with this gun an average of more than 8 hits per gun per minute was made. RAISULI ARRESTED. PARIS, Jan. 2. According to a dts patch to the Petit Parlslen from Tan gier, Ralsull. who was constructing walls at Zlnat. was taken prisoner on Tuesday and brought to Tangier. The official reason given for his arrest 's that he made threats against tho chiefs of the Fahs if they submitted to the decisions of the board of for eign affairs as brought by Minister of War (labbes. CARRIE NATION certainly smashed a hole in too bar rooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Hore hound Syrup has smashed all records as a cure for coughs, Uronchltls, In fluenza and all Pulmonary diseases. T. C. H , Horton, Kansas, writes: "I have never found a medicine that would cure a cough so quickly as Hal lard's Horehound Syrup. I have used It for years." Hart's drug store. A CARD. This Is to certify that all druggists are authorised to refund your money If Foley's Honey and Tar falls to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures In grippe coughs and prevents pneumon ia and consumption. Contains n opiates. Tho genuine Is In a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. T. F. TAurln, Owl Drug store. It Is a gratifying feature to bene tlelarles of the Chrlstmastlde gift cus tom that It so Increases men's domes tic ties. How to Avoid Pneumonia. Yo-i (' avoid pneumonia and other serious results from a cold by taking Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough and expels the cold from the system, as It Is mildly laxatlv. ; fuse any but the genuine In tho yel low package. T. F. Iiurln, owl I)rug I Store. WMBB Afccclnb!c Preparation for As similating tlsCFoodrtiutltt'tfuli lliig Ik Slouuula aislliowcb af FroinotcstIesllon,Ci)eerfUl' ncss and Rest.Contolns nrlllw Optum.Morphinc nor Mineral Not Nahcotic. SmJ' Ms A perfect Remedy forf oiwllp lion. Sour Slomach.Dinn tuna, VYormaonvuLsioits.feverish- ncss and Loss or biiEV. TacSimiW Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT C0PV or WRAPPER TWO RACE TYPES. ( O C "i Tl would be a superfluity, as the exist ing convention provides that either country may make laws regulating the entrance of laborers. The Springfield Republican appears to be one of the few papers familiar with the treaty. In a recent Issue it said: "It appears then, that the United States and Japan are both free, in accordance with the treaty of 1S94, to enact laws excluding from its ports each other's laborers, or regulati: g their entrance. If Japan now should enact such a law and the United States should enact a similar one, the object which the proposed new treaty would seek to attain would be ac complished without any treaty." Almost every other Journal pub lished on the other side of the Rocky Mountains gave credence to the ab surd story that there was to be a new treaty, because none of them are familiar with the existing treaty with Japan. San Francisco Chronicle, o "RELIGIOUS LIBERTY." The Pentecostal gang now doing its alleged religious stunt in Salem and Portland should be handled without gloves by the authorities and be giv en to understand, once for all, that humbuggery of that nasty sort Is un der the ban in Oregon. They are a dangerous set and are playing upon the natural conservatism of the people In dealing with religious matters to secure a degree of toleration and Im munity in the practice of their rotten code, that will eventuate in another hideous exposition like that of the Holy Rollers. The real religious man or woman avoids such expression of principle and devotion, and only Igno ramuses, perverts and mindless crea tures resort to such extremes as char acterize this howling outfit up the val ley. It is to be hoped the police pow er of the city and county will be in voked in flat fashion without loss of time, and that the threatening evil will be put down. Constitutional religious freedom does not mean what these people and their leaders mean, by a long sight, and there are none in need of proof of this so badly as the fool "saints" and their silly victims. 0 GOVERNOR HUGHES' TALK. It will pay every American to read and remember the text of Governor Hughes' inaugural address at the New York capital on New Year's Day. It Is the expression of a thoughtful, ear nest, cultured mind, and exceedingly apt to the hour and the conditions of the nation. It is strictly, in harmony with the views of the President on the bases of popular disaffection and rem edial courses; and if adhered to, will lend palpable force to the accepted group of worshippers, but this is In evitable; and there Is a quota of good about the plucky little fighting coon that has a compensating element In it. He sent his old "mammy" a check for five thousand dollars the other day, so that the ring-side money did not all go Into the sporting slop-chests of the west. The popular sport who can think of his mother along such palpable lines as this. Is pretty much a man after all, and a fair example for dissipated and reckless fellows of his class, Including the whites, o GOOD OLD "MARK TWAIN." For half a century Samuel L. Clem ens has been cheering the world with his quaint, rich humor, and making things brighter for everybody. The name of "Mark Twain" is a veritable charm in this country and the laugh ing world swears by the dear old chap, who grows funnier with the jars. Such delight as hp affords leaves a lingering touch through days and years and bobs up refreshingly at all seasons, and the illimitable fea ture of his humor Is the best part of It; it never becomes trite. May the narrowing years deal gently and most happily with this man who has light ened so many loads for others o EDITORIAL SALAD. How soon the sensations of the days hide from public view! James Hazen Hyde, for instance. J uJll Does Wha Other Stoves Ml to Do 7t-w 1 if ii 1 I nay luraunii 1 1 ran 1 Vm ni.l1l.A ill J. ui AH mil in iuiu iuiiumui The Kind You Have 1 Aliif4irr D n 11 nr lit lis; 1 Mivvnva UUUEIII J IJ 1 Boars tho ,, signature IJJ . V 11 Fnr flunr J Thirty Vears L ' tmi eout. tm air. Ielectrical contractors In almost every house there ia a room that the heat from the other (loves or furnace fails to reach. It may be a room on the "weather" side, or one having no heat connection. It may be a cold hallway. No mat ter in what part of the housewhether room or hallway it can soon be made trnig and cozy with a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Unlike ordinary oil heaters the Perfection gives satisfaction always. First and foremost it is absolutely safe you cannot turn the wick too high or too low. Gives intense neat without smoke or smell because equipped with smokeless device. i.an tje easily camea irom room 10 room, as easy to operate as a lamp. Ornamental as well as useful. Made in two finishes nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beautifully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9 hours. There s real satisfaction in a Perfection Oil neater. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write our , nearest agency for descriptive circular. TIi T makes the home bright. -ciydLamp Is Wt ia(rt aqdtirst lamp for all-round houwhold nic, CWr a clear, tidy lifht. Fitted wKh litet I m proved burner. Made of brim throtiglioul and nickel plated. Every lamp warranted, bailable for library, (llmni; room, parlor or bedroom. If not at vour Urnler'a write to neurent agency. STAN DA kO OIL COMPANY IN BUSINESS FOR BUSINESS AND YOUR SATISFACTION STEEL (Sl EWART at No. 'Jli'J Twelfth Street. Sole agents for the famous Perfection and World Gas Mantles. Call on us. To Be Happy j and Gay Means not only good things to eat, but also the best of thinya to drink, and the best of all good drinks is 8und 4. Carlson's Rye and Bourbon Whiskies. Choice wines and Champagnes, j THE COMMERCIAL A VV J VV1IIMIUI V'SSI Uk, A 509 Commercial St. Next to the Amazon river, La Plata drains the greatest expanse of ter ritory. o France published the first newspa per in 1605; the first English newspa per appeared in 1622. Only 7 ptr cent of the men in the French army exceed five feet eight Inches in height. s EE-SAW Have you Seen our Saw Window. Special Kitchen Saw 26c We have everything in Saws. The Foard & Stokes Hardware GoJnc. Successor! to Foard & Stokes C. Thomas Hudam, after careful studies declares that the average man of ',0 looks back on lS,2f,0 days lived awak and 6,212 asleep. To work 6,348 have been devoted, but to pleasure only 4,192. o It is rportd that the invisible radium emanations affect germinating seeds even when these are covered with a layer of soil very much the same as a too powerful application of sunlight to the seed. In other words the effect is similar to that produced by too much light resulting in ;tn ar resting of germination. The effect is Influenced by the nature of the seed covering, its distance from the source of emanation and the quantity of moist soil intervening. t We wish to thank our customers foo their most liberal patronage and to wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year. E. A. Higgins Co., SUCCESSORS TO J. N- GRIFFIN Books Music Stationery t APPEARANCES Oi'ton a person is sized up by his appear ance; by the tone that surrounds him. And more often a business house is sized up by the stationary it uses. A cheap letter head or a poor bill head gives a mighty poor first impression and makes business harder to transact. Good printing costs no more than poor printing. The first im pression is half the battle in business. You wouldn't employ a "sloppy" sales man; why put up with "sloppy" station ery, that gives a wrong impression of the importance of your business. Let us do your printing and help you to make that ten strike. The J. S. DellingerCo. ASTORIA, OREGON