THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTOHIA, OHliGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1007 WHO'S MISS SMITH?! Question Puzzlfs Police of Paris as Well as London. WRITER OF LOVING LliTTERS She Is Accused of Being Accomplict to Notorious Matrimonial Shark Who Has Fleeced no Less Than Nine Husbands. LONDON. Dee. SI. "Who Is Miss Smith?" Is a Parisian mystery with a London settins indeed, a continen tal environment which h; drawn the Interest of half a doien of the great capitals to its dramatic unfoldins. So far, the developments have led only toward more impenetrable depths of plot and action, and the authorities are more and more "in the air" at each succeeding turn. But as detective pa tience and sagacity are only whetted by the fact that the task takes on a more ditflcu't aspect Trom day to day. in the end the amazing person now known ns plain Miss Smith will doubt less find hersjf unmasked. It is the story of a matrimonial ag ency of a Mme. Guerin and her train of heiresses and dupes. One of the latter was Dr. Paul Hebert, a Lon don physician becoming engaged through the good offices of Mme. Ouer in, to the mysterious Miss Smith. Dr. Herbert was lured to a villa in '.he vi ' clnlty of Paris and treacherously hot by M. Cesbron, who was Mine. Guer In's husband. Dr. Herbert was rot dead, as the assassin thought, and he made his way back to Paris and the police. M. Cesbron disappeared, but Mme. Guerin was anested. She re lated that both Hebert and Cesbron were in love with Miss Smith, and that the shooting at the villa was due to Jealousy. Dr. Herbert received many letters from Miss Smith, all of them couched in the most affectionate language. M. Sudro, who was takan to London and introduced to Miss Smith, was told she was the unack nowleged daughter of a duke with a half a million pounds in the Hank of England. He too. has letters from her breathing passionate devotion. Other young fools who advertised to marry heiresses have turned over similar love epistles to the polite. These letters now turn out to be the handwriting of Mme. Guerin, slightly disguis'd. None of these matchmakings with Mis Smith h a principal matrimonial !. herself has had n i r. - hushan Is with whm a form - f m':rria:.'v . '! h r.i -.-bom .... OUK Of a v.: .! : 1 ' .1 Mri'.'. "tinit-iy is ml ! ?n:i'h -.v.-' r!'-i-.'i i y f.f i.o-i. V. .:1-- r TOO: -it; 7 ox- 1 ri.'i'i-: sinil---." 1 hhfk hair"- ! h.-:-e ;u - :,!i in the pagrs of ;t mod. -m "y.-lc.v i but thc-y do n't a-sis t.h puzzle K,. lice in the Investigation any more thru, j the lmper,.-trativenrss of the heiy's! nan-irtln Mbs Smith, The oniyi real clue i a pholouraph of hrm-l-! some girl found in Mme. f;u.;in's npartm-nt, -.vhi. h she a-lrnit'.-.i -,v.,, that of M. Sudre's protni;d hri'i. . ! The was taken i r.ori lori. ! From thli the pn!! ''1 to heii. that tin- lady ii , or.gar-'e l lo play i!:. ' matrimonial c,n.- ! ground nlso fo- - 1 re-'H iailv .IK ' 1 'i'-re i:i ..o'nr: lh..: the ! .rlv : I !! ' -' ' hie Of ''.: ., .-, ,, ii; ay he 1 he I""-,). ivho recently nj the niTRidonr of mti" :-l ' under the name of the .hiuifbfr of th'r President of a South Anr.-iean ieriuh bllc. Theories nnd clews n)'-, !t must mltnlt that Mme. cinrrin anl .n-s Smith preyent a rare cornbina'ion r,f brainr-, rind beuuly. Sir Wllllnm Trelvar. the :.-.,- i,,i mayor, who had already inr-'rntbter himself wilh youthful Lnndo., .hen, as "the children's alderman," he rld wonders In making the dingy el'y more tmhltaldo for them In many little ways, has now quickly n the koo.1 opin ion of the sroun-ups by declaring for tcn-ml utos sivts-hes at banquets and move public functions. 1; was at the Savage Club dinner, with, Or. Nanseu as liMsimastcr, that S'r William de clared his secession from the thraldom of endless an l prosaic orotoiy In a brief and bivcxy speech, the lord may or gave a hint of his policy In She mat ter of official addresses. ' I shall jttxe you a sentence" he said, "which I p.o poso to inscribe In letters of gold over the entrance to the Guildhall and in the Egyptian II. ill at the Mansion House. It is this; "Nobody likes long speeches except those who make them." That tablet may be taken down some day no doubt, but not while I am there. Already I have begun to hate the man who proposes the inevitable toast to the corporation of London, and I mil gla l that the Savage Club has existed for TOO years and yet has no rights, privileges, and traditions to talk alxuit. Sir William Trvlvar consumed the remaining time of his ten minutes In telling a delightful story about him self. "I had been dining at the Fish-2- bxmbhmh hmse hm hs mongers' Hall." he said, and I had to catch a train at London Hrldge after ward, t'nfortunately. I missed the train, and I complained to the cabman that he had not driven fast enough. "It ain't my fault, sir." said cabby: "It's that silly old fool of a lord mayor that has stopped fast driving." The sentence of four years Imposed on Voight.the' robber captain" of Koe penlck. by an unromantlc German tri bunal, meets with no popular sympa thy In Knglanl. Volght's exploit In holding up a town set the whole world laughing, and the result of the trial can only be viewed as a sad. it; heroic climax to a brilliant adventure It Is not surprising that the popular sym pathy goes out to the prisoner. A man who brings mirth Into a gray world Is a public benefactor. Volght Is some thing of a rascal, no doubt; but his superb audacity and his fertility In re source almost make one forget his mo rtal dHiquencles. Resides adding t'o the gayety of nations, he has brought home to the thoughtful Germans the absurdity of making a fetish of the Kaiser's coat. Volght seems to have been dogged by a relentless fate. More than once he turned from a criminal career to live an honest life, and em ployers for whom he worked gave him an excellent character. Hut his dead past rose up always to wreck his hope of an honest future. In the eyes of the police he was still a criminal, and as such a person to be hunted from pillar to post. In four months he was toi, to move cm ten times, and he sim- pty four! !' impossible t,, isv down hi-) past. i iver the ;:;r ,.f ., p., ..... i -vr,.A ., : Hir.'.ie ho:;-., in W.:iurn Muetc. re c v. ; the co.: ' -o -a :"n of Sir H' lvy !v h'i'i. il'i't.. or h.-: w1 -e "it ire h"." Sir II ' who "K'-o, i.. 'he I - i .-, y.-r ;v-w- '' -a - ;, .i . ir,-,' bis !; -n -1 ;...;.. or --..! n. The I-Vldin '-:.ron-' " ,n . ' -, ' fW h n. .:. 1 f..'.!,..-!v , - S'..iand tn Ir-S ir.d. V-.t y lit'le, " '' :- 1 " , i-f t-'.r!!-: i'.-s having ,...;,. t-. ,. ... ... . , ;...,. ,,r .j. :v." r'--.dl'i.if. Kh IM .atii's Sr:i!i-iin. thf I'i lne. f 'a!"s' youn b'lIH.-fuls. aro FhwIriR a udnd ' I'-vive cros'-eoiintry riding at Sandrinsrham. They have been follov ir t; ihe Wes' Norfolk hounds this -pea:-oii with much of the zest which mark.- the hunting perlor of bin royal majesty's life. Here he rode his last mad dash in the saddle to be first at 'he death of reynard, anil the West Norfolk Hunt, therefore has a prescrip Hve i-i"ht. lo the yonrit; royalties, who "'I'I I'" none. Hi'; wor;-'e by rind by for i.avirr-' ridden in IV v a ndr-lre's hoof-'.'a'!;--, ho to up'-al', ThT nl o: e ri:' '-' !f not. more, in the old '' '. - r rid Me a : ; :'. ' of '' -' : ' If : ti. i , 1 alP'UI " t hat Sari'l- " i ' : 1 ' ,' I o e a no her - ! :'!!'. -:.,'h' rli CARRIE NATION :,p ly -l '-d a hole In Ihe har- r -'mis of Kan" hni I; 1 H r rl'- I lore, bound Syrup has smashed all records as a euro for eonehs, Fiioin hills, in nnenza and all Pulmonary dlc;,se-, T. r. If--, Horlon, K'an-as, writes; "I have never found n medicine ,.lt would cure a r-onvh -o quickly ns lard's Ilorehound Ryrup. I have used . for years." Hart's dru store. BRIDGE 810 CAP. Will Connect Sunt ft and Southern Pacific at Camp Five, Northwestern Company has been oi ganlaed to take over the pro- j pertles of California Northwestern, the Not Hi Shore, the Santa V'e line run ning south from Kureka lo Camp Five and lo dose the gap from YVll'lts at the end of the North Shore lo Camp !".'. e by building a broadguago road. The work of constructing I his new stretch of track will be rushed and II Is expected w IT be completed within 13 months. The move was taken, In a measure. It Is said, as a compromise between the Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe. The former road had lines running toward the northern part, while the Santa Fe owned other lines south from there. lVtweeu the two there was a gap of 150 miles and to bridge this gap the new corporation has been orgaul led, Wise Counsel from the South, "I want to give some valuable ad vice to those who suffer with lame back and kidney trouble." says J II. lilankenship, nf lteek. 'IVnn. "1 have proved to an absolute certainty that Flectrlc Hitters will positively cure this distressing condition. The (Irst bottle gave me great relief, and after taking a few more bottles, I was com pletely cured; So completely that It becomes a pleasure to recommend this great remedy." Sold under guaran tee at Chas. Rogers' drug store. Price 50c. FRISBEE SLAYER FOUND. I.AM Alt. COT... lve 31 The marshal's office is In receipt nf from a tellable source at Kadi. . Ity news I Colo . to the effect that the other murderer had been located n Frlsbee ar that place and 'hat seeertl p,.e nr.- 5 paring to surround him In his place of concealment. A CARD. This Is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money If Foley's Honey and Tar falls to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumon ia and consumption. Contains n- opiates. The genuine Is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. T. V. I-iurln, Owl Drug Store. CLEVELAND RECOVERING. NEW YORK. fVe. ?.. -Fo. mer I'res derit flrovvr Clevel.nd who has le-en ill fur a week at Ids home at Princeton. Is Itrprovlncr slowly. His ph-!ean. Dr. John II. I'arnoi hnn. h..v.-v. -r. .-n-''c,tiii l-. d-s .-f t!,.. f".rir p".-i.,..t recovery wl'hin a we. ., , If ,, b'-r unfi. 'diiTII'-l -lop THE RIGHT NAME. 'Ml.. I! Ms Life ,iet r.i;. Iowa. '-:iy- nrcelfly, f...-l l...e 1 1 11 -i r ri ' ' ' or;sli. 1 r i store. 'Ir. K Pills and ! r 11 Ho o Avnid Apnpnfhcitis. vieiinn of appendicitis aro ; "href.le 'O!. ti,. 1, ,. ),.. ,- nialin:; the liv r a..d 1 .0 -Is a:.. I . . .oris the na'urnl action "f n,,. ,,,,v,.; :, Orlno Laxative I'rul' Syrup does not nau seate or (rrlpr. arid is mild and pleas ant to take. Itefue sub -I It ut s. T. F. Lanrln, Owl Drug Store. MEN Af?0 WOMEN. I'n' xtf ii f..r unliuhiml rli" li'tri;i inlLiiiilimlliina, Iml iiiiaiN -,r id( "i atli,li ! in hi 11 r ; 'iidiilii al.'-fl. i'.i..n-.., met le.t Hie.rne Pr'frnU t intac'"U dlBV.Ii. ',1, rt , 1 , 1 , -.1 '.r .i J. ; r. ' l.H. ?,-?fP C"!"';.'!.",1, I"""-; j,nM li.T ffri!t-;l, tntfy.''t;Cic.'f.''f: 1 ' f I'M- ir.-ijH. This American Collection Agency ,ffj' '! fee ':harRd on- -" 1 I''" Clil!',-r;fion i j , mi 'o. We make col , led ions in all pan ': . of the U.ailii Stat"i ,.: : i . ,y Kanu Ava. . 10PEICA, KANSAS. AHIiiO';y p. V.'II.SON, Attorney HOTEL PORTLAND '" i5 to K Htrtht'. PORTLAND, OH if.. 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. HELP WANTED, ' AORNTS CANVASSI1K8, MIXFKS, peddler, solicitors, mall order pan pt, etc., should buy KltAMF.U'H POOIv OF TKADK tWCHKTA. I!eu lar p tee IS, but bal. of last edition for fl'.'S aa long n they last. Guar nntecd. Order quirk. Kiou Pub. Co.. Sutherland, lown. lt-!6-tf W.VNTl'O SA1 KSMKV. MANY MAKK $liH to $150 per month. Some even more. Stock cleans grown on Kewr vat ion, fur from old orchard!. Oanh advanced weekly. Choice of territory. Addrve Washington Nursery Company, Toppentsh, Washington." U 8.l ,f W A NT Fl V - G KNTI.F.M A N nit LADY to travel for mercantile house of large capital. Territory at home or abroad to suit. If desirable tint home may be used lis headiuartei . Week ly salary of J 1,000 per year and ex penses. Address Jos. A. Alexander, Astoria, Ore. l-l-iU; WANTKI- l.AUOK I'lltST CLASS ! house of twenty-five years' elandlng, , tnanufacturlng 11 staple line of goods! In constant and dalnly use, wants n I good man to manage brunch whole,-! sale business. Salary. JI.S00 per year I and all expenses, isiyable monthly. Also extra commissions which should ' amount to more than salary. Appll- j cant must furnish good references an I JJ.oao cash, which Is satisfactorily w cured. Address President, 61.' S. 6th' St.. St. I.oiils, Mo '' i WANTHOTWO OOOI) SUHSCnil' Hon solicitors to work. First cluaa protiosltlon. good pay. Apply Astorlan ottlce. FOR RENT. FtUt HKNT FIVK-ltOOM FI-AT. IN- , quire at C. M. Cuthberth a, cor. Com- j merclal and th streets. 13-8-tf FOR SALE. MIt.K COW IS! 3Sth St, FOIl S.M.F.- tNgt'IUK i:-Jo-t WHALE AMBER. MADE IN NOR way, guaranteed finest shoe dress ing out. Tour dealer handlea It. Al fred Andraaen St Co., Mlnnenpolta, Minn. 11-U-tf NICK PAPA2QERE8, i THE GREEK DIVER, i haa Just received a new diving ma- ( chine from the old country. Dlvea. from 25 to 30 fathom! In shallow wa-! ter; stays down half a day at a time. Leave ordera at 417 tlond 8t. Market. or D. Falnngos, Clifton. HOUSE MOVERS. rUKIiHKCKSnV pltns.- We nmke 1 -neeifiHv of housi tnovin, rsr)eiiter eeiitr-teters, een-T-l! ielhiri;'; tirolnli t- ! leniimi (i 1'! inder. 'Vm i'i T- til li and ! Hiiane. tf LA'INDRTFS. KHTTON irOI.F AT THE TOlCIC. niir experieni-e with it !m no doubt lea l to inm li vex.itinn, posiihly pro fnnitv. 1'rol.e vo-ir liri'.'ern;ii trviny tr pry il tip f'l'tri tae r.'khiirn!, rh ' Vi.ll win'l lane 'lull (lint I'Miericn-e il 1 von ri -I voor nhieN lo 11-; hc nare yon thi trnuli'e, rind dnrcer of tenrioy Vp -liirt. Try n anl si-c. 1P(Y I.At'NDR V, T-iit h and Dunne Sis, I'.'innt nji 1 NOTICE. The antaial ineeliii.r of the fluek hold'is of ihe Astoili it on Works will he held at 'li'dr idlhv.. on Jmu try 't, '.un, at n p. rii., for Ihe piirpo-e of electing directors for tin: ensuing year and the tran tai'tlon of "indi other husl- ' ness as may properly come before the' meeting. Hy order of the board of ; directors. JOHN FOX. j Attest: P. L. WSHOP, President. ! Secretary. I Astoria, Oregon, Dec. 20, 1906. i NOTICE. There In money In the freneral fund to pay warrants Indorsed prior to Do cember 1, 1905. Intere't will cenne af ter thin date. THOMAS DKAMOY, Clly Treafiurer. Astoria, Ore., Dec. 20, PI'lH. 12-20-10t , 1 NOTICE. j There Ih money Iri th'r following 1 streei funds to pay the fnllouiiie; war ra da: i;i';venli idrerd from llarrlnon' avenui! In KeuHlnirton Avenue-, Noa. 1 :!'''! I to :!27 1, both Inrluslve: Duann st loot Irotn 1i)th street lo i;i) 'treet, N'oa. 2211)5 to 22r,!IS ami 22203 to ? 10 Inc'riHlve; "Ih ntreel from Niagara to Hay Avenue, Nori. 22225 to 22229 both InrdtlHlve; liorid Hlreet from (llli nil cut j to the cent Him of MKllnre'H AHlorla, ' Nov. 223K.1 to 22201, holh UM dutilve. j Intoretit will ccar'e nfter thin date. j THOMAS DRAI.BT, Oily TrenHtirer. ' Oati'd Aatorln, Or'-fton, Deceniber 17, 1908. PROFESSIONAL CARDi. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Attorney-at-Law, Olfioe with Mr. J. A. Eakln, at No. 426 Commercial St, Astoria. ! CIIAS. H. ABERCROMBII, Attorney-at-Uw. Oeneral Tract It loner, Nntary Publlft. Rooma SS 3- riion Main WSI, Pag lllock, Cor. Cotniurivlal ft Itth 8t. ' hi' 1 - r - if - 1 ,- 'i MU3IC TKACHEH. W A NT H ) T 1 1 H K K MH810 I'Ul'MA Inquire at Aetorlan offlc MAN1MM.IN I.KSSON8 (UVRN-MKH . C. D. SUwrrt. U7 S-venth atreei, BUSINESS DIRECTORY BOARDING. THE HYDE, Room with or without board) ratee rtaaonaliU; good nwiu motlation for tmnalenU. Uth ami OommerrUi. OSTtOPATHIBTi. DR. RHODA C. HICEJ OSTfOPATH Office Unneel. Hid. Phone Hlai 1 171 Commercial Ht.. Astoria, Ore. WOOD YARDS. WOOD Cord wood, mil. wood, boi wood, aae kind of wood 1 1 loweat price. Kelly, tb transfer man. 'Phone 1191 Mala, Barn oa Twelfth, oupotUe oaeta house. Payment for wood muet be made on delivery of anme and driv er'! receipt taken for same. No ex ception! whatever made to this ruin. RESTAURANTS. FlIlST-CIiAaS MKAL or 15ci '""'i douiriiiitiw. DC. at u. r iiwiniir- ant. 1,'M I!onl St IJKST l.jU-NT MKAL on ciin ulwuys fiii'l l,lit lipst 1 J- lit- iiioal in t.lio ( ity ttt tlio Ivlsiiu.; Sun lii'.stii' r.i-j '.iiiiiii. ri'iit!St.: JAPANESE GOODS. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS. M.VDE OF BAM H00, MCilT, STRONG, HAND MADE, TAHI.ES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT-NOTS, IlOOlCCASES, SIIEI.V- INfl, ETC. Yokohama Bazaar '.!'. Conum-rciul St.. Ant. ria. HOTELS 11. it. 1 a 1 tic id rt. Proprietor. P. I'AltKFIt, Mannger. PARKER HOUSE 1 EUROPEAN PLAN. First Clnos in Evary Rsspeot. Kreo Coach to the Houo. Bar and OHIIurd Room. Good Check Iteataurant. Good Snniplo Ilooina on Ground Floor for Commercial Men. Aitorla, Orogon OnpreccdenteJ Success of 1. C- GEI 10 THE CI? EAT CHINESE DOCTOR Ii o Ik known ,'1 ioii(.M)nt the (Tnlted'-i nn (ifwiutit nl In- wonderful cured. f".l . Nor poioum nor drujfi UHed. He Kimrnn- teen lo cure calinfli, iittlimn, limjr and th ron I, lioiihle, iheiininl i-irn, iii rvoiiHticiiB, .loinaeli, liver, n il l kidney, lenmle com-I pla in! e -in, rill chronic disensen. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If you eiimi'il, cull write for nyinptorn hiiink urn ciivulnr, incloslti 1 cenia In dump-). THE C. CEE WO MEDICINE CO. HiifJ Kirn t. St., Corner Morriwin, PORTLAND, OREGON. I'leue mention the Astorian WINKS, LIQUORS AND CIOAM. THE vSAVOY ropuUr Coneert Rail, ' OiM musle. All are weleoms. Oer- Mr RoWBt, ,,,4 A,tor. i.nv.i.i...m.ul.i;,(n'l,-l, 4A BOND ST, ASTORIA, OBEOOM 1 Si Carrln the rineel Lb t 'I IS WlnCS, i'S Liquors and Clears i I ti CALL AND SEE US ...tri.i..o.i.'i.-i.a..i.).ii.i. i.riria Eagle Concert Hall i IS20 Ailor HtJ I The leading amuerment hou. I Agency for KdUnn Phonogupot aatl Oold Mouldad Rneoul. I'. A. Phn i:stiv, pro. "PaleBoIiemlan LaAer Beer" THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and In bottle Brrwrd endrr inltty ai pmpff if ltnt tight tint In Aatoila. North Pacific Brewing Co. ASTORIA, OREGON, If WRUtieir NO MATT Kit WIIKKK l.(K'ATKI) PrnpeKli-ii and Mii-inem nf all klndi toltl iiiii-klv' for cash In all part of th t'nltM Htntca. Dmi't wait. Writ to day oWriMiiK what you hve to aatl and glv en li price on mine IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Hiilne or Heal Entat il II 1' U'linra t ai iik t.ri.n ...Il riHlMlrntllJint 1 rnn av von (Itna mk.A DAVID D. TAFF, THE LANDMAN 4S Kans.n Avenua. TOPEKA. KANSAS. DENTI8T6. Dlt. ' A I '( i 1 1 A N , I )lNTHT Pj'hliin linil.liiiK, Anloriii, Oiftron. Dr. W. C. UXiAN DKNTIHI j 7H ttiinmcnuHl Kt., HlmniiliHii IlitiMitiK PROPOSALS. I NOTICE "" "' lllda aro hereby nuked for tho bonrd Ing of tho county primmer durlnir the year 1907. Said blda to Btate price per meal delivered to Hhnrlff at county Jail. All lildn to be rind with the clerk by noon of Hnturdiiy, Doc. 2, 11)0(1. Court reervlntf tlm rlKht to reject nay or all bids. Ity order of the Co nty Court. J. C. CLINTON, County Clork. AntorK, Ore., Deo. (J, Mug, UNDERTAKERS. I II I J. GILDAUQH ft CO.. Undertaker and Embalmer. Phong Mcin 2111. Cor. 12 and Dunne, 11-4-U