The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 01, 1907, Image 1

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Freight Collides .Willi Ex
press Near Washington.
Dead and Wounded Number
Over a Hundred-Coroner
Calls Jury.
Either Engineer or Operator Mutt
Bear BUm for tho Tirrlblo Dlia
ttr and Neither Will Shouliitr
WASHINGTON, Dec. l.The lint
of dead a iho result of the appalling
wreck at Terra Cot to, on the P.ultl
more A Olilo Railroad nt night had
Narhcd 6S at 1 o'clock today, accord
ing to the police. Forty-five of tha
number have been Identified. Inquiry
al the various hospitals of the rlly
where (he Injure! have been taken,
shows a number of persona whose
eondltlnn l regarded aa hopc.n, The
Injured number over 50.
It has IwH'n J'-Itr1 tn postpone the
coroner'a Inquest until Wednesday.
Thla will bo the tlr-t nlnclul t p tak
en Inwards fixing the responsibility
fur the disaster. In the meantime II
la und rsmod railroad olfli'lala are
making a searching Investigation.
Two distinct stories me today be
ing lull) by Mends of those who will
ti naturally Implicated. The entrance
to the hlork on which tha accident oc
curred In nt Hllver spring, Mo.
It l arild local No. 6 from Fred
erick, had entered the hhick with a
clear truck. Two green lights were
then m-t on the signal lower, Know
ing that the block wu occupied, Tho
engineer on the "dead train," which
waa following, nrcoidlngly slowed j
down aa ho entered the block to run
"cautiously." At the Takotnu station,
near the center of the bloc k, It l said,
tha day operator bad tied down white
signals, allowing a char track, and
b'ft hi station. At Ihla Indication
tho engineer of the "dead" train
crowded on all "team and forged
ahead at tremendous speed In the
dark, foggy night, and on n allppery
track. It win only u few minutes
until the huge engine of the "dond"
train plunged Into the rur of the lo
cal Just pulling mil of TeVrn t'otla.
ind only three miles from Washing
ton. , Operator Phillips, nt Tnkoma,
denies Hint bin signals were white.
Ho declare be wiih nt his pout, and
that red signals were act, showing oo
ctiiled trnrks. lie was much aston
labnd to aee the "dead train" niHli
past, and expected ll to kIow down mid
back up. Inaleiid, ho heard of the
accident In a few nilmilca.
Whllo the wreck bun brought tho
deepest sorrow in scores of WiiHhlng
ton home, a triple portion vlnltcd
the'. of 1r. 10. Helt, who list his
life wllh his two sons, Kdward nnd
St, Clair. Mr". Belt was at home,
liurHlng the youngest aon, Nnrvclle, 3
years old, who Iiiih n broken leg.
A coroner'a Jury, which wiih In ses
alon on mint her caso today, formally
v lowed the bodies at tho morgue und
postponed further notion until Wed
nesday, by which time nil witnesses
will have been summoned.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 81. The Bal
timore ft Ohio wreck at Terra Cotta
last night grows In magnitude, as tho
hours pnsa. The most conservative
atlmnte of the dead Is 53, with three
score Injured. Several of the most
seriously Injured are eipected to die
during the night and the death list
may yet roach sixty r more, Heart
rending and pitiful were the acenea
at the morgue today, whore hundreds
(locked to assist the police In the
Idontlntalloii of the dead. Olttclnla
are conducting an Invratlgntlon of the
wreck In linltlmore for purpose of
placing tho reaponslblllty, Ciuiiern
Huperliitendent Todd exonerated
Itlock Hlgnul Operator I'hllllpa at To
koinu Hut Ion, (h butt signal the
equipment train paused before crash
Ing Into (ho pasaengnr train. Tho sit
PTlntoiiiiriit declared rhllllpa was
obeying Instructions when he went
home lit 6:3V o'clock leaving the "duu
ble green" algnal burning.
letter: (lining vacantly between the
Iron bnrs of his cell at the police sta
tion, Knglneer Illldebrand Is tonight
too full of sorrow to mako any defl
ntie prediction, "It will come out to
morrow," ha aald, "! do not believe
there la anything for me to say and
I could not aay It If there were." U
fore he waa arrested the engineer
made a statement to the Associated
I 'reus. In which he declared (hat
tha danger signal waa displayed at
Tiikiiliia HUlloli, he fulled to see 1
on account of the detin fog. Opera
tor rhllllpa, who la held prisoner at
the Tenth precinct aald today the
equipment train ran past his danger
signal at a speed of fifty miles an
hour. He says there waa a heavy fog
but not enough to hide the red light
He declares he notified the operators
at t'nlveralty Station that an extra
train had taken the block ngalnn or
iters. Ilia statement Is corroborated
by 1'nlvereliy Station operator,
say they received the message.
Four Million Fate Famine in the
Flowery Kingdom.
Thousands Beg for Food, Destitute and
Homeless, Joining 8eoret 8ooieties
on the Promise That They Will
Receive Rice,
mix, Iec. ill. Owing to exces
sive rains and consequent failure of
crops, (he famine In the North An-
hulh province, In the east of Konan
and In the whole of North Klnng SI,
ll worse than at any time In the past
forty years. It Is estimated that four
million people are starving to death.
Tens of thousands are utterly desti
tute and wandering over the country.
The danger Is Increased by the activ
ity of the s eret societies, ns the wan
derers are gladly Joining them In or
der to obtain rice. About tlfty thou
sand refugees have reached tho vicin
ity of Nanking In n. pitiable condition.
i lie authorities are tumble to cope
with the situation.
New York Will Have One Fifty Sto
ries in Height,
NEW YORK, Dec. 31. Announce
ment was made yesterday of the
nwnrdlng of tho contract for the struc
tural steel for the 700 foot tower which
Is lo complete the block of buildings
elected by tho Metroi.lltan I.lfo Com
pany. Out-topped In height by only
ono other man built structure In the
world tho Rlfel Tower and nlno Htorles
higher than tho tallest office building
ever planned, tho Metropolitan Tower,
aa the fifty Htory nddltlon will be
known, will cover the plot on which
formerly stood the Parkhurst Church
at the soulheaat comer of Modlson
Avenue nnd Twenty-fourth street.
I.OS ANOEI.K9, OAU, Deo. 31.
Rev. Joshua Allan Llpplncott, widely
known In the KiiRt and In the Middle
West, both as a d'vlne and as an edu
cator, dlod here last night. Death fol
lowed a brlof Illness.
Tonopah Has Blizzard But
Boxers Will Meet.
Advance Sale of Seats is Slow and
Outlook is Bad for
Local Labor Troubles May Cause Fail
ure of Match Few Outeiders Are
Coming In and Betting la
Very Light.
TONOPAH, Dec. 31. The Gans
Herman fight from Indications today
will enjoy the unique distinction of
having been fought In a heavy anow
st.ifjn. A snow storm has been rag
ing throughout the day nnd late Into
the night at Tonopah, with little pro
mise of early relief. There will be
shelter, however, for both fighters and
spectators, as the arena has been built
with a view to withstanding the ele
ments. That the promoters of the
battle will Incur financial loss Is a
foregone conclusion and tho advance
sale has fallen below all calculations.
Manager Hlley attributes this to the
weather nnd combinations of local neg
ative Influences, such as the strike In
the Ooldtleld mines and dissensions
between local restaurant keepers nnd
their help. Put few sporting men of
national reputation are here and the
betting has been almost stagnant,
Onus being practically a prohibitive
fovorlte. The ruling odds tonight are
10 to 4 with little Herman money In
The articles call for 133 pounds and
tho lighters will weigh In nt 1 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon. Straight Mar
quis of Queensbury rules will govern
the contest. This will permit hitting
In clinches so long ns one arm Is
free. Jack Welch will referee. The
purse Is $20,000; sixty per cent to
tho winner. Hans stated tonight that
whllo he trained to go any distance,
ho believed be would be master of the
situation In a very few rounds, flans
added that if he won, ho would try
to take on Nelson and If the Battler
refused, be would probably meet Rrltt
before be retires. Herman said this
would bo the fight of his life and if
he falls the pictures will show ho was
the aggressor throughout. Oans, be
said, couldn't go on forever. Herman
feel confident ho will bo the one to
lower Gum' colors. The longer the
light lasts, said Herman, the better
It would suit him.
Woman Who Deolares Herself Geo,
Pullman's Widow Excited.
NEW YORK, Dec. St. Mia. Lillian
Breslln, who asserts she Is the widow
of Ooorgo H. Pullman, disturbed the
children's court today by demanding
nn opportunity to apeak to Judge Olm-
stead about the committment of her
son Edniond to the New York Ju
venile Asylum on Saturday. She did
not appear nt that time, but entered
court today greatly! excited. Court
officers quieted her, but in a few mo
ments she tried to open the gate lead
ing to the bench. She was led away,
but returned again and shouted, "I
demand to see the Judge. No sum
mons was served upon me until five
hours after my boy was committed."
Then sbo became hysterical. Judge
Olmsteud aald the boy was committed
after proper " Investigation and he
could not release him. He advised her
to proceed In the usual way.
Enormous Dividends and Interest Will
Mak This Banner Year.
NEW YORK, Dec. SI. There will be
distributed during the first month of
the New Year In New York City In
terest and dividends aggregating over
1200,000,000. This la the largest sum
that will ever have been paid out to
stock nnd bondholders In the history
of well street and marks the emd of
one of the most prosperous years In
the history of the country. While the
first half of 1908 was notable for In
creased distributions to corporate
slot kholdera, through Increased or ex
tra dividends, resumption of dividends
or beginning of dividends, the second
half of the year was even more con
sptcuous In these respects. Conser
vation has been the rule In most of
dividend Increases. In the majo
rity of cases the Increases' have been
within the large surplus and shown
after the payment of fixed charges.
DANVILLE, Va., Dec. 29 -Joe Pas
trlllo, an Italian laborer, Maggie Sul
llvan, an American woman, and Law
rence Sullivan, her U-year-old aon,
were shot to death at an early hour
today at the camp of the railway em
ployes about three miles from here.
Fred Ammotl, an Italian, and his son
Allle have been charged with the kill
Night Agent Has Desperate Strug'
gle With Armed Assailants.
Masked Men Find They Have Caught
Tartar and Retreat Rapidly Into
the Darkness, Firing as They
YORK. Neb., Dec. 31. C. C. Morris,
night agent for tho Burlington road,
grappled with two masked robbers and
beat them off at an early hour this
morning. One stood guard over him
while the other rifled the cash drawer.
Grabbing a fire-shovel, Morris struck
his guard a stunning blow, rendering
him unconacious, then grappled with
the robber at the drawer, who had
his hands full of money. They fought
their way to the platform and were
engaged In' a terrlfice struggle when
tho other robber recovered. He came
to the platform and called to his com
panlon, nnd they ran off In the dark
ness, firing two shots at the agent,
but missing him.' The robber at the
drawer secured a few dollars and left
much more on the floor where It was
struck from his hands by the ngent.
One Is Injured, for he left a pool
of blood where ho dropped to the
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 31. The
negotiations for tho new treaty be
tween Russia and Japan are progress
ing slowly, It Is stated here thnt In
aitynjssablo conditions prejudicial to
Russian economic nnd political Inter
ests such ns free navigation on the
Sungnrl, the creation of new consulates,
facilities tor obtaining passports and
customs advantogea for Japanese pro
ducts nnd complete freedom of fish
eries have been rejected by the Rus
sian commissions.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. President
and Mrs. Roosovelt and party returned
tonight from a short visit at Pine Knot,
Mrs. Roosevelt's country place.
St. Petersburg Authorities
Get Information.
More Thdn a Hundred Leaders
are Captured and Im
Russian Police Declare They Found a
List of High Officials Who Were
Sentenced to be Assassinated
by Extremist Party.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 31. Acting
on information furnished by a traitor
to the police during the last few days,
the police captured more than 100
leaders and members of the St Pe
tersburg military organization of the
Social Democrats who were carrying
on a propaganda among the army and
navy. Among those taken Into cus
tody waa the editor of a secretly pub
llahed paper entitled the Barracks, and
25 soldiers and several women. The
police aso arrested many members of
an Important group of Terroristic So
cial Revolutionists, and captured, ac
cording to a report, a . list
or twenty-seven high officials who
had been sentenced to death. Finally,
It la asserted, the police accidentally
obtained Information which frustrat
ed a plot to blow up a number of
persons at a conference which was
to be held in the future.
The recent arrests of members of
the military organization which was
responsible for the Sveaborg and
Cronstadt outbreaks and the mutinies
on board warships of the Baltic
squadron In August last have been
reported from various places In the
Interior, notably at Moscow, to which
city the central committee was trans
ferred after the police had twice
broken up the headquarters at Vilna.
Six officers, including Colonel Klopoff.
who .had distinguished themselves In
their respective services, were cap
tured while holding a conference at
Lieutenant Emil Jonoff, who was
executed at Sveaborg fortress In Au
gust for participation In the mutiny,
also was a member of this organiza
tion. The propaganda In the army and
navy Is now the .chief work of the
so-called majority faction of the So
cial Democrats, which, after the civil
ian Insurrectionists of last winter had
been crushed by the military force,
decided that the government could
only be overthrown by subverting the
army. The minority faction, which Is
now numerically stronger than the
majority faction, has foresworn ven
geance and has adopted resolution in
favor of purely political activity, as
In Germany. The two factions now are
virtually Independent.
Unless Government Interferes Two
Valley Will be Inundated.
IMPERIAL, Dec. SI. Heavy rain
now falling further complicating the
serious situation on the lower Colo
rado. Floods of water of the Gila and
Sale Rivers are now pouring into the
larger river, which tonight washed
away ten bents of the new trestle
from which It was Intended to begin
dumping rock In a day or two. As
the time for closing the break Is lim
ited, this renders the situation more
limited. It la becoming dally more
apparent that unless the government
come to the rescue, the situation will
be hopeless for the resident of tha
Imperial and Coachella Valleys. Ther
1 no menace to lives of tha peopla
but unless the river is conquered, the
country must become untenable for It
ten or twelve thousand resident.
Russian Look With Doubt Upon Cam
paign Promise of Government
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 31. The
electoral campaign of the government
here, la making but poor progress.
The provincial governor report thai
they are making no headway In their
efforts to ptecate the people with tha
mere promises of Stolypln, Minister
of the Interior. The leader of the
Moscow Conservative party expect
that the Douma will contain a social
revolutionary element which will make
the career of the house Impossible be
yond a few week.
PARIS, Dec 31. Announcement was
made here Saturday that a rich man.
Impressed by reading "Paul and Vir
ginia," bequeathed $10,000 to the state
for a statue of Bernardln De Saint
Pierre. The commission was given to
sculptor Holwock, whose cast has been
made. It shows Benardln seated oa
a hillock apparently listening to the
song of nature, while In one hand lie
holds a book which nature has made
him forget.
Tongue of Fire Followers Spring
Up at Albany City.
Strange "Religion' Spreads Rapidly
and is Creating Excitement in the
Valley Town Outsiders Try to
See Show.
ALBANY, Dec. 31. The 'Tongue
of Fire" have broken loose In Albany.
A Mennonlte mission, established here
a month ago, has adopted the strange
rites under the teachings of two emis
saries from the Salem branch of the
"Tongues." The noises and scene
which now characterize the meetings
of the local branch equal the Holy
Rollers In their days of notoriety.
The Mennonlte mission In which the
"Tongues of Fire" have secured a foot
hold here. Is located on First street,
in the heart of', the business section
of Albany, and directly opposite the
postofflce. For several days the noises
which have been emanating from there
have attracted some attention, but no
one has been attending the meetings
but the "faithful." Saturday it became
known that Ubbe Peters, a prominent
German farmer living near Albany,
who has long been a religious street
worker, had lain in a trance for two
hours after midnight that morning. It
was then learned that Mrs. Reese and
H. Williams, two of the Salem
"Tongues," had arrived here Friday
and had furnished the Inspiration for
one of the liveliest seances ever seen
In any land. The mysterious unknown
tongues played a prominent part In
this meeting.
Knowing that the "Tongues" were
here, a number of people attended
the meeting Saturday evenign, but It
was ostensibly closed at 10 o'clock
when fervor had been worked up to
a high pitch. It Is now learned that
a few of the worshippers then retired
to an upstairs room In the mission
building and there kept up the rites
until an early hour yesterday morn
STOCKHOLM, Dec. Jl. King Os
car's sleep today was very much dis
turbed. His condition tonight Is serious.