THE MOItNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. .m. . . r IN THE CITY CHURCHES. Wf f wi Iti II I SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1908. ii I ASTORIA 'SOCIETY i5 i! There h mi iiIih.iiik of hhiImI fes tivity during Hi'. Ytili'-llilo ii h usual, nml Iml few event urn iliriuililf.i fin i the wm-lt following I'liilninm i. HoWUVl-r, llltO M 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 IlUB hefll llli ;, liy large ntloiidiiuoo In nil the i liuii h ii'lwiifvtllirtu mill limn i:i .,. i, Hi'iiii'il "yum III" filllllly circle In i-mler due maKf nii'l iipiiveliiioit nf Hi.- tuti Ii ;llrvillll'l'4, ttlllih ItilW Ill-ill , , e ill. I Hi" lit'tu'cim mercifully Minirl down i mil i' nf tutu until nft,.- Ii us nil over, and Insloud, hlcliK i nil howojei under ii rli.iir sky, ViW I III- lliilllluy tllniospllelr, ), . nl itlMiiiiriiii.i, iIiiiiihIi omo of the ii urn llll lil!ii radiant, inn) out- W parties urn plunm-il fur tho near liro. itnil llf th- in, ml I in i. ..I HIH.:i. Ihe ruining hi-iihiiii have already :.n milUHiunil. A ml l( In ,i, thole Unite llwn the iimnil number (,f fne weddlne ifrsJlto Flnt M. E. Hpeclul revival m-r vli'im every night thl week lit 7: HO o'clock, Marling nf special liilnri'Nt to Christian will lie held lit S:30 o'clock Tuesday, stage, Music iiH furnished hy the Wednesday, Thurailuy nnd Irlliiy nf I'liiiilnii liiinil, Tii,. iiiTfniiiiiiiiri. wtix termnm. Hilng yntir lllblo to these well (.in t it)i'.-l. .pcolully tiy tlu. res-: service. All Christum not olhrwle Idclit i.r III- iidjuocnl purl i.t town. ,,,,..,,! eimlliillv lnvil,.,l lo m. lend nil service iiml "Lorid a. hntiil." Ik dinning ohm of I'rnf imr rtltiB wn given ii itumliKi .iuty Ht tl. O t V, hull Tin pJllroliesmx r.i Mm. O A, Huberts, Mm J, A iltii,V!l Mm John Smith. Thi ll win iWiiiiitr.t i i vi titri i-n iiii.l irlHtiium l,.. Alimit thirty ,-u. were mi tlip niior. M! Hi'Ioii til. k' tinii i-iili'rt:ilnn I'nrtiilKlilly i-IhIi mi M'Hi'lny vi- "K Hi I'll' lire unit w III wisli Ii w ith her n-Mit (Iin i). your nut mii the ninv ir In, Hi M !- ninl r'uhiiilii l V l.tli III, l'tl.tll). Huh, their hmito lit Nn 3s Hi, (ic,i ), nr-Ki w hi .my...i, ttu. i.rlm.. wlum-m liK Mm, Ciirnitluiii iiml ir, Urnii.). iur. tm. Miut.-r itlili-li'ilKh M.t.r 'i". ii f.nv frlvii'li ill i nr. In Wpiliiim v fVi-iiliiK I'ln. (Hvn rluli Ban. uiioth.-r of Ihi'lr I'lilur itms.-. ii mi Mmi.l.iy i vi niiut 1, T I ll . n ,,f fnllli,!,,! IlilK tl till. Kill"! nf hnr lilnlh.r. Ml'. iin..rlitii iluilnit ih, hnlMav Mr, i!t'iiji. I'lnniy, who tnnv i.n.i.n I'm tt.uiit. vllt..t hu fut.irr unit !hT uf thin illy, I'hrlHtmn work. Hoi" fniiilly ii'iiMlmiw imvn hi'i'ii iiiiiio it mil. illy iiiiiui.iniin thin your. 'I'lu. in in i'iiIh will In- ili'Vi.!:"'1 In th" lilllrllllHl. of l ihlli fur llm Hi til I'll . I'nlT... nii'l niko woi'.. unrviit Inter, Hliil th.. .i ,, fiuiii Iho mnnll ii(1inl h.iii foi. nf 1 5 i, mnniiiitoi) to ftit Kliihuinlo iiml w.-ll n ii.Ii.ii., chnlr Tin- Hi'itnnii Ilii'iin-M for tuiliiy will ! "Tito Count ruining Mnllvo," uml "I'Iib (Jrt Huvlor Bnl th (3rt Bl viillim," t'im nu nllnif nt 10:t5; Hun liny hi Inml ut 12: IB; Hiiwntth Ix-ukuv Hi 8; 30, A corillitl Invltiitloii In ox- timle wn IiomiiI ut I In. 10: no tiuitiN nf j totidml to the iulillc to nttcnj all the HI. Miiry'it i liuri h. on Chi ltmu K- rvlooH nf tlu t huroh. a i.tinrim oimir will loiiil In tho hIiikIiik, "Come now, uml lot um riiMuti tiiKiithcr, milth the I.nri!: Ihuuith your Nlim ho n ocitrlot, ; llu.y nliitll bt UN while u miow; though timinliilf l.ii lliirhi.'H .MIbhii I'm I'tir. i. no of tin. tiiriMt illltl. lilt uml Inipi H-nlv- nf tho Mukm.h, mia mint; In u liiHtini'f hoiiiiiikliiic oiiiihiitliiilly tho vorv riiniililt. Ii.iuli.mhlii nr Mi-m. Itroukit, utK'Mil"! uml illiB. tnr, it wHI I U,"y h r",, "k'' crlmn- h" he im wool." C. C. Hmrli-k, pimtor. Firtt Luthtran, fJUHtiif K. l(ylitilNt, I'uiHior. Hun iliiy m-honl nt 9,30 it. m Mix Aloma Nylund, Sujierlnlondcnl. Mornlnir iior vli In Bwpdldli ut 10:46. No evening orvlv, Tho Hiinilny achool nt the ticrmnn Lutheran church will kIvp ii Clirnluin ntortulnntent. Thorp will ho u Chrlfilnimi tree nriil pxorrlneii In which Ihe Sundiiy nchonl anil choir of tho t'prtnwn fhnrch will take part. A ronllnl Invitation h extnndod to all. nn New Yoar'i vo tho young people of the church will give nn etitcrliiln ttuiit for tho purpime of wutclilnn out the old year. It will conalat of a lit ornry un.l mualral pronrum with re- ,1 1 frenhmenta urul rhiiisn. Tho Chrlnt-..tii-jtiirm lleo will iiImii be Uttht1. All are n the tiioro ihmi iinllumy vucal ae .niiii.hni(.itM nf th,. IimiiI tnlont. The H. iltiH U'ro iloxllilioti'il iin fi.llnWM "iiliill.iK" -lllmi (iiin e Itiiiuii llH "i:i InvlHllillliuir. Mr. N,.n J,,m. Hon. ' Kt IiinirmitUf .l"- ,MIi Alice Wno.l. 'Qui Tnlllh" Mi. AriieHt Hlruiitit, "Kl ItiHpli limn" -Mr. fiiniKo jtr n-r. "gul Cum ritil"--Mlit Mlkkelxoii "AliiiUH In I" Mr, Flunk Ciirniiluin, Immi; Mr. otto M Ikkelnen, t nnr. "riiun tn"- Mr, Mmire. The ri-Kulor clmlr wan ntr. tu;tln nei I. y H. vi-nil alllti.iiMl vnlc.ii. Mlm l,n Ciirtiiiliiin iihkUi.-I tin- hIiiih; MIkK Alice W'onilN' Miipnnin In "V. Iiioiriui lim Knt" won Bii-iitly Hpprpclittctl. Mr. I'tniik Ciitiiiilmu'it wnrk In Ih- "Akiiun I VI" with lt Kl.iceful i"lli atreoKlh, i llcltcl much f.ivnnilili r, I irk t'pnhur. who haa Leon Itur lilx innilier. In thlH city, itur the lout wi'ik. ft mi Wiilniiliiy 1 for tlo,lt,., il'-nts nf t hull. In IllM Wl'i'k lO llf tile llinHI HUCCi'DHflll Ctllir- .ii'tit nf th.. ni'tirt.iii won Ktvon tit In t'lilmititwii "tie cvon- k, hy the 'iiimc p. html v'. "f lieu illntrl. t. Mlm Uiurn II. I. MI-'H Si'IlILl Nnrhel ic. Mn tkor, mi. I MIm AH,-,. i;,,,ir,, .ie,l iiml iiiinwiito.l th.. nlTiilr, l nf H,..-rt.i frmn illffoient III- I'll 11 1 111 .1 M a UinNI Hi. I llrlllltlflll tllllllcill prllilltc- Si Won- tnUi'ii frniii "In itol." iiml "i 'jiiiirlit N'.n.tiliiii" iiinl iMiii.iiuliii.. ell'.. i t, Tho M IM f.-imol i hll'lion rotloi li .l inn. h lit nn !li..iiiN..V'M nn. I Hi.. yoiuiK Him I hem for Hi,- v.'iy .Illnl llill lc.ll exhlhlllntl, There fflhi.ut ii huiiilio.l chllilri ii mi the ADVOCATES ENTERTAIN. iin-nt for thU .npiiliir nliuter, whnni vnlii. Ii.m n.ii hi-rotofote been heiird In th.. Munioit. The rarely Hwoet nuiillty of Minn Anna Mikki len' aoprnno w.ia alBit plin iil nt luliiiliuhli. inlviiiit.iKe In hi r n.ilii. MIn i iriK'p ItiinuellH hoiikI very uttiilly Ailmiin' Chrlatniaa Ciiml, "Cniillquo lo Ninl," ii n nlmi other piomliient pnrl. Mm. HinnkH w IbIi. h In . .. H hi r alin-en- approct.itlmi nf the iiKlitniice r. tot. r. .1 hy nl mump w ho took part In I tin ChiiMuum mtmli m St Mury'H chuti'h, At the I'lehytrrlun church. Weil, lleml.iy cvenlnif, ChrlMiiuiK iy w im nlm. ive.l hy the chlhlren who prenent I ii full iroKtmio ronalatlnn of muHle ami lecltittlnna. The nmny little people who took part HCitltle'l theiuaelvra lii a creilltiihl,. manner mi.l (ji'-atly t" the Hotlfiictloii uf the ituilh -nee. The piititiir. Mr. (Illheit. oxpliilueil In tho chthlrcii the meniilnn of the Clulitmmt Hplrll mi.l the real nune of hn.iliie.i which climes from the nliHi.rvuiico of the ChtlHtiim run U'lm1. In iipplleiitliui nf the pret-epi that "It Ik mure IiIohh..! In jtlvo than In receive." Aft-r the proi;ramiue and the lul ln n hy tho pimtiir, tho i hll Iriu were fuitlur lnterenlei by tho 'llNl! Il.lllinn nf nn III. un.l. ml Nlipply nf can. Ih-1 ami nuti by the real old Sau di Cliiii'i. ni'lNt'-d by hh cnmpatrliitK, the "IUoh uleii." Invited. Firtt Congrtgational. Kcrvleen will he held today at the uaual time. The pantor will prearh at both nervlcea and cordially Invite all Cnnttregatlonnllxt" In tho city to Attend, MornlitK wervlet nt 11 o'clock. Huhjert, "Waltlnir." KvenliiK aervlce at 7:30. Subject. 'Tho Makers of America." Kvory loyal cltliten will profit by being prenent nt thin aervloe, Sunday nchool nt 12:10 noon, Y. I. H. C. R. at 0:30 p, m. Annual meet ing of this church on Wednesday at S:30 p. m. All niembera of church and congregation nhould In- preaent. All alranirem, vlaltnra and resident not connected with other churche are linileil to nil tho service of thl church, Tou will alwaya find a wel come. O. K. Moorehoue, Ph. p.. pnator. Norwegian-Danlih M. E. The NorweKlan and Danish Metho dist church, corner of 37th and Du nne. Sunday achonl nt 10 o'clock, Al bert Catlsnn, aupirlnleiiilent. rreach Inif by tho pastor nt 11 a. in. and f p. Hi. Special; "Watch tiluht ser vice nt New' Year's eve, beKlnnlni; nl 0 o'clock." A hearty welcome ex tetnled to overyboily. Kiln njerdlnif, pastor. Tri.m.t Jhl s.-ln leMnion Are Feted by Momber Liberal Immigration Loegue. Tile i nllulcKotlnllM at the .'list M. IC, church on Hiimhiy nliitit enjnyi-d a cnnciil nf sixty. live In Chrisl llios music, the Mlss-s I'loretta nn.l I'.lsle Klmnre hiivlnir tialne.l the Clsi nlsli chllilreti nf tlio M. K. l iiurcli mls Hlnn fnc the ncciihlnu, MISS AI.KItT. "Iteclprncal relations with Ciinuila will develnp Ciiiiiinerce In all pnrts of the t'nltcil Stulcs but It may take years to hilnx It iiliout," the Justice said. "The Ciiiuiillnns wmit a deep waterway lo the (lulf of Mexico If It will not oiulaiitror our northern lakes, and they may not do that. Wo will not j Fint Presbyterian. Mnrnltur wni'xhlp II n'clo, k, "A llap i py New Year." Sunday school, 12:15, Y. T. S. C, t:.. 6:30. KvenlnR worship. W YdllK. Dec -Several lessiuin nf New Ymk city were I h dinner at the 'afo Martin last, llht thai, as Kctiefnlly presumeil, ex- by Hie Mbetnl ImtnlKiallon ' t'eplltiK to protect our ltitereta. feo In appreciation of their aer- "The hlp canal will menu much to I In cntniiiltlees on tho petidltiK tho United State and Canada will m- Kirratlon hill. Infoi nial apeeche j cure ner portion or tho commercial lndo Ihe Ketu rnl tenor or wntcti inline, ii iookn kou io ua, iiikch or opiiosltlnn piirllctilarly to the i no lakoa. We hope for aotno sort of re ml otiallllcallou ptnposeil In ciprociu reiationa which win open the i,lll A petition waa present- commerce of boti natlona the 1 1 n Reeretiirv of Commerce world." ,r Htratts to ndmlt to thl" ho Hussion Colonel Alexander M, now detained at nan i-nin ths ground that he l a revo- Ifo recently escnped from ihere he was aont, It I aald, Sitlnir his Iroopa from massn- W , pVopln. Kepreaentntlvea Hcn- dolden, Flt.nerald. Wlllet nnd j!t and nepreenlat.lve-cloct Kornoa -'S.d Ihe petition. Joseph Haron i,, the I'.'at Side labor lender, one J ho guest, left for WtiHlilMBlon car ,. today to place tho mattor before of Commerce nd i,annr ierelary lIlUHH. ' RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA. fliuld Develop Steady Commeree With i' Different Parte of the United ! Statei. r Tr TT ITnwnlt t Juatlce of tho Court of Appeala, fi nlpeff, Man., arrived hero mat '('it with Mi'". Howell. Thoy ma j: a pleasure trip to the Pacific Ht. ASSESSOR ACQUITTED HOISH, Dec. 29. At Caldwell today In tho caao of Robert Uinadon churned with embez.lement, JudRn Smith In structed Ihe Jury to acquit tho de fendant. This wits bocause, thnuirh the cvldenco showed $40 may have been taken It waa not shown that It waa taken by Lnnsdon. Thla la the case In which tho Secrotary-of-State elect was chnt'Knd with having ombei ssIqxI $40 while serving as aaseasor of Washington County. WHAT' worth doing Ii worth doing well. If you wish to be cured of Rheumntism, use Bnllard'i Snow Liniment and you will be well cured. A poaltlvt cure for Spralnt, Nuralgln, Brulsea, Con tracted Muscle, and all the 111 that flosh I heir to. A. O. M. Williams, Navaota, Texoa, wrltei: : . , "I have used Snow Liniment for epralned ankle and It gave the belt of satlafactlon. I always keep It In the house." Harts Drug Store. 7:30. "What Right Have We Live?" Win. S. C.llbcrl, pastor. Warrenton Pretbyterian. Warronton 1'reshytetlnn church tho Warren hall. Sunday school 10:30 n. m. Kvenlnif worship at o'clock. Alderbrook Presbyterian. Mornlnir worship nt 10 o'clock. 1. S. C. E. at 3:30 school at U a. m. t" Y. p. m. Sunday 8EATTLE FIRST NIGHT. New Play From the Italian Presented in Washington City. SEATTLK, Dec. 80,-ncfore n house packed to Ita capacity, Florence Rob erts presented for tho first time on any stage a play entitled "Maria Rosa," described on the programme as a "modern prose play," by Angel Clul merla, being trnnsluted by Wallace Ollpatrlck and Ouldo Marburg. The audience evinced enthusiasm for play ainl players. Tho scenario Is laid In Spain, tho characters are poor peas ants and the elemental passions pe culiar to tho Lntln race evolve a pas sion problem not now. The premier presentation was a success. The en tiro production was staged nnd ort gnnlzed In Seattle, being the second first nlghter In the history of the city. THAT'8 IT I I Cough yourself Into a fit of spasms and than wonder why you don't get well. If you will only try a bottle of Pollard' Horehound Syrup your cough will be a thing of the past. It la a positive cure for Coughs, Influensa. Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary dis eases. One bottle will convince you at ypur druggist, 15c, 60c, $1.00. Hart's Drug Store. Guard your Children Against Cheap -and Inferior Grades of CANDY Ours is pure and wholesome home made at wraiii 543 Commercial Street. Phone 1321 EMBARRASS BRITISHERS. Failure of America to Accept Appoint ment of Ambassador Annoying. LONDON, Dec. 28. The United Slates I causing Hrltlsh officialdom much embarrassment through Its fail ure to send In Its acceptance of the appointment of James Bryce as Am bassador to Washington. This must be received before ' the official an nouncement of the appointment can he made. The proclamation nnnounc- j lug the appointment Is nwaitlni? the) cablegram from AVnshtngton nnd when this Is received a special Gnsette will be Issued nnd tho formal Information sent to the press. IN PRAISE OF CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. There Is no other medicine manu factured that has received so much praise and so many expressions of gratitude as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It Is effective, and prompt relief follows Its use. Grateful par ents everywhere do not hesitate to testify to Its merits for the benefits of others. It Is a certain cure for croup and will prevent the attack If given at the first appearance of the disease. It Is especially adapted to children, as It Is pleasant to take and contains nothing injurious. Mr. E. A. Humphries, a well known resident and clerk In the store of Mr. E. Lock, of Alice, Cape Colony, Africa, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to ward off coughs and croup In my family. I found It to be very satisfactory, and It gives me pleasure to reccommend It." Frank Hart and Leading Druggists. RIOT INQUIRY REPORT. ATLANTA, Dec. 28. The clt teens committee appointed aftor the Septem ber riots here, reported today. The ro port shows that twelve persons were killed und seventy wounded. Of the dead ten are negroes Bnd of the wounded sixty are negroes. ':.IU 111 Llri MAKES OLD THINGS NEW ElquW 0necr is a wonder! It will make the whole interior of your house shine like new, making re-finishing or re-varnishing entire- iMf Ucc-! WL y uuuecessary- Jt w not a varnish, but a rKrMl V Vi SU.rf?Ce food and cleaner- building up the original nnisli and making it brighter than ever. It is applied with a piece of cheese cloth and no experience la necessary. Xo drying to wait for. Removes all scratches, stains, dirt, dullness. It can be applied to any finish with beneficial results. Nat ural wood, as well as any color of paint, will be better for an application of Liquid Veneer. ElQUld Qtiutr will improve even the most beautiful furniture. It will take that smokv look from the Tiano and other Mahogany, and Is highly bene ficial to Golden Oak, White Enamel, Gilt, Silver aud other finishes. tlqilld Oenter sells at 50 cents a bottle, and a bottle Is enough to renovate the ordinary home. Try it and you will always buy It, SOLO BY B. F. ALLEN 8 SON FINE? ""OS aii.:"inFc itjj "-l UMlDll iT, ., f- .jl HEA AT. r riSfccna. v Mr. E. G. Case, a mall carrier of Canton Center, Conn., who has been In the U. S. service for about sixteen years, says: "We have tried many cough medicines for croup, but Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is king of all, and one to be relied upon every time. We also find It the best remedy for coughs and colds, giving certain re sult, and leaving no bad after eff ects." For sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS IN BUSINESS FOR BUSINESS AND YOUR SATISFACTION STEEL EWART at No. 222 Twelfth Street. Sole agents for the famous Perfection and World Gas Mantles. Call on us.