OOVIRS TH MOANING FIILO ON THB LOWIft COLUMBIA; VOLUME LXI NO. 345 ASTQPLA, OREGON, MWPAY DECEMBER 30. 1906 PRICE FIVE CENTS CUBAN ROW CALLED OFF Governor Magoon Says Al is Peaceful. SITUATION VERY BRIGHT Railroad Strike is Dying Out Behest of Fifty Artillerymen Sent (rom Havana. CUBANS CALLED CHILDREN Coming Election th Ben of Conttn tlon, But No Serlou Trouble It Fard Provisional Govern , mnt In Pin 8hp. WASHINGTON. Dec. J9.-Th War Department Issued a t(mnt today concerning the situation In Cuba, which Indicate (hut condition r not alarming. The statement say: A lttr dated Dcmhr IS ha been rcelvd from Governor Mng-oon, which contain the following brief pager ' " The prenl situation I full of hope and confidence that the provl- tonal government will hav no occa Ion to deal with an uprising, Th continued tranquility of the Inland un der our dmlnltratlon I a satlafac. tory n anything can be In Cuba.' H alo ay with reference to th strike at Camnguey: " There la a fair prospect of a etrlke by the workmen In the railroad hop at Camaituey, and 1 nt 50 artillery men there last night and thtn morn ing and am advlaed that the matter la unimportant.' The following ha been received by the department In a private letter from a military officer holding a high tatlon In Culm, dated December 12: "Everything goc on quietly here, and there la no marked change In any respect, We have continual Intlma tlon from all nrt of ourcc that, no matter what happen In the election, one side or the other will take to the wood. "1 uppoa an Anglo-Saxon will never understand these peopl and can never hope to do o. "They are aomethlng like children who tell ghost storlo to each other until they frighten themsolvc to a point where they cannot leep. Our rule ha been o quint and orderly, and the President' lnjunctlon''to re- rrain rrnm mining tn reeling or wounding the susceptibilities of the Cuban I no ntrtotly observed that the 'people welcome the troop every where" WAS AGAINST PUBLIC. Enrieo Caruso's Offsnt Wa Against Single Individual, Not NEW YOIIK, Dec. SO. In affirming the decree of conviction against Enrico Caruo, the famou tenor, on a charge of annoying women In the monkey hou at Central Park, Recorder Goff declared It wa not essential thnt Ilnn nah Orahnm, who made the complnlnt, be present In court. The offense, the recorder said, wa not o much against an Individual a against public order and decency, ' STOCK MARKET QUIETER. fBrek at First of Week Not Lasting In Effot. NEW YORK, Deo. 29. The stock market was violently unsettled early In the week, The substantial recovery which followed wa attributed In large part to the buying by an uncovered short Interest, The break In the rail road stock with large new stock Is sue pending, had cause peculiar to Itself, but wa of Important sympathet ic effect on the whole market. The call ' loan market wa unexpectedly .tranquil, the relief afforded by the Rtock market liquidation plavlng It part In the result, Th hop wa thu fotrd that th pinch of th y end requirement will prov es ver limn had been feared, V cllti In foreign exchange to9vl vnvring proiu on gum import if kept attention keenly alive to a possible aourc of rllef for th local money market, which, howevsr, might threat n disturbance of th London market MONEY FOR CHARITY. But Rul Bag' Widow Say It Will Net be Squandered. NEW YOIIK. Dec. SS.-Mr. Russell Bag, widow of the financier, ha given out a tatement In which h declare that It I not hr Intention to dlstrlb ue Immedlatelly the money left by her huband. and much le doe h In tend to distribute It everywhere and to everybody. She declare that h ha at her own door plenty of case of need which hav a nearer claim on her than th people of other cltle who need, ah believe, ran and hould be met by philanthropic per on In tho state. Th earliest date at which her husband' estate can be closed up, ht say, I on year rrom hi death, and therefor present application ar premature. MORE CLEARANCE TROUBLE. FREEPORT, 1LU, Dec. 29.-A milt to determln the legality of the rein suranc deal of th defunct German Insurance Company with th Royal Insurance Company has been ordered to be commenced In thl county by Juag Hoard of th Circuit Court A petition wa presented him on be half of the San Franclaco policy hold era, and he decided to ask the receiver to proceed against th Royal Inu ranc Company, th receiver being th Chicago Title dt Trust Company. GHEATADMIRAL LOST Caught In Heavy Gale Thrown on Her Beam Ends and Pills. CREW OF FOURTEEN RESCUED Th Cook and th 8tward Die of Ovsr-Enposure Jrt Admiral Abndon Mr, Transferred to Bark Andrew Woloh. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 80. The bark Andrew Welch which arrived to day from Honolulu, brought fifteen of the crew of the Great Admiral which were transferred to the Andrew Welch from the ahlp Uarcore, on December 24. The rtarcore rescued the crew De cember t In latitude 46.43 north, long Itude 127.CS west. The Groat Admiral wa caught In a heavy gale on December, 6 and thrown on her beam end, she filled with water. The captain cut away the mast to av the hlp. After drifting about for three day the crew wa taken oft by the Burcore, The cook and the steward died from exposure. The Great Admiral wu abandoned. SUES FATHER-INLAW. Want Hundred Thousand Dollar For Revolver Shot Damage SEATTLE, Dec. 29. For Injuries In flicted upon him by hi fathor In law, William Constantino, Jeso M. Hall yesterday filed ault In the Superior Court asking damages of 1100,00. Hall recites In hi complaint that hi father In law attacked him and wounded him with a revolver on Oct ober 2. A a result of the Injuries thon received he clnlm that he lost the use of his voice, the use of one finger and suffered severe Injuries to the right hand and arm and nerve of the left arm, , Hall state that he was capable of earning 31 KO a, month before aXUcked by Constantino, and detail a list of the expense he has Incurred since. AGED MILLIONAIRE ILL. NEW YORK, Deo, 29, A London dispatch reports' that the Baroness Burdett Coutts, the richest woman In England, Is gravely ill. This extraordinary woman 'will, If she lives, be 93 In April next. She visited her bank and attended to bus iness dally until a week ago. ' -J- ' - at jf, I IRE LAD Columbia County Conlri- butes Very Latest. A DEADFUL DEPRAVITY Cooly Tells Just How and Why He Did the Fearful Deed-Is Entirely Placid. LIED DESPERATELY AT FIRST Sharp Sweating by Sheriff Finally Bring Out th Awful Truth Radlng Book In Jail, Appar ently Oblivious. ST. HELENS, Or, Dec. 29. Because hi foster-mother, Mr. C. L. Ayr, hit him with a (tick and drove him off to bed, after they bad quarreled over work she said he had not done well. Elbert Oleman, aged 13, picked up the family ride In the ball, and a the woman sat fae from him, sewing, blew her head off. xoaay young oieman alt uncon cernedly In th Columbia County Jail. He baa a book and entertain himself by reading. No expression of regret has passed hi lips. The woman lie on a table at Warren station, where have a dozen old acquaintance have Juat completed hearing Inquest testi mony. Toung Oleman' dreadful deed took place laat night. Mr. Ayer wa ab sent In the hill and the youth had been working arouhd the place. Mrs. Ayer upbrladed him, he says, and when she finally snt htm to the upstair room, h wa slow about retiring. Mr. Mr. Ayer kept catling up; "Why aren't you ln bedT Why don't you go to bed?" but when, after a time the boy cam down stairs again, he had only one hoe off. More hard word were then ex changed. "She aald ahe'd beat me to death," exclaimed the child, when he had confessed the killing. "I turned away as If to go upstairs, but picked up th gun. She wasn't looking. She was sewing and her head wa the other way. I lifted the rifle and pulled." The woman dropped beside her sew ing and lived only a moment The boy went from the house to the res ldence of Lou Davtes, a neighbor, i quarter of a mile away, whore he said an assassin had shot through the win dow, "I was unlacing my shoes upstairs," he said. "I was Just sroln- to bed when I heard It. I ran down and thwre was Mrs, Ayer, dying. I opened the door and saw a man running near the barn. I don't know who he was, and he didn't say anything." A few minutes later he told the same story at the E, H. Lynch place near by. Men hurried to the Ayer place and the lad' tale looked good at first. The woman lay beside her scwlnar. lust as hehad said; but on the floor lay a 40-60 rifle.recently discharged, and hen officers came hurriedly from St. Helen's and looked for footprints around th barn, none could be found. Neither did the boy's attitude seem natural and Sheriff Martin White be gan to question him. Over and over again he repoated his story sub stantially the same each time but af ter two hours of sweating he told the elierirt all. Young Oleman was adopted by the Ayers Ave years ago. He lived at ebanon till his parents died. Two sisters of the scattered family live at Salom, another at Silverton. He has been a rather good boy, neighbors say, and at the sheriff's office here he is pronounced Intelligent and bright. At Warren, too, near where the Ayers lived and where the family was well known, the boy was counted smart. The Ayers had never legally adopted him. HU KV Th Ayer family came to the farm near Warren from th Carrlco Valley, even or eight mile north of Houl- ton, Or., and had lived ther Just about a year. They hav a married daughter, Mrs. Mertla Bulch, whose horn I at Bcappoose. The seven Oleman children were ward of the Oregon Children's Home Society, an organisation that was ln charge of the lute Rev. L 8. Toby. It wa a branch of the National Chil dren' Hm Society, but upon the death of Mr. Toby the book were turned over to the Portland Boy and Girl' Aid Society. Bert Oleman wa received by th society September 11, 1901, He wa born on October 1, 1392. ' There were even children, namely, Mary, M Lottie, twin; Ella, Mabel Henry, George and Elbert All the children were placed In good home In different part of the state. All ex cept Elbert were legally adopted and now bear other names. The mother of the children died before they were taken over by the aociety; the father died of cancer during 1900, WANTS NO WAR. Japan Ha Not Yt Roupratd from Hr Last Enoounttr. SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 29. S. Watash! of Japan, en route horn from Mexico to report to his government on th condition of Japanese labor era In Mexican mine and other work, wa here last night. M. Watashl said he found the condition of hi coun trymen good In the railroad work. but In the mine condition were ex tremely bad. He called the attention of th Mexican government to cruelty and Injustice ln some of th mine, and received the promise that condi tion would be Improved. Watashl says Japan doe not want another war until recuperated from the last and certainly not with the United States. IS Negroes Attack a Defenceless Man and Injure Him Badly. ELEGRAPHS FOR RESCUERS Two Trains With Armd Men Ar nstantly Rushed to th 8on Negroes Eseap Bafor th Ar rival of th Post. SPARTANSBURG. S. C, Dec 29. 'I am penned up In a blockhouse and surrounded by a mob of negroes who hav threatened my life. They are beating down the doors. For God's sake send help." This message was sent here tonight by Telegraph Operator Porter ln charge of the block station at Mount ZIon, on the main lir.a of the South ern Raiyway six miles from Spartans burg. Sheriff Nichols was notified and two trains with armed men have left for the scene. CHARLOTE, N. C, Dee, 29. Later: A long distance telephone message from Spartansburg states that a crowd of drunken negroes entered the sta tion at Mount ZIon and with pistols forced the operator, Porter, to dance and otherwise hazed htm. Porter was Injured, but how badly cannot be as certained. The negroes escaped be fore the posse arrived. Still Later Telegraph Operator Porter In charge of the block station at Mount ZIon, was taken out of his station tonight about 7 o'clock by a crowd of drunken negroes, tied up and whipped. The mob surrounded Por ter, who barricaded himself ln the station, and shot out the windows and lights. The operator wired the train dispatchers at Spartansburg to send help. He had scarcely finished the message when the negroes broke Into the station and drajrsed him outside and beat him. Sheriff Nichols and of ficers left on a special train, but when they arrived the negroes had disap peared. The posse Is searching the woods, 'no arrests have been made. CALIFORNIANS AGAIN LOSE. VANCOUVER, B. C, Dec. 29. The Vancouver Rugby team for the second time lowered the cardinal colors of the Stanford team here today, beating the Californians by the score of 3 to noth ing, NOT BACH GAMBLERS U. S. Treasury Is Not Aid ing Them. SHAW1NM0NEYMARKET Relief Aids Wall Street Bulls But Injures Those on the Bear Side. SPECULATION NOT EXTENSIVE Many Causes for Money Stringency ( Among Them 8hort-ightdn of Bank Treasury Not Only Ral Situation. WASHINGTON. Dec. 29. In a let ter to a correspondent In Nashville, Secretary Shaw repudiates the sug gestion that the United States Treas ury had ever come to the defense of stock gamblers. The correspondent, whose name Is withheld, Insist that such relief had been given gambler and money sharks, and wa the "real Cause of high money In New York." The correspondence wa made pub lic today. The letter from th Seer tary says the writer of the criticism seems to proceed on the theory that a money stringency Is caused solely by stock gambling. The Secretary de clares this to be an error. In good times, he says, people will speculate In anything and everything that has a market value. The proportion of spec ulation to necessary and legitimate business, he says, Is very small, and probably no larger In New York than In Nashville. The Secretary says the Treasury never has come to the re lief of stock gamblers and probably never will, though the relief which the Treasury grants frequently aids thos? who gamble on the bull side of the market, but Is equally harmful to those who gamble' on the bear side. The real business consideration Is the only consideration. The Secretary says more money Is needed when crops are belnk marketed and when factories ar filling their warehouses. than when crop are growing and men are enjoying their vacations. Banks, he says, rarely make preparation for fall. They time their loans to meet their obligations and take their chances. The Secretary says that dur ing the dull season of 1396 the Sec retary withdrew 360,000,000 of the people's money and locked It up. It would be a crime if he were not will ing to release It when necessary. By appropriate use of money In the treas ury, the Secretary says he ""facilitat ed the Importation of 3100,000,000 In gold within the last nine months and Jias released or arranged for the re lease of 350,000,000 more. This was done for the aid of legitimate business transactions and the Secretary does not care one way or the other whether it has helped the bull side of th mar ket or damaged the bear side. BIG FREIGHTER LAUNCHED. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 29. The Amertcan-Hojwalian steamship Com pany's new steamer Mexican was suc cessfully launched at the Union Iron Works today. The vessel Is the larg est freighter ever launched on the Pacific Coast. u; ADMINISTRATION AGAINST THEM Western Federation Find It th Ally of Corporate Despots. DENVER, Dec. 29. The executive board of the Western Federation of Miners has completed Us annual re port The report contains the follow ing: "The prosecution of Moyer, Hay wood and Pettibone is not confined to the Mine Owners' Association of the West. The fact that in the recent po litical campaign President Roosevelt commissioned one of his political fam- Ily to leav th nation' capital and Invade the tat of Idaho and lift his vole tn behalf of Gooding, the political tool and chattel of the Standard Oil Company, is a convincing argument that th conspirators have entrenched tbemselve behind Roosevelt' thron and are using th administration ' at Washington a an ally to bring about the Judicial murder of men who hav corned- to prostrate themselves in submission to the anarchy of corporate despot." CAUGHT IN RUINS. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 29. Flv .laborer were caught today under tb .ruin of a wall which fell at th cor ner of Pine and Battery street, and it wa half an hour before a hundred laborer who rushed to their reacu were able to uncover them. Two of th victims, Salvatore Galee and Nicholas Antonio, ar probably fatally Injured, while Manuel Montreal. Pie tro Fernando and Charles Dial ar everly hurt. , THREE KILLED IN WRECK. DETROIT, Dec 29. Three stock men wer killed and four Injured ln a wreck near Winnipeg Junction last night The victim were asleep tn th caboose when the pusher engine crashed Into the car, the stock train having been halted on account of a hot box. FIRE IN LOS ANGELES. LOS ANGELES, Dec 2t. A fire which started In th heart of th wholesale district about ? o'clock la still raging and ha accomplished damag to the extent of 350,000. Th blase originated In the Cohn-Ooldwa-ter Company store. At midnight three buildings were blazing fiercely. DE1SJUTIJ Archbishop Ireland Says He Did Not Censure Pope's Stand. BLAMED ONLY LACK OF VIGOR Famou American Prelat Charge Th Pari L Matin With Defending th Government at th Ex pans of Truth. ST. PAUL. Dec 29. Referring to the report spread through France by the Le Matin of Paris to the effect that ln his discourse last Sunday he had condemned the present attitude of th Pope and th French hierarchy ln reference to the law of separation and associations of worship, Archbishop Ireland tonight made this statement to the Associated Press: "Le Matin Is an anti-Catholic pa per and Is willing to defend the actton of the government even by perversion of facts. It was somewhat of a vin dication of that section to quote an American prelate as favoring It Le Matin has unwittingly served the cause of truth. My discourse last Sunday condemned unreservedly the associations of worship as proposed by the French government and show that the Pope and the bishops were compelled by principal to reject such associations." The archbishop goes on to say that if a word of blame for the Cathloo clergy and Catholic church of Franca seemed to be spoken it was that here tofore through a degree of passivity and suplneness and lack of earnest combination and union, they had al lowed the electoral returns to send to the Chamber of Deputies a majority of Radical and Irrellgionist members. ROME, Dec. 29. Satisfaction is ex pressed at the Vatican with the ex planation of Archbishop Ireland of St Paul to Cardinal Merry Dei Vai, a pal Secretary of State, concerning his published statement on th French Vatican trouble. THAW'8 TRIAL SET. NEW YORK, Dec. 29. It was an nounced at the District Attorney's of fice today that the trial of Harry K. Thaw for the murder of Stanford White would take place ln the crimi nal branch of the Supreme Court, be fore Justice Gneenbaum, The trial Is' scheduled to take place on January 21. f