Pafaoraphs i r r From the Kicker A Political Discussion That Gune Near I Ending In Murder. ! ' ''v. ' " "T; '''! 'H ' jtCoPrrtjtlt. IKK, by EugM FarceUa.) MR. JIM HKLLSO (who U our MO wlsbe the Kicker to deny la the most vigorous , language that be la thinking ef resigning bis position as postmaster ef this gulch. He (Ilea now and then, out he never resigns. ittr. Jim Hellso (who la ourself) paid a short visit to Denver last week and did not blow out the fas. Mr. Jim Hellso (who la oorself) blew wa the barrel of a new shotgun on exhibition at Kramer's the other day. It wasn't Mr. Jib loaded. jtta Hellso (who la ourself) In forms us that alterations and Improve ments to the Hellso Opera House will coat 12,000. One hundred pounds of lead was dug- ont of the celling last week. . Mr. Jim Hellso (who Is oorself) au asked the Kicker to deny In thunder es tones that be contemplates organ ising a wild west show and taking the road next summer In opposition to BpffsJo William. His show has been right here In Given dam Gulch for the last eight years. I. Is quite true that the editor of the Kicker and the governor of the territory met at Florence the other day and had a long and confidential talk, but there is not a grain of truth b the statement that they played poker for ten hours on a stretch and that the result was bad for the gov ernor. We and the governor were on oar dignity all the time. Had be sug gested poker we should have discour aged the idea. , . (Colonel Joe Skelly of the Big 4 ranch informs as that he felt and counted ninety-eight distinct shocks of an earthquake last Sunday. We have not the slightest hesitation In pronouncing Colonel Joe a - liar. - If he was sober enough to feel or hear anything It was one of his old mules rolling on the grass. ' ' " Edward Jones and Peter Howard, both of this town,; met on the street last Sunday and resumed a ' political discussion, with the result that gone were drawn and ten shots fired. No one was killed, no one wounded. The TE5 SHOTS FIRED, men stood and looked at each other In astonishment for a moment after the firing and then each ran In the opposite direction. Oh, yes; Arizona will be ad mitted to the Union, when the robin? nest again! ... , , There is neither law nor ordinance in this whole territory against (speed ing automobiles. They can skip along at a rate of 100 miles an hour. Or the contrary, there, is no law against any citizen taking a pop at a chauf feur with his gun if he feels so mind ed, and he is pretty sure to feel that way. If you' own an auto and are looking for a paradise, come this way and get a free burial. A Chicago man who was looking for ml estate In this locality went over to Lone Jack the other day to buy a large block of town lots. On visiting the graveyard be found that only twenty-one people had died in three years. He did not buy. He realize that a town that couldn't do better than that was a slow town and had no future. ' - ' We understand that certain mem ber of the only church choir In Give adani Gulch object to our leading tiie slugiusr, because.. we play poker, own a race, horse and a touting dog and take a nip with the boys occasionally. We don't 'isuppose it Is exactly accord ing to the eternal fitness of things, but until society hus safely passed through the chaotic state and Can utand alom we snail ufjck to our singing job and back It up with two euas. Meanwhile we shall s;jig..wltli.,atdor and with as, much reverence at v.'O can Dade's Little Liver Pills thorough ly clean the system, good for lazy liv ers, make clear complexion, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. PROCLAMATION. Where at the general election held In the City of Astoria on Wednesdy the life day of December, INN, A. D, the following described fifteen sever' al different amendments to the Charter ' of the City of As tori were submitted to the legal voters of the City of Astoria for adoption or rejection by Initiative petition, and whereas the vote on each measure has been counted, canvassed and returned, and the canvass has been .completed, and the following is the total vote cast In the City of As toria for and against each measure, torwlt:, , ( , ,.,. , "An amendment to Section 4, B, I, S, 11, IS. IS? and IIS, of the Charier of the 'City of Astoria, creating four wards and . defining the ' boundaries thereof, and providing for two Coun cilman from each ward and one Coun cilman at large, fixing the time of elec tion ; bl-annually on , the i i second Wednesday In (December, In the even years, and providing that the term of Councllmen shall be four years, and aU officials of the City of Astoria, In office when this Act takes effect, shall hold until the first Monday In January, 190, and extending the terra of office of each PoJJce Commissioner one year, and providing that commencing with the election of 1908, one Police Com missioner shall be. elected every two years, and a person appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold the remainder of the unexpired term.". "... a.a;.;, I The total number of votes cast upon said amendment was 8S, and SIT votes were cast 'or the amendment, and 101 votes against the same. "An amendment to Section 75, of the Charter of the C'ty of Astoria, providing for the manner of making assessments to defray costs and ex penses of Improving streets, and pro viding that assessments may be levied without regard to the assessed valua tion of the property." The total number of votes cast upon said amendment was tSl, and S8S votes were cast for the amendment, and ISt vote against the same. i "An amendment to Sections tl and 28 of he Charter of the City of Asto ria, relating to vacancies In office, and providing for filling vacancies by ap pointment by a majority of the re maining members of the Common Council, to continue for the remainder of the unexpired term." The total number of votes cast upon said amendment was Sb9. . and 416 votes were cast for the amendment, and 143 votes against the sttme. "An amendment to Section 51. of the Charter of the City of Astoria, de fining the duties of the Superintend ent of Streets and making It his duty to Inspect the construction of street Improvements and sewers, and, with the City Surveyor, and Committee on Streets and Public Ways, certify in writing of the completion of the same. and to perform other work." xue luim numoer or votes cast up on said amendment was 572, and 459 votes were cast for the amendment, 113 votes against the same. "An amondment to Section 132, of the Charter of the City .of Astoria, uxing ine nmu or indebtedness at $230,000.00 and defining the assets and liabilities to be taken" into considera tion in fjxlng such limit." . ' , The total number of votes cast up on said amendment was 545, 'and ,363 votes were cast for the amendment and 182 votes against the same. "An amendment to Section 129 of the Charter of the City of Astoria, exempting the City from 'liability from damages for accidents or Injuries up on any street, unless the claim Is filed wth the Auditor and Police Judge within thirty days from the time of the accident, exempting Councllmen from liability for words uttered In debate and fixing their salary at $100.00 per year." The total number of votes cast upon said amendment was 654, and 375 votes were cast for the amendment, and 178 votes against the same. An amendment to Section 91, of the Charter of the City of Astoria, providing for establishing and re-establishing the grades of the .streets of the City of Astoria, and that no grade shall be changed on an Improved street or portion thereof, Wept upon a written petition of the owners of at jeast tnree-nrtiiS of the property abutting upon said street or that part moreor upon which the change of grade is proposed. ' The total number of votes cast upon said amendment ' was 536, 'and 403 votes were' cast for the amendment, and 133 votes against the same. "' An amendment to Section 38, of the Charter of the City of Astoria, de fining the powers of the Council and providing for licensing, taxing, regu lating, restraining,1 restricting and pro hibiting bar-rooms and drinking shops and places .where liquors are sold; prohibiting 'gambling and providing for contracting indebtendness nnfl prohibiting any officer from being in terested In any contract, and restrict- tug the granting of franchises for stttet rail-ways for a longer period thaj thirty yu-s, and regulating the manner of Issuing franchises," The total number of votes east upon said amendment was ITS, and 88S votes were cast for the amendment, and 307 votes against the same. "An amendment to Section 4T, of the Charter of the City of Astoria, defin Ing the power And duties of the Pres ident of the Council.' The total number of votes cast upon said amendment waa 511, and S7t votes were cast for the amendment, and 13S vote against the same. "An amendment to Section 108, of the Charter of the City of Astoria, pro vtding the method of assessing dam ages and benefits In laying out widen Ing and opening streets and alley. and providing the method of collect' Ing assessments levied for that pur pose," ' ': The total number of votes cast upon snld amendment was 52, and 394 votes were cast foe the amendment, and 1SS votes against the same. t. An amendment to Section It, of th Charter of the City of Astoria, defining the qualifications -jttt electors, fixing six months residence as a qualifica tion, to the right o, vote and providing for registration of electors," The total number of votea cast upon said amendment was 647, and 453 were cast for said amendment and 114 vote against the same. ."An amendment to the Charter of th City of Astoria, fixing eight hours a standard for a days work, and $3.50 as the minimum wages of em ployees of the City, and that Cltlsens or those who have declared their in tention to become such shall be employ ed by the City, and providing that contractors shall be required to give bond conditional for the payment of all persona performing labor or fur nishing material In executing the con tract" The total number of votes cast upon said amendment was S03, and 410 votes were east for the amendment, and 187 votes against the same. An amendment to Seotlon 40, of th Charter of th City of Astoria, de fining th duties of the, Mayor, and providing t that be - shall, see that the laws and .ordinances are enforced, and giving the Mayor the power to sus pend from service any officer or em ploye , of the Police Force, Fire De partment, Street Department and Sur veyor's Department, who shall refuse to enforce the laws and ordinances of the City." Tht total number of votes cast upon said amendment was (01, and 840 votes were cast for the amendment, and 21 votes against the same. "An amendment to Section 143, of the Charter of the City of Astoria, making the Water Commission elec tive and fixing the' term of office at eight years, increasing the number of Commlsloners to nine members and providing the method of filling vacan cies in the Board." The total number of vote cast upon said amendment waa 583, and 307 votes were cast for the amendment, and 278 votes against the same. "An amendment to Section 2, of the Charter of the City of the City of Asto ria, giving -the City power to build, purchase lease and operate Street car lines, Telephone, Telegraph and Light Ing Plants, and to control, lease, sell or dispose of the same for the benefit of the City." The total number of votes cast upon said amendment waa 672, and 423 votes were cast for the amendment, and 149 votes against the same. . Ana each of said measures above mentioned having received an affirm ative majority vote and having been approved by a majority of those vo ting thereon as above specified THEREFORE: ' By virtue of Ordinance No. 3315 of the City of Astoria, and the law In the premises, L Herman Wise, Mayor of the City of Astoria, do hereby pro claim and declare each of said amend ments to the Charter of the City of Astoria, to be In full force and effeot On the first Monday In January, 1907, A.D. :.,(. . . i .-.'I.. . Witness my hand and the Seal of the City of Astoria hereto affixed this 14th day of December, 1906, A. D. ' HERMAN WISE, ' ' Mayor of the City of Astoria,'1 NOTICE. There' is money in the following street funds to pay the following war rants: 'Eleventh street from Harrison avenue to' Kensington Avenues, Nos. 22061 to 22071, both inclusive; Duane street from 10th street to 6th street, Nos. 22195 to 22598 and 22203 to 22210 inclusive; 7th street from Niagara to Bay' Avenue, Nos! 22225 to 22229 both inclusive; Bond street from 6th street to the West line of McClure's Astoria, Nos. 22288 to 22304, both ' Inclusive. Interest will cease after this date. 1 THOMAS DEALET, City Treasurer. Dated Astoria, Oregon, December 17, 1906. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. ...... ! ' v ''': ' '' ; -lS ' HELP WANTED, WA NTED YOUNG LADY, , WITH som knowledge of typewtttlng and bookkeeping; work In good mercan tile business; good wage, permanent position for right party. Address "J" ear Astoria. ll-tltf WANTKD OEiNTLKMAN OH LADT of fair education to travel for mer cantile house of large capital. Terri tory at horn or abroad, to suit. Week ly salary of $1,000 per year and ex penses. Address Joseph A. Alexan der, Astoria, Ore. IMMt AGENTS CANVASSERS, liDCBRS. peddler. oHeltors, mall order peo ple, etc-, should buy KRAMER'S BOOK OF TRADE SECRETS. Regu lar k If, but bl of last dlUon (or $1.15 a long a they last Guar anteed. Order quick. Sioux Pub. Co.. Sutherland. Iowa. U-16-tf WATTED 8ALES1I EN. MANY MAKE I 1100 to 1150 per month, 8om evea nor. Stock eleaai . grown c Rr retloa, far from old orchards. Caen Hlvanoed weekly. Chole of territory. Addr Washington Nureery Company, Toppenlea, Washington," I M tf WANTED TWO OOOD 8UB8CRIP Uon solicitors to work. Ft ret class proposition, good pay. Apply Astorian ofile. FOB BXKT. FOR RENT ONE (-ROOM DWELL- Ing with basement Apply fo Van Dusen A Co., agents, 111 nth St ll-Il-10t FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM FLAT. IN- quir at C M. Cutbberth's, cor. Com mercial and Ith street. H-8-tf FOR RENT-TEN-ROOM HOUBB AT No, 151 Suoml Avenue. Apply to Victor Alrol. 11-4-tf S5B FOB SALE. WHALE AMBER. MADE IN NOR- way. guaranteed finest shoe dress ing out. Tour dealer handle It Al fred Andresen Co., Minneapolis, Minn. ... i v- 11-ll-tf LOST AND FOUND. LOST BROWN FUR SCARF ON way between First Lutheran church, Uppertown, and car-track at foot of stairs near Adair , school. Reward. Leave at Fisher Bros.' hardware. : 2t LOST A WEDDING RING, BE- tween end of car line and Ash ave nue. Finder return to Gus Slml, Al derbrook. , 12-Il-tf HISCSXLANEOTTa TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS and timber We will buy for CASH any good timber, tributary to Neha lem River. Will deal' with owners only. No others need annwer. Write, giving full particulars, to Box 8, U. P. Station, Portland, Oregon. NICK PAPAZQERE8, THE GREEK DIVER, has juiit received a new diving ma chine from the old country. Dives from 25 to 30 fathoms In shallow wa ter; stays down half a day at a time. Leave orders at 417 Bond St Market, or D.. Falangos, Clifton. H0U5E MOVERS. FREDRKCKBON BROS W make upecialty of bonne moving, carpenters, contractors.' general jobbing; prompt at tention t all orders. Corner Tenth and Duane. , ..... ...... ... tf LAUNDRIES. BUTTON BOLE AT THE BACK. '. Your experience with it baa no doubt lead to much vexation, : possibly i pro fenity. Broke your flngernafl trying to pry it up from the neck-band. hf Ytm won't bave that that experience. If you send your shirts to us; we sav von this, trouble, and danger of tearing tbe shirt. Try us and see, ,; ( , ' TROY LAUNDRY, ; Tenth and Duane Sts. Phone toot . s ....- .f NOTICE. , : There Is money In the general fund to pay warrants Indorsed prior to De ceinbor 1, 1905. Intereit will cease af ter this date. ' THOMAS DEALEST," ." '' ''!' City 'Treasurer. Astoria,' Ore., Dec. ti, 1806. 1 ' ' 12-20-10t LUKs I lint )!Ik U fornnnstural I. 1 tot fr...N.,,i riifTliariMtH.iullaminiUlotjt, not lo .trli.i'iri'. iif iiiiifwii'u iiKTnttirKiitH. MMAKSliiWiAHa .twit r. wiIm.iioud. 1 ,,! 7n.i, J' 't ir r.nt o T'll'n.Tj4 tf't-',''"lr, MsWf'vA lv ftjilirt"'., rn'ttt'iii 1, ' ' 'w-v Ulriulul Hint oa PROFESSIONAL CARD. ATTOUIITS AT LAW. . HOWARD M. IROWNILL, Atterney-at-Uw. Off) with Mr. J. A. lakln, at N 421 Commercial M. Astoria. CHAS, I. ABEXCBOXBII, ; . .... Atteraey-at-Lsw, GDrJ Practitioner. Notary PubU. Boom U-3-roM Mala tML -PC Biook, Oor. OoameroUl 4 Uta St. MUSIC TKACBXB, WANTED -TOREK UUSIO PUPILS. Inqulr at Artorlaa c-fQe. MAND9UX LK830N8 aiVKNM!t& a a fiUwsrt, 1ST SevvaUi ttreet BUSINESS DIRECTORY BOABDIlfO. THE LXTDK. Boons with or without board rate reseonabl) good teou mod Uon for tranafonU, 14th and Oommorelal, OITEOPATHirri. DB. BB0DA C HICU , . OSTEOPATH OfAc Manseu Bid. Phone Black 1011 571 Commercial St, Astoria, Ore. WOOD YARDS, WOOD Cord wood, mill wood, bos wood, uy kind of wood 1 1 lowest prices. Billy, the trtufu man. Phoae sigi Mala, Ban o Twelfth, 0(ott er bout. Payment for wood must b mad on delivery of same and driv er's receipt taken for sam. No ex ceptions whatever mad to this rule. RESTAURANTS. , FlRST-CLrVSS MEAL lor 15c; tries cake, coffee, pfe, or doughnuts, 5c, ai U. S. Ilestaur ant 434 Bond St BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the Mi 15-cent weal in the city at the Rising Suu JSoBtaaijiint 012 O-.mnicrcialSt. JAPANESE GOODS. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE Of BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, HAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS. CHAISS, WHAT-NOTS, BOOKCASES, SHKL7.I ING, ETC Yokohama Bazaar 23 Commercial St. Astoria. HOTELS IL B. PARKER, E. P. PARKER,! Proprietor., . j i PARKER Manager, EUROPEAN PLAN. . . . . . . v - First 'Class In Every Respeot Pre Coach to the Home. .Bar and Billiard Room. :k ,vr ..-.. ... ! ( . Good Check Reataurant. Oood Sample Rooms on Ground Floor ' for Commercial Men. " ! Astoria, Oregon Unprecedented , . , Succes of ,.. DR. C-.GKW0 THE GREAT , . j CHINESE DOCTOR t V .Who-Is known aHirougVout the Uhlted n HMilUUl Of hi wonderful cures. NoipoiHone nor, drum sed. He guaren-' tee to enre eata'rrh,' asthma, lung and Hirpni tronoie, rftflumatimn, nervousness, etotnaflh, liver, and kidney, female com plaint and nil chronlo diseases. , , SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If you ennnot call write for symptom blank and drculur, ineloins 4 sent in stomp. THE C. GEE WO MEDICINE CO. ; 102J First St., Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mention the Astorian HOUSE WlRKl LIQUORS AHD QOAia. THE SAVOY Peukr OoMsri Ball, ; "' : ' s ".,., . Oood anal. AH art wtUoso. Mr Seveatt and Astor. 0 0BE00I Carrie tk fiswt Um f Wines, Liquors and .. : ' ; -t , ; Cigars 1 CALL AND SEE US I is Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor BL) Th laadlng musnt koues, Ageney for Edison Pbooogrsnns and Gold Moulded Reeord. P. A. PKTKRHON, Pro. ' "PaleBohcmlan LaAerBeerM THE DEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE oa drought sad la bottle rewl n alury conitltloo a4 fepeiiy aged right here la Aatwla, North Pacific Co. ASTOfilA, OEiOOIf. y.mi'.sswj.iwa'i usemsm ICouSelE ifotirReai EsiQfeor Business NO MATTKR WHERE LOCATED Properties and Dunineat of all kinds oU quieklr for essh In all parte of th I United SUtr. Don't wait. Writ to day detorlblng what you hv to Q and give eash pile on tame. IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Budnew or Ital EataU requlremsnU. I een sav yon Urn U2 money. DAVID D. TAP P, ,THE LANDMAN 45 Knn Avenu. TOPEKA, KANSAS. j DENTim, Dr. VAUQIIAN, Dkntiut . Pythian Building, Astoria. Oregon. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN . v DENTI81 , ' 78 Oommercifll St., Bbanahan Building PROPOSALS, NOTICE. Bids are hereby asked for the board ing of th county prisoner during th ear 1907. Said bids to stat price per meal delivered to Sheriff at I county jail. All bid to be filed with tb olerk by noon of Saturday, Deo. . If 01 Court reserving the right to reject any or all bids. By order of th County Court. J. C. CLINTON, County Clerk. Astoria, Or., Do. 6, 1006. i Undertaker and Embalraers. Phon Main mi. Cor. IS and Duane. ; I iff 15 m I 4 B0KD tT, S ASTOBU, J& : f I !(fyNDERTAKER8. j j I I J. A, onJ3AUOH A CO., '