I Yew We have a rise ra u uore m WAIT FOR IT. WATCH FOR IT. IT WILL, WORTH YOUR WHILE "UNCOMMON I P. A. STOKES, Clothes Bought Here Pressed Free top CONSTABLE AfMESTED. Astorlan Official Awmd $20 for Ar reting 8alor Un'w'ly. John Sayre, constable for Astoria precinct, yesterday scared In po lice court to answer the cbargs of Il legally arresting Thomas ?tbson. a sailor from the wrecked bar Ga lena. . Gibson was refused admittance to this oountry by the 'quarantine of ficial here, Dr. Holt. on the ground that he was deaf and llaols to become iv public charge. Th owneri of the Galena were held resp wsibl for his deportation. ' y Since his arrival here, he has occu pied the attention of the police a good deal, being of a thirst t disposition. On the 14th of December he was dis charged from the Galen and at once signed on the ritish ship Strons of the same line. Pat Kenney, a sVc5 keeper here, heard of Gibson's lnt.-ndol departure and going before Justice of the Peace P. J. Goodman, swore out a warrant for his arrest as an aoseonding debt or." This writ Constable Sayre, Re spite repeated warnings from various city officials, served upon th sailor as he left the city Jail Thursday. Gibson spent Thursday night and the greater part of Friday In the county Jail. At torney Frank SplU'u. his lawyer, last night filed papers for a move to va cate the writ of arrj. anl sot "nim free. ' t Constable Cavre was ffur.J guilty of Imprisoning a sailor of a sea-go-Ing vessel for fabt. cmrrary to h. Judge Olaf Anloroa named the min imum line of wi?:it? il-'Uars and cosrs. Sayre declared h intention -t apreal Ing the case. There are runiirs of complicate ts with the federal sovrun sit, hut these are flatly contra Ikt'M by those In a position to kn SUPPORT POLICE OFFICERS. San Francisco Commissioners Will Keep Down the Lid. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 18. The board of police commissioners today adopted resolutions pledging their sup port to police officers who do their duty under the law declaring their in tention to dismiss officers who fail to do their duty. A resolution which considered the endorsement of Captain Moody In his campaign on certain ten derloin resorts was read. Hundreds of saloons. It Is said, will have to remove booths and side entrances or cease business. The Hd is to be kept down in San Francisco and licenses will be revoked if the law is not com plied with. OPEN EVENING The Largest and Finest Stock Ever exhibited in Astoria. Diamonds and other Precious Stones. Rich Jewelry, Watches, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Fine Umbrellas, J. H. SEYMOUR The Jeweller 466 Commercial St. Ik WATCH : :5i CLOCK ; wAfl CLOCK ; CTm REPAIRING I : SPECIALTY ; ; gS&ii' I ; ! FRANK J. DONNERBERG 110 ELEVENTH STREET. NEAR BOND. FLOTSAM AND JETSQM. The steamship Columbia came down from the metropolis early yesterday morning, bound for San Francisco, with plenty of people In her cabins, and all the merchandise she could cram In her hold. She took from this port as saloon passengers: Miss Rita Johanson, Dr. George A. Wood and William Darragh, all of whom have been Christmas guests at their sev eral homes here, and are now return ing to the businesses and interests awaiting them there. A. Padda went out as steerage passenger. She got away at S o'clock and crossed the bar in company with the steamer Wasp, also bound for the Bay City with a cargo of lumber. These two bottoms are all that went over fe Columbia bar yesterday, In either direction. The steamer Lottie Is lying at the Astoria Iron" Works, taking her an nual overhauling, and will not be in commission for several days to come. THUGS ROB ITALIAN.""" San Francisco Thieves Scar Foreign Coins From Section Foreman. j " 'I SAXFRANCISCO. e Dec. 18. The ! police of South San Francisco are; looking for the perpetrators of bold hold-ups which were committed tn San Pedro last nis'tt. The victim was C. Malerdo. a foreman for the Ocean Shore Railroad. He was severely beaten and robbed of foreign coins worth about $900 In gold. Malerdo was driving home when he was approached by two unmasked men at his very door yard and ordered to throw up his hands. He complied, and one of the thugs struck him a vicious blow on the head with a blunt 'instrument Malerdo fell from his buggy, stunned. The thugs then beat him into insensibility and got away with his money. . t THAT8 IT I I v Cough yourself into a fit of spasms and than wonder why you don't get welL If yon will only try a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup your cough will be a thing of the past It Is a positive cure for Coughs, Influenza, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary dis eases. One bottle will convince you at ypur druggist, tec, 80c, $1.00. Hart's Drug Store. From out the ashes of the past, She looms a wondrous sun, And all the splendors of her worth Are only Just begun; Rocky Moun tain Tea. For sale by Frank Hart 1 1 gg FOR BURIAL AT PORTLAND Remains of th Late Edward Hallock Dospatehad Last Evening. At 5 o'clock yesterday evening, pur suant to th call of Exalted Ruler G. C. Fulton, of Astoria Lodge No. 180, B. P. O. E.. half a hundred Elks as sembled at the lodge-room, to pay the last sad honors of the fraternity to the late Edward Hallock. ex-ehlof of police of this city, who died on Wed nesday night last, of pneumonia. At the lodge room the following named gentlemen were named to act In the capacity of pall-bearers: Messrs. John Fox. A. M. Smith. Clark Lough ery. J. E. Campbell, Norrls Staples and F. J. Carney; and the following f ra ters were charged to accompany th casket to Portland, as an escort of honor, and turn it over to those await ing It there: Messrs. Loughery, Camp bell, Staples, Smith. The lodge then adjourned to the undertaking parlor- of W. C. A. Pohl, where the body lay duly prepared for the Journey hence. There they met Miss Louise Cotter, the niece of the dead chief, who had come from Port land to arrange for this matter and In a few moments the casket was trans ferred to the hearse and the line of I march taken up for the Astoria Co lumbia depot, the Astoria police de partment, In command of Chief Chas. GammaC with Sergeant Twombley and Officers Thomas Ltnvllle, Kinsley Houghton. Frederick Oberg. John Stark. Albert Thompson, G. W. Colt man and Charles Hansen, in full uni form, as a guard of honor, followed by a carriage containing Miss Cotter, and two score of Elks on foot, headed by Exalted Ruler Fulton. At the depot all matters of trans portation were quickly and quietly dis patched, the funeral party boarded the train and the sad errand was com menced. The cortege was met at the Union depot by the kinsmen and friends of the late chief and the funeral proper will transpire this afternoon at Fern Hill cemetery, under the auspices of the family and friends of deceased. Thus passes from a thirty-year res idence and active life in Astoria's midst, a man who gave the best of his life to this community, leaving many a friend here to testify to it. , MURDER AND 8UICIOE. Boston, Dec. 28. Fred L. Clark, said to belong In Belfast, Me. shot and his wife probably fatally wounded Bertha at a lodging house at No. Center Street, Roxbury, at 1:30 A. M., today. Clark, thinking that he had killed the woman, ended his life with the revolver which he had used In his wife's murder. Mrs. Clark Is In critical condition. Persons in the house heard quarrelling Just before the shooting pecurred. Clark was 26 years old and his wife 22. ORDERS BOX CARS. NEW YORK, Dec. 28. Large con tracts are now, being placed here for cars for some of the leading Eastern Railroads. The Pennsylvania has or ,'dered 2000 box car to cost about $2, .000,000 and the Erie Is about to close orders for 7,000 cars, 4,000 of the steel hopper type, and 2000 box cars. The rle orders will entail an outlay of nearly $7,000,000. DANGER IN A8KIN0I ADVICE. When you have a cough or a cold do not ask some on what Is good for them, as there Is danger in taking some unknown, preparations, Foley Honey and Tar cures coughs, colds and prevents pneumonia. The genu ine is In a 1 yellow package. Refuse substitute T. F. Laurln. 80LON3 AT COLON. COLON, Dec. 28. Senator Flint of California and the party of ten mem bers of Congress who are going to study the canal problems, arrived here today. They went by special train to Panama. Foley's Honey and Tar Cure the most obstinate coughs and expel the cold from the system, as It Is mildly laxative. It Is guaranteed. Do not risk taking any but the genuine In the taking any but the genuine In th yellow package. IH TH CITY CHUSCHia, FriM. I. ' Special revival services evtry night next week at T:S0 o'clock. Meetings of special Interest to Christians will be held at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday af ternoons. Bring your Bibles to that services. AU Christian not otherwise engaged are cordially Invited to at tend all services and "Lend a hand." Th sermon theme for Sunday will b "Th Constraining Motive," and Th Great Bavtor and th Great Sal vation." Class meeting at 10:15; Bun day school at 11:1$; Epworth League at I: SO. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to th public to attend alt the services of the church. A chorus cnoir will lead In th singing. "Come now, snd let us rasn together, salth the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red llkcrlmson, they shall be as wool" C C. Rarlek, pastor. First Lutheran. Gustnf E. Rydqulst, pastor. Sun day school at S0 a. m Miss Alema N viand, Superintendent Morning ser vice tn Swedish at 10:45. No evening service. The Sunday school at th German Lutheran church will give a Christmas entertainment. There will be a Christmas tree and exercises In which the Sunday school and choir of the Uppertown church will take part A cordial Invitation Is extended to all On New Tear's eve the young people of the church will give an entertain ment for the purpose of watching out the old year. It will consist of a lit erary and musical program with re freslmients ' and games. The Christ mas tree will also be lighted. All are invited. First Congregational. Services will be held on Sunday at the usual time. The pastor will preach at both services and cordially Invite all Congregatlonaltsts In the city to attend. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Waiting." Evening service at 7:30. Subject. "The Makers of America." Every loyal cltlsen will profit by being present at this service. Sunday school at 12:20 noon, T. P. S. C. K. at :S0 p. m. Annual meet ing .of the church on Wednesday at 6:30 p. m. All members of church and congregation should be present. All strangers, visitors and residents not connected with other churches are Invited to all tho services of this church, come. pastor. You will always find a wel G. E. Moorehouse, Ph. D., Norwegian-Danish M. E. The Norwegian and I)anlnh Metho dist church, corner of 87th and Du ane. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Al bert Carlson, superintendent. Preach ing by the paBtor at It a. m. and S p. m. Special: "Watch night ser vice at New Year's eve, beginning at 9 o'clock." A hearty welcome ex tended to everybody. Ellas GJerdlng, pastor. First Presbyterisn. . Morning worship 11 o'clock, Hap py New Year." Sunday school, 12:15. Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30. Evening worship, 7:30, "What Right Have We to Liver Wm. S. Gilbert, pastor. There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex., that's twice as big as last year. This won der is L. W. Hill, who from a weight of 90 pounds has grown to over 180. He says:: "1 suffered with a terri ble cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Consumption. I wa reduced to 90 pounds, when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. Norw, after having taken 12 bottles. I have more than doubled In weight and am completely cured." Only sure Cough and Cold Cure. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, Druggist, 60o and 11.00. Trial bottle free. WHAT'S worth doing is worth doing welL If you wish to be cared of Rheumatism, us Ballard's Snow Liniment and you will be well cured. A positive cur for Sprains, Nuralgla, Bruises, Con tracted Muscles, and all the Ills that flesh Is heir to. A. G. M. Williams, Navasota, Texas, writes: "I have used Snow Liniment for sprained ankle and It gave th best of satisfaction. I always keep It In the house." Harts Drug Store. ASTORIA Phone Main 031. Burnett's Pure For flavoring Ice Creams, Blanc Mange. Jelliesj Pas tries. Etc. STILL MAKING IMPROVEMENTS. Astoria Elaotrie Company Steadily Perfecting S.rvic. Manager C. A. Coolidg yesterday announced that th big 300 K. W. mo tor generator set, recently ordered for service here, 'has been set up at th works of th 'Oeneral Electrlo Com pany, at Schenectady, New York, th work having been completed Christ mas v. It will be shipped at one and will occupy about three week In transit Two week after It shall hav landed here, th company will Inaug ural Its full-day-servlte, ' Th mercury arc electlfter for th street-lighting service here, has been put In operation, and Is working Suc cessfully. This completes, and per fects, the Insulation of th entire street car servlc In Astoria. Th A. R. people have spent many thousands of dollars In the year about to close In every department of Its service, far more than Is realised by the ordinary citlxen, and th big plant Is fast as suming the very best of modem per fection In every way. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS ELECT. Psoifio Coast Association Names Officers For th Ensuing Yr, SAN FRANCISCO. Dec, 28. The Pacific Coast Commercial Travelers Association In annual convention yes terday elected tho following officers to serve during the ensuing year. President, H. L. Julell, of San Francisco; first vice-president, Orrln S. Homlernon of Stockton; second vice- Give Him Something to Smoke. We high Small Boxes cf Cigars, 12 and 25 in the Box. PIPES-Fine RIereschanms and Briars from 25c to $20-00, WILL MADISON The Old sStove Man Ha. been hunting around for yar or more to find a lln of S TOVE a good or better than th kind he sold her twenty yssrs ago (som of th ar beginning to war out). H think he ha. found th Una, H will show them to you If you will oall at th .tor. of W. C. LAWS a CO. Plumber, GROCERY 523 Commercial St. Lemon Extracts president, J. tl Freed, of Ban Francl co; Secretary. S. Mo)y Woods; treas urer, n. II. Garland; directors at lurgt, W. W. Knl. kerbocker. L. C. Miller, A. C. liolileiimn, O. C. Shaw, Milton Hall and J. II. Barker; outsld director for Southern California, H. C, Jogger, Uoors W. Jordan; Eureka, F. K. Mer rttt; Nevada, A, Moynllmn; Oregon, 11 F. Jwobson, Portland; Washington, Jacob Davis of Seattle, STAMPED BY HORSE. BUTTE. Mont., Dec. 28. A Miner special from Helena says: Mrs. Louis T. Freeh lie at th hospital In a crit ical ' condition a the result of being pawed by a horse. Her skull Is frac tured, four ribs are broken snd many other bruises are on th body. Thl afternoon she went to the stable, and not returning, her husband' searched and found hr lying senseless beneath the hoof of an enraged horse which was pounding the life out of hr with Iron shod hoofs. With a club h fi nally mad th brut desist and drag ged the woman out. WRECK IN SCOTLAND. DU.MDKK, Scotland, Dec. 2l.-ln a railroad collision caused by drifted snow near Arbroath, sixteen wr killed and thirteen Injured. MINISTER KILLED. VNION CITY, Tenn.. Dec. J8.-Rev. B. U Holder, a Presbyterian minister, was assassinated lust night at Troy, Tenn. The body was found near the railroad tracks. That's what "He" Will Appreciate most, i Christmas Cigars and Smokers 1 requirements in great variety. I have the largest stock of i cigars in the city, and keep ; only the prominent brands and ; class goods. and Steam Fitters.