The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 29, 1906, Image 1

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    VOLUME LXI NO. 344
Murders Woman Who Re-
pulses Advances.
Beautiful Woman and Mother-In
Law Shot In Their
Own Home.
Lulgl lavlgnane Slays Unefending
and Helple Pron and Thsn
Commit Buiold Hsd Long
Annoyed Woman,
PORTLAND, fx. 28.-Frn!d with
jealousy because Mi Infatuation tor
another man' wife was unrequited,
Luft Savlgnano, an Italian, thlt morn
Ing stabbed to death Mr. Julia' Big
nanil, th object of hla affection, and
mortally woundd bar' mother-in-law,
Mr a. Ether Vlamora. Leaving tha
younger woman's baby wallowing In
ita mother's blood, he made hi way
to Brook's drug atore. at Third and
Davie street, and In the rear of the
lot fired a fatal bullet through hla
right ear Into hla brain.
Mr a. Itngnaml, who waa awaited by
the murderer while ahe ant In ther
kltchnn washing and dressing her
baby, bnd her throat cut aUnost from
ear to ear. Ruining out Into the
. yard at 420 Water afreet, ahe fell dead.
Her mother-in-law, who waa bend
Ing over a tub wanning, waa autbbed
aovernl tlmea In the back and foil
upon the Hour, whore the assailant
left her to her fate. 6he la at St.
Vincent's hospital, dying, with little
or no chance for recovery.
Savlgnano, after killing the young
woman, mortally wounding the elder,
threw the bloody dirk beside the little
baby, stole unnoticed from the house
and shot himself while as yet the po
lice were searching vainly for aome
trace of him. He died at Good 8a
marltnn Hospital at 1 o'clock.
The tragedy occurred about 9: SO
o'clock thla morning, and almost with
in view of two or three other fami
lies occupying the iame hnue. No
one knew that anything was wrong
until a pedestrian saw, the murdered
woman lying on the ground In the
yard and summoned the police.
The killing grew out of attentions
which Savlgnano has been soolkng to
force upon Mrs. lllnaml for months
pant, the refusal of her and her fam
ily to nave anything to do with htm,
or to permit him to 'come near the
house, and his own Insane Jealousy,
From what can be learned from those
who aro Intimately ucquulntod with all
the parties concerned, Mrs. Rlgnaml,
wife of Arturo Blgnaml, formerly an
umbrella store proprietor of this city
and a prominent Italian citizen, met
Savlgnano about 22 months ago In this
city, while tha latter was here work
ing a a porter i at the Pullman oar
shops. . Mrs, Blgnaml was considered
one of tho most boautlful Italian wo
men in Portland and Savlgnano . be
came desperately Infatuated with her,
It Is said. She repulsed his atten
tions but he was persistent in hla
attempts to force his attentions upon
' His oonduct, became so obnoxious, It
la said, that shortly after the close
of the Lewis and Clark fair, Mr. and
Mrs, Blgnaml loft here and went to
Lot Angoles, where they lived until
about three weeks ago, Savlgnano, it
Is claimed, followed the couple to
Los Angelos and there again attempt-
beautiful woman.
In, Blgnam' Jr .a wife were
rorcea to iar r
to tear V" .ty to
scape htm.
They errlvidv three weeki ago
and want to live at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lulgl Vlsmora, the mother
and step-father of Mr, DlgnamL
Savlgnano followed them, arriving
In Portland almost at tha same time.
He managed to become a member ot
the lodge that Illgnaml belongs to, and
told local Itallana with whom he was
acquainted that ha proposed to start
an Italian newspaper bere. He at
tempted to call upon Mrs. Blgnaml, It
la claimed, and be waa ordered by
her husband to keep away from the
NEW TORK, Dee. 28. It waa de
cided yesterday by the board of Unit
ed States general appraisers that
braids composed of cotton and India
rubber are dutiable at the rata of 10
per cent advalorem, under the pro
vision In the tariff for embrolderlee
and trimmings. Edwin floras, the
Importer of tha merchandise, claimed
the merchandise should be admitted
aa manufactures of India rubber, with
duty at 20 per cent,
0neral Appraiser Howell discusses
at length tha question of the classifi
cation of the brolda and reaches the
conclusion that the goods were prop
erly assessed at the higher rate. The
Importer's claim, therefore, la over
Quietly Rifles Rwjm In New
York Public School.
Walks In and Helps Herself to Loose
Article About and Then Cooly
Walks Out Again With Her
NEW TORK, (Dec, 28.-A pretty gtrl
burglar has aet the detectives con
nected with police headquarters,
Queens Ilnrough, and the plain clothes
man of the Jamaica precinct, by the
ears. She entered a school and helped
herself with (erfect aang frold, then
walked cooly from the building with
her booty and no one can give any
other description of the girl than that
she Is pretty and has red chocks.
Miss Clayton, a teacher of the Kap
lan avenue school, Jamaica, the new
est and one of the best school build
ings In the city, dismissed her class
Tuesday at noon and w?nt home to
her dinner, Some of the pupils wont
home. Others got tholr lunch baskets
from the clonk rooms and formed lit
tle groups In and out of doors while
they ate.
Presently there appeared at a side
entrance a fresh-faced young girl of
perhaps 17 yeare, She had a pair of
skates over her arm. No one gave
her any particular heed, noting only
that she woe a stranger and pretty.
Approaching a little kindorgortner
girl, the stranger chucked her under
the chin, smiled and asked where she
could find Miss Clayton's room. The
cSiIld gnjve tho necessary directions
and tha girl passed along the hall to
wards the room. When she reached
the room It was empty. Miss Clay
ton's gold watch, one which she values
highly, lay upon the top of her desk
In tempting consplculty, It was trans
ferred from the desk to the pocket of
the girl burglar, It Is believed.
From room to room the girl burglar
passed, pausing only In such rooms
as were empty, and getting something
from each, Besides , the gold watch,
she took money, chiefly getting small
sums In the various rooms. Some of
the money was what had been con
tributed by the children for Christmas
gifts for poor children. In all the girl
is believed to have taken about $10.
w to force hla attentlc ,0vv the
Black Trooper Attempts to
Hold Up Laundry.
Attempt Resistance and 1$ Shot
Down By Negro Who I
Still Free.
Repeated Outrages by Member of
Black Infantry Arout the Indig
' nation of the People to the
Higheit pitoh.
EL RENO, (Dec. J J. While resist
ing an attempted hold-up In his laun
dry at 8: SO tonight, Lee Sung, a Chi'
naman, was shot and dangerously
wounded by an unknown negro, who
wore the uniform of the United States
army. The assailant - escaped. Sol
dier from Fort Reno, the sheriff's
force, the police force and many posses
of c!tlgng are searching for htm. The
numerous outrages perpetrated by ne
groea, supposed to be discharged sol
diers of the 25th Infantry, have aroused
public sentiment to white heat and this
crime but add fuel to the flames.
Summary vengeance will proa ably be
wreaked by cltlsens should the man he
apprehended, unless the strongest mo-
tectlon Is given by troops from Fort
Major Penrose, commanding officer
of Fort Reno, when asked what action
he had taken, and whether a roll call
of the troops at Fort Reno had been
called, refused to discuss the case.
"I'm getting sick of this business,"
he ea!d. "Every time a crime Is com
mitted It ts laid to the negro sol
ders. I won't tell anything about
what has been done further than to
say that we are doing all In our power
to aid the apprehension of the guilty
party." T.tyS;
Ststement Msde That Only Lemons
Grew In Garden, of Eden.
CHICAGO, Doc. 28. A dispatch to
the Tribune from New Haven, Conn.,
The American Modern Language As
sociation, now in annual convention
at Tale has decided that It waa not
nn apple that Eve handed Adam. The
Association has net aside Saturday;
morning to discover whether It was
not a lemon that caused the trouble In
the garden of Eden. Professor Oliver
M, Johnson of the Leland Stanford
University, Cal., who has made a spec
ial study of tropical fruit, has been ap
pointed to lend the discussion. He
insists that there were no apples in
the garden of Eden.
American Baloon Rao Promises to
8urpsss Recent Parisian Contest.
NEW TORK, Deo. 28. But one
month remains In which entries may
be made for the . next International
balloon race for the Bennet Cup, the
trophy won this year in Europe by
Lieutenant Lahm, U. 8. A., of the
Aero Club of America. The club is
considering where the starting point of
the race should be. Two prime fao
tors enter Injto thla consideration-
quality and quantity of gas and die-
tunc from large bodies of water.
Denver has been suggested to the club,
but it will probably fix on St. Louis.
The Missouri metropolis la the best
situated as regards distance from tide
water and If gas of a proper specUlc
gravity can be had there and it Is In
sufficient quantity, It may be made
the starting place for the race for
th Bennett Cup and also for the
Labm Cup. But St Louis la 700 miles
from the Oulf of Mexico, 00 miles
from the Atlantic ' Ocean and 1,100
mllee fro mthe Pacific
The competition for the Bennett
trophy will probably be held In Octo
ber, when there is the greatest like
lihood of strong steady winds from
the West. By February 1 the list of
entries will be complete. The Aero
club'a officials believe the number of
starter will exceed that In the race
at Paris last summer.
NEW YORK, Dec 28. It was an
nounced yesterday from the offices
of S. W. Smith, General Superintend
ent of the New Tork Central Railway
that the company bad advanced the
wages of thirty thousand ot It men
and that statistics of Its general In
crease would soon be Issued.
In some cases, it waa said the In
crease would date from December 1
and In other branches from January
I. Thla Increase, It Is understood, in
cludes a recent advance of five cents
an hour given the yardmen.
When Picked Up By Police Was
Weeping Bitterly.
"Black Hand" Sooiety Demanded Boy
Be Ransomed or They Would
Kilt Him Christmas,
NEW TORK, Dec. 28. George Dru-
cato, the four-and-a-half-year-old
Italian boy who was kidnaped from
In front of his home at 28 Stanston
street, Manhattan, has been found. He
was picked up last night by Patrol
man Redmond, of the Liberty avenue
station, at Rockaway and St Mark's
avenues.- Since hla disappearance his
father, Alfonso Drucato, has received
letters, almost dally, from a "Black
Hand" gang, demanding 81,000. If the
sum was not paid, the letters said,
the dead body of the boy would be
found on the door stops of the Stan
ton street tenement on Christmas
morning, Mrs. Drucato was so over
come with Joy at the boy's return
that she collapsed as she clasped him
in her arms.
It waa about 2 o'clock last night
that Policeman Redmond, patrolling
on Rockaway avenue, noticed a small
boy sitting at the corner of St Mark's
avenue, weeping pitifully. His shoes
showed evidence of much travel, but
he waa otherwise warmly clothed.
Around his head and shoulders was
wrapped a heavy shawl That ids cap
tors had been kind to him waj evi
dent when he refused food at the sta
station, saying he waa not hungry.
His underclothes, too, ft d been re
cently washed.
"What's up, sonny," said t ie police
man In a kindly voice.
The only response was another cut:
burst of tears, and as the big "cop'.'
stooped the boy poked his arms from
beneath the shawl and t.'-'lng them
around hla rescuer's neck, went to
sleep..' Without being awakened the
boy was taken to the Libe-ty avenue
It was not until he was snfcly
tucked in a warm bed in the. Children's
Society rooms In EcVrmerh im strvet
that Mrs. Howe, the matron, discov
ered that her newest charge was none
other than the missing Italian boy
the police of the entire city had been
searching for for the past nine days.
Half-MHlioD, Under Four
teen at Work.
Senator Beveridge Points Out
Danger of Degeneracy
in the Race.
Greed of Gold is Turning Young Amer
icans from the Schools to th
Factories, th Mills and th
LINCOLN, Neb, Dec 28. Senator
Albert Beveridge, addressing the Ne
braska State Teachers' Association
here tonight said: "Nothing shows
how much greed frogets humanity as
child slavtry. There la ; something
wrong with a prosperity jwhlch 1 so
immense that It finally comet to feed
upon the Uvea of little children. There
are at a low estimate half a million
children under 14 at work In cotton
mills, glass factories, sweat shops,
mines and like industries. Those whom
toll does not kilt are being ruined for
citizenship. We are turning out at
a low estimate two hundred thousand
adult Ton dan hooligans,' every year,
and these become In turn parents of
hundreds of thousands of other degen
erates. And so this civic pestilence
riots and spreads. '
"It must be stopped, if not for the
sake of the children, then for our own
sake; If not for the sake of common
humanity, then for the sake of the
republic's safety, for this republic is
based on citizenship. . '
"If everybody, Including the most
ardent advocate of state rights, could
agree on a national quarantine law to
keep out yellow fever, which does not
kill twenty people in twenty years,
how much more should we agree on a
national child labor la wto stop a
practice that actually kills thousands
of children and lrreclaimably ruins
tens of thousands every year."
Contest Will be Held During Month
of February. . ,
NEW TORK, Dec 28. The dates
Tor the championship skating races,
were given out officially yesterday by
F. M. Clarke, secretary of the National
Skating Association of the United
States. The first big meet ot the sea
son will be held at Saranao lake on
January 29, 30 and 81. Both amateur
and professional races will be held
there. :.
On the Montreal Amateur Athletic
Association's track the Canadian
championships will be decided Febru
ary 2. United States championships
jwill be held at Verona Lake, N- J..
on Lincoln's birthday, February 12.
The Indoor world' championships
will be held at DuQuesne Garden,
Pittsburg, February 22 and 23.
Useful Growths from Northern Asia
Brought for American Wast,
CHICAGO. Dec 28. A dispatch to
the Record-Herald from Washington
says: ,.
Professor Nlelaa Hansen of the Uni
versity of South (Dakota, has just re
turned from a trip of exploration ot
Ithe arid belt of Northern Asia, where
he waa sent by Secretary Wilson, to
find plant that will grow In similar
soil and climate in the United States.
Hi journey waa very successful and
be ha brought back several valuable
additions ' to th useful plant that
can grow In the aeml-artd belt be
tween th Mississippi and th Rocky
Mountains. -
President ef Great Northern Will
' Leave Duties to His Son.
CHICAGO, Dec. 28. A special to
the Record-Herald from Minneapolis
says: James J. Hill, president of tba
Great Northern Railroad, It was an
nounced today, will retire from ac
tive business July 1 next The an
nouncement came from Mr. Hill him
self. ' His successor will be hi eldest
son, Louis J. Hill, first vice president
of the Great Northern. - Mr. Hill said:
1 have planned to retire aa soon a I
can safely do so. By July 1, I shall
b able 'to leave the work of a life
time on a safe and sound basis that
will endure."
NEW TORK, Dec 28. Madame Kir-by-Lunn,
th grand, opera contralto
Is sick at the Hotel Woodstock with
ptomaine poisoning. The singer while
very sick, Is not 'dangerously 111. She
sang; Christmas night and directly!
afterward became ilL
Catholics In French Senate State
They are All III Treated.
Now Must Break Law or Disobey the
Mandate of th Pope Govern
ment Will Present Da
fans. ' PARIS, Dec 28. A debate in the
Senate on the supplementary church
and state separation bill was opened
by Count De Las Cases, Republican
Liberal, who asserted the Catholics
only demanded the right to perma
nently and regularly practice their re
ligion and an attempt to force the
Catholics to disobey the Injunctions of
the Church would mean tasking them
to become apostates. Maxime Le
Count Radical Republican, made reply
and Insisted the sole purpose of th
government was to' insure liberty of
conscience and to place all religions
on an equality. The republic could
not become a vassal of the Holy See.
Premier Clemenceau Interrupted the
proceedings to announce that evidence
would soon be produced to justify the
government's action before the world.
PARIS, Later The Senate voted on
the principal bill In the new church
measure 187 ayes to 87 noes. It is
expected that details for the comple
tion of the various sections will be
completed tomorrow. - Minister ot Ed
ucation Briand called for repeated ap
plause by assurances of the govern
ment's determination not to enter upon
superfluous negotiations with Rome
and not to, accede to the Vatican's ev
ident desire for persecution. The gov
ernment nfTnrAd thft flhuroh full
benefits of the common law, hitherto
demanded by the Pope, but it would
not accord special privileges to the
hierarchy. Brland's speech was or
dered placarded throughout France.
CITT OF MEXICO, Dec. 28. The
Railway Association of Mexico, com
prising officials from all the lines of
the republic has decided to, appoint
freight inspectors on January L The
railways complain that they have been
defrauded out of large sums by mis-
claBSlflcatlon ot international freight
by shippers.