The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 28, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1006.
Quality beyond question, that's what you get
:.'.! k'-V' !..r. when you buy ,3 ! ;; ,';v, jVr.';'!'
Ehman's Ripe Olives
A fresh supply just in and they ore fine.
Khmau'a Olive Oil is Strictly Pure.
HUE liS Of'I
111 a Soully, NoUry Public, at
Svatly't Cigar' Stare, Any old hour I
t "A Ragged Hero" at the Star Th..
.Are tonight.
The ry best board" to bo obtained la
tb city la t "The Occident Hottl"
Rates ry reasonable.
For Your Holiday Win pi and LI
quora tho American Importing Co.
(In tha Foard & Bloke 8 tor.) It
Columbia and Victor Graphophono
ltd all tha latt record at Chicago
prtoes, for m1 tor A. TV Cyrus, 42t
OwMiMfcial 8L tf
Ho Do 1 loot To realty taa your
M'f aa other see you, get on of tlio
w tyl mirror at Uart'a D.-ug Store
all prices, A now supply just received.
I am positively alng ta retire from
bualoe.s and muat aalt out aa aoon
aa poaalbla and from now on will give
you atlU greater bargain at C. ' II.
Coo par a great retiring sale.
Plana for Building In a conversa
tion with Architect J. B. Wlik of thla
rlty, tha Information was given out
1 1 tm I Mr. Wick la preparing pinna fur
a reideur In Portland U be built
by Lnrt liersvlrk, superintendent of
th Astoria water works.
Taken to Hospital Frank Howard,
tha pcliilty ertlt who hna bran per
forming at the Bur theater, waa tak
en to Bl. Mary'a Jioapltul t twelve
o'clock Wednesday night. He In uf
fetlng from a, sever attack of ner
vous proatrnllon.
Aldsrbrook ' Danolng Club will give
regulur Halutdny night iunr Dee.
21). Dancing begin ul K.80; everybody
Invltod. . 12-28-21
Novy'a Your Time Charles Orkwlta
has just received flna Una of um
brailaa and not a shop-worn artlcla
among thorn. Call at oncel
Ratldanoa on Franklin Dr. Alfred
Kinney will erect an up-to-date rest
dene on Franklin Avenue early In
Ihtt spring. Mr. J, K. Wick In the
Relosoe Lona Priaonan Judge Olaf
Anderson of the Kllt court today re
Irnxett from custody Hie one prisoner
In the rlty Jnll. The ninn waa taken
In a couple of days ngo far being
Croat Gun Praotioa Aa Artemu
Ward might put It, the "amblu 'nlr
about thla peiilnsuni wa punctured a
whole lot yenlerduy. tiy the boom of
the heavy ordnance at Fort Steven,
the great 10-Inch rltlet there being
employed In target practice, at which,
It la wild, nme very clover work waa
done, On Wednesday the mortar hat
terloa wer In action In'thla an mo behalf.
Promlaououa ThoftIewla Keloon of
Veaper, eomplalned by letter yeltrly
to Sheriff I'omeroy, of being robbed
by one Hurry Jonea, whom ho had
token on hl pliu-o to work. During
hla 'nbaenra Jona tried to aell Mr.
N'elaon'a fine rlrto, but failed, aa ev
eryone In the neighborhood knew the
mention. Then he fitNtened on to a lot
good underwear, two white ahlrta, ten
dollnra In money, a dog, and xtenllng
Mr. Nulaon'a bont, atarted down the
river for Aatorln. Sheriff Pomroy
Malty pltked him out of a bunch or
"vnga" In Judge Anderaon'a court yea
terdny and landed him. aelf-confetmed,
In the county Jnll. where he will awnlt
trial, In February.
That is just what they all say
when they drink
Hills Bros. Java and Mocha Coffee
Try a can and if you do not think it- is better thau
any other you have ever used we will refund your
Scholfield, Matson Q Co.,
: Announoomont Chui lua jt llliorn aV
(Nrnpiuiy mukii thVplfiiMitnt unnounce
iiiimt tliut on tli 2nd ,bty JiinuMry,
11)07, they will IniiunmaUi a January
fli'iinitu Hull-, at which, und during
thii enlli'o iniioth of Jmu'iry, they will
fell nnylhlng, nml eveiytlilng In I he
lioune, excepting Moiiiik'Ii Kungna, nt
a. dlacount of 20 per cent.. Thla la
miido In perfect good fnlth, and will
b ciiri'lird out to "the yory letter nnd
tiguro of the decluratlon. 1 td
Now Flam Sign The Amorlit Thou
ter nmnngement yealetdtiy erected, or
rather awung ,lta 10-foot electric mni
j acroHH Commerclitl atreet, und Jat
evening It waa doing brilliant aervlce.
A momlh-r of the common council wn
heard to wonder where the authority
enme for Ita uH'nalon, alnce th
petition fr auch permlaalon la now
on file for consideration by the coun
cil on the night, of January 7 nnd
hml not yet been pawM upon.
N OT! C-E !
Wadded at Portland -On Welneailny
morning luat at I o'vlork, at St.
Mary'a cathedral In Portland, Ttev, t.
J.' Mdlevltt, rector, officiating, thera
wert married Mr, lunula Kliikello, of
thla city, and Mia Harriett Whipple,
of the metropolis Mix Kva Dnvlrh
serving the pretty bride aa maid while
th groom waa auppnrted by hi
brother, Dr. John Klnkellu, of thla
city, an beat man. The newly wedded
pair will tour Knutern Oregon for
nliout ten duya and then come to Aa
torln to make their new home.
Unlontown Marriage It would
iiTm that when the young people of
t'nlnntnwn turn to thought at mat
rimony, they turn quite a naturally
to nverend Samuel II. Itonka, th
popular paator of the Flnnlnh Evan
gelical Lutheran church, to perform
the wedding ceremony for them. nov.
Mr. Itonka. while chatting In thl of
fice yeaterdny, mentioned that he hnd
performed three marriage ceremonlc
In the pant 'week. Mr. John Manaon
wna married to Ml Maria, Frllka
Kat J.ilalnfii of Deep River, nt tha
homo of the paetor on December St.
Mr. Albert Schlappl wa married to
Mix Alma Hindi on Sunday evening
at the reldenc of Frank Ron, In
Unlontown. Mr. Ixikan Suomeln wna
mnrrled to Ml Pllda Kujola Satur
day evening nt the home of the paa
tor. I
Return to Aatoria -Captain N. K.
Wllla returned to Aatorln yeaterdny
from Seattle," on the noon expreae, ac
companied by Mr. Wilt nnd their
young aon and daughtor. It la not
known yet whether they will tuke up
their quarter on the British bark
Melnnope, now In the lower harbor,
and from which they o providentially
cHi-apod nt aea during the fearful gale
of December 6, now that the ve I
within the purview of the federal court
nnd In chnrge of a deputy United
State mnrHhnl. There I some tulk
of her purchaae by the Hinder, ,the
owner of the anlvuglng ateamcr
Northland, In which event, the ault
pending will be arttled out of court,
and the new owner will wind up the
claim of the Knrthlnud'a crew, who
are legal participator In the salvage
oitli While
Th money spent for trinkets by
tha average family at Christmas,
time would buy an Edison Phono
graph. The trinkets last about as
long as Christmas does. Tha Edi
son Phonograph affords enjoyment
day after day and year after year.
The trinkets please only the Individ
ual reolplonts. The Edlion Phono
graph offer a continuous round of
pleasure for the whole family.
It Is the greatest muslo-moker of
the age. It brings Into the home
circle all of the world's best muslo,
rendering with wonderful faithful
ness whatever song, Instrumental
place, or orchestral aeleotlon Is de
sired. '..
Moke this Christmas the merriest
of all by haying" for Us chief fea
ture an
Edison Phonograph
Johnson Phonograph Go-
Parlors 8oond Floor over 8oholfiold A Matt ton Co.
Lover of Muaio Lover of good
rhualc In Astoria will lose nothing by
hearing Miss Bertha Garland, at the
Louvre, sing the latest of all popular
song,' among which Is "The Golden
West is Home, Sweet Home to Me,"
and "The Rnmona," both character
song, thoroughly and beautifully ren
dered In her superb contralto. She Is
ably seconded In the vocal line by the
Invincible favorite, Miss Forest, whose
latent contribution Is "Somebody Is
Thinking of Someone," one of the
prettiest Illustrated offerings of the
day. The flute playing of Miss Wand
rath forms a finale In one of the best
entertainments of its kind In the city,
and these three stars, perfect mis
tresses In their specialties, are the
leading cards of the evening bill at
that house.
Fun, Fast and Furious Tho new
film-string now on at the Waldorf
takes the medal for fun Bnd Interest.
It reveals the history of a French stu
dent'who leaves a good home for his
university and his career there, with
all the pranks and scrapes and Bins
of atudent-llfe, faithfully and fully
portrayed, Including a visit from the
old folks, who catch him In one of his
maddest whims, and the old father,
who has not forgotten his own college
days, goes out for a night with his son,
and has more experiences bofore morn
ing than he ever had in his life be
fore. The things the boys do to tho
professors and others, day and night,
would fill a book if written out, but
are pictured quickly and clearly to
the man who hns not time to read
books, and wants to see things for
htmself. He gets his money's pworth
by taking in thla , entertainment.
I-.''. tf
As usual I orderedV number of
for those of my customers who have bought a certain
amount of goods from me during the past year.
The presents have arrived but the Railroad Company
wants $144.50 freight and I won't pay such an ex
horbitant a sum as freight. ;
Therefore I ask that my friends be ' patient . until
the Railroad Companies accept a reasonable sum for
their services or else I can secure other presents.
O. P. Morden of Portland Is regis
tered at the Merwyn Hotel.
J. H. Turner of Portland 1 In this
city on a business visit.
George Best came down from Port
land yesterday and put up at the
Irving Hotel.
John O. Harris of Chicago Is spend
ing a few days In Astoria.
J. Frendf of San Francisco is nt
present a guest at the Occident Ho
tel. S. A. McNeill and wife of Provi
dence, R. I., are making, a short stay
In this city..
Ernest Lamson of Phoenix, Arl., wad
In thl city yesterday.
C. C. Lumby of New Tork is a guest
at the Occident Hotel.
It Is reported that John O. Richard
son, bookkeeper, for the Prnel-Eigner
Company, has suffered a relapse from
his recent illness.
C. C. Clark came up from Seaside
yesterday and spent the day here on
A. B. Young of Sumpter, Is in the
city on a holiday visit to his father,
Hon. Ben Young. He reports that
mining district In a very solid and
prosperous condition, with nothing ov
erdono about It
Mr. and Mrs. W. Omon were pas
sengers for Coos Bay on the steamer
Alliance last night.
Henry Frledlander has sovered his
connection with the Herman Wise
clothing house, and will re-locate him
self at nn early date, here, or .In Port
land. '
Do Yon feel sleepy and not a bit
like working in the afternoon! , Per
haps it's because of Me kind of lunch
you're eating too heavy an dtoo hard
to digest. Why not try the Palace
restaurant on Commercial atreet, where
all the baking is done in those famous
slow-process ovens, which turn out light
appetising, wholesome things! YouH
tar money, too.
At the Astoria "The Heir to the
Hoorah" occupied the boards at the
Astoria Theater last night and gave
very general pleasure to the audience
present, which was not as large as It
might have been had there been a
wider knowledge of the attraction,
which was certainly entitled to a far
larger house than greeted it The play
Itself was lively and full of Inter
est nnd was thoroughly well Interpret
ed by a clever caste, though It dragged
a bit in spots.
Dr. J. M. Holt Is relieving Dr. Finch,
during his absence and will keep the
regular hours. r 12-19-tf
Lots of good oomedy in the popular
play, "A Ragged Hero" at the Star
tonight. ''."
Tempting' Values in
Wherity, Ralston Company
The Leading Shoe Dealer.
Removal of Bank It ..ha been
known In a quiet way for several
months that the First National Bank
contemplated a change of quarters.
Yesterday It developed that the Fla
vel building at the Intersection of
Bond and Tenth streets will be -the
new place of business. A glass front
will be placed on the part of the
building opening on Tenth street, a
new vault will be built, and new fur
niture installed.
An Octette in Prison Oeputy Sher
iff Archie McLean has eight people In
his custody as Jailor of the Clatsop
county "bastile," namely Edward An
derson, Sr., and . Edward An
derson, Jr., In for one year, assault
and battery, from Seaside, term ex
piring on June 1 next; Captain Chas.
Forest, of the schooner Annie Larsen,
held for trial In February next for
the killing of George Fisher, one of
his crew; Marlus Llttra, theft of $170
from the mate of the Annie Larsen,
awalttn - trial In February; John
Stark, a larcenlst, doing 20 days time;
Thomas Gibson, an alleged absconding
debtor; and Harry Brown, arrested
yesterday on a charge of larceny from
a dwelling.
W. C Smith and wife to Elsie
Strauel, lots 4 and 5, block
23, The Plaza 450
Edward Hallock to William T.
Kenny, lots 13 and 14, block
7, Sklpanon .1 100
United States to John Close,
patent, 160 acres In Section
33-8-7.;.... i ,:
C. D. Stanley and wife to James -Elwood,'160
acres in Section .
' 8-5-6,.. ... 100
"A Ragged Hero" at the Star Thea
tre tonight at 8:15.
Orkwitx sell the celebrated Victor
safes; see him about it.
Morning Astorian, (0 cents per
tionth, delivered by carrier. 1
TONOPAH, Dec. 27. Jack Welch,
referee of the Gans-Herman fight, was
In conference with the fighters today.
He said afterwards that both men
thoroughly understood the rules and
there would be no trouble' In the ring
on that score. Gans was down to a
fraction over 133 pounds today. He
says the rest will be easy. Herman
will stop boxing tomorrow. , .
NEW YORK, Dec. 27. It is reported
tonight that the grand jury, which is
investigating into the affairs of the
New York Life Insurance Company,
today voted Indictments against two
men as a result of the Insurance in- .
qulry. It was rumored that forgery
in the third degree will be charged.
Those in a position to confirm the re
port refuse to discuss the matter.