The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 28, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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. IsUbliibrt itjy
Published Dally Except Monday by
By mall, per year.. ......... .,.$7.00
By earrier, per month........ .. ,W
B, tail, per year, la advanc.. 11.00
Katn4 u kkiiI-Iim ntlltr July
M.1M. St th pantofflca at AMorta. One
1, ldc U act ol Courw oi Uarcas,
tT'Ontoi ttt Uw doltwrnxt OfTkl Moss
auwoautnsaMiMr rrtium r plao of
Imtmi .ar to mads- by ptal earvi or
ifcromtfe tcfeefeoao. itf imuUHqr la dr
Iwt sbaukl to mmediaiair ieoru4 to la
OClcUl vaper of Cltop county and
Oregon Possibly rain.
' Washington Showers.
Theodore Roosevelt, as man and
PresiJ-nt, Is far too honest to suit a
certain class of politicians In this
country. He Is too clean tor their
methods and plans, and they Intend to
cast htm out If It Is possible. Luck
ily, the thine; cannot be done without
taking the people of the fcuid Into con
sideration, and It will have to be done
In the open, if It is done at all. He
may not succeed himself la the chief-
magistracy; that is for him to decide,
practically: the people, as a whole
would gladly put him back there, and
they will see to It that he is not vic
timised in any way. He is the bete
Bc4r of the rraf!ns political cult of
the country, and the common people
know this and beliere in him, and
beiievls, will see to it that his re
tiremenf is, altogether honorable, and
absolutely voluntary on his part. We
will have him for years yet. as a cit
tsan. if not as an active leader and
administrator, and his influence will
not cease to be effective for many a
long year to come. Primarily,' he is
the logical candidate of his party; if
the party goes after strange gods. It
will reap all it has sown and trifle
besides. Rooaeveltism may gag some
of the political highbinders of the
Republican party, but the policy of
honest, direct, brav and dean deal
ing by, for and with the people, is one
that will not down at the behest of a
baffled spleen nor the Jealousy of any
coterie of aspirants at Washington,
or abroad in the nation. For our part,
we hope he will maintain his ground
against twj assault and outdo and
out -live, the animus already wrought
by his rare and valuable standards of
right living and righteous government
My by bantam policies and vacuous as
(.IraJloiu, She Is new to the field and
time is of the essence of her gradu
ation in the successes and glories that
tfre In store for her. We welcome her,
renllie her wonderful merit, and re
fuse to even try to acquire any drtttd
of her, since we might, become her
laughing-stock in the process.
Th fact that scarcely one quarter
of the voting population of the City
of Astoria authorised the adoption of
the new amendments to the charter at
the polls on the ltth of this month, is
a standing reproach to- the real ma
jority of the cttliens here, and it is
well that they art to go to the su
preme court for Judicial analysis, at
the Instance of their author. In order
that the year or eighteen months nec
essary for that review may furnish a
period for reflection on the part of the
men who sat idly by and permitted
the Imposition of several of them. By
th time they are returned with the
affirmation, or the adverse ruling of
the upper court, the recalcitrants may
have realised how completely they
have turned the city over to the pres
ent administration and the folly of
such wholesale reliance. II, takes time
to reveal the blunders of Inertia and
indifference, and when the feather-
edge of knowledeg is biting its worst.
in this instance, those who stayed at
home on election day will please do
their kicking on he quiet, as quietly
as did their work of deliberate neglect
o '
Now that the New York sun has
cast a reflection on labor to the ef
fect that "the last quarter of the year
has aeen over $106,000,008 added to
the wages of railroad employes; like'
wis the greatest decrease in the ef
ficiency of labor ever noted in this or
any other country," we may expect
to see Samuel Gompers throw sue
cesslve fits, and the labor unions re
solve" whole columns of agate.
Desire for Can.1 Will Bring It
Under His Banner.
An Ohio man stole a street car when
the conductor got off to get a drink
of water, ran the car four miles, col
lected all the fares, and then de
camped,, which leads the Washington
Post to remark that a Pennsylvania
man would have ended by selling the
car back to the company.
It should be understood by those
unfortunate enough to live outside the
United States that the Nobel peace
prise had nothing to do with Presi
dent Roosevelt's advocacy of rifle prac
tice in schools.
The fact that twenty-five large
business houses in ' Pittsburg have
adopted the simplified spelling, only
goes to show that you can't tell what
a town is addicted to by Its reform
It's a nice thing to visit the widow
In her affliction, but let's see you do
it and keep the whole world from
spotting you.
There is a disposition an over the
country to magnify the status of Ja
pan. That she is a power to be reck
oned with In the coming history of
the Pacific world will not be denied
by any one with a grain of perspicuity
or current knowledge of affairs. But
that she is already a formidable, rank
ing power, or a dominant one, is very
much to be doubted. That she has
made magnificent progress and done
conspicuous things no one will deny,
nor disparage; that she is striding
along In the van of nations and do
ing it in up-to-date fashion; that she
has. sptendld ambitions and is living
up to them; that she will be, and
should be, a big factor in the near
future, in the game of commerce and
comity, there are none to gainsay. BuL
that she is to be feared, or dreaded,
kowtowed to, by this, or any other of
the great powers, is a howling farce
ant time wflt pr-vf tic S&ilssss of lir
conclusion. She has her hands abso
lutely full of national cares; she is
burdened with the obligations Insep
arable from a great war; she has her
growth to attain; she has a treroea
jdous task to t-erform in the adapta
tion of her common people to the new
heritage that is to be hers; she has
enough on hand to make war anything
but welcome, especially war that lacks
predicate and is merely optional on
her pert
She is entitled to, and enjoys, the
respect of the wide world and her
statesmen are far too shrewd to sac
rifice, her Initial standing la modern-
There is one strong argument for an
inheritance tax; It will receive no gen
eral opposition from selfish motives.
Twelve hours in winter and four
teen in summer was an average day's
work in the sixteenth century.
There are now in the world
00 societies of Christian Endeavor
and 4.000,004 members.
Emperor William spends half a mil
lion yearly in traveling around his
Chicago has about 250 square miles
of territory within its Incorporated
So Says Prominent Roosavettlan
Third Termer Admirer Import'
an e of the Panama Canal to
th South th Cause.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 87. B. a
Underwood, a prominent cltlien of
Maiden. Mass., who was in Washington
this week, Is on of the moat enthus
iastic Kooseveman third-termers to
arrive here In a long time. He be
lieves that not only will Mr. Roose
velt be nominated for President, but
that he will receive substantially the
solid support of both parties. Mr. Vn
derwood figures It out In this wise:
The Democrats will not only see
Jhe futility of putting up a candidate
against him, but they will support htm
cordially; especially the Southern
Democrats, and for this substantial
reason: The Southern people know
that the one project of vital Import
ance to the prosperity and develop
ment of their section it the. digging of
the Panama canal They realise thai
here Is secret and. sinister opposition
lb this great undertaking, and that
with Roosevelt out of the White House
It will not be so difficult for the ene
mies of the canal to carry out their
policy of obstruction and delay. As
long as he is chief executive, the work
will be pushed with vigor and carried
so far toward a successful consuma
tion that its completion would be In
"It is worth far more to the states
south of the Mason and Dixon's line
to have this waterway than even to
elect a Democratic President. Roose
velt and the Canal! will be a mighty
slogan and you will see the hitherto
solid South shouting It in the next
A Urge consignment of water from
the River Jordan Is on Its way to this
A Chicago minister calls bazaars
and church festivals "stomach, reli-gion."
The "unwritten law" Is all right so
long as It does not become epidemic
A mosquito is like a good advertiser
rot satisfied with one insertion.
Mark Twain is 71 years of age, and
he declares that he is happy.
States Will Not Have Right to Admit
Undesirable Aliens. -
CHICAGO, Dec. J". A dispatch to
the Tribune from Washington says:
As was anticipated by Secretary
Straus of the Department of Com
merce and Labor that states acting
for themselves are not bound by the
contract labor law has aroused more
or less of a storm of protest from la'
bor parties and from some other peo
ple. In almost every case however,
there Is a distinct misunderstanding
of the existing law as well as to the
scope of the decision of the solicitor
of the Department, which was ap
proved by the Secretary. V
In point of fact there has been no
change In what was the clear Intent
of Congress In regard to the rights of
fateaj Mo umlj slrable. Jmntlsrranls'
who were barred out. by the general
law will be admitted under this decis
ion. The Immigrants are coming to
this country by the hundreds of thous
ands The effect of the decision Is
chiefly. If not entirely to divert a
stream of the better class of imml
grants from the slums of the great
cities, where they are not needed, to
the fields and forests and industrial
enterprises of the South and West
where there Is and always has been
a demand for legitimate labor.
It is not likely, that any American
labor will be adversely affected by this
decision. It concerns only enterprises
legitimately instituted by a state or
territory through Its legislature and
with the" approval of Its governor.
Soores of Astoria Cltltint
Learned It
If you suffer from backache,
There's only on way to curt It
The perfect 'way Is to cure the kid
neys. A bad back meant sick kidneys.
Neglect It, urinary troubles follow,
Dean's Kidney rills are made (or
kldneya only.
, Mrs. J. W. Palnler, of SIO East See
nth street, Portland, Or say: "I
have not lost any of my faith In Dora's
Kidney Fills sine I publicly recom-
mended th remedy la February, If J.
As I stated at that tint, sever
shell of Jck'neaa early In my life
left m with weak, kidneys, and as time
wn on I suffered more and more
with apejli of backaoha The pain
through th kidney waa tortur and
often I could not find a comfortable
position to II In. When able to be
up and around I waa troubled with
headache and dlsslnes and could
not stoop or lift anything. I doctored
and used various treatment but noth
ing seemed to help me any until I he-
ran using Doan's Kidney Pill. The
us of this remedy waa very satlsfac-;
tory. It gave m so much relief thai
cannot hesitate to recommend It,
and will put In a good word for Doan's
Kidney Pills whenever I find an op
portunity." , !
Plenty mor proof Ilk this from
Astoria people. Call at Chas. Rogers'
drug store and ask what hi custom
ers report
For sale by ' all dealer. Price (0
cents. Foster-MUburn Co.. Buffalo,
New Tork. sole agent for th United
Remember th nam Doan' and
take no other.
EI4UI4 Otiittr to ft wwtlr r I It will make tlie
whole Ulterior of your liottwihlne like new,
funking re-finishing or rtKrnlshltiir entire
ly unnecessary. It not a varnish, but a
surface food mid clcuncr, building up the
original finish and imikiug it brighter thuu
ever. It is applied with a piece of checvj
cloth and no experience Li necessary. No,
drying to wait for. Remove nil ncratchcs,
stains, dirt, dullness. It can be Applied
to any finish with beneficial results. Nat
ural wood, us well as any color of paint, will
be better for an application of IJtjttld Veneer.
014 OiMt wilt Improve 'even the most
beautiful furniture. It will take that smoky
mid other Mahogany, and Is highly bene-
White Knamcl.Gilt, Silver and other finishes.
areoiti ti
SUSss.S?. i
look from the Piano
fidal to Golden Oak,
OwM Utictf sells at 50 cents a bottle, and a bottle Is enough to
renovate the ordinary home. Try it and you will always boy It,
lncrM and $2.80 Round Trip Rat
vli A a C R. R. Ii Popular.
Travel from this city to Portland
on Sunday at th low round trip rat
of 1150 1 on th Increase and many
enjoy that day In th metropolis each
week. This rat will be continued
throughout th winter and th volume
of travel toward Portland every Sun
day would . indicat that th public
appreciate It 11-l-lf
worth doing I worth doing well, if
you wish to be cared of Rheumatism,
as Ballard Snow Liniment and you
wiQ be wen cured. A positive care
for Sprains, Nuralgla, Bruises, Con
tracted Muscle, and all the 111 that
flash is hair to. A. O. M. Williams,
Kavaaota, Texas, write:
"I have used ftsow IJnlmnt for
Drained ankle and it gav the best
of satisfaction. I always keep it In
th house." Harts Drug Store.
J ..
There ia not th least danger In
giving Chamberlain' Cough Remedy
m j to small children, as It contain no
The almighty dollar is the key lo r" harmful dru It hss
than thirty years, a the most ue-
eemfu medicine In use for colds,
croup and whooping cough. It al
ways cures and ia pleasant to take
Frank Hart and Leading Druggists.
It do?sn't pay to give too much val
ue to people' pinions.
many a cold heart
As sooi aa the child is dona nursing
apply Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe it
off with a soft cloth before allowing
the child" to nurse. Many trained
nurse use this with the best results.
Prio is rents per box. For sale by
If owing Astoria n, ag etuis per bbooUl
Frank Hart, and Leading Druggist, unw(1
When you have a cough or a co
do not ask some on what I good fi
them, as ther 1 danger In taking
some unknown preparations, Foley
Honey and Tar cure coughs, cold
and prevent pneumonia. Th genu
in I in a yellow package. Refuse
substitutes. T. F. Laurln.
From out the ashes of th past,
She looms a wondrous sun,
And alf th splendor of her worth
At only Just begun; Rocky Moun
tain Tea.
For sale by Frank Hart
Eruptions Appeared on Chest, and
Face and Neck Were All Broken
Out Seles and Crusts Formed
Iowa Lady Has Great Faith
in Cuticura Remedies for Skin
I had an eruption appear on my
Chest and body and extend upward
and downwards, so that my neck and
face were all broken out; also my arms
and th lower limb as far as the knee.
I at first thought it was prickly heat.
But soon scale or crusts formed where
the breaking out was. Instead of going
to a physician, I purchased a oompleto
treatment of the Cuticura Remedies, ia
which I had great faith, and all was
satisfactory. A year or two later the
eruption appeared again, only a little
lower; but Wore it had time to spread
1 procured another supply of the Cuti
cura Remedies, and continued their use
until the cure was complete. It is now
five years since the last attack, and
have not seen any signs of a return. I
have taken about three bottle of the
Cuticura Resolvent, and do not know
how much of the Soap or Ointment, aa
I always keep them with me; probably
ore half dosen of each.
"I decided to give the CSiticwa Rem
edies a trisi after I Lad seen the result
of their treatment of ectema on aa
Infant belonging to one of our neigh
bors. The parent took the child to the
Dearest physician, but bis t reatment did
no good. So they procured the Cuticura
Remedies and cured her with them.
When tbey began using Cuticura Rem
cdiea her face was terribly disfigured
with sores, but she was entirely cured,
for I saw the same child at the age of
five years, and her mother told me the
eesema had never broken outline. I
have more faith in Cuticura Remedies
for akin disease than anything I know
of. I am, respectfully yours, Emma E.
Wilson, Luoomb, Iowa, txs. 1,
K 1. ISISllor. Recretar)
Ne)son Tro)tr, Vire-rre. and HvpK
Designers and Manufacturers 01
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilcn,
Complete dnnery Outfits Furnl$hJ.
Foot of Fourth Mr
at No. 222 Twelfth Street.
Sole agents for the famous Perfection and World
Gas Mantles. Call on us.
Brat. l-f CKM, lT f" (
(Si.whtoMiasw".!"'"?" I
Guarantees to Its Advertisers
A Larger Circulation
Than Any Paper Published
In Astoria