Jiwttttii . ilfe ..u.u....,u..0uT..PM -r -H' OOVIRB THC MORNINQ FIBLD ON THSI LOWIft OOLUMBIAil ' , .1.. ': - ,( '. ", .. VOLUME LXI NO. 341 ASTORIA, OREGON, TIlimSDAY, DECEMBER 27J906; PRICE FIVE CENTS FACTIONAL POLITICS Will There be a Schism In Republican Party. QUESTIONTAKING SHAPE Anti-Roosevelt Spirit Responsible for the Growing and Dan gerous Idea. ACUTE POLITICS BEHIND IT Foraktf, f Ohio, the Stalking Horee of the Faction. Brewing tho Trou bio Its Energies Directed to Downfall of President WASHINGTON. Doe. !.! schlwn In ths Republican party Immi nent! Tho question Is "kJ hourly In Washington, by men high In coun cil In both tho Republican and Dem ocratic partlea Homo who ak ,tbe question hope tho answer will bo affirmative. Othors dread tho pos tho ifflrmatlve, OtVrs tr-i, the l" Iblllty. All agree a to tho critical bom of tho situation. , That thoro la In Congress, especially in tho Senate, a powerful faction op posed to Proildont Roosevelt la ao well known a to nood no argument (o support tho fact. This faction eager ly desires and persistently seeks the President's undoing. It la personally opposed to Roosevelt, but more strong ly opposed to'Rweeveltlsm na aRe publican creed. It opposes thing ad vocated by Roosevelt which under other circumstances It might espouse, opposes them simply and solely bo cauao they aro advocated by Roosevelt A great deal of Ita opposition la undor cover, Indirectness being made neeea. onry by tho foot that tho country ap pears to be In aupport of tho Preeldent In the matter of the discharge of the battalion ot colored troopa because or tho riot at Brownsville, Tea., the antl Roosevclt Republican aenatora believe they havo a chance to put the Pres ident In a bad light before the coun try, and they have taken Instant ad vantage of It. If any one supposed that nil thla outcry reaulta from out raged feeling over on alleged injus tlce to negro soldiers, ho la very elm pie lndod. The "Brownsville affair," am It has come to Kb known, la merely a pawn, and a minor one at that, In tho bin game being played undor the dome on Capitol Illll. There la not at tho Capital nyj Bohuliio aympaUiy for the dlacharged aoldlera. It la a fame of polltlcea pure and elmple, and It la bolng played by a cabal of the craftlnat polltlelnna to be found any where on earth,", The game that la being ployed, moreover, la for the blggeat atake In Amnrtuan . politic, .the Prealdonvy. There la aome fear that, nhould there to no check In Mr. Rooaevelt'a popu larity, tho 1908 nomination may be toroed upon him: but It la not espec ially agalnet thla opposition Senators Are bending their effort. The thing they really fear U that Mr, Roosevelt may be In a position to dictate the aoloctlon of his successor, and thla they ara determined to prevent. - They nre resolved ther shall not be an othor'Presldent of tha-Roosevelt achool, If they can prevent It; and If the paet la any Index to the future, there la at loaat an even chance they can. It la doubtful if the Senate combi nation hoa yet selected, a man to pit against ,' Rooaevelt, or Rooaevelt'a choice, for the nomination, but there are strong Indications that , Senator Foraker of Ohio Is largely favored. It la admitted ther' v yubsuntial element of Repu' Jr it Senator Foraker' could " yfiand, but It Is believed he w. 0 aln enough con aorvallvt einocKtlo votes to offset any Republican disaffection. It Is this situation that raises the query as to an Impending Republican eohlam, . The break, If break there bs, Is not likely to occur at once; because the wise old politicians who see con ducting the ftanate opposition have.no aiomach for forlorn hopes, and they will not show their hand unit! they feel assured victory within their grasp, NEW ORICNTAL LINE. Will Run from Portland to North China and Vladivostok, PORTLAND, Dc. Beginning early In the spring, a new steamship tin Is expected to be In service be tween Portland and North China porta and Vladivostok, unions present plans miscarry. Frank Waterhous A Co, on of tbt strongest steamship firms on the Paclno Coaat, are back of the venture. , V It Is planned to havo three 'steam ships, each carrying about 1,(00 tona ply regularly between Portland and the Orient. They will be vessels of the fleet owned by Andrew Wler Co., of Liverpool , ' On January I, Frank Waterhouse k Co, agents for the Wler steamers' on this Coast, will establish a new Ori ental lint out of Seattle and Tacoma The vessel scheduled to sail from the Sound on that date la the British steamship Wynerlc, She will be fol lowed on February JO by the British ateamshlp Quito, Tho Boverlo will sail from the same ports on February it On March 17 the Inverlo will sail from the Washington porta, and eight days later she will be followed by the Aymerlc, Printed schedules of the sailing 'dates of these five steamers are blng sent to the various ahlppera FOR BIQOER DREDGE. Senators Fulton and Bourne Ask for One Hundred Thousand Dollars. WASHINGTON, Deo. 16.-When Senator Fulton and Jonathan Bourne calld on the chlrf of engineers to dny to urge favorable action on the reeommendatlo nof Colonel Roeaaler thnt 1100,000 be Immediately appro priated to construct a dredge for use along the Oregon coaat, they found that th englneera' board can act only on the estimates of this character upon the request of the House com mittee, so they will urge Chairman Burton or Representative Jones to All h -W- - t.i Ja. . a& IMU UV done, Ornernl Mackensle bellevea the board will Increase the estimates from 160,000 to $100,000, and he will ap prove their action. Unleaa such rec ommendation Is made. Congress will appropriate not over $60,000 for tho dredge. : RAI8E FOR MACHINISTS. CHICAOO, Dec. 28. The Chicago & Enatern Illinois Railroad haa an nounced an Increase "in pay to all ma chinists, They will receive an ad vance of i centa an hour, the maxi mum being 3? centa and tho minimum 26 cents. OLD MAN DEFAULTER. NEW YORK, Dec. 86.-Antanns A. Joels, 06 years of age, was arrestud yesterday, charged with being a fu gitive from Justice. The arrest wan made In Brooklyn, where Joels had takon rooms for himself and wife, on the request of the polico of Chicago, v Joels, the police horo any, Is wantoil for the defalcation of $1,500. LOVE WA8 FLEETING. , NEW YORK. Deo. . 26 dispatch published here i-A .Vienna today ' says Archduke Leopold Snlvator, who re nounced his family rights four years ago and married Wilhelmlno Adamo Vlo, tho daughter of a pqatofflce em ploye, with whom he has since lived near Geneva, Is now seeking a di vorce, - He "has summonod' a Vienna lawyer to arrange terms with his wife who has already agreed to the separ ation, v 1 RELATIONS PEACEABLE President Has Not Clashed With Congress. RUMORS ARE NOT TRUE President Within RighftlnBrowni- ' ville Affair; Acted Justly. CASE WAS PECULIAR ONE Situation Was Aeute Msny Months Before Shooting Oeeurred and Be fore the Battalion Waa With drawn from Fort Brown. CHICAOO, Dec. 16. A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington says: There Is not the slightest danger of nor. in fact baa there even been, a real clash brween the President and Congress over the ' Brownsville affair. There has boon an boneat defense of opinion, and some heated argument, but titer has been no time when the cordial relations between the execu tive and the legislative branches of the government have been In danger of being severed. - In point of fact, throughout the whole of this extraordinary Browns ville Incident, the President has acted strictly within his rights, and there hut not been any evidence on the part of either to Interfere with the prerog atives of the other. The Brownsville case has been full of surprises and peculiar Incidents. It became acute muny months after the actual shoot ing, and long after the, battalion' had been withdrawn from Fort, Brown. Much of the Inflammation of the pub lic mind was accomplished while the President was out of the country. I Since Congress has adjourned there has followed the extraordinary shoot- 1 n rMH1.llM day when the outbreak took place, and several of the colored troops have been arrested la connection with a street car riot at Leavenworth. There have been Incidents upon Incidents, and still with it all, in spite of the reports which have' gone out to the contrary, the President and Congress are still In accord and are still within their constitutional rights. SLOANE NOT YET FREE. Will Go to Penitentiary to Await Fur- . ther Orders.. SPOKANE, Wash., Deo. 26. Sid ney Sloane, the brutal young mur derer, who Blew his own father, Is not to go free. Though the Jury on Sat urday propouneed him "not guilty, by reason of Insanity," , Judge W. A Huneke, at noon today ordered that he should be taken to the Walla Walla penitentiary, there to remain until the further order of the oourt. ' The Judge stated that this action waa taken for the Bafety of the community,- It hav ing been shown that the prisoner's insanity waa of a permanent charac ter "and that he might again become violent at any time. The court also hold that he ha4 no power to dictate to tho warden of tha prison as to his method .of treating ,tho prisoner. Young Sloane, who was happy,-Jubilant and singing , yesterday, appeared distressed and discouraged when his sentence was pronounced. SPOKANE, Deo. 26. Later: The at torneys of Sidney Sloane, who was recently acquitted of the murder of his father on the grounds that he is insane and who today was ordered by the court to be Incarcerated In the penitentiary beceus he Is liable to be come dangerous at any time and a menace to the community, have not slated what action they will take to prevent their client from being sent to prison and treated like a felon, but the line of their procedure Indicates there will bo srlous objections to such a proceeding and the court, officials look for a bitter legal fight. THREATEN TO DYNAMITE. Manager of Sugsr Plant Rseeivse Let' ter from Blsekmsilers, ' ' BILLINGS, Dec. 26. Several days ago the manager of the Billings sugar factory here received" a threatening letter, stating tltat unless the factory paid the wrjter 125,000, the plant would be blown to stoma The sugar company turned the letter over to the authorities and plans were made to capture the blackmailers. The com pany was directed to put a man on the back platform of the Burlington train on Christmas night, directed that be carry a red lantern and bring a pack age containing $25,000. Between Bill ings and some point west the train would pass a man bearing a red lan tern and at a given signal the pack age was to be thrown onto the track. The sheriff last night placed a posse on the train and an employe of the company carrying a red lantern. They traveled as far as Livingston, but no sign of the blackmailers waa seen. TAFT AT NEW PROBLEM. Will Investigate the Diverting of Wa ters from Niagara Falls. WASHINGTON, Dec. . Secretary Taft Is preparing to take up for final dlspoahlon tha complex questions pre- S(3Md.,i him underjhe terms of the Burton act, relative to the conserva tion of the waters of the Niagara riv er, so as to prevent the sacrifice of the falls to the commercial Interests of the country. Grave constitutional ques t'ons are involved. Attorneys for the electric lighting and power companies which have been taking the water 'are Insistent that the national government haa no right to regulate the disposition of waters of streams save where the navigation thereof Is concerned. ' In the case of the Niagara river, where the water la taken from the stream above the falls, only to be returned to it again below, this Issue la not Involved. So far, however, the right of the United States government to regulate the admission of currents of electricity generated on the Canadian side of the river, : has not been challenged, and to this ques tion the secretary Intends to first ad- areas mmsejr. v GROOM ABDUCTED. Trouble Between Two Families of Farmers Near Richmond, Va. CHICAGO, Dec, 26. A dispatch to the Tribune from Richmond, Va., says: ' v -' R. S. Chandler, a farmer, procured a license at Bridgetown for the mar riage of his daughter arid Richard Elam, a young former, then returned home and forced young Elam to mar ry his daughter, Bessie Chandler. Last night Watson Elam, father of the young man, with a party of twen ty neighbors, all armed, went to Chandler's house and after surround ing It, demanded the surrender : of young Elam. He was given up and taken home, : Elnm swore out a war rant agulnst the Chandlors, charging abduction. TROOPS IN CONTROL. MEMPHIS, Pec. 26. Advices from Scooba and Wahalak tonight ,. state that quiet prevails at both of these towns, as well as throughout the sur rounding territory and that troops and civil authorities are in complete, con trol of the situation. CAPTAIN 8EABURY DEAD. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26. Captain William B. Seabury, commodore of the Pacific Mall Company's fleet and one of the beat mariners on the Pa cific coast, la, dead at San Rafael, as a result of injuries resulting from a fall about ' a week ago, ANGRY MOB MILD LYNCH Shocking Butchery Rouses People's Wrath. FARMER IS MURDERED Refused Lodging, He First Burn Hay Stacks Then Slays Owner. MUTILATES BODY WITH KNIFE Crowd Swarms to County Jail, Breaks Down Doors and Tries to Obtain Prisoner Is Finally Disperssd, Unsuccessful. LAS ANIMAS, Colo., Dec 26. A mob has battered down the walls of the Jail for .the purpose of lynching Lawrence Leberg, a tramp, who yes terday murdered Henry Lavenmeyer, a prominent farmer, near here. Lebenfs crime was the work of a AsaeV- Alighting from tha Santa Fe train yesterday afternoon at Robinson station, near this city, he crossed the river and secured a meal from a far mer named George Puvis. When Le berg finished eating he demanded lodging but was refuaed because of his abusive language. Leberg left the Purvis farm and after preparing a camp on the' river bank started toward the Purvis place, evidently bent on revenge. He set fir, to a haystack belonging to Lavenmayer, who took Leberg Into custody, allowing him to ride behind him on his horse. When at the road entering his ranch, Le berg struck him on the head with a hammer which' he found tied to La venmeyer's saddle. The laiter fell stunned and Leberg beat him until he became tired. Leberg left bis victim nl the road and went back to his camp by tha riverside. He soon returned with a pocket knife, cut Lavenmeyer's throat from ear. to ear and attempted to scalp him. The burning haystack attracted the neighbors to the scene and they found the mutilated body. A posse was formed and Leberg was caught a mile or two away, riding Lavenmeyer's horse. He submitted to arrest quietly and even boasted of his crlnm saying he drank tho blood of his victim. Leberg was brought here and lodged today. At ' noon today Sheriff Brown started for Pueblo with his prisoner for better protection, but was met by a crowd of 800 people who protested against Leberg's removal and he was again placed In Jail here. Al though there were frequent reports of mobs organizing to dispose of Le berg not until tonight did they set about carrying out their work of ven geance. Soon after dark several hun dred men and boys appeared at the Jail, but were refused admittance. They then began ail attack on the Jan. After several hours' diligent effort at storming the county Jail the mob was dispersed and It Is not thought that further attempts will be made tonight to carry out the plan for vengeance. The mob worked Its way Into the Jail as far as the steel doors by breaking down the wooden doors, but were met with a stern refusal from the all of ficers to turn over "their prisoner and finally gave' up. When apprehended the murderer gave his name as Law rence Leebrg. Many believe him In sane, STANDARD OIL PETITIONS. ST.' LOUIS, Dec 26. The Standard Oil Company and sixty odd other cor poration allied with It as defendants In the government's suit to break tho alleged oil monopoly, today filed a motion In the United States circuit Court attacking the Jurisdiction of that court to bring in non-resident defend ants by press and petitioning the court to vacate the order of service issued by Judge Sanborn on November 15. . POISON FOR' SEDUCERS. Drank Carbolio Aeid Before the Eye of an Armed Guard. ELM IRA, N. Y, Dec. 2. With a guard standing directly behind him, Frank Delaney, a railroad man, who succeeded in gaining entrance to tho Jail on a pretense of wishing to have Bessie Wills, awaiting sentence for ab ducting a young, girl for Immoral pur poses, sign some legal papers, suc ceeded in passing the woman a vial of carbolio acid which she drank. At the same time Delaney put another vial of acid to his own lips, and al though the guard tried to overpower him, succeeded In draining the bottle. Delaney died, before a physician could be summoned and when the cell door waa opened the woman was already dying. She died within a short time. IRELAND'S REMARKS UNPOPULAR Summary of American Archbishop's Speech Not Liked in Rome. ROME, Dec 26. The local press published a summary, which appeared In the Parts Matin, of Archbishop Ire land's statement, at St Paul on the French-Vatican ennfllct The sum mary has not found favor with tho Vatican authorities, as it blames the French clergy, who are praised by the Pope. The Oeservatore Romano says this summary should be accept ed with reserve as coming from an In fected source, explaining that the Ma tin's' correspondent may have- misun-j derstood the Archbishop. RUSSIAN WHEAT SHORTAGE. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 28. It Is ru mored that a big deal Is about to bo closed whereby a Minneapolis com pany, will consign a large quantity of flour for Russian consumption. : Ex portation of Minneapolis flouro Rus sia is without precedent. Only through an Immense shortage in Russian crops could a condition arise by which prices would so rise that foreign millers can pay the high Import duty and still sell at a profit r -t - BURGLAR DRUGS FAMILY. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 21 Burg lars entered the residence of W. A. Cox, a prominent merchant at 826 . Asubury street, early yesieruajr uiu'u- ing and after administering an anes thetic to the sleeping members of the family, ransacked the house, stealing Jewelry and mney to the value of $1.-. 000, and departed without disturbing the sleep of any of their victims. The police are now working on the case. BRUTE SHOOTS CHILD. MUSKOGEE, L T.. Dec. 26. Great excitement prevails at Stlllwell, near here, over the attempted criminal as sault on Miss York, a 14-year-old girl, by Braham Hughes. The girl repulsed Hughes, and as she fledhe fired a shotgun, pointing at her back, at short range. Hughes waa arrested and tak en to Vinlta to escape mob violence., As the town is wrought up, a lynch ing may follow. RUSH CURTAILS HOLIDAYS. NEW YORK, Dec. 26. John A. ROebllngs Sons Company of Trenton, N. J employing 7,000 men In their steel mills, closed down for only four days during the Christmas holidays. Work will be resumed today. An nually this concern shuts down for two weeks at this time for needed re pairs and stock, taking, but the rush, of orders this year forced a curtail ment of the holiday. . FIREMEN'S STRIKE FUTILE. HOUSTON, Dec. 26. Reports to the headquarters of the Atlantic system of the Southern Pacific today show the lines are experiencing little difficulty 1 In operating trains on account of the strike of the firemen.