The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 22, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Bath Robe Dlanlletsf
8.7 Vafuo, HJO-AII pur wool! I
bath rebo Blanket yon ooutd not'
1-4 off Regular Pries A Chrlatmai
opportunity thai will uvi you 88 ptn
choose mora suitable gift than a
handaom all wool rob 45.75 Value!
xttnl on your purchase from our oniln
Store will be open every evening fron eow antil Chriitnai.
(took of fur 1-4 off.
H60. ' i
Choose from our entire stock of Silks arid Dress Goods any Suit, Skirt or Waist Pattern at prices which
i will cause you to ask yourself why we should make such a sacrifice on the very choicest merchandise
ji i i lit j : t ji' iLi .'I. -ill"' J L
wiinoui any reservation. vve asK you 10 dee tnese 5000s inai you may nruw every unix uoiea 10 dc
as we represent, and in any instance should you purchase one of these choice bargains and feel we have
not lived up to our statement freely return your purchase and we will cheerfully refund your money.
We want your confidence and we know how to get it
2 i.
Sale of Silk SKirts.
Our 16.00 vatuo all pur Silk Taffata
Skirt, mad with a 12-Inch flounoo and
dust ruffltd and prlood to you !
whoro at 7.B0i our price.... ....14.84
1,000 yard i of colored taffota and the vory boat quality of oolorad taf
fata In a rang af color aloo blaokt prlod to you In all th leading depart
mont stores, 83o tho yard. Wo offor you In thla !, not ono plooo ro
served, S&o the yard.
600 yardo 27-lneh oolorod Chiffon, rogularly told at 11.25, now ....69o
1,000 yardo 27-tneh oolorad China 6llk,all color, and blaok,50o value... ...35o
1,000 yarda 20-lnoh oolorad China allk, all oolora and blaok, 25o value..... 19o
27-lnoh Quarantaad Blaek Tafftta, regular 11.00 valua 72o
86-inoh Quarantaad Blaok Taffota, regular 11.23 value
S6-lnoh Guaranteed Blaek Taffeta, regular fl.50 value.
19-lneh all Bilk Colored Taffeta
19-Inch all 911k Satin, regular 60o valua
$1.89 Broadcloths $1.15.
wanted dreea
M-lnoh Broadoloth In a full range of colore, thla aeaaon'a
cloth for tailored Suite, 8klrte and Coat, tha yard
54-lnoh Broadoloth, regular 11.75 value...
54-Inch Broadoloth, regular $1,50 value.
54-lnoh Broadolothe, regular $1.25 value... ,.
Panama Suiting, an all-wool Cloth, thla ttaton'a mot
matarlatt '',' f
54-lnoh Panama, regular $1.28 value, now .... .....75e
44- lnoh Panama, regular Mo valua, now , , ., .....tie
45- Inch Blaok Voile, regular $1.25 value, now ;.B9o
45-lnoh Silk and Wool Eadllone, In draee patterna of Vt to 10 yarda, rgu-
laHy aold at $10.00' and $15.00 tha pattern, in thla al 34.50 and ..$7.50
All M-lnoh All Wool Fancy Suiting a 'nd alwaya prioed to you at 50o tha
yard, now, tho yard ........ ...J. ......S2o
All 38-Inch all-wool Albatrot In colore and blaok, tho yard
16-button length long Kid Glove,
mad from tho vory best French kid
and regularly priced to you at $3.50
pain handsomely put up in a beauti
ful Chriatma box; special in thia
aala ...$225
Leather Goods.
Wo have Just received by today'a ex-I
press choice lot of extra fine quality?
Hand-bags and Purses. This is the
choicest lot of leather goods w havex
(hue far ahown and you could notf
choose a more suitable gift than one of!
those for your Mother, Sister, wife orj
We have an unuaually largo and choice line of fine her lawn and all
pure linen Handkerchiefs, scalloped and hemstitched edge, put up in 1-12,
to 1-2 doien in each box, all new and ready for your inspection.
ht'f"""t tit 4 Q4 tiitiiiii.ittttttn,M) MMMMMMMMMMMMMMtMtMMMMItMMm
First M. E.
CW nwtlng at 10:U. Bormon:
"Chrlut t'omldg In the Fullw of
Time A Chrlntmu Uodltntlun," at
11:00. BunJuy K'houl at 12:15. Ep
worth league at 6:30, Chrlatmna Cur
ol Bervli at 7; SO. All olbor aervlve
ns uounl, A cordial Invitation I ex
tended to the public to attend. We
will brn a uperlul neriu of revival
meeting on next Bumliiy. C, C. nr
Ick, pnnlor. Progmm for the Chrtnt
mas Carol Service ut the Mothodliit
Kplscnpnl Church on Sunday niitht,
lHtvember 23: Carol by children, "nl
ly Round the Prince"! Prayer, Rev.
Ilarloki Hymn, No. 113; Cured by
children, "Qod'a Pence, Sweat Peace":
anthm by choir, The Huh or Night
Hnth Fnilrn"; offertory, solo, The
St ft of Bethlehem," Mr. Dlnhop; carol
by children, "O Joyful Hells"! Scrip
tare rending and remurks, by Rev.
Rurlrk; Mthem by choir, "There were
Shepherd Abiding"; carol by chil
dren, "Softly O'er the Dreaming
Enrth"; Hymn, benediction.
. Congregational (Sunday). ;
Bervleea will be held nt the uutU
tlmra on Sunday next and all are In
vited to attend. Mornlngr netvle at
11 o'clock, the pnator will preach, Bub
Jeot, "Chrlitmn lnona." Evening
service at 7:30, when the Sunday
I'hool will hvve iM'1al Christmas
exercise with nhort uddre by the
pnetor. Bundny chnol nt 13:10; T.
P. a C. E. at 8; 30. There will be no
midweek meeting on Wednesday,
E? U
Just think ol your whole house from tM
basement up being mora comfortably heated
tills winter than ever before. Picture to your
self that cold room or hallway being Just as
warm and cozy as the rest of the house. It
will all coma true If you hsv a
Oil Healer
(Equipped tvlth Smokeless Device)
Vary light and easily carried from room to room. Absolutely safes-Wide
cannot be turned too high or too low. Gives Intent heat -without tmoka . '.
or smell, oil fount and wick carrier brass throughout.
Fount beautifully embossed. All parts easily cleaned.
Operated as easily as a lamp. Two finishes nickel and
Japan. Evry hwtef warranted Superior to other oil
heaters. If not at your dealer write to our nearest
agency for descriptive circular. , , ? -
mt.. tedy light at email
home brleht and
cheerful Gives a dear,
tedy llicht at email cost. No better
lamp made for all-round household use, Safe and simple.
You will appreciate a Rayo Lamp. Brass throughout and
nickel-plated, Equipped with latest Improved burner.
Every lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency II
you cannot get It from your dealer.
Standard Oil Company
There will be regular public worship
on ChrlHtmna Day morning at 10:10
Alt are Invited to attend all . these
services and a, apeclnl Invitation Is ex
tended to all member of other
churches who are not on that day at
tending service at their own churchea
to come with ua on Chrtatmaa Day.
Service at 10: SO a. m. Strangers and
vlnltor in the city will find a cordial
welcome. O. E. Moorehouse, Ph. D.,
pnstor. (61 Irving Avenue.
First Lutheran?
; There will be the usual early morn'
Ing services! Chaistmas nyornhig at
the First Lutheran church, beginning
at 5:30 a, m. The church will be ea
peclulty illuminated and decorated for
the occasion. A large chorus will as
slat In the chant and services, as well
as render several selections of Christ
mns anthems. These services are typ
leal with the church and are looked
forward to with great Interest by
young nnd old. On Christmas Day
evening the Sunday school will give
Its annual entertainment. An unus
ually fine programme has been ar
ranged. The Sunday school children
will be delighted In seeing parents and
Mends present. The Sunday school at
the German Lutheran church will Join
in this' entertainment. Service In the
German, language at the German Lu
theran church at J o'clock on Christ
mas Day. To these services and en
tertainments the public Is cordially In
vited., , , , , V
Upper-town M, E. ,:
An Educational and Spiritual Feast
at (the TTppertown M. E. church: Rev.
EllRg ajerding, of the Norwegian and
Danish Methodist church has made
arrangements with the Christian Lnn
torn Slide and Lecture " Bureau of
Ludtngtnn, Mlch.i for six illustrated
Missionary lectures to be given nt his
church. Two in January, 1907: two
in February and two In March. It is
the hope of the past or that thesa lec
tures will be a blessing to tho com
munity as well as a rare entertain
ment where costumes and . scenes
from the . Missionary MeldH can be
seen, . ., ..
Congregational (Christmas).
i Special Chrlstma exercises by. the
Sunday school and short address by
the pastor, on Sunday night, Decem
ber 2S, at 7: JO. You aro cordially In
vited to attend,, Christmas Day, 'reg
ular public, worship at 10:80, Christ
mas tree and social on Friday night
at the church at 7 o'clock. All par
ents and friends are Invited to at
tend. First Lutheran.
First Lutheran church, ' Gustaf E.
Rydqulst, pastor. . Sunday school at
:80 a. m. Miss Alema Nyland. su
perintendent. Morning service In
Swedish at 10:30; evening service In
English, at 7:30. Sunday school and
service In the German Lutheran
church on Grand avenue In English
as usual at 3 and 3 o'clock respective-
Norwegian-Danish M. E.
The Norwegian-Danish .Methodist
church, comer of S7th and c. Duane
streets. Preaching services at 11 a.
m, and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school meet
at 10 a. m. Tou are heartily Invited
to attend the services of the church.
Rev. Ellas GJerding, pastor.;
First Baptist
Rgeular morning service at 11
o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Toung People's meeting at 6:13 p. m.
At 7:30 p. m.,' the Sunday school will
hold Us annual Christmas exercises.
Everybody Is cordially Invited. :
First Presbyterian.
Morning worship, H o'clock, "The
Prophecy of the Manger." Sunday
school, 12:16, T. P. S. C. E., 5:30.
Evening worship, ' Christmas Praise
service; special music' Wm. S. Gil
bert, pastor.
Alderbrook Presbyterian.
Morning worship at 10 o'clock; Sun
day school at 11 and T. P. S. C, B.
at 7:80 j-m.' Monday evening-the
Sunday school will have their Xmas
ireti ji ugrcuimm &t ihtt CuuTCu &t S
Warrenton Presbyterian.
Sunday school at the Warren hall,
10:30 a, in.; evening worship at 7:30.
Monday evening at 8 o'clock tho Sun
day school will have their Xmas tree
First Spiritual Churoh.
The First Spiritual Church of As
toria will meet In the A, O. U, W.
hall at 7:30 p. m. The public Is cor
dially Invited to be present.
Grac Epiaeopal. ;
Paw W SBvmmir. RhArt. reetrir.
.,, ... ,
Morning services at 8 and 11 o'clock;
Sunday school at 10:30 o'clock a. m.;
and evening prayer at 7:80 o'clock.
Astoria People Must Recogniz and
Heed It
Kidney Uls come quietly master
But nature always warns - yon
through tho urine.
Notice tho kidney secretions.
See If the color is unhealthy
If there are settlings and sediment
Passages too frequent, scanty, pain
ful It's time then to use Doan's Kidney
Pills, ; '
To ward off Bright', disease or dia
betes. - . . .-.'
William M. Spayd, living on Winter
street southeast corner of D street.
Salem, Oregon, says: "It is Just about
three years since I recommended
Doan's Kidney Pills through our local
papers. I said that words could, not
express my good opinion of Doan's
Kidney Pills, or describe the remark
able effects they had on me. My kid
neys had been a source of annoyance
for months. I couldn't go out and
split a piece of kindling wood with
out my back paining me. The kidney
secretions were Irregular and my rest
at night was disturbed on account of
their frequency and there was a scald
ing pain In passage. I was advised
to try Doan's Kidney Pills and pro
cured a supply. ' By the time I had
used a little over one bos I was en
tirely free from the backache and the
action of the kidney secretions was
regulated so that I could rest the
whole night without being disturbed.
My kidneys were toned up and
strengthened and my health was Im
proved in every way. ' II-to. boxes of
Doan'a Kidney Pills made ne feel
like a new man. X tua always -lad
to express my gratitude for what tlx
did for me." ' j
" Plenty more Kcf like thla from As
torta people. Call ?tt. CSuw. Bog&raf
drug store and ask whaC 'j,r usto:a
ers report .
For sale by all dealer. Prio Tv
cents. Foster-MUburn co, . Buffalo,
New York, sole agent for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
CHICAGO. Dec 21. A dispatch to
Tribune from Bakersfleld, CaL, says:
Hicks, the miner who has been en
tombed in the Edison tunnel for thir
teen days,- was reached by his res
cuers at 1 o'clock thla morning. At
that hour It was announced ha would
speedily be released. His rescuers;
were talking to him and had passed
him a basin of water with which to
bathe his face.
There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex., that's
twice as big as last year. This won
der Is L. W. Hill, who from a weight
of 90 pounds has grown to over 180.
He says:: 1 suffered with a terri
ble cough, and doctors gave me up to
die of Consumption. I was reduced
to 90 pounds, when I began taking
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds. Now,
after having taken 13 bottles. I have
more than doubled In weight and am
completely cured." Only sure Cough
and Cold Cure. .Guaranteed by Chas.
Rogers,- Drugg 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottle free. ' " !
do not forget Jaloffs new store. A
nice line of holiday gifts to select
from, 120 11th street, near Commer
cial..; . - St'
Foley Honey, and Tar cures" tn
most obstinate coughs and expels the
cold from the system, as it is mildly
laxative. It Is guaranteed. Do not
risk taking any but the genuine In tha -taking
any but the genuine In tho
yellow package.
C. F. WISE Prop.
Choice Wlnea, Liquors ' Merchants Lunch From
and Cigars 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 f a
Hot Lunch at all Hours t$ Costa
Corner El vent h and Commercial