The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 22, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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IstabUsboa Utj.
Published Daily Except Monday by
By mail, par year.. ....... ...,.$7.00
By tarrier, par moeti. ......... .10
naQ, par year, h adne. .11.80
Knitted at tftoaiim matter Joly
M. USt, at U pottoflk at Attw4a.ur
t, kndar Ui rt of Cuorew ot MarokS,
TOfAtn let tlM Aathpxrac at Tn Moan
(umwuatoufcbar raririww or pkot ot
Mtam jut t saadt by Boatai owd or
ttromra MmIkms. an trrtgnltrtrr a
tt-rtry theold b immodUtotT tryorwd o tht
Official paper ot Ctataop ooaotr and
tk City or Astoria.
" Western Oregon, Washington
and Idaho Rain.
Eastern Oregon Fair, -. ..
But recently Philadelphia confec
tioners confessed to using glucose in
the manufacture of their products in
violation of the pure food law, and
the fines Imposed amounted to the
enormous Sum of 1500,000. Hardly a
day passes In which either proceed
ings are not commenced against some
trust operating in restraint ot trade
or conviction Becured. The, govern
ment is after the trusts, after viola
tors of the pure, food law, and, the
attempt at regulation has been at
tended with gratifying success. Ac
tion against the tobacco trust has
been commenced before Judge Hough
la the United States circuit court of
New York. Counsel representing the
McAndrews and Forbes company and
the J. S. Young company of Baltimore,
both subsidiary companies of the
American . Tobacco company, have
pleaded not guilty. The charge against
the defendants is that they violated
the Sherman anti-trust law in restraint
of trade. DeLancy Nlcoll and John
D. Lyndsay, cousel for defendants, de
scribe the case as, of paramount im
portance to the trade. Henry L. Stltn
son. United States district attorney,
who Is prosecuting, has a large num
ber of witnesses to examine, and the
case la expected to last fourteen days.
A further charge will be preferred
against the defendants at the ter
mination of the present cases. They
will be Indicted for Illegally controll
ing the output of liquorice paste used
In making plug tobacco. The govern
ment will charge that under a secret
agreement they divided the trade be
tween tbem, forcing prices np exor
bitantly. One company, it will be
charged, furnished the material to
the trust companies and the other to
the independent manufacturers. Con
gress and the entire country has been
watching the outcome of these par
ticular cases for years and great In
terest is centered In them.
There is a great deal of nonsense
written about the possibility of a
Japanese boycott ' against American
goods. . We do .not believe that the
Inclination to engage In that style of
warfare exists In Japan, and it Is not
likely that It can be cultivated, be
cause every Japanese of sense is fully
aware of the fact .that scarcely any'
thing Is imported into the Islands from
this country which could be profitably
produced there; and one the other
hand, we import a vast quantity of
stuff from the islands which we could
and would' promtply dispense with it
they began any nonsense of that sort.
Thef United States is Japan's best
customer, and there is no likelihood
of her adopting the suicidal course of
converting our people Into non-buyers
of Japanese products. Ex.
o "
An interesting analysis of the uses
to which the 25,000,000 tons of pig iron
produced this, year n the United
States, will be put indicates that the
opinion, somewhat freely expressed,
that we are approaching the clay age
Is a trifle premature. According to a
writer in the Journal referred to, not
more than 2,000,0000 of the 25,000,000
tons of pig Iron produced could be
replaced by cement' . No doubt the
latter will continue to be used in
larger quantities in the future, but It
cannot be employed as a substitute for
the thousands ot things which now
consume about SS.000.000 tons of our
fwinuul product. There Is ono Item in
the Iron Trade Review' list, howev
or, which , may b -'-supplanted. :.. The
output of rails amounted to about
1,700,000 tons this year. It has been
pointed out that It would bo entirely
practicable to substitute for the pres
ent railways a system ot smooth roads
over which freight, and passengers
might be hauled more cheaply than on
steel rails. The cost of such roads
at present is prohibitory, but some
day, when prices of iron go up. as
they are bound to as the supplies of
ore diminish, it may be cheaper to
build and maintain such roads than
the ordinary railroads which sew
our purposes at present. Ex.
In granting autonomy to the Trans
vaat, the British government has done
only what might have been expected
from her treatment of her other col
onies. Letters patent establishing
constitution have been issued and the
King has expressed through the
proper channels his earnest wishes for
the peace and prosperity ot the ooun
try under that Instrument It might
be said the rights ot all the people
thereof are sure to be respected, a
condition which did not exist under
Boer rule.
When Ruet confessed that he had
taken money of the French restaurants
as pay for assisting them to main
tain Immoral resorts In defiance of
law, he acknowledged that he had de
scended to the lowest level of degrad
ed humanity. A man wlio would take
money for such services, whether law
fully or unlawfully, whether as a fee
or a bribe, whether as a voluntary
contribution or as the fruit of extor
tion, thereby proclaims himself outside
the pale of decent society, a panderer
to the unclean, a common procurer
for hire. Whether under our statutes
It constitutes a legal crime for which
he can be sent to State's prison,
where he belongs, is a matter of sec
ondary Importance, which " the courts
will determine in due time. 1 While,
therefore, any additional evidence will
be merely cumulative, not demonstrat
ing additional corruption In one al
ready confessed to be utterly putrid,
his attorneys. In fishing for the "evi
dence' .in possession of the prosecu
tion brought out one piece of Infor
mation of which the whole world
caniot avoid taking notice. San Fran
cisco Chronicle.
A new German Invention Is a ma
chine for picking chickens. After the
bird is killed it Is placed In the ma
chine. A button-is pushed and trans
verse currents of-air are operated by
the turning of fans at the rate of five
thousand revolutions a minute. In a
jiffy the feathers, plnfeathers and
the smallest particles of down are re
moved from the chicken and the ma
chine Is ready for another bird. If
every chicken merchant had one of the
machines he would have less trouble
getting "pickers" during the rush sea
son. A German mine owner has just paid
$106,000 for a Raphael,' of date 1514,
the portrait of a brother of Pope Leo
JC, to the astonishment of Berlin art
circles. Doubtless many modern art
ists feel they could do as well, or
even better, for less than half the
money. But antiquity looms large In
the estimation of some people, while
others don't know what to do with
their money, spending it on what Mr.
Beecher once called "stuffy old saints."
At any rate,' one citizen who will
come pretty near knowing how the
State of New York Is run will be the
Governor of New York. '
Pittsburg is discussing when Is the
best time to take a dVink. In New
York, drinks are so timed as Just to
avoid rear-end collisions.
"For the first time in thirty years,'
says Mr. Rockefeller, "I am able to
eat a mince pie and digest It." Thirty
years of his life wasted! , ,
Los Angeles plans a world's fair to
celebrate the completion of the Pan
ama Canal In 1915. Isn't that selling
dates short?
New York's aged congressmen need
not borrow trouble on account of the
anti-child-labor bill; It Isn't aimed at
second childhood, , ,
Worth doing Is worth doing well If
you wish to be cared of Rheumatism,
use Ballard's Snow liniment and you
will be well ' cured. A positive cure
for Sprains, Nuralgla, Bruises, Con
tracted Muscles, and all the ills that
flesh is heir to. A. G. M. Williams,
Navasota, Texas, writes:
"I have used Bnow Liniment for
sprained ankle and It gave the best
of satisfaction. I always keep It in
the house." Harts Drug Store.
Victim of English Prisons Advooatt
Changes In Amtrlea.
NEW YORK. Dec. SI. Mrs. Flor
ence Maybrlok, who passed many
years In English prisons and t now
trying to reform the penitentiaries of
America, discussed prison reform work
Inst night before the Young Men's
Club of Dr. Parkhrust's church.
"I claim tor all men, said she, "hu
man rights, the right to sunshine, to
ordinary decencies and to labor. At
Sing Sing strong men are shut up In
cells six feet square. 1 know what
It means. In England tor nine months
I had solitary confinement In a cell
seven feet by four with a k'g for a
teat and my food was passed In
through a trap door. They do these
things for the salvation of souls; they
lead to damnation."
She declared the Eastern peniten
tiary ot Philadelphia to be the worst
ot the Si prisons she had visited In
America. Their prisoners are prac
tically burled alive. But at Trenton,
N. J., she found strange contradic
tions. "They still have underground
dungeons where not even the step of
the warden can be heard. As I vis
ited them I heard a poor man call.
'For the love of God, let me out I
have been here five days and cannot
bear It any longer.' , Yet, as I 'came
up I heard a sound I had never heard
In a prison before. Tea.' said the
warden, that's our string band prac
ticing.' Mrs. Maybrick declared prisoners
must have more sunshine. She as
serted that at Sing Sing at high tide
one- could write one's name on the
wall in the moisture.
In conclusion she Put forward an
earnest plea for such an awakening
of public sentiment for reform as had
already brought about the separation
of the first offender and the habitual
NEW YORK. Dec, 21. More than
!0 life Insurance presidents. Includ
ing the chief, executives of the "Big
Three," will meet at the Waldorf to
day to discuss the question of form
ing a national , organisation. . The
meeting will be In response to the
circular letter of President Morton of
the Equitable.
J. B. Waterman, ot Watertown, O.,
Rural free delivery, writes; "My
daughter, afflicted for years with epi
lepsy, was cured by Dr. King's New
Life Pills. She has not had an at
tack for over two years." Best body
cleaners and life giving tonic pills on
earth. 25c at Chas Rogers' Drug
Store." ''
Cosmetics will ruin the complexion.
There's no beauty practice equal to
the effects of Holllster's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. It keeps the entire body In
perfect health. Tea or Tablets, 35
cents. For sale by Frank Hart'
When lack of appetite is caused by
overeating, take Beecham's Pills
to relieve the feeling of heaviness.
When a sick stomach takes away
all desire for food, use Beecham's
Pills. They invariably tone the di
gestion and
Create Good Appetite
Bold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and 25ov
Special Stock Engagement.
Eckhardt's Ideals
Monday, Tuesddy and Wednesday the great pastoral
comedy drama
Companion play to "Way Down East" and
... York State Folks. ...., ...
Special Bargain Matinee Christmas Day at 2;30 p'm.
Evening prices, 15c, 25c and 35c.
Matinee :0c and 25c.
Free Xmai Ticket for Opening Night, Monday, December 24.
Cut this out and present st Box Offie before 7 p. m., Monday.
Sec ....
This ticket will admit
at the opening performance of
" ' ; . ' .,- ;' : .: AT THE) ,' "'
Star Taeatre,Xmas Eve., Men. Night, Dec, 4
ow ....
If accompanied by a
Seats must be secured
When you have a eough or a eold
do not ask soma on what Is good for
them, as thwra It danger In taking
some unknown preparations, Foley's
Honey and Tar surt coughs, colds
and prevents pneumonia. The genu
In Is In a, yellow package. Refuse
ubstttutt. T. F. Laurln.
If you select something at Jaloffa new
tor as an Xma gift. 130 11th street
near Commercial It
Cough yourself Into fit of spasms
and than wonder why you dont get
well. It you will only try a bottta of
Bollard's Horehound Syrup your oough
wlU bs a thing ot the past It Is a
poaltir our tor Coughs, Influansa,
Bronchitis, aad all Pulmonary dja-
eases. On bottle will convince you
at your druggist, I So, loo, 11.00,
Hart's Dreg Store,
' "
Is there any on thing that will
make your table mors attractive on
Christmas day than flowers? They
are the gems that will add good
cheer to your home festivities.
Anticipating a large rush this
year, wt have been equal to the oc
casion. We have a gorgeous as
sortment for table decorations. W
will dlspos ot them at prices that
will be within the reach of all.
Fragrant Roses.
Carnations. Holly.
Wreaths and pretty Green Roping
suitable for decorating. Why not
add cheer to the occasion?
Leave your orders early.
Delivery made to all parts of tha
city. Mall order given prompt at
tention. Come and see our display
f Palms and Potted Plants. The
Orchid plant, the only one ot It
kind on the Pacific Coast
Columbia Nursery
Store call Red 2308.
' ; '.
Nursery call Black 1181
Free Ticket.
any lady FREE to a Reserved Seat
regular paid 85c reserved seat ticket,
before 7 p. m., Monday, Dec. 24.
A man said yesterday: .
tailors had to come back
Fancy half-hose 25 to Mo
Handkerchlufs-Sllk, 25o to 111
Hemstitched Unn, plain or with
Initial 2So to BOo
Fancy Xma Suspenders, BOo
to . 1150
Neckdresslngs, 2Se to 1.M
Full Dress Muffler and Reef
rV .,...11.00 to MOO
Bos Suspender and Combina
tion Sets, Including Suspend
ers, Armlets and Hong Sup
porters, ...... ...We to flJO
' tTmbrellaa (or Christmas giving,
la natural sticks or richly
trimmed In gold or silver ef
fects 1 to 7
The Store That Never Disap
point." Astoria' Foremost
What is nicer for that Christmas -gift
than a nice piece of
onr Flatware
jss tsssj MBHSK atMMsBB LIll
Msans not only good thing to al, but lso ths bt of thing to drink,
and the best of all good drink I 8und d Carlton'
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies,
Choice Wines
609 Commsrolal St.
The Old
Ha been hunting around for a
a good or better than the kind h cold hr twenty ysan ago (torn
of that art beginning to wear out). H think kt hi found th
line. He will show thtm to you If you will call st th stor of
, Plumbr and 8tam Fitters.
"I have been trying merchant
-no clothes suit me like yours."
Saturday is a great clothes
buying day men put off till
the last minute buying what
they want for themselves.
The advantage of a big
stock like ours is apparent to
men In a hurry :
No trouble to get suited.
No trouble to get fitted. The
category of our sizes and our
models is very large and we
are constantly adding to it.
"And we have a'big assort
ment oj sixes in all grades
$!5,$i8.$2(U22.50, $25,
$28, $30 and $35,
Besides this, a corps of
salesmen who can put their
fingers' on the very size and
often the very style you
want at a minutes notice,
Grand Central Depot
for Men's "Fixens."
Happy Suggestions
For Christmas
House Coal As low a 4,M
as elvgunt at .....12.M
Lounging and Bath Robe, loo
tha same prlv range.
Fancy Vests, wash fabrics, and
silk worsted,.... US to 5.00
Suit co to 120.00
duett Shirts...' 11.50 and 2
Monarch Shirts 1.00
Underwear, In silk, wool, 111
or Balbrlggan. tlx garment
11.00 to S3.00
Dent's Famous English Olove
... ,,....$2.00
Open evenings until Xmas. .ma-..juLj
and Champagnes, f
Stove Man
yar or mora to find a II n of