TU18DAY, DECEMBER 18, 1000. THE MORNING ASTORIA N, ASTORIA, OREGON. SPAR9DECKANDB0UY Roanoke Arrives In After Three ' Weeks Absence. MUSKOKA IN FROM HAMBURG Aitto Down from Portland En Routt 'to Ian Franoleoo Oil Tankert 1 Qtt Buey Elmore In from Oarabaldl. Tht.eUamshlp Rnanoka arrlvtd In from Ran Francisco yeaterday afttr noon nniT docked at the Callander pier with II people In her ealoona. the following fifteen blnf deetltied for thla cllyi T. A.' Varlan, T. J. Engle ton, Mat. Fredrlckaon. Harry Spencer, IX C. Kill. Fred Carleon, 0. Lyetad, Or! Armetromr, A. Mattson. Oeorge Inc. N. Welaner. Kugene Bouton, Oorit Oo, F. E. Wlllier and J. II. Gllpatrlck. Bhe unloaded 100 tona of etud for Astoria merchants and wont n to the metropolis with her rtmatn Ing M people at o'clock. Cn on Th ataamer Bus TI. Elmore ar rived In from Oarabaldl yeaterday at I o'clock.' after a quick trip of alt houra. Amon hor paaeengare waa Chaa. II, Jonea, of galem. editor of tha Oregon Teachera Monthly, and wiill known teacher In tha state, lit made tht throiifh trip from Tillamook to Raiem In aeventeen houra, having reached homa at 1 o'clock thla morn In. He haa been In. attendance upon tha Teachers' Inetltute In eeeelon here. at ona of tha Instructors, Tha legal phaees attaching to tha aalvatad British bark Melanope. art now In proeea of unravellment E. A. Dodf t, of San Franclaco, with the attorney of her" owners, and Captain Willi, tha captain, who, with hla fam lly, waa compelled to abandon her on the high aeaa, are alt here, and tha nrat atep waa tnken on Sunday, whan the waa formally entered at the cuatom houee here aa a4lrliltth ahlp, bv har maater. and Mr, Cherry, of tha vice-consulate Tht freighting ateamahlp Astee came down from Portland yoaterdny morning and docked at the O. It N. pier at 10 o'clock. Thla la her lout trip between Astoria and Ban FranoUco for anme time, &1 lfast. aa ahe la billeted for her old Mexican mute at once, thera' being alx thou and tone of freight" at Maaatlnn, Oautnmnla. Ia Union, and other aouthern porta, mostly coffee, await ing her. The etenmehlp Roanoke aeema to be badly needed In these watera, Inking the numeroue Inqulrlee about her aa an Indication. Phe waa due to ar rive here yeaterday .after her three week tie up at Pan Franclaco for ret pairs, and made' good at 4 p. m. where ahe ha been anchored for 48 houra In search of a. lout anchor, on Sunday evening last, and went to Jthe lower harbor. And thunce to tea and tha Orient. ' Tha Hrlllah ahlp Hatewood, Captain Ilrew, 74 days from Valparaiso, Chill, arrived In over tha bar on Bunday evening, on tht llnea of tha Waliula, and aiwhorad In the lower harbor. She la In general' cargo for Portland and had an uneventful trip up. Tht flret mate of tha echooner An il Mntimmv hat been annotated aa captain of the echooner Annie tureen, vice Captain Forest, now ' In trouble here In connection with the killing of the tailor George Fleher. Captain Colllngwood, 'of the Brit lah bark, Iverna, haa received tha gad Intelligence from Brighton, England, of the death of hla wife. Two grown aona survive, both dwellera In the "old country."' f , , , The American ahlp El well came down yeaterday noon on the haweere of the Ilnrveat Queen, lumber laden for Redondo, and will take the ear Heat possible dlapatch for aea. The Norwegian ateamahlp Chrlatlan Mlchaelaon arrived In port yeaterday morning, or rather at noon, direct from Ban Franclaco, In ballaat. flhe will go to Portland to load lumber, The bar tug Tatooah, which haa been out of eommlaelon for the pat few daya, blowing down her bollera, will go to the bar thla morning. The Brltlah bark Muakoka, Captain Cavelan, 171 daya out from Hamburg, Oermany, came In over the bar yea- terday ehortly after noon. The Brltlah bark Olenerlcht, Cap tain Event, went up the rivet yeater day morning, on the hawaera of the ateamer Oklahoma. HERE'S OUR OFFER IN BLACK AND WHITE READ CAREFULLY WHAT FIFTEEN TO THIRTY CENT! A DAY WILL DO FOR YOU AT EILER8 BRANCH STORE THIS WEEK-WANT A PIANOf FAIR TH fJW ill IS) mm M AS "BOMt 19 The eteamer Nome City arrived In nort yeaterday forenoon and after a ahort etay at the Callander pier went on to Portland. Tht echooner W. F. Jewett cleared at tha cuatom houae here yeaterday for San Franclaco. with 700.000 feet of lumber, " The ateamahlp Columbia la - due down from the metrottolla early thla morning on her way to San Fran- olaco. . The ai-hooner Alumna tailed .yeeter day for the Buy City with an tm menaa load of choice Oregon lumber. The oil tanker Argyle came down from Portland yeaterday and went di rectly to aea and San Franclaco. The olt tank ateamer Aaunclon came In from Pan Franctaco yeaterday mooting, and went on to Portland The itritmn ateamatup wawe ihji l&t arrived down from nrookdeld, LONG TENNESSEE FIGHTS. For twenty yeara W. L. Rawla, of Retla. Tenn.. fouaht naaal catarrh Ha wrltea: "The awelltng and aore- neae Inalde my note waa fearful, till I beraa applying Eueklen's ArriUca Salve to tht aore aurface; thla caused the eorenoae and dwelling to dtaappear, never to return." Beat aalve In ex Intonce. !5a at Chaa Rogers, Drug-glat Do not hold tha following prlcea agalnat ' ua after theae deacrlbed In- atrumenta are aold, for each ont haa been uaed allghtly, and wt want them aold quickly. In the caee of planoa that have been out on rental or tak en back, clrcumatancea - conatantly vary. We take' Into conalderation, in aurh Inatancet the amount paid on the piano, length of time uaed; and, laat, but moat Important of all, we aacertaUt exactly tha condition of the piano aa to how the una It haa had haa affected It: ao we can tell you exactly what you are getting for your( money. ' f" ' ' :M; ? ;' . Two hundred and thirty-eight dol- lara could not be better Invented than to be put Into a full alaed (uaed) Wliltney piano In a fancy French wal nut caae. Tou can put your money Into It a llttle-at-at-a-tlme, aay l monthly, t Two hundred and. forty-threa dol- lara aecurea one of the beat (uaed) Pchumann piano bargain! of thla end ing year. It la In rich but plain mahogany cVie, la medium alxe and a beauty. A $T-per-month-hablt will grow on you pleaaantly If you buy thla; and you will get ao uaed to pay ing In auch email amounta that you won't feel the terma. Two hundred and forty-eight dol lar! for a beautiful Bailey (uaed). Caae la in a very handaome walnut, and tone la of large volume. Thla aplendid bargain would gladden your home for many more Holiday aeaaona, and be aa ueeful throughout the reat of tht yeara of Ua long, tuneful life. If you could etand the expenditure of SS74 on fg monthly terma. we would euggeet that you take Imme diate etepa to eecure a large alaed Hobart M. Cable (uaed) In a dark oak caae. We are not giving the prlcea of theae lnatrumenta when freah and new (for comparlaona); but we aak you to give ua a few mlnutea of your time any day or evening thla week, and you will then rind out all about It. Thal'a the onlye way to tell whether you could be aatlafled to own a t'PED piano. See theae and at the anme time, get prlcea on new onea. And then decide youraol whether you would prefer paying $50 or S75 more for a new one. We will leave It to you. Perhana an expenalve Crown piano that waa enae-damaged In shipping would ault you. We offer to accept $350 for It on $10 pnymenta, Ifa nap doapltt Ua apparently largo price. Settle your piano queatlon by eee Ing theae lnatrumenta at once. Open evening. EILERS PIANO HOUSE. 424 Commercial St. J. M. Ward and A. R. Cyrux, Man ager Don't read too fast to let your mind see what you are paissing. Remember that Christmas is only one week away and that every day counts. Check off the items that please you and come and et them at once. You will get the choice seleol l tions and less hurried service than later on. HANDKERCHIEFS. Women't Hemalltched Handker cblefa In pretty detlgna So to 50a '' each. MEN'S SLIPPERS. Opera, Everett and Nulllfler Slip pera, black and tan, 75o to 12.00 pair.-. ' LINEN DOILIES. Large Collection of Ltaen Dolllee, apeclaU each 5e to 50c HAND BAGS. Hand Baga la etylee, tach... doien different . ,....25ototZ50 TOY TEA SETS. i ALL TOYS AT QQgT H war eaaaBwaaBw mm as I Easily Carried About , The advantages of a Perfection Oil Heater are realized when you want to heat tome o articular room at a 4 V . or nauway m a nurry. nerc i . Uratrr that vnu can eaxilv riffv about t something you cannot do whn your other itoves. Far superior to other oil heaters and a necessity In houses that are hard to heat. The PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Dylee) gives intense heat and Is "as easy to operate as a lamp. The wick cannot be t , turned too hifh or too low. The smoke less device prevents all smoke and smell. . Brass Coil fount beautifully embossed. Holds 4 quarts ot oil and burns 9 hours. Ornamental as well i as useful. J-Two finishes nickel and japan. If not at your dealer's write our nearest agency t jot ocscnpitTC circuiAr W lutely safe), perfectly " coaitrucftd,"and b the beat lamp for all-round houieholi um. An ornament to every room. Mde of brui through out and nickel-plated. , Every lamp warranted. If not at dtaltf'i, write to Beirut agency for dticrlpUve circular. . STANDARD OIL OOHMMV ... ' in u WE8T 8IDE TEACHERS. Inauauratlon of a Winttr 8eriea of Meattnga. At Seaside, Saturday. December 5 wna held the flrat of a aerlea of tcach- era meotlnga, which are to be held at different placet on the West Side, Thla movement, Inaugurated by County Superintendent Warren, " haa tor ltt object the Interchanging of pedagogical Ideaa and the encouraging of more friendly relatione among teachers. ' At each of theae meetings papers and articles will be presented and dla cussed by teachers attending. Resolutions regarding organisation were pnasod and officers elected aa fol Iowa: President, Supt. Emma CWar ren; Secretary, & I Keetel; Treaa urer, Miss West. 'Considerable time having been used in organising, only two subjects were presented at thts meeting:. Primary Rpadlnav by Miss Cora Johnson, and Eighth Orado Examinations, by Miss Hess. ;'. It waa decided to hold the next meeting at Warrenton some time dur ing the enrly part of the new year. 60c set at.. $1.00 aet at . I1.S0 aet at . 12.00 aet at.. ..... So 75o $1.00 11.50 SUIT CA8ES, Suit caaee to ault every one, each ... ..2M to S12J0 CUFF AND COLLAR BOXES. In different dealgna, each 25c te $1-50 ' ALBUMS. In all klnda and descriptions. 25c to $4.60 each. DOLLS. Handsome Jointed Dolle with eyea that close and curled hair; 13.00 dolle at ... ILM MUSIC ROLLS. Flna Black leather Music Roll; $1.00 and 11.25 quality at 25e Very fine pair ... GLOVES. quality Plqua Glares, .$1.00 and $1.23 FURS. $7.50 Fura at. $10.00 Fura at. $16.00 Fura at. $20.00 Furs at. ....$5.00 $7J0 .$12X10 .$15.00 LUNCH CLOTHS. Japanese Hand drawn lunch cloths. beautiful dealgna. ...$1.00 to $5.00 DRESSER SCARF8. Hand-drawn Dresser quality ... ... Scarfs, fine ,$1.25 to $5X TOILET SETS. Fine Imported line of Toilet Caaee different designs, aet 25o to $6X0 PICTURES, Fine collection, each ....Be to $1.00 WOOL BLANKETS. $10.00 White Blankets $70 $$.00 Wool Blankets.. $6-00 $7.50 Wool Blankets ...$5.00 UMBRELLAS. Beat kind of a Christmas gift In Oregon, each ... ...$100 to $5J0 WAIST GOODS. Fine Washable materials in all col ore, yard '- 25o te 75o RIBBONS. For Hair Ribbons, Bows, etc: 85fl Ribbon - 25o ISc Ribbon -"lOe GOLF CLOVES. Golf Gloves In all colore and sixes. LADIES' BATH ROBES. Fine assortment of patterns, $7.50 valu ....$5.00 KNIT 8HAWL8. Handsome Shawls each ... .....i.. In all colors . $1.00 to $20 LINEN TABLE SET8. Fine hemstitched seta; make finest kind of Christmas gift. EFT 1 1 t$$$M'Wt M t t I M ........... TtftltftlTTTTtTTTff Tf TTH f W receive the news of tlielr approaching departure from this city with mingled feelings of deepest regret and ' the greatest surprise. Those, and their number is legion, who have on var ious occasions Incidental to the social Hfo ot this community, partaken of tha hosnttallty of Mrs. Harrison Al len and her mother, Mrs. Newman, will miss their places In society, while those whose1 privileges it has been to he Included amongst the Inner circle of their personal friendship, can tes tify to the lasting strength of the genutne affection entertained by these ladles ror mem. "While it Is pleasant to know that Astoria society Includes many gener ous entertainers, whose lavish hospi tality Is a matter v of record, atlll' the departure of these ladles leaves a gap that will be hard to fill, and while iv.i. th ntv-hv-the-Sea will titer ,v,-Q - - - i be a source of the greatest regret, we are sure all their Astoria friends and acaualntanoes will unite in wishing them 'God-speed' and a very happy, prosperous end pleasant time In the city tbey have chosen for their ru ture residence." . FRIENDLY CONTRIBUTION. Warm personal friends of Hon. and Mrs. Harrison Allen have sent In the following plensntly suggestive . com munication, with a request for pub lication: , '"The many friends of Mrs. Hnrrlson Allen and Mrs., Lucie Newman will Mlltons ot bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar have been aold without any person ever having experienced any other than beneflolal results from Its use for coughs, colds' and lung troub lea, Thla it because the genuine Fo ley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package contains no opiates or, other harmful drurs. Guard your health F, Laurln, , , ' l . iHa.net MAKES OLD THINGS NEW liquid Otiwcr is a wonder ! It will make the whole interiorof your house shine like new, making re-finishing or re-varnishing entire ly unnecessary. It is not a varnish, but a surface food and cleaner, building up the original finish and making it brighter than ever. It is applied with a piece of cheese cloth and no experience la necessary. No drying to wait for. Removes all scratches, stains, dirt, dullness. It can be applied to any finish with beneficial results. 5 Nat ural wood, as well as any color of paint, will be better for an application of Liquid Veneer. L'.CUW Qcntcr will improve even the most beautiful furniture. It will take that smoky look from the Piano and other Mahogany, and is highly bene ficial to Golden Oak, White Enamel, Gilt, Silver and other finishes. ElflUli Center sells at 50 cents a bottle, and a bottle is enough to renovate the ordinary home. Try it and you will always buy It." ; B, F. illEI 8 SON afw 11- IFCoH TFlSPDWoiBa, ; fee SPECIALTHT5 BUte.. ?0.