The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 12, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Just received by to days express
a fresh supply.
Place your order before It Is all gone
Sole kgnU ft Barriajtei HB StttlCat Code.
Former U. S. Stnitor Brown I
Near peath.
President Insists that Insurance
Money Be Refunded.
fUpriad that Saoratary Corttlyou
Dsnt Want ta Giva Up the Funde
and Hat Ntvar Mad Rsport
te the Committee.
question, a prominent New York mem
ber of Cimgreaa amid:
If Mr. Rooaevelt It really urging
tha return of th money, bt I doing
It becaus a think It U tht right
thing to do, and H aaft bet Iba
ha would not haw appointed Mr. Cor
telyou Secretary of tha Treasury If tha
latter atood out against him on euch
a vital, question of principle."
WASHINGTON. Dec It President
Roosevelt' Inatotenco that money con
tributed by tha tairaranca companies
to tha Wi fund ba returned to tha
policyholders, ia one of tha tutyectt
mot dlacoHed by membara of Con
greaa. Tha atory that George B. Cor
telyou. chalrtnaA of tha Republican
national committee, and ComUua ft
BUm, the treasurer, are opposing the
Frealdenre plan and bar thua far
blocked tt, li not given nerkme weight
Their Judgment In tha matter may not
coincide with that of the Pratldent, but
tf Mr. Roosevelt la determined that
tha money hall ba returned, member
of Congreao believe, undoubtedly that
It will go back.
Tha President la represented aa
viewing the question aa one of good
moral, and It la pointed out that be
would hardly heap further honor upon
a man who opposed him on a mora! la
sue. Were the mutter one merely of
expediency, 'here would be no Incon
turtency In hi making Mr. Cortelyou
Secretary of the Treasury, no matter
how sharply hi view might differ
from thrnie of the President; but the
President would "hardly place a man
in that position whom ha considered
' morally deficient Accepted opinion,
- therefore, la disposed to cellminate Mr.
Cortelyou a a determined opponent of ;
the plan of restitution. . j
With Mr. Blls the cane might bei
different, Mr. Bliss belong to the ;
, Mark Hanna school of politic, and
the Hanna theory waa alway that
uch contribution were 'untitled, tnk-
' Ing the ground that general prosperity
depended on Republican tucces at
the polls and that when a corporation
contributed It was merely paying a
premium on properlty Insurance, the
same aa It would Inaure against fire
or other destructive agencies. Viewed
In this light, contribution by the In
surance companle did not constitute
a fraud upon the policyholders, but
were rather a wise Investment In their
Having accepted uch contributions,
Mr. Btlsa might very well oppose re-
tltutlon on the score that It would be
a confession of wrong doing In the ac
ceptance. Discussing this phase of the
Renort That Ha Hna Been Dead for
Thra Day.. .
NEW YORK, Dec 11.-11. R To
nakvan. a Persian merchant bora,
and who at out Urn waa a apectal
commlanloner from . Peril to thl
country, aald aarly today at tha Fifth
Avaaua Hotel, that h had received
reliable Information that tha Shah of
Pereta waa dead. Ha aald tha Shah
had been dead three daya and that tha
official announcement would be mad
pubtte by tha Persian government
thl afternoon, through diplomatic
Mr. Bradley, Hi Slayer, Coltapiaa
Whan Informed That Tha Senator
Can Live But a Few
. Hours
United Stale Seao'or Brown I grad
ually sinking and death may occur tt
any moment. The physrrtaaa do not
expect h wilt live through the night
When Mr. Bradley,, th woman who
shot him lost Monday, waa told that
th x-eanator was slowly sinking, ah
expressed herself aa deeply ahocked.
Assistant District Attorney Adktn
eallad at tha hospital shortly after!
o'clock with stenographer to take
Brown's ante-mortem atatement j
According to 0t notpltat pbyslctaoa1
th ei-ntor refused to glvt any
statement and doe not seem to real
Isa hi critical condition. Ho h bm
utjeonsctoue tinea I clock. "Every
thing wfll com out all right." wild
Mr Bradley tonight before ah wa
advised that Brown waa alnktng. "Sen
ator Brown win soon recover and 1
wffl never bo placed on trial" When
told that her victim would probably
not Uv through th night, ah almost
collapsed. Sh refused to make t a
At. 1:19 thl morning Brown waa still
alive, hut th phytlclana stated that
death may be expected momentarily.
H! temperature I 101., pulse l&L
(Continued from page 1)
ig December
At Astoria's Great Shopping Center.
You must not fail to read this ad. and then come and see the goods.
Do You Realize
Tttat you need ahoea for the rainy
aetuton that ha now made Ita ap
' pea ranee.
Just Arrived for
That pleat the aya, land comfort to
tha feet and giv perfect durability.
Feet don't ache or tire. .Investigate
th quality and ba oonvinced
of Logger' Sho Guarantee Satis
faction to th Wearer Non Better
but a Leader of All. ,
943 Bond Street, Opposite Fischer Bros.
saintly bead ItUng In th home of hi
fifth plural wife, rocking th cradle of
the latest Illegitimate offspring of hi
debauchery and crime, and with sanct
imonious air tinging th familiar hymn
of hit church:
"Now the Oentlla Reign It o'er,
Darkneaa covert earth no more.
Gentile tyrants sink to hell,
Now the day of Israel"
He then declared, "That It 1 shown
by th testimony that tha majority of
the apostle aa living In polygamy,
Including th president of the twelve,
He went on: "Plural marriage are
performed In ecret in darkened room,
on the highway remote from habitation."
Coming to the connection of Senator
Smoot with the hierarchy, Mr. Bur
rows said that practically all of its
member were polygamic when he
became a member. 'The vital que
Hon, therefore. Is," be said, "can one
become a member of and Identify
himself with a band of lawbreaker,
knowing them to be such participate
In their councils and sustain them In
their conference, . and yet escape all
tha responsibility for their unlawful
acts. Such a contention will not
stand the test of the law or reason.
"The senator complicity In eneour
aging polygamy and polygamous co
habitation doe not consist wholly In
the fact thnt he Is one of the gov
emlng body of that church. By re
pented acts he has, a a member of
the quorum of the twelve apostles,
given active aid and spirit to tha hier
archy In It defiance of the statutes
of the state and the law of common
decency and hi encouragement of the
polygamous practices by both precept
and example."
Senator Burrows concluded a fol
"It I submitted that the senator
by becoming a member of and Iden
tifying himself with such an organl
zatlon and participating In it fune
tons ha disqualified himself for
membership In thl body. An organ
Izatlon that foster and encourage
crime; trample upon all law, human
and divine; practice polygamy find
polygamous cohabitation; desecrate
the home; degrade womanhood, de
bauches public morals, strike at th
Christian clvlllwiton of thl age; un
dernilnet) and shake the foundations
of human society and government; de
stroy the sanctity of the marring re.
Intlon; defiles tho authority of the
s. aw and national government; regis
ter nn oath of hostility to the Amer
ican nation and bring the name and
fame of the good people of Utah Into
disrepute and shame nnd humiliation
to the American people I submit thnt
such an organization Is not entitled
to have It representative In In sen
ate of the United States, nnd I there
fore nsk the adoption of the resolu
Henry Watterton Banquettad at Ken
tuoky Dinner in New York.
NEW YORK, Dec. It-Henry Wat-
teraoa waa th guest of honor tonight
at tha annual dinner given by tha
Kentucky Society of Now York, John
O. Carllwa presided. Among mow
present were John Fox, Melville K.
Stone. August Thomaa ana ex-uov-
arnor rranci of MuwourL Mark
Twain tent a letter of regret In which
he stated that hit health prevented hla
attendance. H concluded: "May
Watterson long keep hi auperfiuity of
health. ince It come Of bit being
about the' best man In the country
at th present time,, and I think the
only one without ln."
Report That Western Company Ha
Purchased San Francisco Outfit.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. . 11. Tha ,
Call ay today. Report reached Ban
Francisco yesterday that negotiation j
art pending in New Tork for the tale j
of the Pacific Oa and Elwtrlc Com-j
pany, the local gas trust, to the
Western Por Company, a corpora
tion allied with the Western Pacific
Railroad, preliminary detail were
icuwed In New Tork at .a, recent
meetin g"f representative of the ga
company, and Edwin K. Hawiey, of
the Western Power Company. The
consummation of the aie, It I stated,
wait upon the action of the local stock
holder of the ga corporation.
In addition to It extensive holding
in the city of San Francisco, the gft
corporation own a system of power
house and electric railway In the
northern counties of tha state. AH
these are to b Included In the tale.
$K00 Dress Goods 81c.
All wool ranatuas in W and 51-Inch
widths, the best wearing fabric made
tor walking suits, etc. $1.50 grade for .
$1.19; $1.25 grade for 08c, and the $1.00
gTade for Hlc.
Silk Department.
For this week we offer 2,800 yards of
all silk Japs, for linings and fancy work;
come in 2i and 25 inch widths; very
special, the yard at..;....,...........,...'....... 25c
Crepe De Chines for
Du Barry Scarfs. .
This is the favorite fabric for these
faddish scarfs, and we have the most
complete assortment possible, at the!
yard. $l.00$l.25 nad $1.50
Women's $1 Underwear 85c
White or natural Merino pants and
vests, medium weight goods, sells regu
larly for $1.00 the garment, special for
this week only at :,..,.Z.lp...... S5c
Women's Black Cashmere Hose, for
this week only at ,....25c
Women's fine ribbed Cashmere I lose -.
for this week only at .......... ... 40c
Full assortment of Fleischner's Knit
ting Yarn .25c skein
Big selection of Challis Ginghams
and Calicoes 4c the yard
The best assortment of Ladies' and
Children's cloaks and suits in Astoria,
from $2.50 up to $35.00 each
Astoria Agents for Royal
Worcester Corsets.
Buy "someone" a Fur Scarf "or set of
Women's velvet Costumes. Rednced
one fourth.
Special Lace Sale
Mw-hlln tnd MHt In com
ptett U; splendid for trimming to
many of tht llttl thing you'll b
making for pratly Chrlaltna gift,
priced Uk tht:
H-lnch width. pr ytrd....... It
Vlnrh ,,,,h toT Jrr4, 1J 18
1-lnch width, yrd..,.tSt 1S tnd
Mechlin Iacm and Insertion.
paclally tulttblt for tht trimming f
fin kerehidf. waiatt or any MiicU
that nd tht application of filmy,
foamy lace.
See These Herchiefs
All Unen Karcblaft trtth tmbroidtrtd
nnd hmtl'ch4 tdgat ISo, 23 Ma
nnd up from ....,..... 80
tnlUal Ktrehlaft of part ttneB, Rlch
nrdoa't makt, hmstttcbedi SSt
' ttch, or a boa of U for.'. t'-25
Flnt tnltlti Ittrchtaf, hmtltched,
' So grtde. bog Of ttl for........1-S0
Bamatttchtd naadkarehUft, purt 11a
an, special value at JSt 29oi 20a,
17a, tSt, 1?,r and... . ......... ...10t
Coiortd Check Ktrchiefa, tht latett
fad la wonva't hsndktrebfcf, tplan
did aaaortmant, special values at
Elastic Belts
That' tbt ntwtt and that tr among
tha beat; tnadt tn tha aatl-ttuddtd
affect, coin In whit, black or col
ored and setting up from tUS
Soarf and Boaawaf Ottrkh fatlhtra,
la black, whit or color, every on
a tpaclal valu; price up from 115.00
Ribbon Specials
MMao and mile of Ribbon at thtt
grant Ribbon atort. Holiday timt call
for ribbon for to many things, Tou'd
batter com bar today bant on ribbon
buying. ,. . .
No. L all tilk Ribbon, par yard,... 2a
Or the plect of 19 yard for,. ..IS
No. in Ribbon, all tllk the. yard., S
Or tht pltct of 19 yard for..25t
No, t Ribbon, all tllk. tht yard for Sit
Or tht piece of 10 yard for....S0e
. . .,. . 4 ....... , . ,
Astoria's Foremost Dry Goods, Suit and Silk House.
Rebecca Taylor Published, Article Rf
': fleeting on Praatdant.
WASHINGTON, ' Dec. It The Su
preme Court of the United State ha
dismissed for want of Jurisdiction the
case of Rebecca 3. Taylor, a clerk in
the War Department, who wa dis
missed from the tervlce by Secretary
Root In J902, for publishing a news
paper article, In which she cast re
flection upon the President of the
United States, v
Professor of Ohlt Univtrsity Will
Maka Students Pay.
CHICAOO, Dec. II. A dispatch to
th Record-Herald from Kenton, O..
aayt: .;; .
. President Albert F.dwln Smith of the
Ohio Northern Vntveralty at Ada, ha
decided to require ny student that he
discover to be a smoker to py Hj
per term mor tuition than thoae who
do not us th weed. In chapel yes
terday Dr. Smith aald;
"All pipe tmoker nd cigarette
tmokert, and In fact ail mokra of
tobacco to any form, will ba taxed ft
per term more than other In the fu
ture. Thl extra tuition I to be a
licence for tht habit." ,
NEW TORK, Dec. 11. A Times spe
clai cnb!s dispatch from Tannlor y
Rnisull ha Informtd tho Moorish or
fldaJ thnt after conferring with the
mountain tribes, he wn prepared to
march upon Tangier nt tho .bead of
15,000 prrnf (1 ?foor and drive into the
sea nnd massacre every Christian In
that place.
all saloon nnd drinking shop or
other places whor liquor are sold are
required by law to close and remain
closed between tho hour of 9 a. m
and 6 p. m.. on Wednesday, the 12th
day of December, 1908, Bald day and
time being declared the time for hold,
ing a general election of . officer for
the City of Astoria,
Chief of Tolled
New York Carpenter Will
Inoraattln Wag. ,
NEW YORK, Dec. 11, Seventeen
thousand member of the United
Brotherhood of CarpeHor of thl city
will dumand an increase In wage from
$1,110 to $5 a day, A conferenoo for
a readjustment of the tenia began yot-
terday. , - ' '
OAKIJIND. Dec, 11. Attacked In a
bunkhouse on a ranch In Ban Leandro,
a Japanese laborer and hi wife were
shot" to death yesterday by a follow
countryman, who then committed sui
cide by 'shooting himself through the
, Tot Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hat a Always Bought
To our dear sister. Lady Gray, and
Jio It resolved, that tho ladle of
Carnation Hive No. 29, I O, T. M., of
Hammond, Oregon, extend to you and
your family their most heartfelt sym
pathy in your great lo,' ,
' Whereas, It ha pleased the Almighty
God to lake from our midst one so
respected nnd honored a lllrnm Gray,
. Be It reaolveflj that a copy of thae
resolution be placed on flic, and, one
copy be ent to tha local papers, and
on to IMy Gray, v '
Uuiiry FleckenNtein and wife to
T. J. Haycog,
James Flnlayxon to O. Wlngatt,
lot and block property In At
torla and 8easld
(enstein ana wire to
rcox, lot 9, block I, J j
... ....... i5i i
For twenty yeart W. I Rawls, of
Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh,
Ha write: "Tbt swelling and sort
ness Inside my nose wat fearful, till
I began applying Bucklen't Arnica
Salve to tha tort surface; thl caused
the aoreness and swelling to disappear,
never to return.? Best tnlvt In
Istonce. 25c at Cha. Rogtrt, Druggist.
Dadt't Llttl Liver Ptlli thorough
ly clean tht system, good for laty liv
er, make clear complexions, bright
ye and happy thought.
, Sold by Frtnk Hart' Drug Store.
Pine Salve Carhollzed acta ilka t
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Eczema, for chapped hands
and llpti, cuts, burn.
Sold by Frank ITart'a Drug, Stort.
ssllsr !
Coughs, V
Colits. Cress, 1
Cush, tto.
iVsQtitl... .ti
Klionl Par I
Food and
Dim Uwjf
AUeoueh syrass eontalslit epUtes aMslh
s.v I
aisves tas bowil sal oouuins so ovate.