THE MORNING -ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER .11, 190i STREET ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Eleventh Street from tha South HM of Franklin Avenue te tht North lint of Harrlten Avenue. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ' the assessment made for lmtrvliur 11th street from the South line of Franklin avenue to the North line of Harrison avenue, as per asstesMnent roll number 134, was made by an or dor of the common council, due and payable' on the SSth day of December. A. D. 1S04, by ordinance number S$S, . confirming said assessment roll, that the following are the names of the - persons against wrora the assessment Is made and the amount owing by eooh, to-wlt: " . ' Allen, A. V... ..15155 Bergman, ' Anna C . 40.47 BabbMg. Julia . 28.95 Babbldgo, J. W..,..,.. ......... K.SO Bufflngton MerllU J .0! DeLln. Matt ..." '. TW ...... . A " runon, j. a....... Pulton, Virginia E 1SS.TS Fulton, C W... 23.73 Ferguson. J. E... 81-89 First Presbyterian Church I04.S9 Flavel Mary C... 5.7 Flavel, Nellie 21.99 Flavel, Kate...... 21.91 Havel, Geo. C . 22.25 Gerdlng. E. L. A.,.. SS.QS Hoefler, Anna .................. (7.43 Mansell. J. H.......... 134 30 Nordstrom, John S.75 Su'prenant, J. W, Hetra of.... 153.55 Wilkinson "VT. O. vlngate, G ., . . ......... Wise, Herman ,, Wise, Sarah City of Astoria (Excess). , 134.87 2S2.39 35.95 22.94 47.79 By order of the common council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Dated December 11. 190. lot I STREET ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Eighth Street from Center line of Ken sington to a point 55 feet south of the North line of Niagara avenue. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the assessment made for Improving Eighth street from the center line of Kensington avenue to a point 55 feet South of the North line of Niagara avenue, as per assessment roll num ber 133, was made by an order of the common council due and payable on the J8th day of December, A. D. 1901, by ordinance number JS3, confirming said assessment roll, that the follow ing are the names of , the persons against whom the assessment Is made and the amount owing by each, to-wit: Allen Albert E. ........ .......$ 3.21 Armstrong. Johnson 19.25 Boelling, v......,........;;..,., g.4 Boelling, V., Trustee 28.87 Brown, Margaret 3.21 Badollet, Dora i.... ..... ...... 1.60 Badollet. Paul 1.81 Carney, F. J..,..,... ........ , 8.42 Cyrus. A. R. ... ........ ,.,...'23.87 Cunningham, R. B... .........' 8.42 Hawthorn, Mont ti.Sl Hammond Lumber Co 48.12 Howell, Jenny B... .... ..I. ... . 1.61 Krosel, Frederick 57.75 Logan, W. C... ............... 28.87 Mallory A. H.. !.....,.. 9.62 Munson! O. J.,........,,...,.. 28.88 ' Megler, Mina A.... 9.62 Nelson, Laura..,..,. 6.42 Oliver, A. P. .............. 8.42 Parker, H. B...... ........ 28.87 Rogers Trust Co 19.25 Schenk, A. A.. 28.87 Sloop, Mrs. Bertha L. ......... . 19.25 Stevens, George Trulllngcr, Georgia... . i.go Thompson, Mary P., Thompson, Proctor; Thompson, Dorothy; Thompson Clifton 6.42 Wilson Oscar F. 19.25 Wagner, Cordelia Robb 9.62 Wright, Alfred W. 28.87 Wilson, Joseph B. ............. . 9.62 Ziegler, Myra A....... 4.gj By order of the common council OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Dated December 11, 1906. lot STREET ASSESSMENT NOTICE. ! Bond Street, from a point 15 feet west .of the East line of 42nd street, to ' the west line of 44th 8treet. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT - the Assessment made for Improving Bond street from a point 15 feet went 'oi the East jine or iznd' street to' the West line of 44th street, wag made by an order of the common council due and payable on the 28th day of De cember, A. D. 1906, by ordinance num ber 3337, confirming said assessment roll, and that the following are the names of the persons against whom the assessment Is made and the amount owing by each, to-wit: Foard, Martin , ..$247.50 Flavel Nellie .................. 135.00 Fisher Land Co. 270.00 Fredrlrkson, Theresa 22.50' Larson, Hons 33.71 Mdtaovmn, J, P.Y., .....v.... S01.&0 Putton, Frank. TrusteeU. ...... , 90.00 Stversen, Adolph . . , ... ...... . . 33,75 Tongue Point Lumber Co....... T,5 City of Astoria (Excess) $44.30 By order of the common council OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor ami Police Judge of the City of Astorhi, Oregon. Dated December U. 1904. 101 STREET ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Fourteenth Street, from South lint of .Franklin Avenue to the North line of Grand Avenue. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Mhe assessment made for Improving 14th street from the South line Frkltn avenue fa the North line Grand avenue M per assessment roll number 135, waa made by an order the common council due and payable on the JSth day of December. A. u. 190. by ordlmuice number 33S8. con firming ld aseeswwnt roll, that h following are , the name of the per sona against whom the assessment Is made and the amount owing by eneh. to-wlt: Brown, C. S i...... 3334.81 Elmore, Samuel 289 ii Kamm. Jacob 289,10 Kuettner, M. 8,... TWO Patton. Maud S T3.30 Wood, Mrs. a F.............W I81.M Wilkinson Real Estate Co, 125.13 By order of the common council OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City Of Astoria, Oregon. Dated December 11, 1908. lOt CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE THERE IS MONEY IN the City-Treasury to pay all way rants Indorsed from the 1st day of September, 190S. to and Including Oc tober 31. 1905. Interest will cease after this date THOS. DEALEY, ; Oty Treasurer. Astoria, Ore., Dec 4, 1908. lS-S-10t NOTICE OF INTENTION , TO IM PROVE COLUMSIA AVENUE. NOTICbTh HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Common Council of the Oty of Astoria has declared its determina tion and Intention to Improve Colum bia Avenue from the West end of Bond 8treet to a point 102 feet South of the South line of Taylor Avenue to the width of SO feet upon the line that tald street Is now Improved and on the established grade thereof. From the center line of the Wert end of Bond street to a point 180 feet South' erly therefrom; the Improvement ehall consist of removing all the old deck in; and hand rati and replacing the same with new decking and hand railing. The decking to bo 4 by 13 Inches, 30 feet long, and from said point 160 feet Southerly from the West end of Bond street for a distance of 60 feet Southerly, the improvement shall consist of removing all the old decking, stringer caps and posts and planking and under-plnnlng the street to the width of 30 feet, and from said point 220 feet South of the cen ter line of Bond street to said point 102 feet South of the South line of Taylor Avenue, the improvement shall consist of removing alt the old deck ing, caps and stringers and grading the street to the established grade, and planking the same with planks 4 by 12 Inches to the width of 30 feet That the costs and expenses of con structing said improvement shall be defrayed by special assessment upon the lots, lands and premises benefitted by the same which said lots, lands and premises are Included in the special assessment district Including ail lots, lands and premises to benefitted, to wlt: ;.. Lots 4, 7, 8, , 10, 11, It II and 14, in Block 1, Taylor! Astoria, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7a S, , 10 and 11 in Block 2, in Taylor's Astoria, as laid out and recorded by tha Penin sular Land and Trust Company, and also the following described real es tate, to-wit: Commencing at the Northeast cor ner of Lot 6, In said Block 1, in Tay lor's Astoria, and running thence North to the South line of Bond street; thence West along the South line of Bond street to the West end thereof thence South along the East ern line of Lot 8, in Block 1, Taylor's Astoria 126.5 feet;, thence East along the North line of Lots 7 and 6 In said Block 1 in Taylor's Astoria to the point of beginning. Also beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 12 In Block 2, in Taylor's Astoria and run ning' thence North to the Tier Head line on the South side of the Colum bia River and running thence Easterly along said Pier Head line, to a point where the snme would be intersected by the West line of Lot 4, in Block 1 In Taylor's Astoria, extended on a straight line, thence South to the North line of Bond street; thence Went along the North line of Bond street to the West end thereof and thence along the North tint of Block 1 In Taylor"1 Astoria to the point of beginning. OIiOF ANDER80N, Auditor and Police Judgt of the City of Astoria. , 12-l-lOt NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD r Or EQUALIZATION. NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT special tMeMment roll number 1ST, tttdt tor the purpose of defraying the wtt and txptniea of Improving nd avenue from tht wit lint of ii ttrtet to tht west lint of tth t it hat been filed with tht Auditor av "Mllce Judge, and numbered pt ;,ts 1 cessment roll number 1ST, and lat tht commlttet on Uret , and .ublto way hat been appointed a com mtttet of tht council to tit with tht board of aaeewort to examine, correct .nd wjuu tht tamt, and that Thuro 'ay. 13th day of December, A. D i0, tht hour of I O'clock p. t h tht vancll chamber! or tnt city tall. V'f. ten fixed at tha time and pc ih meeting of tald board ofcquhUxru u. objections to. said assemmo t presented In wrlttnt. OU T ANDERSON. Auditor ana '. . V f of tht city of Attorn. Dated Attot'. Vk . Novtmbtr 17. HOC 1W NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT special assessment roll number 131, made for tht purpose of defraying the costs and expenses of Improving Niagara avenue from a IT fett east of tht west Una of Ith ttrtet to tht center lint of .'.h ttrtet hat been filed wttb tht Auditor and Fotlct Judge and nmbered s peels! attetament roll number 138. and that tht commlttet on streets and publla ways has been appointed a committee of tht council to tit with tht hoard of attestors to txamtat, correct and equalise tht aamt and that Thursday, tht 13tb day of December, A. D, 1901. at tht how of 1 o'clock p. nw to tht council chain bert of tht city hall, hat beta fixed at tht ttmt tad place of tht meeting of tald board of tquallxation. All ob jection to said assessment, mat be presented In writing. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Fotlct Judgt of tht city of Attorta. Dated Astoria, Oregon, Novtmbtr IT. 1908. Mt NOTICE OF MEETING t ' I 0 OF EQUALIZA "10 NOTICE IS HEREBY CIA : 't a special assessment roll". 1 made for tht purpose of det 1 " coste and expenses of i - Bond and Sixth street croesh. Vs been 'filed with the Auditor au I t lice Judge, and numbered tpech' cessment roll number 140, and h'. the committee on streets and punllt ways hat been appointed a commit tee of, tht council to tit with the board of aatessort to examine, correct and equalixe tht. tame, and that Thursday, tht 13th day of December, A. D. 1908. at tht hour of 1 o'clock p. m., in tht council chambers of the city hall, has been fixed at tht time and frlace of tht meeting of tald board of equalization. All objections to said assessment must be presented In writing. .. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judgt of tht city of Astoria. ,:: Dated Attorta, f Oregon, November 47, 1908. ' , 10t NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD , OF EQUALIZATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT special assessment roll number 139, made for tht purpose of defraying tht coste and expenses of. Improving Kensington avenue from a point ten feet east of tha center lint of 8th ttrtet to tht west lint of 11th afreet, hat been filed with tht Auditor and Police Judgt, and numbered special assessment roll number 139, and that tht committee on streets and public ways has been appointed a commit tee of the council to sit with the board of - 1 to examine, correct and ev:J5 " - ' "aio and : Hint Thursday 1 e llth day of December, A. D, If '8, t ',. our of 2 o'clock p. m., In J "un.U chambers of the city hall, h-u eon ilxed ss the time and place o. (he nee.':''.' of snld board of equalltfltlc t. . 0 faction to said assessment mj. t' pm'ented in writ ing. .J O 1 AT "DEP. SON,' Auditor and Pohtt 1. Ve f the city of Astoil.'i. Daled Astoria. . . . f 'ember 27, 1906. . 10t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. 'B!JJ.iliiL...i..i!l,iliffill..H WANTEDGOOD COOK. I lews fjLom Vant-Adville HELP WASTED. WAITED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Experience not neces sary.' Address Mrs. H. L. Steele, Fort Stevens, Oregon. tlS-U'3l WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN of fUr education to travel en c"' lect for firm of 3$0,00 capital. Sl ary, $1,073 per year and expens. Sal ary paid weekly and expense ad vanced; inferences required. Address, with ttamp, J. A. Alexander, Attorta, Ore. . 13-U-St WANTED GENTLEMAN Oil LADY of fair education to travel for mer cantllt house of large capital. Terri tory at home or abroad, to tulL Week ly salary of 11,000 per year and ex pensea. Address, Joseph A. Alexan der, Astoria. Ore. ll-ll-St WANTED BUSINESS UKB LA- diet to call at ITt Commercial BU Room 111, and Invettigatt business proposition. 1 11-T-tt AGENTS CANVASSERS, MIXERS, peddlers, solicitors, mail order peo ple, ett. should buy KRAMER'S BOOK OF TRADE SECRETS. Regu lar p ice 15, but bal of last edition for IMS at long as they latt Guar anteed. Order quick. Sioux Pub. Co.. Sutherland, Iowa. t 11-IS-tf WAnEl--vSALraME!J. JklANY MAKE $100 to $1S0 per month. Soma even more. Stork clean 1 grown on Rwer vatlim, far from old orchard. Cssli advanced weekly. Choli-e of territory. Address Washington Nurtery Compeny, Toppnish, Wellington.' 0 23 tf WANTItTWO GOOD SUBSCRIP tlon eolicltort to work. First class proposition, good pay. Apply Astorian office. , . ' , FOR KENT. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM FLAT, IN quire at C M. Cuthberth't, corner Commercial and 9th 8U U-ll-tf FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM FLAT. IN quirt at C IS. Cuthberth't, cor. Com mercial and 9th streets. li-$-tf FOR RENT A LODGING HOUSE, partly furnished for rent Apply At torlan olTlce. .l-2-7t FOR RENT TWO NICELY , FUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms, with bath. 414 Exchange St ll-30-tf FOR RENT .TEN-ROOM HOUSE AT Ma 183 Suomi Avenue. Apply to Victor AlroU. . lt-4-tf FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED rooms. $5.00 each per month, In nlra 173 Exchanat street. 11-14-tf FOR BALE, FOR SALE CHEAP IF TAKEN toon, good hotel, furnished, well es tablished business; good locality. Ad dress Mrt. J. Hughes, Nahcotta, wash. 11-20-tf FOR SALE FRUIT AND CONFEC tlon ary store on Commercial street Tnnnii-. at Astorian office. tf FOR SALEGOOD LOT OF SHOW : oases, counters, shelving. 4 Apply No 117 Pronklln Ave. 12-11-lw " MISCKLLAHEOTJS. TO OWNERS Of TIMBER CLAIMS and timber We will buy for CASH any good timber tributary to Neha lem River. . Will i deal . with owners only. No others need annwer. Wrlto, giving, full particulars, to Box 8, TJ. p, fjtatlon, Portland, Oregon. BOB DAVIS UPHOLSTERING AND repair work. Mattrensos made over on snort notice. t your homes. Ap: nlv Parker House. ,. ' ' 13-2-7t SABKI.LA waa a bride, Knew well how to cook! WMtt't any doubt of that! Learned it from a book. tsnbella baked a batch: BteouUe, "Urldey" tried. When she took tht biscuits out, Inftbolla crltd, "Never mind," tald Hubby dear, "Throw away your book! Went-Ad vllle,1 most certainly, ; Must contain a cook!" Ib5 -svtrtUed Qot (ood cook next dy, Ctok't been with her three long yean, Looks like the will stay. MORAL) Advertise your wantt In Tht At tor Ian. jjtjjummmwMimmm. LOST AND FOUND. L08T-A RED VELVET HAND BAG with a brta top, lost between 11th tnd 15th ttretta Return to Aetorlaa ofnoe and receive reward. U-l-tf . NOTICE. Astoria. Ore. Nov. 13. 1901; Notice Is hereby given that tht rt ular annual meeting of tht stockhold er! of tht Columbia River Packers' A toctatton will bt held at tht offict of tht company at Astoria, Oregon, on December 10, 1901. at 11 o'clock a re fer tht purpose of electing directors and tht transaction of. tuch olhte butlntet htt may properly bt con sidered. GEO. 11 OEOROSt Beeretary, U-39-1M , NICK PAPAZQERES, THE GREEK DIVER. baa just received a new diving ma chine from tht old country. Dives from IS to $0 fatbomt In shallow wa ter; stays down halt ,a day at a time Leave ortlert at 41T Bond St, Market or D. Falangot, Clifton. PROPOSALS. NOTICE FOR BIDE. Btda art hereby asked for tht com pletion of the superstructure and in terior finish of tht new Court House. Bldt to Include wiring and plumbing, but not heattug. Said building to be compteted In accordance with the plans and specifications on flit In the county clerk's office. All now on hand and paid for by tht county to bt considered by the bidders. Bid dors to enclose certified check in the sum of t per cent of their bid that they Will enter Into contract alien pro vision for payment It made. Bids to bt filed with the county clerk on or before December 15. 190$. Tht court reserves tht right to reject any or all bide. By order of the County Court J. C CLINTON. County C'V, Astoria, Oregon. November 9, l:id :: 1M0-8M '., PROFESSIONAL CAROi. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HOWARD M. BROWN ELL, Attorney -el-Law. Office with J. A. Eakln, el No. 420 Commercial $tu Astoria, CBAS. & ABEBCROMBIE, 1 Attorney-et-Lsw. General Practitioner, Notary Publla Rooms 85 S$ Piont Main C051. Fagt Block, Cor, Commercial ft 12th St, OSTEOPATHISTI, DK. SEODA C. HICKS OSTFXJrATH Office ManseK Bid. , Phone Black 10CB $78 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore. DENTI8T5. Un. VAUQITAN, Dkn'itst" Fytliitio Ilnlldinit, Antoria, Oregon. . Dr. W, 0. IOOAN DENT) 81 78 Commercial Bt., Slmnnlmn Bnilding msic TEAcnxs, VTANTKO TURKIC MUHIO rUflLS. luqulrt ai AtiorlM offlee. UAKDBUN LESSONS 0,IVltN-M2S. u U. Bttwsrt. m 3eveata ttntl BUSINESS DIRECTORY BOA1DIR0. TEELEYEE, .i: Roont with or without board rate reeeonabltt good ' modtttoa for tmnsitni. 14th and Commeretsl. H0OSI MOVIES. ieeBets'peatsjpeetsistsisjse- rilEDRKOtPON BKOft we make a peclalty of bouse wovleg, carpenters, eofttractori aral Jobbln proajpt at tention U iB ordtn. Ooratr TaU 8 Doant, -r tf LATRDEI13. BUTTON HOLE AT THE BACK. Your experltnct with It fcai to doubt . doU. Ingto lead to muck matiot, possibly tnlty. Brokt year Engtnalt trylo pry It ap fraea tht neck band, taf W - 1 i. k . . . , .... , . . w won ntTt inti tnei viper let et u you tend your skirts to uj we tan yoa thlt trouble, tad danger of tearlnf the tilrt Try nt and tee, MOT LAUlfDET, ' Testk tod Dtiaat 8ta Fhtat ibi wum.i B.untutumMJim'nm UNDERTAKERS. J. A. QtLBAl'OII ft CO, Undertaken and KmbalnMra. rhont Mala Bill. Cor. It and Duant.' Ut-tf .RESTAUPANTB. FIHST-CI.ASS MEAL lor 15c j nice cake, coffoo, pie, or dougbnula, So, at U. 8. RcaUur Eat 434 Bond SL BEST 15 CENT MEAL. Yon cab alwayi flud tlie best !5-;6ut meal in Uie city at th Rising Sua Restaurant 612 OomuierciaJSt. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND Flees Hotel In tht North west PORTLAND, ORE. JAPANESE COODS. INEXPENSIVE tAPANfret; miwr.o. Mintr rta na. BOO, LIGHT, STKONO, BARD MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIES, ( WBIT VATB tlAAtr4frjn onviw 1 UA'VAd tUVVWA4fcO OilftM V ISO, ETC, Ynknhama : Ravaatt 1211 Commercial Bt, Astoria. ( WINE3, LIQU0BS ABD CIGAES. THE SAVOY Popular Cooeert Hall Good inuslo. AU art wtleomt. Cee er Semtk and Aster. Eagle Concert Hall 320 'ii tor 8L The leading amuiement house. " Ageoey for Edison Pbonogrspfcs asd Oold Moulded Records. P. A. PETERSON,' Prop. W ' a 0SE00V Cerriet the Finett Lint of Wines, Liquors f. .l.':nd;.:';;,;.;: s Cigars ' CALL 'AND SEE-US ;.i ii tin mi I 4 BOND ST., ' I ASTORIA, '5 .