The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 11, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Established 17$.
Published Dally Swept Monday by
By mall, 'per ) .17.00
By carrier, per month.. ........ .00
mall, per year, in advano; .1.00
Entered m aKoad-ebua matt July
(MM, at the prUm l Astoria, Ore
taiUt ot MMTCht,
trOiWn ftrttw MnvBit TS Mow
anmowiatoaUlMr rartkao or plan ot
bmtiKiM I J poMi oard or
throng We Wn. ar trwfolarity la
Bmr dMwU fee awlJaWj wported to ts
oflloot puUfcattoa.
OffleUI paper of Clatsop oouoVy and
Ike City of AtturU.
4) Western Oregon and "Wash-
tag-ton Occasional rain.
It strikes ss a bit anmwug that
Pilot Olney of the stamer LurHna,
recently sunk In the Columbia river
at Rainier, while in collision with the
steamer Cascades, should be punished
by a beggerly thirty-day suspension.
If he was guilty ot throwing his
steamer, laden with a score or more
of sleeping passengers and a good lot
ot valuable freight, across the bows
of the, steamer Cascades and) sub
jecting them to the perilous chance of
death In more ways than one, he de
serves the utter limit of the law's re
prisal and should have been barred
for life from handling the wheel of
any vessel afloat, in these waters, or
beyond them. The officers of the Cas
cades are not even involved m the
blame nor penalty; therefore, Kane Ol
ney is wholly and solely responsible
for the accident that sank his
steamer and all but engulfed his peo
ple. The decision Is a howling farce
and smacks of the littleness of con
temptible prejudice In places where no
prejudice is supposed to exist. The
fact of the business is, he is made the
cape-goat of an affair In which he
was willing to take his own share of
blame, which share would not nearly
cover the limit of responsibility in the
case. The bagatelle of punishment
meted out to htm Is proof positive that
he is practically guiltless of blame,
and is dealt out to him in such meas
ure as will obviate an appeal on his
pan, or me part or his owners; a
recourse as mean as the spite that
prompted punishing him In the first
place. "
: o
The coming session of the Oregon
legislature should be made almost
remarkable for the genuineness of the
work done there, for Oregon and Ore
gonlans. There are Illimitable ways
in which an honest and faithful legis
lator may work for, and achieve, the
largest measure of real common good.
.and surely the state needs it It Is
to be hoped that, just once, the real
needg of the commonalty will be at
tended to; that the railways, the cor
porations, the combinations, will be set
aside and the bulk of thought and ac
tion directed In the Interest of the
people. For the sheer sake of the odd
experience, let us have one legisla
tive session, devoted to the wants of
ffmHA Vhrt Antnnllv wont nA A
. " ...,. nuu ucmt TU,
the broadest consideration of the men
they have sent there to serve them.
The old story of truckling to the
"vested interests" stinks In the nos
trils of the people of this state, and
the opportunity to do something pop
ular, wholesome, honest and conclus
ively .good for the people, should not
be lost" We know it Is almost assin
Ine to indulge in such vain longings.
but we risk the charge in the vague
hope that there are hearts and minds
among the ninety at Salem,
fresh and clean enough, to do & con.
spicuous measure of work for the vot
ers who sent them there, rather than
for the men and the concerns that are
reputed to own the state, and state
house, too. : , . ,
Tomorrow will be held the municipal
election that la to give the. pvui'lo of
Astoria a now mayor, city attorney and
three councilman, anil, pwhnpn, some
new and essential law tor lncorpora'
tlon Into th charter, s That It U a
liy-etectton does not In' tit (vast de.'
tract tor Ha ' Importance, Let " every
honest clltstm get : out and declare
himself, It only to show thnt ho htt
much Interest In nts city ana It gov
trnment.1 The men nnuil tor officers
are all good men, known and tried
and proven, and It will be no sort ot
compliment It they are sent Into pub
He service with a mere wave ot the
hand, ea It were: they are entitled to
Just at pronounced and cordial a
send-oft at though they were factors
in the blKgest ot general elections. Give
It to them; and while you art at It,
rote for any of the fifteen amend
ments submitted by the chartor-com-
mtsslon, you. may like, but riddle that
one ot them, that would make the
Water Commission ot Astoria a mere
political machine, and tear down the
work of years and conscientious effort;
tt la not wise to warp this municipal
department from Its free, clean and
decent status, Into the dirt and turmoil
ot local politics; It would be mere
than a mistake, It would be a dellb
erala sin against municipal decency
and an Irreparable blunder. In a finan
cial and governmental sense. The fact
ot the business Is, that the passage of
this blundering and vicious amend
ment wilt be met with a legal insist
ence that will hold the whole list of
amendments up In the air for years,
while the courts are determining the
tMues that will he raised against Its
There are in the United States more
than sixty million acres of swamp
lands. Now that the agricultural lands
are becoming scarce and the govern
ment can show what it can do to wa
ter the barren deserts of the west, the
people of the country are beginning
to realise that the government might
be equally, successful In removing su
perabundant water. The fact has been
established that by drainage these
waste swamp lands may be rendered
habitable and productive. Since the
government has set aside millions of
dollars for the reclamation of the des
ert lands of the arid west through the!
agency ot Irrigation, this fact Is spe
cially Interesting, for the vast swamps
of the lower Mississippi valley and of
Florida, of the Sacramento valley of
California, of northern Minnesota and
the southeastern coastal plains are
now the only great remaining sources
of future agricultural land.
This poem Is unknown but a Kan
sas paper vouches for its excellence:
"The rose that smells the sweetest Is
the first to fade. The boy who runs
the fastest Is the one to soonest jade.
The brightest of the evenings has the
gloomiest dawns. The man who buys
the biggest yards must cut, the biggest
lawns. The apple that Is the biggest
has the fattest worm of all The fel
low who gets on In life is sure to
have a fall. The soup that looks the
clearest is the first to show' the flies.
The fellow who would sell the goods
must advertise. The henhat lays the
largest egg will be the first to set. And
things we always hanker for are the
last we get The simplest way is al
ways best, yet we pass it by, to dabble
with the tinseled things that fool and
catch the eye."
' A Japanese woman's age can be told
from her dress.
" i p
Potash put down a drain pipe will
prevent a plumber's bllL
To get even with the wrongdoer you
must drop to his leveL
People who easily boll over do little
toward washing the world.
A spoiled child is not so much to
blame; It did not choose Its parents.
o ,. .
It takes an unmarried womafl to tell
you how a husband should be disci
plined. .
For the sake of your children strive
to know something about everything.
"A merry heart doeth good like a
medicine; but a "broken spirit drleth
the bones."
Did you ever notice that the size of
trouble depends on whether At is com
lng or going?
Teach children the law of kindness.
That Is needed all through life and
'Raw eggs are nourishing and are
healthful and have proven beneficial
In cases of nervousness.
A second-hand " Vuuio, good for Us
age, goo for $100, on IS monthly. It
was exchanged In on one of the beau
tiful new ones we are wiling. A
nearly new organ (exchanged In, too.)
goes for tSS on IS payments, to move
It out ot the way quickly.
But you will most likely prefer one
of the splendid new Klraballs; or
Crown, .Schumann, Clarendon, Had
dorf. or Marshall 4 Wfndull, Terms
hardly felt Prices never objected to,
when yon what you are gutting
tor your money, Wo have a carload
of Instruments displayed on sale.
We want you to look them over; no
trouble to order If we haven't what
you want In slock.
Open till p. m. evenings.
424 Commercial Pt
Ward A Cyrus, Salesmen. '
Kidney Disease Are Toe Dangsrous
for Astoria People Neglect.
The great danger ot kidney trouble
Is that they get a firm bold before
the sufferer recognises them. Health
Is gradually undermined. Backache,
headache, nervousness, lamenes", ore
nw. lumbngo, urinary troubles, drop
sy, diabetes and Bright' disease fol
low in merciless succession. Don't
neglect your kidney. Cure the kid
ney with the certain and safe remedy,
txmn's Kidney Pills,' which ha cured
peoplp -right her In Astoria.
J. Federsen, longshoreman, living at
SIS Commercial street, Astoria, Ore-
ron. say: Tor twenty year I was
afflicted In one way or another with
kidney trouble, suffered a great deal
or pain and In the small ot the rack
and was continually tired and ,ner
voua I bad occasional headaches and
also 'a blurring ot the eyesight Every
time I took cold tt settled In the kid
ney and added to my troubles, the
secretions at uch time being irreg
ular and containing sediment. My
rest wa much disturbed, at night on
thla account . I began taking Dean's
Kidnev Pill, procured it Charles
Rodger drug store, and found unex
pected relief, 'for which I am very
For sale by all dealers. Price t0
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan' and
take no other.
J. Vl Waterman, of Watertown, O
Rural free delivery, writes; "My,
itauirhiAr. afflicted for years with eni
lpsy, was cured by Dr. King" New
Life Pills, s Khe ha not had an at
tack for over two years." Best body
cleaners and life giving tonic puis on
earth. 26c at Chaa Rogers' Drug
Bid are hereby asked for the board
lng ot the county prisoners during
tha jfear. 1007, Bald bids to state
price per meal delivered to Sheriff at
county Jail All bid to be filed with
the clerk by noon of Saturday, Dec
2, 10. Court reserving , the right
to reject any or ail bids. By order of
the County Court.
County Clerk.
Astoria, Ore., Dec. 6,' t90..
Here' I our condensed opinion of
th Original Laxative Cough Syrup
"Nearly all otas?- cough syrups are
constipating, especially thos contain
lng opiate. Kennedy's Laxative, (con
taining) Honey and Tar moves the
bowels. Contain no opiates. Con
forms to the National Pur Food and
Drug Law. : Sold by Chas. Rogers,
Tou need a tonio that will put the
sap of life Into your system and for
tlfy you from all diseases. Holllster's
Rocky Mountain Tea Is recognized as
the greatest strengthens known. Tea
or Tablets, 85 cents. For sale by
Frank Hart,
Twenty-five dollar reward will be
paid for Information leading to the
arrest and conviction of the person or
persons who dropped three of our
street are lamps in the street in TTp
pertown and Alderbrook on the night
of December 7 or the morning, of De
cember i. '
R. L. Sabin and wife tu R. T.
Pintt, 100 acres In Pactum SS-
Y-9 ...... . . , , , i . , . .. , i ,f
R, T. Piatt and wife to Crossett
Lumber Co.. M0 oro Section
8S-T-S .;. ..:.,..,...':f 'I
WYM, Urny to Cwsett Lumber .
Ok, T,U4 acre sevttonnl lands oO.OOO
V. C. Smith and wire to Anion
Tonee, lots and 10, block T
The Plata , , IJ0
P. P. Moore to A. W. IHslnger,
lets T uml 8, In block 8, Hlll'i
,1st Add. Ocean Grove
Mr. and. Mrs. Oust Sim! take this
moan ot expressing thejr heart-felt
gratitude to the Tongu Point Lumber
lng 'company and to th many m
ploye thereof, for their generous aid
and aasiatunc at th tbn ot th ac
cident which befell Mr. Blml at that
mill, and to My that thir generous
consideration will never be forgotten.
A complication of Femala troubles
with catarrh of th stomach and bow
els, had reduced Mrs Thoa B. Austin,
of Leavenworth, Indiana, to such a
deplorable condition, ' that her doctor
advised an operation: but her hus
band fearing fatal results, postponed
thla to try F.Iectrlo Bitter; and to
th amasement ot all who knew her;
this medicine completely cured her.
Guaranteed our tor torpid liver, kid
ney dtsease, btlliousnes. Jaundice,
chill and fever, general debility, ner
vousness and blood poisoning. Best
tonic mad Price too at Chaa Rog
er, (Druggist' .
Increase and $2.50 Round Trip Rat
via A. A C. R. R. I Popular.
Travel from this city to Portland
on Sunday at th low round trip rat
of S3 SO Is on th Increase snd many
enjoy that day In th metropolis each
week. This rate will be continued
throughout the winter and the volume
ot travel toward Portland vry Sun
day would Indlcat that th publlo
appreciates It - 11-l-tf
worth doing I worth doing well. It
you wish to be cured ot Rheumatism,
us Ballard's Snow Liniment and you
will be well cured. A posltlvs cur
for Sprains. Nuralgta, Bruises, Con
tracted Muscle, and all th Ills that
flesh Is heir to. A. O. M. Williams,
Navaaota, Texas, write:
1 have used ' Snow Liniment for
sprained ankle and It gave the best
of satisfaction. I always keep H In
the house," Hart Drug Stor.
Foley's Honey and Tar Cures the
most obstinate coughs and expels th
cold from th system, as It la mildly
laxative. It I guaranteed. Do not
risk taking any but the genuine In th
taking any but th genuine In th
yellow package.
Whofe Foot Nothing But Proud Flesh
Tried Different Physicians and
All Kinds of Ointments Could
Walk Only With Crutches-Ohio
Man Says i -
,. "In tha year 1899 the side of my
rieht foot was cut off from the little
toe down to the heel, and the physimun
wnouaacnar&ooi mo
was trying to sow up
the siilo of my foot,
but with no success.
When be found out
that wouldn't work,
he begun trying to
heal the wound with
all Ifltwlxnf ointment.
until at I nut mv whola
foot and way up
above my cau wa
nothing but ' proud
ttttuU I ntTjrAi tin
told agonies for four years, and tried
Ullicrt'liv yuynwmiia am .kmi
' ments. I could walk only with crutches.
It is sixteen months ago since 1 began
using Cuticura Soap and Ointment for
my limb and foot. The first two
months the Cutieura Remedies did not
seem to work, but I kept on twing thorn
both. In two week afterwards I saw a
change In my limb. Then I began using
Cutieura Soap and Ointment often dur
ing the day and kept it up for sovch
" months, when my limb waa healed up
just the same as if I never had trouble.
"It is eight months now since I
stopped using Cutieura Remedies, the'
best on OocFs earth. I am working
at the present day, after five years
of suffering. The cost of Cutieura
Ointment and Soap was only 90;
but the doctors' bills wore more like
800. You can publish my name and
refer any one to write to me about
Cutieura Rcmedios. I will answor all
letters if postago is enclosed. John M.
IJoyd, 718 8. Arch Ave., AUianoo, Ohio,
June 27, 1905."
OmpI'M Eitnritl mil Iirffmnl TiMtmutt for tint
fliiii.'.r, from I'lmpiM tu Hcrufulu, (! Intw) '""
enn.Miil of Oulteur donji, iWi., Oliilmi-nl, '.. HnoU
il,)ii. (lnfimiiofOhiirill()iilw! I'llli, !Bo. Pr vl!
titty), mtv I hid if ill ctniKplrt.. AlnKlf.otuftiout
PoHer n ;liem. Corp., Sulr Prop. Muiton.
mrUtlM Vim, " Uow to Ciui bkiu ami JIUkhI ilumon.
. ..- i , i - ...
5T i?j
, -tl.ttT.l4Bw
The jfayb Lamp
other lamp for
sll-ronnd kotuchoM us. Ifaulpped with lateet lot
, proved burner, Safe, simple, satisfactory. Bras
throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to nv
room whether library, dining-room, parlor, or bed
room, livery lamp warranted. Writs to our nearest
agency U not st your dealer'.
i. Q. A. BOWLBY, PrwUsat.
0, I. PETERSON, Viae President.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital hud In liawmi, MlrMtts and OndWIdea Profit mjMO
TraonaeuatiMioialbsaklnf Biwloww, Intermt litld nn Tim rteposlt
3 Tenth Itreet.
First National Bank of Astorii Ore.
Op-to-Cate 111 Mschliterjr lriinit sitrniion tlva tnl, rti-slr work
18tU and Frank liu Ave, " Ttl. Main 24JJI
" L A.
. Th Old 8tov Man, will hsst your ,
house with stoves, Steam, Hot Water
and with th assistance of th Idlter
ef this paper, with hot air. No bum
work don in our .ahop.
W. C. LAWS (& CO.
JOHN-FOX, rres.
F L BISHOP. Secretary
Designers and Manvfactarert oi
Canning 1 Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnish!
CORRESPONDENCE 'SOLJCITEDj " Foot of Fourtji Mtreot."
C.F.WISE, Prop.
Choice Wines, Liquor Merchants Lunch From
andCigars', ":3 m. to 1130 p .m.
Hot Lunch at all Hour , sjCent
Corner Eleventh and Commercial
MaM at-
And Ms bow quickly it will wirm
cold room or hsllwsy. Th I'er
frrtlon Oil Itfatrr takes tlis plr
of Airnsce and other stove bet wren
acsjKtns, ud in midwinter enable
you tti warm any cold spot In th
house that th other stove fail to
heat, Th
Oil neater
(liptfH with fsMktksl fctkx)
I th handiest oil htster mad.
Does not smoke or suieil. Wkk
rsauot t turned too nigh or too
low. Perfectly safe snd tsiv to
operate a s lamp. All part easily
cleaned. Give intense beat at
mall cost. Bverv beater warrant
4. No household should b
without th Perfection Oil Hester.
If not st your daalfr'a writs to otur
nearest agency fur dcrlptlv
flt.VNK PATTON', Cashier.
J. W. GARNER, As.UUnt C-h'tr.
W 99
Noloon Troytr, Vice-Pros, snd fiupt.