The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 06, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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We have just received a shipment of
i the famous
(Galiroiyrna Figs
in pound and half pound packages.
These figs are clean and wholesome and better
in flavor than the imported Smyrna Figs.
; DHTYou1!! like them.
I)U a Scully, Notary Publie, i
Scully' Cgr Utor. Any old hour!
OrkwlU Mvfrt umbrella and nuke
tbtm m (Ood m new. llT-tr
TU vary U$t board ( bo btained Is
tfc dty U at "Tfet OccUmI Hotel
Rat vry maonabla,
Columbia and Victor GraphopbooM
ttd all tbo latest roeordo at Chtoago
prle, for m! by A, R. Cyru. 424
Commercial St. tf
tloUt Irving R team beat. It , you
ar looking for V tmf, tomforUbl
room fr tU winter, h tu it onto.
Totophono Mala 191. 10-11 U
Bow Do I loot To realty mo your
'f m otbori yon, ft on of tltoe
w itylo mirror at lUrt'i Drug 6 torn
I) price. A new supply juat r.wlred,
I am pltlvly going to retire from
bualn and must aril out at eoon
a poMibl and from now on will give
you at III greater bargain at C. 11.
Cooper" trout retiring eaJe,
Don In Probata Ju'lgo Trenchard
yesterday mad an order appointing
Oeorg Vom aa admlnlatrator for the
Mtat of X. E. Voa, decerned; and
at th aam tint named Mesara. I.
Bergman, George Kaboth and Charle
Verachuron aa appralter. Th ad
mtnlatratora bond waa flxod at 11,000.
Commercial (UIon TMa popular
place, eltuated at 000 Commercial atrtat.
la up-todat is amy particular. Tb
cholceat of wlnta and all klndt of li
quor eaa b procured tor. Boat qual
ity eigart, Billiard Ubl ta oonnaetion.
If you can't coma in persoa, call up
rbon 1231 Mala. tf
Do You ?1 alcepy and not a bit
Ilk working In the afternoon t Per
hap HV bcau of tb kind of lunch
you'r eating too heavy an dtoo bard
to dlgeat. Why not try the Palae
re tail rant on Commercial itreet, when
all tli baking i done in thou fatnout
alow-proeeaa oven, which turn out light
appetlilng, wholeaom thing! You'"
av money, too.
Redeeming Warrant City Treas
urer Dealey ha issued a call for fill
outstanding 'warrants : ludorm.1 be
tween September 1 and Ortotwr 10,
amounting to about ' $4,000. Of thla
amount over $ J, 000 were presented
for payment yesterday.
Gaa Famine RilivdJ-Tlio Aatorla
Elwctrlc company bii , received two
carload of coal, ufnVInt fur the
present, with an abundant aupply n
rout to rellev the 'gas funilno of
th peat two wotki In addition to
thla. a new bench Jin been placed In
and other improvement made, o a
to increase th Uitntlty, and it i
expected there will be sufficient for
fu and lllumnlatlng purpoaea. '
'School Repair At the meeting of
th tax-payer of achool district No.
I to b held on week from next Tuea
duy night, December 18, the legal vot
er will levy a tax for the ensuing
year. It i estimated that It will re
quire a six mill levy for achool pur
poam and two mill for repair. The
board tntonde making many newld
r-pulra In the "vnHou building. The
MrClure achool will be painted Inalde
and out; the ground put In decent
ahan. ' and other nevwmry repair
mitdf. ' At the Alderbrook achool a
now btilkhfftd Will have to be built.
A cement floor I being put In the
Adnlr acliool. If there are mulllclunt
revenue,'-air th oliool houa will
be pulnted qcxt' year "during the aum
mr vacation. A now roof will also
have to be put on th MfiClure aohool
butlrflnr, the rfterit one leaking very
badly and I deatroylng the phurtoring.
It I probbl that a tar paper or -phalt
roof will be put on during the
Dwemljer roce.
Wood Arrived A aww lmt of wood
arrived In Aatorla yetrjrdy and waa
unloaded on Klnney'a wharf. Al
though lt.eold for 15.60 per cord on
the dock, it mi't with a ready aal.
There doe not aeem to be any ex
cuae for the wood ehortoge, and It
baa certainly worked a hardahlp on a
large number of famlliea. At th
prl!e at which H la aold. there la a
large profit In the bualneaa. and a
fir-cln worn yard would b a
paying Investment.
Caua foe Arreat It I elalmwl by
th peraon who procured the ar
reat of Dr. Judd of Warrenton on a
charge of larceny fro ma hlp, grow
ing out of the looting of the Peter
IredaJe, that , no arrewt would have
been made had the property taken
been returned. There aeem to be no
doubt that it waa a misunderstand
ing, th peraon who vlalted the ahlp
auppoalng It had been abandoned, and
that the property belonged to anyone
who desired It
Society Drama Tonight Will bo
preeenled at tlui ever popular Star
theater, the aodwty drama "Woman
Against Woman," one of the beet In
the Taylor Comedy companye reper
toire, now playing at the Star. The
play l well cost, each participant sus
taining their mpeetlve role perfect
ly. The Taylor company la conald
ered one"1 of the' beat that haa ever
vlalted Astoria and their productions
have given general wtlsfactlon. pro
viding both amusement and entertain
ment for the hundred of people that
visit the Star nightly. "Woman
Against Woman" haa never been pre
sented In Astoria and la certain to
draw crowded houe during the re
mainder of the week.
Yetrdy' Registration A mark
ed increaae in th number of regl
trationa waa noticeable yesterday. Up
to the close of business hour the
registrations were as follows: Pre
cinct No. 1, 126: No. t, 158; No. 8,
194: No. 4. 242: No. 6, 77; No. 4, 175;
total. 72. The auditor office will be
open tonight and tomorrow night and
the book will be closed Friday after
noon at 4 o'clock. All persons who de
Ire to vote at the city election must
register before Friday afternoon.
Bad Crowing Considerable com
plaint hi been made by school chil
dren and teachera at the horrible
condition of th crossing at Sixth and
Franklin avenue. Children are com
pelled to wade in mud In order to
reach the achool. '., The mud has
washed down from the hill and lo
cated In front of the Boelllng prop
erty. The matter was reported to
the school board at It laat meeting,
but It waa atated that a number of
complalnta had been made to the
proper authorltlea, but no effort haa
been made to remove the mud.
Phone Main 1321.
Good Goods,
Good Service,
Prices as low as the lowest. This is what we ,
are giving our customers.
We" Solicit Your Potrotipge.
Scholfield, Matson Co.,
A Doubtful Csae Complaint was
made to Chief of Police Gammal Tues
day night by a woman who claimed
that another woman, whom she did
not recognise, attempted to throw
carbolic acid In her face. It happen
ed on Bond street In front of Kilo's
fish market. The woman showed her
hand which had been affected by car
bolic acid. " On account of not being
.able to give any description of "the
alleged thrower, the chief was unable
to Investigate the matter.
Trapmen Will Meet All the -trap-men
nnd aelnera on the lower Colum
bia rlvr will hold a meeting at Chi
nook next Monday for the purpose of
forming an organization for the pro
tection of their interests. It la ex
pected there will be a large attend
ance. In addition to . other matters
to bo conaldcred, fixing the price of
salmon will form an Important part
of the meeting.
Th Vlntor la no lonaer mer novelty lik th old tyl Ulking mohln
It I aerloualy reoognlxd by muslo lover aa a mueioal Instrument ofl
great merit, reproducing all th beautiful quality of the original.
Remember Thi The Jadies of the
First Prehyterlan church will, on
Saturday next, hold their annual sale
of fancy articles, and utilities, in the
Reed building, at Eleventh and Du
nne, , and during the afternoon and
evening of that day, light refresh
ment will be served.
Treat In Store The famous Norwe
gian Singing Society of this city will
give one of its fine concerts at Odd
Fellows' Hall on the evening of Mon
day, December 10. No one ever misses
the trouble or cost Involved in at
tending these entertainments, .
Bargains! Bargains) And still great
er bargains, to be given away at the
' great retiring sale of C. H. Cgoper,
as we are determined to clean up a
1 soon as possible.
Visiting Aatorla t Frlenda Sheriff
elect X W. Farrell of Humboldt coun
ty, California, arrived from Eureka
yesterday, on the Geo,' W. Elder, and
Is the, guest of his niece, Mrs. Jos.
Phillips, at her Exchange street home.
One Piano NumbeiCFree With Each $5 Sale at Wise's
Dance and Piano Con
test for Wise's custo
mers only.
No admission except
by card. No card ex
cept you are a Wise
Customer. Cards not
Tho. Boyle, a prominent farmer of
Marshland, wa a visitor in the city
yesterday. '
F. H. Slmonda of Blaln wa among
the arrival In the. city yesterday.
W. R. Marn, a prominent resident
of South Bend. ! trt the city.
J, "H. ' Amoa," of Portland. " arrived
down on th noon train yesterday on
a business trip.
J. B. Shaw, of Tillamook, wa among
the arrival in the city yesterday.
H. I Mettu of San Jose, was
among the arrlvala in the city yes
terday. i ' .
N, K. Hansen of the Chinook hatch
ery, was a visitor in the city yester
day. .' . - -.''"' .
B. A. Seaborg, the Bay View can
neryman, la in the city on business.
O. H. Belknnp of Chinook waa a
visitor in the" city yesterday.
Chaa, F. Rogers, a prominent drug
gist of Ilwaco, wag in the city yes
terday. .;
Otto Johansen of Olney was in the
city yesterday. .
Jacob Gustafson of Tucker Creek
was in the city yesterday.
State Senator Henry S. McGowan,
of Washington, is in the city on busi
ness.. ,-''.'
Waldorf Entertainment The Wal
dorf management has put on another
rich and amusing string of films, , in
which the vagaries and fate of the
"cheeky traveler" divide honor with
the "happy slelghrlde." this latter re
vealing all the elements of fun liable
to such an event, and recalling the
days and pleasures of old to many a
person who views the laughable pic
tures to the end. The display is one
of the best put on there this season
and Is drawing crowds nightly. But
among the leading elements of en
joyuiout billed there are the delight
ful soprano solos of. Mis Violet Par
ker, an accomplished artist, whose
pieoe de reslstence Just now is "Just
Plain Folks," and thi amplified night
ly by a number of dainty encore songs,
all of which contribute to her popu
larity and the pleasure of the eve
ning to the visitor. :,
He Protests Lawrence Upshur, the
lad mentioned in yesterday's issue of
the Astorian, as having been some
what conspicuous in the recent row at
the McClure school, in which Pro
fessor Kester was attacked, flatly de
nies that he was In any way asso
ciated with the matter, and this pa
per publishes his disclaimer with
pleasure, though the information fur
nished it was deemed quite reliable.
Comprisee a large aeeortment of all
prevailing atyle in men's women's and
children footwear, uch a will ur
y please the moat particular buyer.
W decline to maintain large profits
and keep our prioea down to th level
of all pocketbooka. It will pay you ta
buy footwear hr.
Wherity, Ralston & Co.
The Proper Thing The Astoria
Chamber of Commerce, and the As
toria Common Council have both
paased strong resolutions endorsing
the bill introduced In Congress yes
terday by U. S. Senator Fulton, ap
propriating the sum of 110,000 for the
erection of a suitable monument to
mark the site of Fort Clatsop, ' the
most westwardly stand taken by the
famous explorers, Lewis and Clark;
and these should be promptly follow
ed by similar expressions from every
organic body, civic and fraternal, In
the county. They cannot come too
promptly nor too unanimously, for the
good of the cause.
Court Astoria No. 8, Forresters of
America elected the following officers
last evening: Chief Ranger, P. H.
Haddan; ub Chief Ranger, A. ' N.,
Mlnard; Treasurer, II. B. . Leinenwe
ber; Financial Secretary, C. E. Fos
ter; Recording Secretary, G. E. Dye'r;
Senior Woodward, R. R. Wallace;
Junior Woodward, T. Wooton; Senior
Beadle, Mark Johnson; Junior Beadle,
Otto Vlgl; Lecturer, F. J. Donner
berg; Trustee, 3 years, R. W, Mc
Lean: Trustee, 2 years, W. Kalunki;
Trustee, 1 year, Chas. Olsen.
The Mass Meeting The mass meet
ing at the First Evangelical church
held last night was attended with
great interest The meeting was called
to order and an opening address de
livlred by Pastor Gustaf Rydqulst and
immediately followed by an address
by Rev. John Oval! in English and
Swedish, after which the Rev. E.
Gerding and O. E. Haahelm addressed
the meeting In Norwegian. Music and
song of high order were rendered. At
the close of the meeting the follow
ing resolution was unanimously
adopted: We, representative citizens
of Astoria, Ore., here assembled In
mass meeting in the First Evangelical
church, this 6th day of December,
1906, hereby express our hearty ap
preciation to Rev. John Ovall for val
uable services rendered, both in
preaching the gospel and lecturing for
the Anti-Saloon League, and we here
by again reaffirm our . allegiance to
the Aantl-Saloon League's work and
endorse all of their methods In the
suppressing of vice and the uplifting
of humanity.
Further reductions on all lines, a
we must sell out. Come and help yoAir
self to the 'bargains, at C. H. Coop
er's great retiring sale.
Returned to Duty Fred Brown, the
veteran seamon, after two weeks spent
ashore on his annual , vacation,, has
returned to i duty On the customs
launch Patrol.
is a picture always before you makes a room
look bright. We have
Art Painting's and Pastels.
Musical Instruments,
Leather Goods ,
Toilet Sets,
:' y : A'V- at ' Vv'y.;v7.v-;;;.iV.:'
Bvenson's Book Store
14th and Commercial St., Astoria, Or, i