SUNDAY, DECEMBERS 1004. THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. k IN THE CITY CHURCHES. Fleet Congregational. Hrivli'f will I U1 a ununl nn Humliiy iimtiitnu ft ml i-vkiiImk, At both Oieu service the pastor will preach and dclrea tlio titti'tiOiinie of nil Hi" C'otiKi'CKHttnntillnt In tha city. Morn ing rvlt? t It o'clock. HuliJ'Wl, "The Orntitput Force Known to Man." ICveutntr tvIi at 7:10, subject, '"Hie UoH of IJitltt." Thl wilt lo the fourth mi-mom In U orle on "Phase of the Oospnl of Jrmm" Himdny school at U:20. T, P. H, 0. E. at ;10, Midweek iwetlns; Wednesday, 7:0 p. in. We -tn4 t very cordlBl Invitation to nil visitor and trnitor In the city Hint the resident who are not connected with other churches will find here welcome wid will hr something that will be rvliable In the dully effort to live right, We cordially Itivltd you to come with u. C. E. Moorhou, l'h. I., pastor. f Rev. Ovsll's Pregr$m. He will prencb tomorrow, Fundny, In th Klrt Evangelical Lutheran church at tl o'clock a. m.i In Huoml IUII Hnrilh IHUI) at I o'clock p. m.. Jul nt the Norwegian Methodist Auren at I o'clock p. rn. Ho will preach at the Finnish Lutheran church at W ISth street, Tuesday evening at I o'clock p. m. There will be a Qrao Episcopal. Service will be IimIiI at Grace Epis copal church Sunday at 11 a, m, and and 4 o'clock p, m. Warrcnton Pmbyttrlan, Sunday mhool m 10:30 a, m. Eve ning worablp nt 7:30, Hptclnl iumIc by the choir, Oine and worship with u. Aldtrbrook PretbyUrian, Morning- worship ttt 10 o'clock; Hun- duy school nt II: Y. 1'. H. C. K. ut 7:10 p, in, IU'ihIIhk room open to tha tublli! from 1 p. m, to 9 p. m., itnd every evinliig from 8 to 9. The best literature iihvnyn on thu table. Finnish. Lutheran. Mornltiif service at 0 a. in. Sinning tho llnsanna hymn; Sunday school at .11:30 a. m.; evening service at 7:80, with music. n ii MARKETS l mas meeting at tho First Evangel 1 b-nl Lutheran church, of all Bcnndlna- vln churches on Wednesday evening. V rn-i-ember S. The following Sunday, ' ivcmbcr 9, Itev. Ovnll will rrea-h at th i.uiheran church on Tugot Island. All ar mont cordially Invited to at- und thee me'tlnga. 1 "" I Pint Lutharan. f Flrat Lutheran Church. Oimtavo R. JRydqulat, pnator. Morning aervlce In fflwadlah at 10: 4S. Itcv. Ovall prench- ; Ing: nvanlng acn-lca In Engllnh at 17:89, praachlng by tha paator on the iihpma. "Chrtat rroclalma an Except abla Tnr of tha Iord," Bunday achool at tha Ocrman Lutheran church aa uual at 1 o'clock p. m. But there will b no aervlc after Sunday nchoot wing to another engng-ment of the Viaiitor. All are wcVume to tha above aervlcea. ' Bide and Contract Teaterday Coun I' ty Judge Trenchard and County Clerk v Clinton, opened the blda culled for ( and at hand, in the matter of build- Ing the bridge on the Klule road Juat I below tho Nordatmm plnce, aa follow: I Oua Oromel, $1.04 per foot; J. II. I Pmlth, $1.25; J. C. nicreon, $.90; and iO. niderbuach. at $.85 per foot. The rnntrnct waa awarded to the laat v nnmed bidder, the imme to be complet I ed by February next, for which a bond wna taken In .the auni of $7S, Fleet M. E. Church. The morning theme next Sunday will bo "Itenrt Religion." The theme at. thn evening service will be "Bar ren Offer of AgnARtlclam, or the Val ue of Folih In ChrlKtlnnltv." Claan meeting at 10:15 n. m. Sunday achool at 12:15 p. m. Epworth League at :30 p. m. You will be cordially wel comed at any or till of these act-vice. C. C. nnrlck, paator. Norweglan-DanUh M. E. vTho Norwegian and Pnnlxh Motho dlet church, corner of Dunne and 37th atreet. Sunday achool at 10 o'clock. Preaching by tho pnator nt 11 a. m. Preaching by Itev. John Ovnll of Portland at 7:45 p. m. Subject, "Our Greatest noaponalblllty." The Scan dlnavlnn people are cordlnlly Invited to attend the aervlcea of the church, lllloit Hunting Deputy Onmo War den Settem yealcrdny filed complalnta for hunting without license, In Jus tice Goodman's court, ngnlnxt Frank Conklln and J. Sayrea. S. Grant, n Seaside cltlaen, pleaded guilty to a similar ofTcnso and pnld flno and costs In the aum of $22.75. I Union Services. The services which ore being held I i till. .lt hv Tttv. .Tnhn Ovnll of I Portland, In the several churches are t growing In Interest. lie will apeak f at tho Norwegian Lutheran Synod church tonight at 8 'O'clock. All wel-, come. The Spiritual Churoh. Tho First Spiritual Church of As toria will hold Its regular meeting In the A. O. U. W. ball (upstairs) at 7:30. Mrs. L. M. Coon, medium from Port 1 land, will lecture and give spirit mes i sages. The public Is cordially Invit ed to be present. j Firat Presbyterian. ' Morning worship, 11 o'clock, "The Echo." Sunday school, 12:15; Y. P. A. C. E., 6:80; evening worship, 7:30, "Our Pilgrimage." Fifth on Jacob. Wm. S. Gilbert, pastor. 4) SOCIETY. 4 4 4 4 t t The annual biixuar progrnm to bo given In behalf of the First Molhodlst church of thla city, on the evening of Tuesday next, Iiweniber 4th, at the Tted liullding, will be under the dl- r,.( ,.M'iliin (if MIhn Klinore. an ..... - - u i anaurance .nn, prom.see .,, lnilPHllrd wh,.t Datent $3.00; dlnpoHltlon of that element of tne 3 J5. 1M; cvcnlng'a enjoyment. ),.. wnoie.wheat flour, $3.75; Val- I ley flour, I3.40fl3.65;; Dakota, $5.30 A.nntii thj. bi lit lit aoclul events ofis.BO: Eastern rye, $5.40; Plllsbury, the pitat week waa tha dance of the! $(.20; Corvallls, $2.70, Latest Quotations in the Portland Markets lompltra Market Keporta Corrected Eaca Day Giving the Wboleaale Prices ul Commodities, Farm Product and veg, tahlea. PORTLAND, Dec. 1. There la an Immense crop of Oregon potatoes awaiting shipment to California and Southern state, which cannot bt sent on account of tho car shortage. The fruit business la alack. Two carloads of California oranges were received today. r.ronch eggs are quoted at 37 cents, with a heuvy shipment of east ern packed egg. Grain, Flour, Feed. WheatWalla Walla, M4c; Val ley, M67c; bluestem, e$07c; red, 00J lc. Oata White, $24.60025; gray, $24 owl riub. at UKim'e Hull, under tho patronage of some of tha lendera of Astoria' aoclal realm. It was con ducted upon the best known princi ple of entertainment itnd in every phaae wa a marked success. It will be long remembered as the chief fe. ture of this season' aerlc of de lightful aoclul enterprise. .Mrs, Frank J. Dnnncrberg enter tained the Clover club on Tuesday af $21; Corn-Wholo, $27; cracked. $28 per ton. Barley Brewing, $22; feed, rolled, $2223. Rye $1.40 per cwt. Ha-Va!!ey, timothy, $11012; Eastern Oregon, $1501$; clover, W 7.50; cheat, $707.60; alfalfa, $11; grain hay, $77.50; vetch, $77.50. Buckwheat $3( per ton. Mlllstuff Middling. $24025; chop $16; bran, $15: hort. $1. rereal foods Rolled oats, cream. 111 Centum Questions TneeMwt SHALL WOMEN VOTE AND SHALL MEN COOK These are debatable questions and there is a great diversity of opinion regarding them. THF MALLEABLE The public is united however in proclaiming II 1 1 Li 1v1axk m south bcmd THE MALLEABLE RANGE The Greatest of Household Conveniences. Saving labor and expense, and embodying a solution of the stove question forever. Come in some time from December 3 to December 8 Bring "him" with you, have biscuits and coffee with us, see how perfectly "The Malleable" operates, and you won't let him do the cooking. Free To every purchaser of "The Malleable" Range this week only, we will give absolutely free a set of high grade cooking utensils or a 59 piece dinner set. Free ,alnei tne t .over c,uo on ue-u,.y ternoon last, at heP nurr.son avenue - ..,.., .teei cuL B0-1D home, and wa retnslbla for tho , . . ft kf 4-!5 per dnlnty lunch that followed the regu- L.f. ofttmeal (ground) 50-Ib ack. $7.60 per bale; 10-Ib aacks, $4 per bale; plit pea, $4.50 per I00-n-acks; 86-lt) boxea, $1.25; pearl bar ley, $4.75 per 100 lb.; 25-Ib boxe. $1.25 per box; patry flour, 10-Ib sack $2.50 Pr bale. Grain ba Foreign and domestic, I 8-4C Buttw Country creamery, 26 17; Btter Country ereauntrf MO 17; city creamery, 10c; store, WOlTo; butter fat, ISttO, PnnitrvDid rooster. 809c; ben, iimiiuo inrlnra. 12313c: dressed chickens, 13V414c; turkey, 17018c dressed. 18lc; geese, live, O10o dressed, 1012c; ducks old, 13014c nrlnir ducks. 14ffll5c: pigeon, per doxen, $1,1.25; quab. $1.75 2.00. Egg Oregon ranch, 3S5c; Eaat ern, 2930c. Cheeae Toung America, HOVc Oregon full crenm, fiata, 1S14014HC Honey Dark, 10 Ho; amber, iz 13c; fancy white, 1415c. I Foard StoRes Hardware Co. lar course of the club' business. She, was, a delightful and successful hont ea. The Astoria friends of Professor I. N. Onrmnn (and their name I legion) happily surprised at the an nouncement of his wedding In Port hind on Thursdny laat, to Miss Cora 8. ComMock of Essex. Mass, Mr. and Mra. Gorman nova returned to Aa- tori. and have been the recipients of generous and widespread congratulations. m.A Momnrlnl nrvIrA nf lh Tl. P. O. Astoria lodge No. ISO, will tran spire at 3 o'clock this afternoon at tho lodge room In the I. O. O. V. building. John f'lfilro Montleth, of Portland, will be master of ceremon ies, and as usual, the work presented will bo of the hlgbent order and doi p ly Interesting. The oration of the diiy will bo by Mr. Albert R. Clark of the metropolis, nnd will be In per fect harmony with tho snored and beiuttful character of tho anniver sary. This was the second annual event of the kind Riven by this club and set the pace for those that a certain to follow, The decoration consisted of hemlock evergreens In transversa streamers, Interspersed with brilliant colored electric lights, with plenty of ferns to soften tho angles and Junc tions. Tho program wos unique nnd very dnlnty, as well ns wholly typical of the auspices and was made up of the nlck-nnmes of the club members and their friends. The patronesses wore Mesdnmea Lounsberry, Troyer, Dunbar and Smith. 8ell More of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy than of All Other Put Together. Mr. Thomas Georso, a merchant at Mt. Elgin, Ontario, says: "I have had the local agency for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever Blnce it wa Intro duoed Into Canada, nnd sell as much of it aa I do of all other line I have on my shelves put toemer. ur tne mnny dozens old under guarantee, I have not had one bottle returned. I can personally recommed thl medi cine' a I have used it myself and given it to my children and alway with the best results." For sale by Frank Hart, Leading Druggist. Fruit. Tropical fruit Banana, 6c per nniintl: olneanplea, $4.505.50 per doien: tcmon. $6.0007.00 box; or ur. 14.KOffl5.00: grap-frut. $5.00 (ff5.50 crate; limes, 75c1.25 per 100 nnmnstlo fruit Apples, common, 85cfl)l: fancyf. 11.0001.26 boxffl crab nn riles. Ilffiil.25 crate; figs, 65c$1.00 hox: aranes. 75c$1.75 crate; pear $11.25 box; quinces, $11.50 box; huckleberries, 1012c pound; cran berries, $10 10.50 barrel. Vegetables. Tntnrni.ii In country, 590c per cwt.; sweet potatoes, 2ftc pound, ciabhsire Per lb., 1 l-4c; cauliflow er, 75$1.10 per dozen; parsley, 250 per doxen; hothouse lettuce, 75cn$i hnx- head. 40o doaen; apinnach, 3 6c; cucumber, 50c doxen; artichoke, nur,7Sc Ber dozen; peaa, 46c, gmx lie, 910c lb.; red pepper, dry, 20 25o lb.; celery, 6585c doxen; egg ti nn rra.te: akro. $1.75 box; (UU.i, ' DnrniltH ftn Tb. TnmBtoes 40fi60o box; Hubbard squash, llo It). Onions $U01.15. TumlDS Per sack 90c$1.00; car rots, 75c$1.00; beets, $1.25; radishes isumiBe dozen bunohe; norseraor ish, 7H8c pound. Beo'a Laxative Cough Syrup i con taining Honey and Tar, 1 especially appropriate for children, no opiate or nolson of any character, conform to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 80, 1908. JFor Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It 'expels, Coughs and Colds by gently .moving the bowels. Guaranteed. ; Sold by Frank Hart' Drug Store. , Morning Astorlan, 60 cent per month, delivered by earrler. Fr.nh Meats and Fish. Fresh meats-Veal, medium, 75 to mft nnnndS. 7C! 100 to 150 IDS., 1 icn in 200 lbs.. 66c; 200 lb. nnd over. 45c; pork, 88o; heav les, 78c; beef bulls, 2So; cows, iieun. tPrs. BU6o; mutton, 7 nyuTH-i mi,im tze. 77c; large, 6o, anrlnir lombS. 88HC. tim.v. tjoiihnt Ea: black cod, 7c; j ion . . h... nr rb.. 20c: herring, 60; Bound R- ratnsn. o; nuvor umi, v, WnnflT Dark. lOicQllo: amber, 12 ffliac! fancv white, 1416o. Coffee-Mocha 2428oj Java, fancy, 2()32o; Java, good. B0S4o Java, or- ,iurv. 17(S20e: C08ta luca, lancy, 1 on. rw Rica, srood. I218cj Ar buo'klca, lOlo per lb; Lion, lo per lb; Columbia coffu 143c; Salvador, 1110 13c. Nirta-Waln, Ho, 1. oft ahell 17c; Ho. 1 hard abelL lcj Chito, 13c almond, 17ffll8c: fllberU, 16c: Braxila, lflcj pe cans. 13i 16cj hickory, 8c; Virginia pea nut. (Jet Jumbo V7kuu peanut, c; Japanea peanut, 6 chestnut Italian, lie; eoooanuU, doaea 8owc hrtmp, 10c; perch Jc; tturieon. 10c; ea, trout, 12o; grayling, to: U renrldea, tote. Clam Hardshell, per box, $1.00; raaor clam, $2 per box. Oyater Shoalwater Bay. per gJ- loa, $2; per sack. $4.00; Tok Point, $1.60 per 100; fresh canned, $6.60 per doen quart; Olymplaa (120 ft.), $5; do, per gallon, $2; do per quart can. per doxen, $6.50. Groceries and Provision, provisions Hams, to slxe, 14it; hams, picnic 101c; bacon, reguiar, 18lc; bacon. fancy breakfast 20c; dry salt bides, Uicj bocks dry salr. 11 l-4c ruckled Boods Pickled pies' feet i- barrel. $5: l-barrel. $2.75; 15-Ib kiU, $1.25; pickled tripe, 1-barreK $5.00; J- barrels. $3.75; 15-lb kits. ?li5; picKieo pigs' tongues, i-barrel, $0; i-barrels. $3; 15-lb kiU, $1.50; pickled lambs' tongues, -barrels. $9; J bavreU, W.60r IS Hi kits $2.75. Salt-Bale of 75 2, ule, $l,Mj baki of C0-3s, bale, $1.00; bales of "4X1-4(1. bale. $1.C0; bale oi 15-10s, bale, $1.60; bag, 60c; fine. ton. $12.00; bogs. 60 lbs, genu ine Liverpool, ton, $18.00; bag, 50 Iba, 1-ground. 100s. ton. $9.00; R. S. V. P 20 5-lb carton, $215; R. S. V. P, 24 3-lb cartons, $1.75; Liverpool lump, ton. $10.50. Olive oil California ,per gallon, $2.75; quarta, per caae. doien. $755; pint, 2 doi. n, $8.60; 1 pints 4 dozen, $9. Canned salmon Co'umbia River, 1-ID tails, 1.85; 2-lb Ulls. $2.50i fancy. Mb flats, $2.00; -lb fancy flat, $155; fancy Mb ovals, $2.75; Alaska tails, pink, 90c; r.'d. $1.45; nominal, 2s, tall. $2.00. Cereal foods Rolled oat cream, BO-lb sacks. $7.00: lower israde, $5.506.60; oatmeal, steel cut, 50-lb Backs, $8 bale; 10-lb sacks. $455 per bale; oatmeal (eround). 50-lb sacks, $7.50 per bale; 10- lb sacks, $4 per bale; split pea, $4.50 per 100-lb aaok; 85-lb boxes. $15; pearl barlev. $4.75 per 100 lbs; 25-lb boxes, $1.25 per box; pa try flour, 10-lb sacks, $2.50 per bale Eiee ImDerlal Japan, No. 1. $o.o; Southern, Japan, 5 Jo; broken, 4c; head, fancy, 7c; head, choice, oio. OIL Leal Eta. Coal oil Pearl and astral oil eases, 19o per gallon; water white oil, iron barrels, 131c; wood barrels, 161c; eocene oil, cases, 2Uo; elaine oil case, 271c; extra star, caaea, 221o; headlight ou oaes 21e; iron barrels. 15lo. Benzine Sixty-three degrees, cases. 20c; iron barrels, 151o. Turpentine In cases, 860; in wood barrels, 83c; in iron barrel, 79e; in 10 case lot, 85c, Linseed oil Raw, 5-barrel lot. 47c; 1 barrel lots, 48o; in cases, 63c Boiled. 6 barrel lota. 49c; Marrel lots 60o; ta eases. 55c Gasoline Stove gasoline, ease, Hie; iron barrels, 19e; 86 degrees gasoline, cases. 33c; iron barrels or drums. 27c; 72 degrees cases, 261c; iron barrel. 20c; engine distillate, iron barrels, 9c Oregon grape root Per 100 lbs, $34. Bteswax 3ood, clean and pure, 21 tie per lb. Rope Pure Manila, I4Jc; standard, 131c; Sisal He; Isk brand Siasi 10c Hope Choice, 1005, ilttlZc; prime, lOglle. Lead Strictly nure white lead and red lead in ton lots, 7Jc; 500 Tb lots, 80; lew than 600 lbs. 8Jc Mohair Choice, 2830c Wire naUs present base at I2J0. gray or mixed, 2530c; duck, white, IS 20c; duck mixed, 12 15c Cascara ssgrada, (Cbittim bark) 21 Feather Geese, white, 3640e; geese, Wool Vaiiey zz85e; Eastern Ure goa, 1822e as to shrinkage. TIDE TABLE, DECEMBER DECEMBER, 1906. DECEMBER, 1906. Date. I h.m. I ft. I h.mjft. Hiffh Water. I A. M. I P. M. Saturday 1 1:204 6.9 Thursday iTiday . .. Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . . Tuesday . . eduesdav Thursday . Irulay ... Saturday SUNDAY 2 1:56 Monday ........ 3 2:32; Tuesday '4 3:08 Wednesday 6 3:44 6 4:24 . -41 5:10 niarnS 6:01 .tnlteoM55! .wi-7-40! 7.7 6.8 6.71 6.7 6.7 6.8 7.0 .7.2 7.4 .....111 8:40 12 9:3 1310:261 12:50 1:19 1:50 2:25 3:03 3:46 4:38 5:4 6:56 8:17 9:30 10:34 8.7 Low Water. A. M. I Date. Th.m.ft. I h.m P. M. ft. S 1 1 1 rvl ir 88 .'SUNDAY ' 2 8.5 8.3 8.0 7.6 7.1 6i 6.3 8.1 8.7 9.2!ll:3S .14111:13! 9.6!. .15 0:25 7.2112:00, SUNDAY 16! 1:18 Mondav 17! 2:05 Tuesday 18 2:55 Wednesday 19 3:45 Thursday .20 4.37 Friday 21 Saturday 22t 6:20 SITNDAY 23 T.U MondaT .241 8:12 Tueadav 25 9:05 Wednesdav 26 9:52 Thursday 2710:38 Friday 28111:16 Saturday 29 0:30 Saturday 2911:52 SUNDAY 30 1:07 Monday 311 1:40! 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.2 8.3 8.5 6.6 8.61 6.7 6.8 12:40! 1:33 2:22 3:14 4:10 5:14 6:24 .7:40 8:55 10:02 11:001 11:48 12:25 12:58 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.9 9.9 9.9 9.8 9.4 8.8 6.6 6.3 6.2 65 6.3 6.4 Monday 3 Tuesday Wednesday 5 6 7:10 7:40 8:12! 8:45 9:25 110:11 .. 7111:01 ...8 .. 91 0:05 ...10 ...11 ...12 ...13 ...14 ..15 35 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 1:05 2:11 3:15 4:15! 5:101 6:00 6:52 Thursday Friday . . Saturday . SUNDAY Monday . Tuesday . Weduesday Thursday . Friday k .. Saturday . SUNDAY 16 Monday 17 7:44 Tuesday . ...... 18 8:37 Warinncrinv Ml M'AA . . V 'l II V .IM 1. J . .... 8.1 Thursday 20110:33! 7.3 (Friday ...21)11:40 Satiurdav 22 SUNDAY 23 0:48! Mondav '.24 1:40 Tuesday 251 2:50 Wednesday 26 3:50 Thursday 271 4:45 T..' OQl XllUU. Saturday 29 SUNDAY ..30 Monday 31 7:43 8:13 0.2 02 8:421-0.1 9:14 0:50 3.9,10(:30 3.8111: 15 12:01 1.41 :1:09 1.8 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.8l 8.7 8.6 5:32 6:13 2:131 3:24 4:24 5:18 6:08 6:57 7:45 2.91 8:33 2.9 9:20 3.0!10:10 3.1111:00 3.0 1.4! 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 11:53 12:45 1:54 3:02 4:03 4:55 5:38 6:18 6:52 0.0 05 0.6 1.0 3.6 3.2 2.5 1.7 0.8 -0.1 -0.8 -1.3 1-1.6 -1.5 -15 -0.7 0.0 0.8 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.5 0.9 0.4 00 0.3 6:501 3.5 7:231-0.4 7:23 3.61 7:53-0.4 II VtVM-KKfttd 1TF.R it ,nnK t ud n n r.M A II IN V w J i 1 TOURIST VJ 1:1 II u ; EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR BETWEEN irtvt u fie'?! SEATTLE and CHICAGO via the Great Northern Railway "The Comfortable Wy" Cmii of the famous Oriental Limited For detailed information, rate, etc., call on or address H. DICKSON, C T. JU, isa Third Street, - Portland, Ota. Ik 1 " "" "" ll,'uM04i'