i it V THE MORNING ASTOillAN, ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1006. SLOAN E MURDER TRIAL. Indications That It Will Drg Alono. for Two Weeks. SPOKANK. Pec. 1. The defense In the Sloane murder case spent prac tleally the whole morning In attempt ing to bring out the fact that the tie censed was Insane. In spite "f the objections of the proswution and an adverse rulln got the court. It brought out the fact that in conversation with W. J. Carpenter, a local photographer, the deceased said his sister waa at the insane asylum. It Is believed that the defense will reach expert testi mony by Monday, but the trial of the earn will probably continue two week longer. , Sidney Sloane shows no effects of the trial and is as unconcerned as ever. The mother, however, shows ev ery effect of the terrible strain and Hay break down completely. The defense also brought out that the defendant was appointed comtnls ary general of a boys' army for the oason that he could supply other ' Joys with provisions stolen from the tore; that he once stole a 120 (Toici piece fro mthe cash register, drank a quart of champagne at one time in the store, and at one time broke out several slata in a partition in the wine cellar because be could not Im mediately open the door, at the risk of breaking a number of bottles of liquor. PRESIDENT OF SENATE. Whealdon of Watco a Prominent Can didate. PORTLAND, Dec 1. Well-defined rumors of a coalition between 'Dan J. Malarky and Nathan Whealdon, are the latest, anent the fight for presi dent of the Senate. The story is that Whealdon who, until a few weeks ago, was supposed to be for Haines, of Washington county, has served notice on that senator that they have come to a parting of the ways, and that be Is now out for the big plum on his own hook. Whealdon has been looked upon for some time as a candidate. It was A Good Stenographer can write 150 words a minute with c, good pencil 125 with a steel pen; but the speed is increase.1, to 17 o with Waterman's idea! Fountain Pen the pen with the Spoon Feed. The flow is even and smooth-the first drop comes as readily as the last neither comes until you want it. (Styles and Prices.) E. A. Higgitis Co., SUCCESSOR TO J. GRIFFIN Books Music Stationery VITKOPIANE , The new artistic window deco ration. A substitute for stained glass at one twentieth the cost Easily applied. B. F. ALLEN 8 SON NEW STORE COR. nth AND BOND STREETS. THE AS TORIAN even almost admitted by the senator himself, that he" was a tentative and contingent candidate something on the order of the Itarkis of Dickens. Hut events of rvcent date all go to confirm the story that the senator from Wasco is very much in the game. Mad Happy for Ufa. Great happiness cams Into the horns of a C. Blair, school superintendent, at St. Alban'a. West Virginia, when his little daughter was restored from the dreadful complaint he names. lis says: "My little daughter had St VI tus' Dance, which yielded to no treat ment but grew steadily worse until as a last resort w tried Electric Bit ters; and I rejoice to say, three bot ties effected a complete cure." Quick, sure cure for nervous complaints, gen' eral debility, female weaknesses, !m roverlshed blood and malaria. Guar anted by diss. Rogers' drug store. Pries 80c Some ef the nicest people in the city five in furnished rooms; people are movinsr at frequent inter rals. Tell them in a small ad. how attractive your rooms are. If your rooms sre really 0. K , you'll have no trouble In get- 4 tng them rented through one of e) e cor want ads. Try it, 4444444444444444 NOTICE. Astoria, Ore.. Nov. 23, 190. Notice is hereby given that the reg ular annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Columbia River Packers As sociation will be held at the office of the company at Astoria, Oregon, on December 10, 1906, at 11 o'clock a, m., for the purpose of electing directors and the transaction of such other business that may properly be con sidered. OEO. H. GEORGE, Secretary. ll-29-10t "Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from resin fro mour Pine Forests, used for hundreds of years for Blad der and Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, fl.00. Guaranteed. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. 60c permonth. BOYCOTT BUTCHERS ..Continuation of Women's Strike Against Butchers. BUTCHERS ARE ORGANIZED Many Meat Markets Close Their Door Beoause They Cannot Reduoe the Prices on Account of the Packers. NEW YORK. Dee. l.-The strike of the women of the East Side tenements against the butchers, because they Increased the price of meat, has ex tended to Harlem, It was determined at a large meeting of women held In Harlem last night, to boycott the butchers absolutely until the prices of meats are lowered. i The Harlem butchers also organised last night to combat the boycott and declared they would Join their breth ren of the lower East Side In closing their shops rather than face the pus slblllty of having their places of busi ness wrecked. Like the butchers down town, they declared the Increased cost of meat was not because the packers had raised prices. The women at their meeting adopted resolutions not to buy any more meat until the price is lowered. Meanwhile fish will take the place of meat In thousands of families. Sev eral little skirmishes occurred yes terday, but most of the butchers on the East Side twitted their patrons by telling them that they Intended to stand by their customers and fight the wholesalers. HENRY M'GINN FINED. Ordered to Pay $150 for Insulting Judge. PORTLAND, Dec. 1. For his al leged Insulting language addressed to Presiding Judge Sears of the Circuit Court, last Monday, Attorney Henry E. McOInn today was ordered to pay a fine or J150. This was the outcome of the hear ing this morning wherein Mr. McOInn was cited to show cause why he should not Im punished for contempt of court. The charge and the language used by Mr. McOInn, when he ap peared In court and Judge Sears re fused to recognize him, were Indl- roct results of the recent Investiga tion of the grand Jury of the alleged libelous cartoon published In the Ore gonlan some time ajro. Mr. McOInn objected to the relations between that Jury and Dlftrlct Attoorney M'lnnlntr and Attorney C. K. s. Wood, In the role of ns.ltnnt distort attorney. He appeared In th Juryroom against the will of the district attorney. Mr. McOInn wns In the courtroom this morning, but he personally took no part In the proredu e. He was represented by Judge M. O. Oeorga, Mr. Manning was also present. The courtroom was crowded, every seat and every available bit of stand- Ing room being taken by the throrg of attorneys and citizens who came to the courthouse expecting to witness sennatlonal development. The result of the bearing was dif ferent from what bad been expected. "When Judge Kr;iZ,.r, speaking for the court, announced the Imposition of a fine for $150 for the offense charged against Mr. McGlns, Judge George gave notice of an appeal to the Su preme Court from the ruling of the Circuit Court, and the appil was allowed. "A dangerous surgical operation, In olvlng the removal of a malignant ni cer, as largs as my hand, from my daughter's hip, was prevented by the application of Bucklen's Arnica Salve," says A. C. Stlckel, of Miletus, W. Va. "Persistent use of the Salve completely cured It." Cures Cuts, Burns, and Injuries. 2Eo at Chas. Rogers', drugglat Hsd a Clou Call. The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets la so agreeable and so natural you can can hardly realize that it Is produced by a medicine. These tablets also cure indigestion. For sale by Frank Hart, and leading druggists. Dancing Proves Fatal. Many men and women catch cold at dances which terminate In pneumonia and consumption. Afte exposure, If Foleys IToey and Tar if taken it will break nn a M and m serious re sults re 1 be iwared.. Refuse any but the genuine In a yellow package. T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. WANTED MAN stoves. TO News from WanlAdville HELP WANTED. WANTED LADT OR OENTLEMAN of fair education to travel and col lect for firm of I .'50,000 capital. Sal ary $1,072 per year and expenses. Sal ary paid weekly and expenses ad vanced, references required. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Astoria. Ore. 15-2-Jt WANTKD KNKUOKTk', THt'HT worthy man or woman to work In Oregon, representing large manufac turing company. Salary, $50 to 190 per month, paid weekly. Kxpenses advanced. J. It. Moore, Aittorla, Ore, 12-3-St AGENTS CANVASSERS, MUCERS. peddlers, solicitors, mall order peo pie, etc., should buy KRAMER'S BOOK OP TRADE SECRETS. Regu lar p Ice IS. but bat of last edition for 11.25 as long ss they last Guar anteed. Order quick. Sioux Pub. Co., Sutherland, Iowa. ll-I5-tf WANTED 8 ALESM EN. MANY MAKE $100 to $1M per month. Some even mors. Stock clean j grown on Rtr vaikn, far from old orchards. Cash advanced weekly. Choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery Company, Toppenish, Washington." 0 25 tf WANTED TWO GOOD SURSCRIP- tlon solicitors to work. First class proposition, good pay. Apply Astorlan office. FOB RENT. TOR RENT A LnlMiINO HOUriK. partly furnished for rent. Apply As torlan office. 12-2-71 FOR RENT NICELY FL'RNIHIIEI) front room for rent. Call at 410 Ex change street. 12-1-71 FOR RENT TWO NICELY FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, with bath. 414 Exchange St. 11-20-tf FOR RENT STORE BUILDING AT Alderbrook, with shelving, counters, bins, etc. wareroom and barn. Good living room up stairs, line opportunity for right party. Rent, $25 per month Inquire at 109 12tb Et. 1013-tf FOR RENT THREE housekeeping rooms, lights. Fred Sherman, FURNISHED with electric 26 Astora St. 11-13-tf FOR RENT TEN-ROOM HOUSE AT No. 152 Suoml Avenue. Apply to Victor Alrola. 11-4-tf FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED rooms, $5.00 each per month. In oire J73 Exchange street 11-14-tf FOR SALE. BULL (DOGS FOR SALE, ENGLISH bull terrier pups, two white with little black, one dark brindle. Price, $15.00 each. W. B. Brown, Seaside, Ore, (Locksley Hall) 12-l-2t FOR SALE CHEAP IF TAKEN goon, good hotel, furnished, well es tablished business; good locality. Ad dress Mrs. J. Hughes, Nahcotta, Wash. 11-20-tf FOR SALE 9-ROOM HOUSE, NICE ly furnished, suitable for rooming house. Address II 23, Astorlan. FOR SALE FRUIT AND CONFEC tlon ary store on Commercial street. Inquire at Astorlan office. tf MISCELLANEOUS. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS and timber We will buy for CASH any good timber tributary to Nehu lem River, Will deal with owners only. No others need answer, Write, giving full particulars, to Box 8, U. P. Station, Portland, Oregon. RlCPAMi s UDDKN freese came up ons day; Shivered Want-Advllle. Ev'rybody wanted stoves To take off the chill. Home of them did new ones buy. Others thought the old, With a little "patching" would Herv to stay the cold, a To the stove man some sent tholra Others bde htm call, Htove man got so busy, ho Couldn't, fix them all. Worried, till a brilliant thought Cauned a happy smile, Advertised for man to help. (lot him! Mads a pile! MORAL. Advertise your want In Tha As torlan. ., , , - ,i."n HOB DAVIH-ITHOLHTEIUNO AND repair work. Mattresses made over on short notice, at your homes. Ap ply I'nrktr House. lJ-I-Tt NICK PAPAZGERE8, THE CREEK DIVER, has Just received a new diving ma chine from th old country. Dire from H to SO fathoms In shallow wa ter; stays down half a day at a time. Leave orders at 417 Ilond Bt, Market, or D. Fnlnngos, Clifton. PROPOSALS. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Rids are hereby asked for th com pletion of the superstructure and Is terlor finish of the new Court House. Rids to Include wiring and plumbing, but not heating. Said building to completed In accordance with the plans and specifications on flls In the county clerk's office. All materials now on hand and paid (or by the county to bs considered by the bidders. Bid ders to encloss certified check In the sum of I per cent of thitlr bid that they will enter Into contract when pro vision for payment Is mads. Did to bs filed with the county clerk on or before December 15. 1106. The eoart reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Cowt J. C. CLINTON, County Clerk. Astoria. Oregon, November t, 1M. 11-10-lst CAN FACTORY ItUIIiDINOS-RIDS will be received for piling and erect Ing can factory buildings up to and Including November 28, 1905. Plan and specifications can bo had at the office of 8unborn Cutting Co, Right reserved to reject any and all bids. WOOD YARDS. WOOD Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, say kind of wood 1 1 lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone siot Msin Bsrn on Twelfth, opposite oscrs house. PROFESSIONAL CARD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CHAS. H. ABERCR0MBIE, Attorney-at-Law, General Practitioner, Notary Public. Rooms 88-3(1 Phone Main 20fll. Page Block, Cor. Commercial & 12tb St. OSTEOPATH I8T1, DR. RH0DA C. HICES OSTEOPATH Office Uansel, Bid. Phone Black SOU 171 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore, DENTISTS. Dr. VAUGHAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTJH'l 78 Commercial Bt., Suanahan Building MORNING ASTORIA Is on Sale iu Astoria at 4) J N. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. 4) UTZINGER'S NEWS DEPOT, 41 OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE. FRED BPiWN Both Stores 41 JOS. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE. 41$ ' MUSIC TEACHER. WANTED THREE MUB10 WTllA Inquire at Aetartan olllee. MAN1WLIN LK8KON8 GIVKN-MU& 0. 1). PUwrrt, l7 Events street, j. 1 . 1 .-.i ,m BUSINESS DIRECTORY BOARDING. TBI LIYDL Roots with or without board i rates reasonable good aeoom modatlo for transients, Nth and Oomniretl, H0US1 MOVERS. raEDHrrKWlN.BKOft-Ws make t specialty of house moving, carpenters, contractor, general Jobbing) prompt t" entlon te stl orders. Corner Teat sad Puane. tf -- - " LAUNDRIES. BUTTON II0LI AT TEE BACK. Your experience with It has bo doubt. tesd to much veiatton, possibly pro fsnlty. Broke your fingernail trying to pry It up frasa the neckband, stf You won't hsve that that experience If you send your shirts to u( we save yot this trouble, and danger of tearing the hlrt. Try us sad see, TROT LAUNDRY, Tenth and Daaae St. Phone iggi UNDERTAKERS. J. A. QILBAVOII CO, Undertakers and Rmhatmera, Phone Main till. Cor. II and Duane. n-4-tt RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL lor lfic; nic cke, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 6c, at U. 8. Restaur ant. 434 Bond St BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the beet 15-cent menl in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 fVmm-rcia)St. 'L 1 BOTXLI HOTEL PORTLAND flitest Hotel Is) ths Northwsst, PORTLAND, ORE. JAPANESE C00DS. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, HAND MADE; TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT-NOTS, BOOKCASES, SHELV ING, ETC. Yokohama Bazaar' 28 Commercial 8t, Astoria. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE SAVOY Popular Concert Hall. Good music All are welcome. Oar- ner Sefenta and Astor. Eagle Concert Hall 320 Aitor St. Ths leading amusement bouse. Agency for Edison Phonographs sad Oold Moulded Records. P. A. PETERSON, Prof. 40 BOND ST, ASTORIA, 0BXG0I Carries the Finest Lbs of Wines, Liquors and Cigars CALL AND SEE US I Nil I V