SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1000. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON ON SALE TODAY i PANCY NORTHERN SPY AND i SPITZENBBRG APPLES Direct from the orchard at Hood River. You'll like' them our prices are right. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. HEADQUARTERS TO GOOD THINGS TO EAT. TERSE IiS OF I 111 11 Wuily, Notary public, at BiullyV Ci(,'ur fctore. Any old bourl OrkwlU eoveri umbr.Ha mid make thom as good aa new. 11-7-tf Th very bit board to be obtained la tl. elty U it The Hotel.' Rate very reasonable. Columbia and Victor Grapbophone and all tbe lateH record at Chicago prl., for tale 1 A. It Cryu, 424 Commercial fit. tf Hotel Irvine Steam -boat. If you are looking for a cosy, comfortable room for the winter, aee ui at once. Telephone Malo 091. W W tf Bow Do I look. To realty te your f ae other aee you, get one of thoe sew atyle mirrors at Ilart'a Drug Store) ell price. A new aupply Juat roetlved. Look It Up There la a fine property advertised for aale on the fifth page of thl lu of the Alorln. Look up the ad., then look up the property and be aure to look up the agent! Commercial Saloon Tola popular place, altuated at BOO Commercial street, la up-to-date in every particular. The eholceat of wlnea and all kind of 11 quor can be procured here. BeH qual ity cigars. Billiard table la connection. If you can't come In person, call up fhone 1231 Main. tf Ordinance Approvad Yesterday af t'irnon Mayor WIko affixed hi signa ture to th ordinance to pay the con tractor for the Improvement of Bond street to the MeCure line, nil the property owmtr having signed on ac ceptance of the tret. Fell Down Stair Al Itanium mot with quite a eeHoue accident Thanks giving Dny, fulling down a flight of Malrs, striking on hi head and re ceiving aeveral small cut on hie kull find fnre. A physlelan who summoned, the wound drecd and he will be able to he out ngnln In a dny or two. Body Found The body of the late William I.uitdon, who whs drowned last Thursday In the vhlnlty of Wind Slough, wna found In the river yester dny near Tongue Point, and wna brought to the old Occident cannery. Coroner Pohl wna notified nnd ho took chnrge of the remntne. lie Mate that no lnqut wilt he held, ae he deem the enme unnecessary, The funeral will probably take place Sunday. Leave for Finland Dr. J. Hngelatam who haa been located In Astoria (or aeveral month, will leave tomorrow for hta former home In Finland, where he haa accepted a position a head pbyalclan In the Hclalngfort hospital. The doctor hn made many friend during hi brief stay In thla city who will wish him proaperlty In hi new field of labor. Do Yon foi aleepy and not bit like working In the afternoon! Per hap It't because of the kind of lunch you're eating too heavy an dtoo hard to digest. Why not try the Falaee retaurant on Commercial atreet, where all the baking I done In those famou low-proee oven, which turn out light appetizing, wholesome thlngaf You'll . ave money, too. Rtglitration Ten peron avnlted themselve of the opportunity of reg istering yesterday, six being from pre cinct No. 6 nnd four from precinct E. The rcglet ration book will close n-xt Friday at 4 o'clock p. m., In stead of Saturday, as atatcd In yea tcrdiiy'a Aatorlan. Auditor Anderson will keep hla office open on Tueaday, Wednesday and Thursday nights of next week to accommodate those who cannot register In the day time. 1 Polio Court The effect of Thanks giving celebration wun manifest In the police court yostorday, the prisoner' dock being filled with a number of boose fighter. Jus, Hnkr admitted that he had drank one too many Tom and Jerry' and was sent below for two day. John Morrl who ha been a. frequent vtoitor at tho city bartlle, wa accused by ti city attorney of being drunk. A unuuI, he denied the allegation and defied Officer Coffmnn, the "alligator.'! He said the wind had changed from the east to sou'west, end It always had a deleterlou ef fect on hi mental faculties. The nme story had been repeated so often that Judgt) Anderson fined him 15, and, In addition, ho wa ordered to erve out the sentence of five day given him when he wa up before, and for which he had been paroUsd. It I to bo hoped that the weather will moderate before he serves hi term out. J. Pent Ilia left t5 out of hla week' earning for hi appearance, but falling to respond to roll call, the V wa appropriated j to the police fund. Frank Stone, with ; five year' growth of alfalfas, with a face on him like the mop of Sebasto pot, admitted that he had been drunk and wa sent to Oammal's home for lost soul for two day. Charlc Hill wan arrested for smoking opium and appeared by V. D. Wlnton, hi attor ney. The arrest wa made by Officer JJnnvllle, who ewore that when he entered the opium Joint on Ator street, the room wa filled with smoke, and It wasn't tobacco moke, either. He found Hill with an opium pipe In one hand, and he had just placed the balance of the paraphernalia Including a box containing eng shoe under the bed, but Tom ha an eye like an eagle ' and he discovered the trick. He Im ! mediately arrested Hill and a young tndy upon whom he waa calling named ; Ella Cummlng. After hearing the evidence, Judge Anderson found the i defendant guilty and fined him 115. A charge of frequenting an opium den wa preferred against Ella Cummlng and the case waa continued until next Monday. She even wept when the complaint wo read to her. New Winter Book The Astoria A Columbia River Railroad Company yesterday Issued Its new "Winter Hooklet," a handsome and Interest ing pamphlet, full of descriptive test and half-tone. Illustrating the beau tie and advantage of the road. It Is a conspicuous addition to the com pany's literature, and will be appre ciated by all who sonn It. ICE CREAM AND SHERBETS. Order carefully filled for today' din- ner. Waldorf Entertainment The Wal dorf management ha put on another rich and amusing string of films, In which the vagarlea and fate of the "cheeky traveler" divide honor with the "happy slelghrlde," thla latter re vealing all the element of fun liable to auch an event, and recalling the day and pleasures of old to many a person who view the laughable pic tures to the end. The display 1 one of the best put on there thla season and Is drawing crowds nightly. But among the leading elements of en Jfy;mcnt billed there are the delightful ' soprano solos of Miss Violet Parker, j an accomplished artist, whose piece do resistance Just now Is "Just Plain Folks," and this amplified nightly by a number of dainty encore songs, all of which contribute to her popularity nnd the pleasure of the evening to the visitor. Phone Min 2321. We are now ready to serve the pub lic with a line, of first class .Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables at the store for merly occupied by Johnson Bros. on 12th St V We Solicit Your Trade. SCHOLFIELD k MATTSON, , GOOD GOODS AND GOOD SKRVICF. PRICES RIGHT Returned Home Hon. James W. Welch and wife returned homo yes- i terdny from a two months' visit to the i east. Mr. Welch was sent os a rep resentative of the Odd Fellows of Oregon to represent that organization In the supreme lodge at Toronto. Mr. : Welch slated that they enjoyed the trip, being the first time that either he or his wife had ever visited In the east. When Informed that business was dull In Astoria, he repllod that he had visited many eastern cities ' where It was more dull than here. Both Mr. Welch and hs wife enjoyed excellent health on their trip and were glad to arrive home again. He says there are lots of places on earth be sides Astoria, but that Astoria Is home and they are both glad to be back here once more. a"""""' Th. vine la na lonaer a mere novelty like the old tyl talking maohlne i i i.. ...nU.ri h mii.ln lower. musical instrument of II I orioMiy n(iiiv - great merit,, reproducing all the beautiful quality of the original. ' JOHNSON BROS. DEALERS IN EDISON AND VICTORPHONOGRAPHS AND SUPPLIES. Aciume Management Edw. C. : Judd, formerly of Seaside, where he was interested in the store of F. j Dresser & Co., and who has recently I purchnsed the' Brownsville Woolen j Mills store on Commercial street, ar ' rived In the city yesterday and was ; busy nil day taking stock. He will as- Bume active management of the busl , noss today, Mr, Judd Is an affable j gentleman, an attorney by profession, j but thoroughly posted In the mercan I tile business, and will no doubt make j a success of his new venture. t Louvre Robbed While the bartend I er was enjoying a quiet snooze be hind the stove, being overcome by j eating too much turkey, some mls j creant, without the fear of Chief I Gaminal in his heart, touched the ! cash register and relieved It of $65,80, , all there was in It, except a tab against him for drinks, which he left. . While no one has been arrest i ed, the officers have a ; good clue to the thief and he will no doubt be apprehended In a few days, If he Is still tn the city. CLOTHES BOUGHT AT WISE'S PRESSED FREE OF CHARGE AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE One Piano Number Free With Each $5 Sale at Wise's OVER COATS SINGLE & DOUBLE BREASTED SUITS The trick is'ent to sell you a suit! It's to sell yon the sec and, third and fourth suit. Years of experience has taught us how! Experiment as , you will, ycu must finally conclude as have hundreds of others that in the long run IT PAYS JL TH TRAflT? WITH W HERMAN WISE BEHIND EACH'ARTICLE jSOLD IN HIS STORE Coal Arrive Just In the nick of time, the Astoria Electric Company re ceived two carloads of coal yester day and two more car are expected to arrive Monday. The coal bin waa get ting very low and the gaa aupply had to be curtailed, so that a number of famllle have been without gas the paat week. The ehortage la remedied now and It la expected an abundant aupply will be furnlahed for all pur poses. Lleenaed and Wedded Yesterday, County Clerk Clinton issued a mar riage license In favor of Mr. John C. Pratt of Marlon county, Oregon, and Mra. Harriett Clark, of this county; an hour or two later, County Judge Trenchards tried the nuptial knot for the happy pair, at his Ninth street office. Last, but Not Leat The good peo ple of the First Presbyterian church are going to hold a big fair and sale of dainty and useful articles In the store room of the Reed building cor ner of Eleventh and Duane streets, on Saturday, December the 8th. Bear this in mind! Property Change Hands Among the numerous documents filed for record at ' the county clerk's office yesterday, was a deed from O. A. Ma rlsch, and wife, to William Pltkanen, conveying by warranty title, the north 60 feet of lots Nos. 10 and 11, In block 2, of Shively's Astoria. Leave for Portland Sheriff Pom eroy will send a deputy to Portland this morning to Investigate the men arrested there by Sheriff Stevens, in connection with the John D. Miller murder case. Tho deputy has all the requisite data to recognize the men, if they are the guilty parties. On a Pleasure Trip Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Willis, of Portland, made a Thanksgiving trip to Astoria and Fort Stevens, and are guests of Capt. and Mrs. Percy Willis, at that post. The gentlemen are brothers, and the meeting Is thoroughly enjoyed by all concerned. More Levies Made County Clerk Clinton was apprised yesterday of the following formal levies: Road district No. 6, Tucker Creek, 10 mills, on a valuation of $262,505; and School Dis trict No. 24, Elsie, 6 mills on a 'val uation of $144,756. Trial by Jury The largest and most enthusiastic audience ever assembled In the Star theater greeted tbe "Trial by Jury" operetta last night To say that the audience enjoyed the enter tainment and that It waa well pre sented would be superfluous. To enu merate the different characters or eu logize any one of them, would be to Include each and every one that par ticipated. Sufficient to say, It waa one of the best and most ably pre sented entertainments ever given by local talent in Astoria, So well did each one take their respective roles tbat to a stranger It would be difficult to distinguish them from profession als. Tbe Trial by Jury will be re peated again tonight and those who did not witness it last night should avail themselves of the opportunity. It Is deservedly worthy of special men tion and should receive the patronage of the amusement loving public. Will Remain in Firm Alfred R. Johnson, with Johnson Bros., prom inent grocerymen, on Twelfth street, has decided to retain an interest in the new firm of Scholfleld & Mattson, and will remain with them. This will be pleasing news to the many friends of Mr. Johnson, through whose effort was due the pronounced success of the old firm of Johnson Bros. The new firm starts out with a most sub stantial business and liberal patron age, which no doubt will be continued to the new firm, If merit and square dealing is a criterion. Road Cleared Roadmaster Frye had a force of men engaged yesterday In clearing the dirt from the road lead ing to the Tongue Point mill and ex pects to have the oroad free and in condition for permanent travel today. Improvement The Astoria Electric Company has received a constant cur rent transformer and switchboard for the street lighting system, which will be installed by the first of the year. The street railway circuit will then be discontinued after 11 o'clock at night until after the arrival of the new motor generator, which will be shipped on December 6. STAR THEATER P. GEVURTZ, Manager THE TAYLOR CO., IN "The Lighthouse By the Sea." Commencing Monday, Dec. 3, 1906 Popular Prices: 1 5c, 25c and35c. Box Office Opens 7:30. Curtain Rises at 8:15 Sharp. Seats can be secured by Telephone Main 3821 for all performances Box office .open from 2 until 4 p. m. daily In Probate Court Judge Trenchard, sitting for probate matters, yesterday, made an order In the matter of the estate of Antone Anderson, directing the administrator to sell the personal property thereof, at private sale, and report in due course. Morning Astorlan, 60 cents per month, delivered by carrier. BOOK We have on hand a big line ot new ' copy write books. Holiday gift books, bibles, padded poets. PHYROGDAFIC GOODS Fine line of Christmas Postals and Cards foreign and domestic. Our postal department is '! stronger than ever this year. POSTAL CARD ALBUMS TO SUIT Svensoti's Book Store " 14th and Commercial St., Astoria, I Ore.