SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1000. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 8 FAMINE IN FRISCO Threatened With a Coat Famine StocK Being Exhausted. SEVERAL STEAMERS ARE DUE An Advnoo of Thro Dollars Par Ton Haa Baan Mada, But Supply on Hand Not Sufflolant to Fill Ordara. HAN FRANCISCO. Nov. JO,- -fll0 Examiner aaya today:. Bun Fruneliteii la threatened with shoring of coal, It la nt filiated that thr nra le than J.ono tona of do micile con I In thin city now, Tha Tl tnnlu In du her Monday from Victoria with 6,000 tona, but that la only drop In tlta bucket. Shellah will mnUo port next Thursday with 6,000 tona, but by that time the ,000 ton of th Tltanla will hava ben ud. in other worda, tha 10,000 or 12,000 tona of coiil dua here next week will laat ftin FrancUeo about a week, and unleaa vaaxala begin to arrive In thl port loaded with coal tho people may be reduced to extremities."' Many Importer, Interviewed on tha aubject, confirmed tha poalblllty of a shoring In fuel, but express tha hope that something will occur to r- Have tho local altuatlon. On denier aald that although tha coal aupply la vary ahort, there la no danger of ?. famine and that arrival etrremtlng 10,000 tona are expected here abort ly. An advance of $3 per ton by the retailor to the conaumer wae mada r cently, ManZan Pile Remedy put up In con venient collapsible tubes with nosxlo attachment ao that the remedy may ba applied at the very aeat of tha trou ble, thua relieving, almost Instant- ly, bleeding, Itching or protruding pllea. Satlafactlon guaranteed or mon ey refunded, i Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. SEVERAL PARTIES LOST. On Man and Searohing Party en Thurlow liland. Loat VANCOUVER, n. C, Nov. J9,-One man and two searching parties are reported loat In the wllda of Thurlow Ialand. An employe In a logging camp waa mled Saturday and on Sunday a searching party wa formed. When no word wa received of cither the loat man or the aearchlng party Sun day or Monday, another searching party atarted out, No word has been ao far received. Thurlow Inland la not extensive, but la covered with dens foreat. : It rarely falls to cur rheumatism because It appplles the blood with the neceaaary substance to absorb tha pot- aon of rheumatlsm-urlo acid. That is what Holllstar's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Tea or Tablet, SS canta. For aale by Frank Hart 8TEAMER CAPSIZES. ANTIOCH, Col., Nov. SO. The river steamer Trilby capslxed here this af ternoon during a high wind. The crew of nine men were thrown Into the water, but were afterwards res cued by a launch, This Is Worth Remembering. As no on Is Immune, every person should remember that, Foley's Kidney Cur will cure any case of kldnay or bladder trouble that la not beyond th reach of medicine. T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store. Pneumonia Follow a Cold, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, It stop the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs and affords perfect security from an at tack of pneumonia. Refuse substi tutes. T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store. MELODY AND WOLCOTT. BOSTON, Nov. 29. Honey Molody won In the twelfth round from Joe Walcott tonight. The cheap Imitations of Foley's Honey and Tar cost you th same as th genuln In the yellow package. Why then risk your health, perhaps you life, taking them when Foley's Honey and Tar will cure your cold and prevent serious results? It Is guar anteed. T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store, Dade's Little Liver Pills thorough ly clean the system, good for lasy liv ers, makes clear complexions, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. WORKS WONDERS. Wonderful Compound Cure PIIm, Esitma, Skin Itohlnfl, Skin Erup tloni, Cuti and Brulsss. Doarv's Ointment la the et akin treatment and tha cheapest, becauaa ao little la required to curev It ourea plica after yours of torture. It cure obatlnat caaea of eccnma. It curea all akin Itching. It cures akin erup tion. It heala cuts, bruUes, scratchea and abraalona without leaving a scar. It cures permanently. Aatorla testi mony proves It Mrs. Holon Lewis, of El Aator St., Aatorla, Ore., says; "Doan's Ointment proved Its hatlng qualities several year ago when I ued and told In a published atatement tha great relief and cure I obtained from It. I ued It for a breaking out around my mouth and lips which hud troubled m for a number of yeara, deapit all I could do to get rid of It My lip would crack and become sore whan cold weather aet In, and thla lasted until It got warm again. I wae finally In duced to try Doan'a Olntmen, procur Ing It at Charles Xlogere' drug at ore. In a ahort time after beginning to apply It I was cured of tha annoy ance, and I hava been entirely free from It sine," ' For aala by all daalera. Price 60 centa. Foator-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United State. Ilemomber the nam Doan'a and take no other. DOES SAVING MONEY INTEREST YOUf If It doe, atop and look In our ahow window of fine millinery, Plume, Feather, and other trimming. We are going to sell our entire stock at price lower than gooda of thla kind have ever been offered before In thla city; $1.00 saved Is $1.00 made. MRS. M. PETERSON, Star Theater Dldg., on Commercial St. . ALWAYS WAS SICK. When a man aays ha la always sick. troubled with a cough that laated all winter what would you think If ba should say h never waa sick alnce using Ballard'a Horehound Byrup. Such a man exlata: Mr. 3. C Clark, Denver, Colorado, wrltea: "For years I was troubled with a aevere cough that would laat all winter. This cough left me In a miserable condition. tried Ballard'a Horehound Syrup and hate not had a sick day alnca. That' wlMl It did for ma." Hart's Drug Store CHIMNEY 8WEEP. Have your chimney awept before the holiday cooking. By a profession al chimney sweep, will be here for two weeka only. Phon order to the Aatorlan ofP.ce. ll-!g-5t Ageney Secured. We have secured the agency for Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, tha new laxative that makes the liver lively, purlfle the breath, curea headache and regulates the digestive organs. Cures chronlo constipation. Ask us about It T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store STAR COURSE! The first number on the course next Monday night! Welbournet Elec trical demonstrative lecture. Those having tickets for the course ought to reserve their seats for the course at once, as the demand for seats has been greater than was expected. New Dancing Claia Prof. Rlngler will start a now term In dancing, Thuraday, December 5, A. O. U. W, hall. Children, 4 p. m.; adults, 7:30 p. m 12-1-tf eod Famoua 8trlk Breakers, The most famous strike breakers In th land are Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver and bowels go on strike, they quickly settle the trouble, and the purifying work goes right on, Best cure for constipation, headache and dliHlnasa. 25o at Chas. Rogers', druggist "Plneules (non-alcoholic) made from resin fro mour Pine Forests, used for hundreds of years for Blad der and , Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, $1.00. Guaranteed. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. Sleep Like a- Top Don't lie awake with the remedy at your eiDow. 10 Danisn wakciui ness, nervous starts, bad dreams to sleeo soundly and waken re- 'frcshed take . Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere, la boxes 100. and 26c, . WATERFONT ITEMS French Bark Noeml Arrivei from England. LURLINE NOW AT PORTLAND Ship Maria Haokfeld Ooea to Metrop oils A. P. Coata and 8uie M. Plummer Towed up River Battle Dollar Arrlvea In. Thla afternoon will wltneas the launching of the queen of the Astoria duck-boat fleet, the "Dorrls." built upon the private ways of her owners, Captain Jock Ryan and First Officer Arthur E. Petersen. She 1 a fine, ataunch craft, 1614 feet In length with a beam of 46 Inches on the spar dock and 31 Inches on the bottom, with a net tonnage of 141 pounds. She I pointed a vivid green and her mo tor power conalsta of a pair of stout grocn oars, calculated to stand all the strain her crew can muster and ftpply. She will be used In the duck and goose trade and will traverse the waters of the Columbia anywhere west of Smith's Point The launching will bd under the direct sunervMon of Mr. Arrlgonla, the noted ship-sharp of tha fire department It will take place at I o'clock In the rear of Chem leal No, l's house and 'steen extra po lice have been sworn In to keep back tha crowd. She waa named after dainty young lady of this city; her first cargo of ducks are dua at thla office within ten minute after her arrival from her Initial voyage. In spectors of Hulls and Boilers Fuller and Edwards have been apprised of her completion and will Inspect her at, their leisure provided she floats long enough. For charter parties ap ply to the Occident Barber Shop. The Lurllne reached Portland yes terday morning early, supported on either side with huge bargee, and on tho hawser of the steamer Sarah Dlx on. The steamer Telegraph met the procession as aha left under he Burn- aide bridge. The Lurllne will be tnk en on the waya at the yards of the South Portland Ship Building com pany and Commodore Kamm will aee to It that she Is thoroughly overhauled with the best of material, properly handled. It Is aald he know every piece of timber, every bolt and piece of metal equipment In all his steam ers, and alwaya haa the best he can get. The French bark Noeml, Captain Schnffer, 155 doya out from Newcastle-on-Tyne, with cool, for Portland, came In over the bar yesterday under the pilotage of Captain Matthew. Captain Schnffer reporta the death of one of hla crew, In southern latitudes, of consumption, the body having been burled at sea. She will go to Portland on the next tow line that offers. Customs Inspector Charles Haddlx will accompany the vessel to the metropolis. On her return trip up the river yes terday, the steamer Harvest Queen took the schooner A. F. Coats as far as Stella, where the latter will load railroad ties for San Francisco, and the schooner Susie M. Plummer, also In the same tow, was due at Port land, to load lumber for the Bay City. The steamer Undine tied up at the Lurllne's old berth yesterday at ex actly 8:30 o'clock In the afternoon, one of the quickest trips she has ever made on the Astoria run. She got away at 7 qjclock precisely, with a fair crowd of passengers and a good man ifest of freight. The French ship Mareehal de Cas terles arrived down from Portland on the hawsers of the Oklahoma yester day morning and , later cleared for Europe; with" art Immense cargo of grain. She ' will get dispatch over the bar as soon as may be. The tug Geo. W. Vosburg is still In port and will probably be here un til next Wednesday, as she Is watt ing a cargo of general merchandise from Portland, via the Undine, which is destined for Nehaiem City and that country. The work of discharging the lumber cargo of the steamer Aurella Is pro gressing finely and as soon as she is clear, she will be pumped out and put In trim order for her voyage to San Francisco, ' The command of the steamer R. Mller of this port, changed hands again yesterday, Captain A. Babbldg turning her over to Captain Hasiam. Tho former will leave for Eastern Oregon, Th bar pilot schooner Joseph Pu litzer, entered port yesterday, after a fresty lot of provlions and water, and will hustle back to her station as soon as she gets what she needs. Tho steamer Harvest Queen arrived down yesterday morning with the schooner Prosper on her towllnes, and the lattor cleared from here during the day for Ban Francisco,' Agent Charley Fowler went "to sea" again last night, as purser of the steamer Undine, vice Jack Moran, who Is under the weather. He may be ab sent for some time. The steamer Nome City arrived down yesterday from Stella with a big bunch of railroad ties for San Fran cisco, besides a small group of pas sengers. The steamer Beisle Dollar was among the arrivals In yesterday. She " came from Victoria, B, C. and went directly on to the metropolis. The steamship Numantla did not get' away for China until yesterday noon, ' having been bar-bound here for the nn at- tVmr Aaxtm ' Th steamer Alliance Is busy at Portland, cleaning her boilers, and will not be down for Coos Bay until Mon day morning. The steamer Asuncion came down from Portland yesterday and lost no time fn getting to sea, bound for San Francisco. The German ship Marie Hackfeld left up for Portland on the lines of the steamer Oklahoma yesterday fore noon. The American ship . Berlin went over the bar yesterday, San Francis co bound, with her big load of lum ber. " I The steamer F. A. Kllburn Is due down from Portland tomorrow morn Ing en rout to San Francisco and Eu reka. ' , use a uucauv cough Byrup con talnlng Honey and Tar, Is especially appropriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforms to the conditions of th National Pure Food and Drug Law, Jun 30, 1908, For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc expels, Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store 8UNDAY TRAVEL TO PORTLAND and $2.50 Round Trip Rat via A. A C R. R. la Popular. Travel from this city to Portland on Sunday at th low round trip rate of $2.50 Is on the Increase end many enjoy that day In the metropolis each week. This rat will be continued throughout the winter and the volume of travel toward Portland every Sun day would Indicate that the public appreciates It. 11-8-tf Cured of Brlght's Disae. Mr. Robert O. Burke, of Elnora, N. writes: "Before X started to us Foley's Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night and I was all bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight was so Impaired that could scarcely see one of my fom lly across the room. I had given up hop of living, when a friend recom mended Foley's Kidney Cure. One 50 cent bottle worked wonders and be for I had taken th third bottle the dropsy had gone, as well aa all other symptoms of Brlght's Disease." T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store. Babies' health depends upon bable; food. He-Ulster1, Rocky Mountaln'Tea Is the best baby medicine known to loving mothers Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. For sale by Frank Hart rb'---'spices, or BAinnGFOYDER, AboIurtPifffty. finest flaw. r PORTIAN9, OREGON, r 1 1 WmMflimmtmmmmm fill t cF? "A r r ! SI 1 . YefletaWe Preparation for As similating ttselcxxl and Regula ting lheStoEan(U3ovrel3cf lTKnotesT5ies(!onjClieeifLa ne3SMi Rest .Contains ndttw Opnim,MorpuJae nor Mineral Not Narcotic. JUJmnm Arect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.DiarrhDea, Worms XrmusionsJcvensh' oS5 mdLoss of Sleep. SMSMBBHlaKHMM Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. ir -rm- tttt 1 : i . I lil.ijiit'i- tut, .-. w " Lax ' i; i ii ui i iv" n in I EXACT COPY0PVBAPFEB. JI JjfJjJ wm . i mmmmiu- , ... tnimmnMMHff.nNMin, . :v,- , ... ,.,;v,j. .,.,... .J, A Good Stenographer can write 150 words a minute with & fwd pencil 125 with a steel pen; but the speed is increased to 173 with Waterman's Ideal Fntain Pen the pen with the Spoon Feed. The flow is even and smooth the first drop comes as readily as the last neither comes until you want it Styles and Prices.) EL A. Higgins Co., SUCCESSOR TO Books Music ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pr8. F L BISHOP. Secretao Designers and Manufacturers or THE LATEST IMPROVED ianning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Ouults FurniskJ. CORRESPONDENCE "S01iCITEl, GhQ G E C.F.WISE, Prop. Cholc Wines, Liquors Merchants Lunch From and Cigars 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p jn. Hot Lnnch at all Honrs 25 Cents Corner Elevent h and Commercial ASTORIA SCOW BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS - ASTORIA, OREGON IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND MARINE ENCINEERS Dp-to-Dte Pa Will Machlnerjl hrnn i't sllfrtmn rlven lral. ivrslrwork 18thnd Franklin Ave.' Tel. Main 24fll i InlW U lUUulnl For Infants and Children, j Tho Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears In Oso For Over Thirty Years EIDi J. N GRIFFIN Stationery Nelcori Tro.r, Vice-Pres. and Supt. ASTOKIA SAVINGS BAHh root of FonrMt mi OREGON If .fill M