we WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER n, 1Kl THE MORNING ASTOHIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 1 r i j 1 i 1 1 I St i j i i CITY ADVERTISEMENTS, STREET ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Seventh etreet from the South lino of Niagara Avenue to tha North Una of Bay Avanuo. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN THAT tha assessment made for Improving Seventh etreet from the South line of Niagara Avenue to the rortn line K!gchei, gig Bat Avenue- aa tier assessment roil number 129. was made by an order of the common council due and paya ble on the first day of December, 1908, by ordinance confirming said assess ment roll, that the following are the names of the persons against whom the assessment Is made and the amount owing by each, to-wit: Astoria Abstract Title and Trust Co ..,.$259.57 Asp. Maria 6.74 Asp, Andrew 5.88 Ausmus, Emma 8-51 Allen, A. V. 10.82 Allen. C. B. 10 82 Astoria Savings Bank 135.04 Bussing. Harriet J. 4.28 Bussing, EN. . 4.28 Barker, P. H-38 Barrows, O. N. 18-78 Burns, W. P. 10 80 Bowlby, J. Q. A. 5-70 Belan, M. P. -70 Babbldge, Aim Ira 19.80 Boelling, V. 88.72 Bennett, A. S 570.09 B rower, C. C 1-84 Brooks, Enrln D. 5.68 Bottom, Ford, HA. 81.05 Beard. Ella P. 1 Butt, Jacob 17.04 Boyle, Thoa. 1250 Carney, Mary Wlnnlfred 2.70 Cyrus, A. R-, Trustee 18.63 Campbell, Thomas 10.80 Carlson, J. I 8.10 Carlson, Otto E. 6.40 Cherry, P I. Trustee 2.84 Cherry, P. L. 2.84 Carnahan, C. W. 1-42 Copping. David 22.72 Cronk. F. C 16 20 Copman, George 8.10 Campbell, Sidney 2.70 Campbell, Luther 2.70 Clark, C W. 8.55 Doltf. Thomas 34.00 Dunbar, Albert 33.24 Damant, Frank S. 2.70 Davis, Louisa M 34.90 Delaney, Joseph 20.28 Duffner. Otto 10.80 Ekstrom, Charlotte 4.05 Evans, C H. 8.52 Eskellne, Mary 10.80 Foard, Martin 8.12 Flnlayson, Jamea 92.91 Fisher, A. C 13-50 Fisher. F. A. 13 50 Fors, Charles 2.84 Flynn, M. M. 9.94 Frederlckson, Wm. 10.69 Fisher, J. J., Trustee 1136 Funk, Mary J. 12 Griffin. John N. 13-50 Garner. Mary 10 80 Gunderson, Anna M 4.07 Gilbert, Alexander 270.08 Hammond Lumber Co 152.13 Hussey. Mrs. Dean 2.84 Hussey, Willema Dean 2.84 Heckard. Owen 11-42 Harris, V. 8.52 Harris, Vlrginlus 9.73 n'n vcj. oifiun y ...... ...... - Harris, Alfred Kenedy, Harris, Bessie P.; Harris, Maud; Harris, Clara, widow; heirs of A. T. Harris, deceased 8.52 Hahn, John 6.70 Hlggins, J. E. Trustee 10.82 Hlnman, A 12.15 HarrK Sam E. 21.60 Hagtrman, William 3.56 Jordan, Ada Elvira 11.36 Jordan, Nina Alias 11.36 Johnston, Wm. A 2.84 Johnston, B 2.84 Johnson, Peter Jordan. Harold Kearney, P. N. KlafTkl. A. J. Kelly, P. J. .. F Stevens 12.15 10.80 21.62 5.6S 18.90 Kelly, William 25.59 Kern, Irving 40.52 Lawlor, James 59.64 Larron, John 8.52 Lemon, Jeanle 3.76 Lldwell, Emma J 6.00 Masney, Lillian W. 10.80 Minard, Annie 8.10 Martin Chris 2.70 Morton, O. F 12.78 Munson, Sarah 11.74 Munson, Clara C 11.74 Matheral, William 2.70 Megler, Mina A. 135.04 MoPharlan, A 2.70 Meyer, H. A, 5.40 McRae, Annie 5.40 Noland, George 98.59 Noonan, E. P 4.26 O'Rourke, Frank E 5.74 Oshurn, K 11.36 Paimbersr, (J. C. Pope, Anna M. . 10.80 17.83 Prescott, Wlnnlfred G 5.40 Parker, Alice C. Pracl. Theresa . Prael, TI. F. .. Prael, R. G. .. Pomerny, Mary Pope, M E Pope, Tfla L. . . Peterson, O. I. 10.80 8.10 5.40 10.63 2.70 2.84 2.84 5.34 Peterson. Chris 10.80 Paytnn, J. E Rucker. Ella M. .. Rlnn, Mrs. S. A. Ryrie. Mary J. ... Rogers. Esther F. Ross, Margaret M. 8.10 20.25 8.52 11.10 2.84 1.42 CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. Roger Trust Co S.5 Rowan, Fnnnto C. 1 20 Robertson. D. A 10.S0 Smith. Stewart S 10.80 Stronir. Mary T 50.25 Will ft. .... .. -w.w- Stockton, Wm. W. 810 Stokes, Edward A -70 Slivers, Joseph Smlth H Q 17.01 Sharpstetn. Ella 6.68 Sharpstetn, Ella Pope 8.10 Savory, Seth 135 Shine, Patrick C. 184 Stoltt, G 8.53 Sutton, Elenor T. 5.40 10.80 20.25 5.40 8.10 5.40 5.40 Smith. S. a .. Smith, Stewart Scott, a A. ... Spinney, W. R. Spellmter, H. . SInnott. N. B. . Smith. John M 1.42 Stokes, Emily 8.13 The Foard & Stokes Co, 6.i5 Thompson. H. C. 19-91 Trulllnger. Flora A 12.39 Thompson, C R. deceased. Heirs of 98.58 Tee, A S 1 Tremblay, D. H. 2-84 Turnbull, David 26.38 Ulenhart, W. L. 13.53 UUInger. Llna 23.12 Voss, George l.ol Wilson. Swan 16 20 Winders. C H., Trustea 20.25 Welgardt H. J -70 WIndle. Joseph. 5.70 Wentjar. A. S. 17.04 Williams. John. W.. 2J.78 Willamette Pulp ft Paper Co. .. 6.43 Whltcomb. Alice A, 8.52 Weecks. Mable. 2.70 Wirt O. B 2.70 WHk. Katarina 8.52 WIldL Philip 8.52 Wright. Chas 6.75 Zumwalt. H. J 10-80 By order of the common council. OLOF ANDERSON, 'Auditor and Police Judge. Dated Astoria, Oregon, November 17th 1906. 19-ll-10,t STREET ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Bond street from the wast line of 6th street to the Watt line of McClure's Astoria. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN THAT the assessment made for Improving Bond street from the West line of 6th street to the West line of McClure's Astoria, as per assessment roll num ber 131, was made by an order of the common council due and payable on the first day of December, 1906, by or dinance confirming said assessment roll, that the following are the names of the persons against whom the ass essment is made and the amount ow ing by each, to-wit: Astoria Savings Bank. $375,18 Bottom. Harriet A 21UI Barker. Wm. H 174,36 Bergman. Issac 261. 79 Dunbar, Lillian, Crossby 98.53 Davidson. Ferguson, Geo., J. E., 375.30 Guardian of E. F. Flavel. Geo. C 9S.,3 372.05 174.71 375.35 3R2.30 275.30 19S.34 29.81 i Hendrickson. Fred. Hahn. John Hobson. Anna. K I Kamm. Jacob . . . j Lewis. Howell. Trustee Marlon. John. Henry. Beedlct... Marion. Marguerite 29.84 Marion. Paul Marlon. Clara Marion. Francis Mun'on. Sarah. R. ... Munson. Clara. C. . . . McPharlan. Mary. A., McPharlnn. A McGregor. Catharine. Mary. Jane. Badollet, Sarah. E. Carnahan, 29.84 29.85 29.85 130.90 130.91 148.83 197.69 H 197.04 Rosetta Reed, J. F. Nowlan, Heirs of Nancy Nowlan, de ceased . . 373.05 Parker. C. L 262.30 Parker. Alice. C 19.76 Pickernell, Sarah 150.22 RasmusRen.Thomas 125.96 Ryrie. Mary. J 19.76 Reed. Granville 376.80 Sharpstein. Ella. Pope 19.76 Trulllnger. Agnes 39.56 Trenchard. C. J., ; 402.13 City of Ah', via (Excess) .... R :3 By order of the common council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge. Dated Astoria, Oregon, November 17th, 1906, 19-ll-10,t STREET ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Bond street, from the West line of 9th street to the East line of 6th street, in McClure's Astoria, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the assessment made for Improving Bond St. from the west line of 9th St. ta the East line of 6th street in Mc Clure's Astoria, as per assessment roll number 132, was made by an order of the common council due and payable on the first day of December, 1906, by ordinance confirming said aeses?meni roll, that the following are Ihe names of the persons against whom the as pessment is made and the amount ow ing by each, to-wit; Boelling. V $182.81 Boelling. .Sophia 182.82 Boollinsr. Eliza 182.82 Bergman. Issac 392.76 Bracker. Theo 190.91 Dunbar. Lilian. Crosby 169.38 CITY OTISE M CNTS. Havel. Mary. C. 175.64 Flavel. Geo. C. 53.55 Flavel. Katie 68.54 Flavol. Nellie. 63.55 First National Bank.. 187.16 Gribler. Joseph. ,. 104.67 Gcarhart. C. A., 107.80 Gearhart. John. Neal. 26.95 Gearhnrt. Edgar. O., , 56.95 Gearhart. Esther. O. 26.95 Gearhart. Philip, 26.95 Hyland. Martha. E., 190.91 Kenney. J. J 104.68 Loeb. Wm 197.17 Parker. H. R 205.60 Page. Chas. H 169.38 Progressive Land & Building Association 179 31 Parker. C. L 215.60 Rohr. Chas. II 169.38 Shamborger. Joseph 169.38 United. States 665.68 By order of the common council. OLOF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judgo. Dated Astoria, Oregon, November 17, 1906. 19-11-lO.t STREET ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Eleventh etreat, from tha North line of Harrison to the North I ina of Kensington Avenue. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN THAT the assessment made for Improving Eleventh street from tha North line of Harrison Avenue to tha North line of Kensington Avenue, aa per assessment roll number 130, was made by an order of the common council due and pay able on the first day of December 1906, by ordinance confirming said assess ment roll, that the following are the names of the persons against whom the assessment Is made and tho a mount owing by each to-wlt. Birch. Joseph $56 25 Bashford. Allce.B 17.70 Basel Rudolph 236.33 Babbldge. J. W. 6.00 Douglas Land & Trust Co 14.09 Devlin. Eliza. Rahlea 17.64 Flavel. Mary. C 22.65 Flavel.Geo. C. 7.64 Flavel. Katie 7.54 Flavel. Nellie 7.54 Fulton. G. C 90.00 Franclscovich. Cosmo 13.50 Gerdlng. E. A 29.42 Gerdlng. E U A 12.3$ Hansen. J. H 41.43 Hamilton. John. F 177.75 Hustler. Eliza. J 86.25 Heblach. Jacob 86.25 Hammond. Lumber. Co 101.25 Johnson. Annie 69.53 Jourdan. Annie. M. Perry 75.00 Nordstrom. John 2.35 McKean. Mary. Jane 186.92 McKean. S. T. (Heirs of) .... 101.25 Peterson. Chris 41.25 Schamberger. Joseph 112.50 Skibbe. Max. 314.59 Short. Emily. C. 22.24 Sloop. B. J 6.37 Schenk. A. A 42.70 Thompson. Mary. P 236.3 Utzinger. Jacob 180.00 Wise. Herman 7.93 Wise. Sarah 7.92 Wilson. Mary 45.00 City of Astoria (Excess) 396.96 By order of the common council. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge. Dated Astoria, Oregon, November 17, 1906, 19-ll-10,t NOTICE. There Is money In Exchange street fund from 17th to 19th street to pay warrants Nos. 28001 and 26602. In terest will cease after this date. THOS. DEALEY, City Treasurer. Astoria, Ore., Nov. 17, 1906. NOTICE. There Is money In Alameda Avenue from Columbia to Ilwaco Avenue Fund to pay warrants numbered 21497 to 21509 Inclusive. Interest will cease af ter this date. THOMAS DEALEY, City Treasurer. Astoria, Ore., Nov. 13, 1906. ll-14-10t "PaleBohemlan Upturn'' THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE M on draught and in bottlea ;1 Brewed "Tier saiiltnry condition and J propeti aged rijjhl here in Astoria, North Mic Braving Co, ASTORIA, OREGON. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. WANTED stoves. MAN TO s News from Want-Adville HELP WAHTED. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply at Iloetlofi can dy store. ll-28-2t WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 8. Danilger & Co. AGENTS CANVASSERS, M IX ERS. peddlers, solicitors, malt order peo ple, etc., should buy KRAMER'S BOOK OF TRADE SECRETS. Regu lar p Ice 35, but bal. of Ian edition for 31.25 as long as they Inst. Guar anteed. Order quick. Sioux Pub. Co.. Sutherland, Iowa. 11-25-tf VVANTHV-SALKSMEN. MANY MAKe'p'" t't,incatlon on flla In th $100 to $150 per month. Some even county clerk's office. Ail material now mora. Stock clean; grown .m Rcr-jo" I" , . , . . , ,, , ' to ne consiaerca ny me imjuorm, mu vatum, far from old orcharJ. Cash , , ' , . b , ,h ' , , . .... ders to enctoao certlfind check In the advanced weekly. Choice of territory.! of j per cmt of thllr bid that Addrce Washington Nursery Company.! ,h(jy w(n en)p Jnl0 con(rilr, pro. Tppenii.h, Washington." 9 25 tfj vtllon tor payment Is mad. Bids to ; WANTEO-TWO GOOD SUBSCRIP- tlon solicitors to work. proposition offlce. good pay. Apply Astorlan: TOR RENT. FURNISH FT) FRONT ROOM FOR j light housekeeping at 308 Hond ! St. ll-22-lw, I FOR RENT TWO NICELY FUR nl.Mhod houRckcepIng rooms, with bath. 414 Exchange St. 11-20-tf FOR RENT STORE liUILDIXO AT j Alderbrook, with shnlvin?, counters., bins, etc.; wareroom and ham. Good j living room up at airs, fine opportunity for right party, lient, 25 per month. ; Inquire at 109 12th Et. 10 13-tf ' i FOR RENT TURKU housekeeping rooms, lights. Fred Sherman, FURNISHED! with electric 26 Astora St. I 11-13-lf i FOR RENT TEN-ROOM HOUSE AT ; No. 152 Sucml Avenue. Apply to , Victor Alrola. ll-4-tf FOR RENT-TWO FURNISHED; rooms, J5.00 ench per monh. In-1 fllre 373 Exchange street. 11-14-tfj LOST AND FOUND. j FOUNDVATCII ON 12TII; St., between Commercial nnd I)u-' ane. owner can nave same oy prov ing property and paying for this ad vertisement. Call at Johnson Bros. REWARD FOR RESTORATION OF lost property. The undersigned will pay $50 cash upon delivery to her of her basket telescope and contents, taken from the Callender Navlgtatlon Company's dock last October, or will pay 325 cash for restoration of the papers and documents therein con tained. Guarantee no questions will bo asked. Can be returned to As, torlan offlce or Callender dock. B. A. Owens-Adalr. e.o.d-lOt FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP IF TAKEN soon, good hotel, furnished, well es tablished business; good locality. Ad dress Mrs, J. Hughes, Nahcotta, Wash. . 11-20-tf FOR SALE 9-ROOM HOUSE, NICE ly furnished, suitable for rooming house. Address II 23, Astorlnn. FOR SALE FRUIT AND CONFEO tion ary store on Commercial street. Inquire at Astorlnn office. tf MISCELLANEOUS. TO OWNERS OF TIM HER CLAIMS and timber We will buy for CASH lom River. Will deal with owners Ionly. No others need answer. Write, giving full particulars, to Rox 8, U, P, Station, Portland, Oregon. ' Rtit'AIKi ml'lCN fiir ii0 UP on Jay: rJHtverod Waiil-Advlllo. Kv'rybody wantod stovoa To take off th chill. Homo of thorn did mnv m buy. tuhora thought th old, With tt llltlo "patching" would Si-i Vfl to stay tho cold. To the move man me "t ttwlra. utli.Ts bade him call, 8tivt man got busy, he Couldn't tlx them all. Woiiii d, till a brilliant thought Cnufd ti Imppy "H". Advertised for titan to hilp. Got him! Made a pile! MORAL Advert! your wants In The Km-torlun. NICK PAPAZQERE8, THE GREEK DIVER, has just received a new diving ma chine from tha old country. DW from 25 to 30 fathoms In "hallow wa tpr; slnys down half a day at a tlm. Iave order at 417 Bond St. Markol. or IX Falangus, Clifton. PROPOSALS. i NOTICE FOR BIDS. i Rid are hfreby akd for th eom I Ion of the superstructure and In- 1 torlor finish of the new Court IIou I Rids to Include wiring and plumbing I but not huattng. Said building to tx i romntoted In accordance with the '.b filed wllh the county clerU on or j ,. Th, bids. Ry order of the County Court. J. C. CLINTON. County Clerk. Astoria, Oregon, November , 1W8-ll-10-3t CAN FACTORY HIJILDINOS BIDS will be received for piling and erect ing can factory buildings up to nd Including November 28, 190. Plans and specifications can bo had At the office of Sanborn Cutting Co. Right rcHerved to reject any and all bid. WOOD YARDS. WOOD mil! wood, boi kind of wood 1 1 lowest price. Kelly the transfer nun. 'Phone aioj Main Barn on Twelfth, opposite or bouse PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CHAS. R. ABERCROMBII, Attorneyat-Law, Ot-neral Practitioner, Notary Publlft. Room 35-3(1 -Phone Main WM. Patre Rloek. Cor. Commercial A lft b 8t OUTEOPATHI&T5. DR. RBODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH Office Mansel. Bid. Phone Blnck 2081 171 Commercial St.. Astoria. Ore DENTI8T&. Dr. VAUOIIAN, Dkntist Pythian Buildin, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. W. 0. LOU AN DENTIST T't Commercial Ht., Hlninnlmii Hp: dint; MORNING ASTORIA N la on Bale in Anlorio ut J N GRIFFIN'S ItOOKSTOHE. (JTZlNtilCR'3 NEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT H0TKT. OFFICE, FRED BWN Both Stoiei tos I'vr.om, ct' a v stiirh a) TI HTJ3IC TEACHES, WANTED TUREK MUMO njpiSj Inquire at Aftoriao ouIps. MANWH.US LKatKXSi GIVEN-Usa C, P. PUwrrt, 117 3mnta itrset, BUSINESS DIRECTORY TIE LEYDK. Iloonu with or wltnout board rata raMnatl fowl aeom. modatloa for Unnetonk Hi and Commercial BOUSE MOVERS. ntKPRKpKflON DR Wa mtk ( peclalty of bous mov Inf , erpntn, contractor. nrrl Jobhlngi prompt it. lent Ion to all order. Corner TmU aaj Duan. M LAINDRIES. BUTTON HOLE AT THE BACK. Your iMrUm with It has a dmL lead to much vitlon, poaslbly isnlty, Itrok your flngornall trying t piy it up from tha nark band. At You wmt bar that that iprlfiu t you aoml your ablrt to ui w mt j this trouble, tod ilanger of tearing tat ohlrt Try ui and i, TROY LAUNDRY, Trnth aad Data SU PboM iaai 1"! . - J UNDERTAKERS. J. A. OILHAUai! Jt CO, Undertaker and Embalmera. Phone Main till. Cor. II and Duant. 11-4-tf . . M. . . . . .....J HE8TAUANTi KmST.Ul.AS8 MEAL lor 15c; nice cake, coffoo, pio, of louglmuls, 5c, at U. 8. Restaur ant. 43 1 Ihrnd bl BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You ean always find tho best 15-ccnt meal in tho city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 r.utmntn'inlSt. ROTCLI HOTEL PORTLAND Fin... Hotel In tha Northwaat. PORTLAND. ORE JAPANESE GOODS. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LICHT, STRONG, BAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT-NOTS, BOOKCASES, SHELV ING, ETC, Yokohama Bazaar i2fl Comnifrriul St., Antorla. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE SAVOY Popular Concert Hall. flood mimic All are walooma. Dor nar Seventh and Aator. Eagle Concert Hall 320 Aator St. Tha leading amusement house. Agency for Ediaon Phonographs tad Gold Moulded Record. P. A. PETERSON, Proa. 416 BOND ST., ASTORIA, . OREGON Carries the Fincivt Line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars v I CALL AND SEE US BOARD! If o7 111 I'. U "A