t THE MORNING ASTORIA ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, iMi THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by Ilk, J. S. DKLLINGKR COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION KATES. By mail, per year ,.(7.00 By carrier, per month..... 10 WEEKLY ASIORIAN. 8, mail, per year, in advancs.. 91.00 sTii taniji1 aa nnnrf nlaas. vneattAi Tnl 90, MM. t the poaoffloe at Astoria, Urv soa, under lb act of Coof rea ot Mvnas, bantam, may be nuuto by poetel card or tarough tela.nooo. Any bTBguairity in tie- ofllo of publication. TELEPHONE MAW Mi. 1 City of Astoria, WEAXHER. Western Oregon and Wash ington Fair. Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho Fair and continued cold. happens to afTect him adversely and It Is not doing him any good, either. He must work, obey, learn, boar and achieve, jst as other m?n do, and do It In manly fashion ; his everlasting pose as an "Injured Innocent" Is bo- coming a travesty as welt as a bore. 0 FLIPPANT MR. SCHMITZ. Judging from tho character of the Interviews given by Mayor Sehmlti to the New York press representative, he Is putting on a bold front and en deavoring to spare himself the real Isntlons of his home-coming until the last moment. Well, he needs all the comfort lie van summon, for his day la at hand and his arrival at the city he has betrayed will be the signal for such a storm of reproaches and re vlllngs and bitter upbraldlngs as will cause him to wish from the bottom of his soul he had never entered upon the pathway of politics, but had clung to his simple and honester course of dispensing sweet music at the foot lights, with his orchestra. His sud denly acquired wealth will not only have to be accounted for to the last farthing, but It will have to be spent lavishly and perhaps to that same last farthing, In keeping his precious body on the hither side of the penitentiary gates. His flippancy will have oozed entirely away by the time he has crossed from the Oakland mole and stands once more on the ground that be has dishonored and among the peo pie he has sold out for a "mess of pottage." o 1 1 1 There are various ways of being useful, but the kind of usefulness thut counts Is that which makes Ufa a less complicated problem for one-Self and one's associates. o A chewing gum magnate who died left 11.500,000. His Income was Im mensely augmented by the wasteful FINANCIAL. . REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP TUB nStoriaMiallM 1 habit of leaving your cud sticking un dor the (lining room chairs. When Albert Qoode and Bessie Lord were married In a Kansas town the other day, the prudent editor headed the marriage notice "A Notable Wed ding" instead of "Oooda Lord!" We grow tired watching men spend their days on affairs" far beneath their powers. Many a pointer pun wastes his energies pointing sparrows In the park He needs some one to take him afield. So do you. Cured of Brlght'i DisMst, Mr. Robert O. Burks, of Elnora. N. Y writsa: "Bforo X startad to uss Foley's Kidney Curt X had to get ud from twelvt to twenty times a nUrht. and X was all bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight was to Impaired that I could scarcely see ont of my fam ily across the room. I had given up hopo of living, when a friend recom mended Foley's Kidney Cure. One 50 cent bottle worked wonders and be fore I had taken the third bottle the dropsy had gone, as well as all other symptoms of Brlght's Disease." F. Lauren. Owl Drug Store. No. 4403 at Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at tho close ot business November 12, 1906 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 1325,819.80 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ., 10,005.46 V, S. Bonds to secure circu lation 12,600.00 Premiums on U. 8. Bonds. . , 600.00 Ilonds, securities, eto 54.8J4.75 Hanking house, furniture, and fixtures , 4.000.00 Other real estate owned... 1.233.41 Due from Slat Banks and Bankers ... ... S.5S7.0S Due form approved reserve nts 183,053.67 Checks and other cash ..Items .. Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful Money reserve in In Bank, vis: Specie 144,337.75 Legal-tender notes 125,00 4'.3IS.75 Redemption Fund with U. 8. Treasurer. (5 Der cen of circulation) If The Art of Fin Plumbing: 833.66 330.00 803.63 1 umm 1 prowcjjed" with the development of tho science of ' J-s. ... I.-.I..- l-..- 1 aiiuauun aim ni ins cj rice with (he Improvementi. Uve vou f Or Is your UthrcHim the old twhluncd, unhealthy kind I .4.1 .,! If you art stU using the Hloid j futures of ten yean ago, It woulj be w( to remove them and Install In their ts itca I inowy white "ShaJmd? Porcelain ttum. eled Ware, of which we hive itmplri 19 displayed In our showroom, Let ui quote you prices. lUuttratcd catalogue free. .' LL. I. ' ?, A. Montgomery, Astoria. FTMANCL1L. I ill 11 It. I. .1, ,JU J, J I...J14I1.' J. Q. A. BOWLRY, President, f RANK PATTON. Osihlar. 0. I. PETERSON, Vlo President J. Y. GARNER, Assistant Cubit. .Astoria Savings Bank Capital raid In lloo.OUf, Surplus and Undivided Profits M,oap TrsBMols a (leneral Rauilng limine. Iniornl raid on Tim tfepuslls Ttntit Street, A8T0MA, OREGON 625.00 THANKSGIVING EXTRA. INSPIRED GENEROSITY. EARLY REVISION. The Columbus (O.) Journal Is of the opinion that the diversity of opln ion among the Republicans upon the tariff question will not be dangerous to party prospects. It claims pro tectlon is rather more of a principle than a policy, and the Republican party has adopted the principle. The editor says: "When we argue with Republicans that we could revise the rates on some things and. have Just as much prosperity as we have now, we want to get them right; it won't do any good to try to get the other fellows right, first, because it Is impossible, and second, they are short In opportunity But the Republicans ought not to wait until they see pros perity show signs of a relapse and then resort to revision, for It will then be too late to do any gpod." He thinks that Taft should labor with Roosevelt on the point on which he hag gone sadly astray, and that Is that the trusts are not interested In the unrevlsed tariffs, as the president seems to think. He thinks the Judge could overcome the president on that proposition very easily.- He believes he, as well as all Republicans, should try, at any rate, to come to a con clusion In favor of early revision which, he says, is "the most master ful stroke in favor of economic san itation there is." 0 The sudden advance of the wages paid to the railway employes of the country and that Just conceded to the thousands of employes of the United States Steel Corporation have a slg nlflcance all of their own. It Is done as a sop to the rising protests accum ulating for presentation in the nation al campaign to come: as a club to beat down the claims of the working classes, that are certain to be forced to the front in the near future when the accounts of the people and the trusts are to be publicly analyzed; as examples of corporate kindliness and consideration, in offsetting the harsh catalogue of oppressions of which they have been guilty for years; but the game Is too old, too shallow, too simple, to deceive any longer. It Is always an expedient applicable Just in advance of presidential elections and has lost its merit utterly. THE BAR IS FREE. You have something extra to be thankful for this year. You can buy a new sit or overcoat for Thanksgiv ing Day at regular January clearance prices. Your pick of our immense stock of suits or overcoats this week at a discount of 20 per cent. If you are contemplating buying a new suit or overcoat for Thanksgiving, come here and save 20 per cent. We are also continuing our Great Woolen Goods Sale during this week. Time now to lay in a year's supply and save about one-fourth the cost Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. Total 3749.887.37 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In .... 60,000.00 Surplus fund 35,000.00 l nuivuica proms, less ex penses and taxes paid.... 16,773.22 National Bank notes out standing 13,000.00 Individual deposits subject to check3351,S08.8I Demand certificates of deposit 38,880.77 Time certificates of deposit 245,925.47 636,115.05! First National Bank of Astoria, Ore, i:STAIILISIIi:i 1HM4J. Capital $100,000 Total 3749.887.27' Famous Strike Breakers. The most famous strike breakers In the land are Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver and bowels so on strike, they quickly settle the trouble, and the purifying work goes right on. Best cure for constipation, headache and dlzzzlnesa. 25c at Chas. Rogers', druggist. c . , n a . - . . omie 01 vregon, county or uauop, m: j I. J. E. Hlgglns, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swenr that! the above statement Is true to the! best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. HIGGINS. Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me i me this 17th day of Nov. 1906. GEORGE C. FULTON, Notary Publia. Correct Attest: GEO. II. GEORGE, A. SCIIERNECKAU, GEO. W. WARREN. Directors. hi i I no ; Good Sample Rooms oa the Ground Floor for Commercial Mea H. B. PAKKKR, E. P. PARKER, Proprietor Maaagar PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN FIRST CLASS IX EVERY RESPECT Free Coach to the Bouse Bar and Billiard Room Good Check Restaurant ASTORIA, OREGON THE NEGRO QUESTION. Is it possible that the deliberate official action of President Roosevelt in discharging the three companies of negro soldiers for blatant contumacy and disregard of army discipline, is to form a predicate for a long-drawn race-row? Are such paltry events as this to disturb and annoy the coun try for months and give the cue for depredation and public disorder? Mr. Roosevelt la not the man we take him to be If he relinquishes one iota of the ground he has taken in this matter He acted as the supreme head of the army in maintaining the discipline and efficiency of that great department, and the mere fact that the men Involved In the measures of reprisal are negroes should cut no sort of figure; it would have been the same had the offending companies been made up of white men. Only the sentimentalists and those vicious people always on the look-out for a peg to hang some ugly sensation on are keeping It alive. The negro of today Is Just as responsible as any one else, for his status in the public estimate, and if he cannot maintain it by adherence to the laws of the country and the rules of society, let him take the consequences; It Is time to stop petting him every time he gets into hot-water. He has the same standing in the U. S. army that his white mate has; the discipline re quires his observance Just as It does that of the white man; if he cannot stand the pressure, let him get out from under it. He Is no better than the white man, and is entitled to no more consideration. The country is tired of having him thrust upon It as, a martyr every! time? something Why all this hullabaloo about the tug and pilot service on the Colum bia river bar? The bar, and the riv er, are as free as the air about them Why not put other tug and pilots at work there, if these do not fill the bill? It is a mere matter nf dollar. and cents, and the finding of men who can be trusted to do the work safely and well. Competition might be the very thing that is needed to liven up the services. Portland has any amount of capital and no doubt the correspondence schools of country could supply the pilots and tug-men at so much per. The O. R & N. does not own the Columbia river, nor Its bar, though it comes pretty near it in the public estimation; and the bar pilot association does claim any proprietary Interest in the great submerged sand pile at th mouth of the river. Anv man with requisite knowledge can pilot ships in and out over it, if he can get the necessary license; and it Is the same with the tug work Put on a com petent service and see if it will stir things up some. We have an idea it will! STAR COURSEI The first number on the course next Monday night! Welbourne! Elec trical demonstrative lecture. Those having tickets for the course ought to reserve their seats for the course at once, as the demand for seats has been greater than was expected. RErORT OF TOE CONDITION Or 1 HE 'First National Butt ASTORIA IRON WORKS Nelson Troyir, Vlw.Pn. ml Kupf. ASTORIA HaV'INOH HANK, Treat JOHN FOX. Pres. V L BISHOP. Secretary DOCTOR HED OF llt.it Maryland Physician Cures Himself of Eczema with Cuticura Remedies. Prescribes Them and Has Cured Many Cases Where Other Formulas Have Failed -Dr, Fisher Says: CUTICURA REMEDIES POSSESS TRUE MERIT THAT REGATTA REPORT, People are beginning to ask ques tions about the last regatta and how it came out, and are wondering why the committee report does not come to the front. It may be well to bring the matter up In tangible form as soon as possible, in order to head off ambiguous conclusions. We have knowledge of the fact that the regatta paid itself out handsomely and that there is a surplus of about the old proportions on hand, but there are those who want the figures and facts and are saying so. 000000000000000000 EDIT0SAL SALAD. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The Chicago woman who knocked her husband down with an alarm clock probably found that the clock was not so slow at a time like that. o Modesty is a charming trait In wo man, an-d yet she certainly shows more of herself on the street, when In full dress, than her night gown permits to be visible. My face was afflicted with eczema Jn the year 1897. I used the Cuticura Remedies, and was entirely cured. I Am A nrnrt.ininfr nViwcnnto. an4 often prescribe Cuticura Resolvent and f..A.i ft ' m vuueura ooap in cases 01 eczema, ana theV have CUrprl whfr nthor fnrmnlaa have failed. I am not in the habit of endorsing patent medicines, but when I find remedies possessing true merit, Such as the Cutfrlirn Remerlioa rln Im broad-minded enough to proclaim their virtues u me worm. 1 nave been prac ticing medicine for siyfaon must say I find your Remedies A No. 1. You are at liberty to publish this letter, or any part of it. I remain, very truly vnnrs. f . M. Fislw M 1 Tc TW.I Md., May 24, 1905." '' CUTICURA-THESET,$1. complete Treatment for Every numor from Pimples to Scrofula Bathe the affected nnrfs mUh Tinf. Water and Cllt.iV'iira Sunn in the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle: drv. without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointmont. frrx.l V rt nil.,,. itchinc. irritation, anrl infln.mmR.finn. and soothe and heal; and, lastly, take Cuticura Resolvent. Pills fn OftA nnri - vv, miu cleanse the blood. A single set, costing out o'ie wmur, is oitcn uumcient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood humors, with loss of hair, Hum miancy 10 age, wnen all else fails. Cutlcnri Rop, Me., Ointment, MJ., Rnolicmf B0c, rln form of Chocolate Coated I'llli, 26c. per Tlal of 00), are told throujhout the world, totter Drug and CaeuL Corn, Sole )'rop., Botton. or Mailed Free, "now to Curt Torturing, DMruriM Buuon of infancy aud Age," 6 at Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, November 12th, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $459,032.1 Overdrafts, secured and un- j secured 3,651.74 U. S. Bonds to secure elrcu. t latlon 25,000.00 Premium on U. S. Bonds .... 600.00 Bonds, securities, etc 63,130.00 Other real estate owned .... 3,000.00 Due from National Banks, (not reserve agents) .... 130,717.26 Due from Bute Banks and Bankers 63,771.14 Due from approved reserve agents 206,876.24 Checks and other cash items ii9.i Notes of other National Banks 1,385.00 Nickels and cents 381.08 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie $164,000.00 Legal tender note 450.00 164,450.00 Redemption fund with TJ. 8. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation 1,250.00 Designers and Manufacturers di THE LATEriT lUrjtOVKD Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE 'SOLC.TED. Foot of tM VITKOPIANE The new artistic window deco ration. . A substitute for stained glass at one twentieth the cost. Easily applied. B. F. ALLEN 0 SON NEW STORE COR. nth AND BOND STREETS. Total .31,113,294.08 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.... 87,209.79 National Bank notes out- standing 25,000.00 Ir dividual deposits subject to check $731,021.74 Demand certificates of deposit 210,062.55 941,084.29 Total .$1,113,294.08 State oi Oregon, County of Clatsop.ss: I, S. S. Gordon cashier nf iha shnvn. named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ia tma n iha tuar nf my knowledge and belief. 8. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before this 15th day of November, 1906. C. A. COOLmOE, Notary Public CorrectAttest: O. C. FLAVEL, w. p. McGregor, J. WESLEY LADD, Directors, me M e vStandard Classical music, Easy Practice Pieces, and a large lot of Late Popular Music. All on 10c Counter E. A. Higgitis Co., SUCCESSOR TO J. N- (JltlFFJN Books Music Stationery THE ASTORIAN OOc per month.