THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1008. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. AUTOMOBILE BANK An Innovation In the New York Banking Business. FLOOD TIDE OF PROSPERITY Qutiilon Raised Whetner New . Sky 8orap.ri Will WltheUnd the St vtre Qnlit With Tnmindoui Wlgh( on Foundation. NK WYnftlC, Nv, 21 -The familiar "li'mk honk" nf the) automobile horn will mi nnr tuvf'wmi lly mean to the New Yorkor "tk out for your tlr" ii may mwi.n nlmpty that th hank l coming, for the very Intesl thing hre I the Biilo brink. When n certain flnawlnl Institution an nnum-ed Its Intention to keep open ilny and night In order that patron who wanted to make n deposit or cash r rhn-k somewhere nlntiK In the ww ma hours might do no, old-fnNhloncd nnd conservative resident were ron. fldent that the limit tmd been reached rttit they did tint "ckon on the nuto hniiK It Id not as might be thought frtn lt nntne. n hnnk whre thing Urn itonn automatically, hut nn auto mobile tm.-ik on wheel which will call nt the reldinee or office of n custom er to rerelve dpoH or rush rh tt the presumption being thnt New Yorker In the flood tldn of pro perlty tvi too tmiiy making money to tnp even to hunk It Each depol tor who desires to pntronli!f thl r otln hnnk I provided with a metal dlRpntrh bo to which there are only two key, one In hi pnmMlnn nnd "tie with the receiving t-11r "f the hunk from which I ho nuto In sent nut When the nuto l.niik mil the cus tomer simply hand ovpr his dispatch hoi, receive a receipt for It nnd see It placed In the safe In the nutn bank Oiio th. next trip thi ho In returned to him. Likewise If he wlshe to drfiw mnticy for a pay roll or person n iiri-d". ill! Iii. bus to do In to tele phono for thi nuto brink to comn nroimd hl way, Collections nnd dis bursements ore to be made In the ter- rltnty from Fourteenth street to UMh trijnt, so thnt a Inrge Amount or ground will be covered. Poiibttes tho next brut thing to owning nn nuto will b A patronise nn nuto bnnk. In or der thnt nn Imponlnir mnrhlm. mny ho Aonn wrnnlnnnltv ilnndlnrT In front of oj-io'n door rntroim, bowfvi.r, nro not nllnwnd to rldo. thi only norti. pnnt of tho fnr bolnir tho nrmod drlv or nnd mononr?orii. It hnn romo to th" point whoro It Ik nororifinry to tin down Now Tork'n kv irrnpi-r to korp thorn from blowlnif nwny-nr nt 1.nt blowlnif ovo'. In tho punt with Iho ordlnnry biilldlnf? of moroly twonty or twivly flvn ntorlow, l wolttht of novornl thounnnd tonn on onrh Mfpinro ynrd of ground unrtor It wiih thought to ho mifflelnnt to hold It utondy nRiilnKt nil tho wlndn of honvon, nnd rnnno Uiiontly no provlnlon win mndo to wlthntnnd nn upllfhllno; trnln, ulnoo tt wnn flarurod thnt nothing would romo nlonu to lift thorn, nnyhow. Tint with tho comlnif of tho now nky nernpor mnttois nto rhnnffod. two hullilliiKH nro undor wny vvhlrh will tnwor Into tho mnnky nlmonphoro fiTift nnd fi;.ri font roKpocllvfly or nomo thliiK ovor forty utorle In nnrh rnno. On a building of thin nort tho wind proHHiirn will bo cnortnotiN, oHpoclnlly on tho uppor hnlf, which will Hland nut nald'd nnd unprotoctod by tho minwindlnK biilldliiBH, Thorofnro It linn hoon doomod iinoOMHiiry to lltnr ully tip thmn down by moium of n new dovlec omplnyed for tho flrnt time In tho hlHlmy of roiiHtrucllon In this flly. An lim'fiiloiifi niiiiindi'iiiniit of thmn nnd onn-lmlf Inrh Plnol rods Is to bo niiiployoil which will bo pin bndd.'d to a depth of noaily fifty foot In tho roiii role which forms tho onls sonn roHtlnn on tho solid rock '!(?)-1y-flvu font below the curb. Tho rods, four In number, nro mode up of ten font seel Ions each with n Riant an chor on tho bottom, conversed nt tho utroet level nnd rnnnlni? up Into tho columns of the building for a dlstanee of llvp hundred foot whore (hoy are bolted Into position. Tho strength of those rods Is ample to crunterurt the effect of the most severe storms. 1 tut If the buildings cannot move, some people are wondering whether tho day will come when the Island will move Instead and cruise out Into the bny using lis sky scrapers for sails. One third of nil the passengers on steamships In the United States are carried on ferry boats across the North Jtlver No less than 107,000,000 people cross from shore to shore of this busy strenm every twelvo months n numbofr greater than the total population of the United States by at least twenty-five per cent. During the mot of the time 194 ferryboats are busy carrying back nnd forth 300,000 passengers & day, which Is equivalent to saying that about S2 boats are always crossing this stream nt once, This In likely to be thn top record which will bn looked buck to In fiiturn yours when lh forry hunt In nlmosl n curiosity, Thn tunnels will lake care of most piiNSongors and Iho growing deslro to clour up tho North 1'llvnr In general will do nwny with lh present congestion Already u project In well ndvnneed to do nwny with thn nnehornge grounds on tho Jersey sldo of the North Illver, In order that thn docking fiullltlen In that territory mny ho hotter utlllr.ed, Tha truth if the, whnl matter In that New York Is beginning to rllx thnt hr water commerce Is not nil It might bo. Not only are other ports Ruining In Importance dully, but de velopments are frovlng thnt Iho har. bor hern need a lot of Improving. Homo definite plan will undoubtedly h decided boforo long, since New York In expected to send n strong delegation to the convention of the Nntlonnl lUvers Mid llnrbors Con gress In Washington on December l nnd 7, when the nntlonnl policy to ward water transportation Is to be considered In detail, Much hope Is felt her thnt this convention will re sult In definite measures for good, for with bor own situation nn an object lesson ,th city nmllxe that tho time for tnmporlislng Is post, A rent Fngln, who, like Dickons' character, mad" a spfclalty of train ing boys to seal, hns Just boon discov ered In New York nnd with his dls covoroy has comB a flood of Infor mation concerning his habits nnd methods, which show them to have boon as repulsively Interesting as those of his prototype of fiction. Hteln, the real F'ngln. tnught pocket picking In M school which numbered nearly a hundred pupils, from which boys were, regularly graduated when they showed the required amount of pro-dcleni-y ns "dips" or pickpockets. The training was not theoretlonl, cllher, for In school when It was rnld ed wns found n complete oo,ulpmont for the education of "pupils." There were runts hanging on dummies In which bolls were ronoenled and woe to tho lad who bungled his work nnd jnngled one of these signals Various other dummies furnished varied (mining and ns the boys gcw more ptnfloloftt they prnrtlced on Stein or among themselves Fourteen your old llymun fSrnssmnn, wtio after being arrested gave Information which led to the discovery of Stein's school, posed ns Its stnr pupil. "I wns de only oni do boss would lot work wld him on de street," he snld bnastlngly. Three or four times a day consti tuted bis work on the streets with Stein, his rate of pay being 10 cents for each watch and 15 rents for each purso captured. After this as he naively admitted, be generally put In a few hours on his own hook. Cured of Brlcjht'i Diieai. Mr. Robert O. Burke, of Elnorm, N. YH writes: "Before I started to use Foley's Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night, and I was all bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight wns so Impaired that I could scarcely see one of my fam ily across the room. I had given up hope of living, when a friend recom mended Foley's Kidney Cure. One B0 cent bottle worked wonders and be fore I had taken the third bottle the dropsy had gone, as well aa all other symptoms of Brlght's Disease." T. F. luren, Owl Drug Store. ADJU3TINQ LOSSES. Full Investigation Will Be Made of Losin In 8an Franoitco. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. George K, liutler, one of the oldest Insunvice men on tho coast, was yesterday ap pointed a special agent of tho com missioner of corporations to make a full Investigation of the action of the firo Insurance, companies In the set tlement of claims for losses resulting from the big tiro In this city. Tlx appointment comes from Washington and was made upon the recommenda tion of Secretary Metcnlf after his re turn to Washington from this city. Tho cheap Imitations of Foley's Honey and Tar cost you the same ns the genuine In the yellow package. Why then risk your health, perhaps you life, taking them when Foley's Honey and Tar will cure your cold and prevent serious results? It Is guar anteed. T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store, NICHOLAS ARRESTED. San Francisoo Grafter Arrested Yes terday for Bribery. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21 Super visor Nicholas, Indicted by the grand Jury, charged with agreeing to take a bribe, was arrested last night. He was taken by the arresting officer to the home of Judge Muraskey, who re leased him upon the deposit of $2,500 In gold coin. Danoing Proves Fatal. Many men and women catch cold at dances which terminate in pneumonia and consumption. After exposure, If Foleys Hoey and Tar Is taken It will break up a cold and no serious re sults need be feared. Refuse any but the genuine In a yellow package. T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store. 0 4) L. V k i I i Etv-N lit T 1 t..j M 1 At 'Jr.. rHlOTlfjli LAST CAL TO OUR GREAT WOOLEN GOODS SALE THREE MORE DAY and the best chance you ever had to buy woolen goods at such low prices will be gone If you haven't secured your share of these great bargains come either today, tomorrow or Saturday. Anything in woolen goods you may need this winter blankets, underwear, socks, overshirts, etc,, can, for three more days, be bought at prices that will never be. so low again. DON'T LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS. Here are oi few of the great bargains. Underwear Specials. Hundreds of men and women have bought their woolen under wear cheaper this year than they ever did before, regardless of the fact that all Woolen Goods have advanced and are still advancing In prices. They came here and took advantage of these bargains: Men's fine soft Natural and Light Tan Underwear, single or double breasted, regularJl-50 values; sale price 7 Jv Women's Gray Ribbed Non-shrlnkable Wool Underwear; reg- Qr ular $1.50 values, this sale, garment OL Four styles Men's Gray or Brown, Single or double-breasted Wool Underwear, regular $1.75 and $2.00 values, sale d 'jj price, garment pl.JJ Complete line fine Imported Underwear, all weights, colors styles; regular $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00 values, sale price, garment Extra fine tan colored Cotton Fleeced Underwear; regular 75 cent value, sale price, garment and $1.75 and $2 40c SOCK SPECIALS We know you need socks. Time now to lay In a year's supply. Socks won't be so cheap again. Five pairs $1.00 Black, Natural or Tan Cashmere socks. . Regular 35c values. Five pairs $1.00 Heavy Wool Knit Socks, all colors and weights; reg ular 25c and 35c values. Three pairs $1.00 Home Knit Wool Socks, extra heavy; regular 50c kind. SPECIAL SALE ON OREGON MADE BLANKETS We didn't think we would sell half the number pairs of blankets which we have sold during this sale. Had to send to the mills for more. Blank ' eta are advancing, but here the prices go down. Better buy all you need now. $3.75 pair for $5.00 Mottled Gray Blankets. $5.00 pair for $6.50 Mottled Gray Blankets. $6.00 pair for $8.50 Mottled Gray Blankets. $4.00 pair for $5.50 Plain Gray Blankets. $7.50 pair for $10.00 White Lamb's Wool Blankets. $6.00 pair for $8.50 White Lamb's Wool Blankets. SPECIAL SALE PRICES ON OTHER WOOLEN GOODS Flannel Shirts, Cashmere Shirts, Wool Sweaters, Wool Knit Fancy Vests, Knit Conta, Carded Wool Mackintoshes In fact every kind of Wool en Goods carried In a Woolen Mill Store. OREGON BUCKSKIN SUITS AND OVERCOATS . . SI5 surely been winners. They should be, Overcoats ever offered at $15.00. They These Suits and Overcoats have because they are the best suits and have sold themselves. If you want a good solid suit or overcoat that will look nice and wear from three to five years, buy a "Buck skin." Fine Hand Tailored Suits When It comes to fine tailored su its we are most certainly there. We claim to have the finest tailored, most suits In the city. By making our ow Just what is In them and have taken best. Our range of patterns Is the $2.50 to $7.50 less than others. Fine Hand-Tailored Suits $li.50 to $30.00 Cravenette Raincoat Is the most useful garment made for this climate. Every man needs one and can ha ve one when he can buy It at the ex tremely low prices we offer them. Over forty kinds here to pick fro m. No matter what kind or price Cravenette Rain Coat you want, we have It. Buy now, while our stock Is large $12.50 to $30.00 up-to-date, perfect-fitting line of fine n suits in our own shops, we know every care to see that It's only the most up-to-date in Astoria. Prices, SSI "gjjf Woolen Mills Store. Mill to Man Clothiers 684 Commercial St. Between 15th and 16th iicmrvr.-:t ji J, im i y.T r i if 7v N t 41 mm Mi mm IN i i a mm w to m u fTl 7 A p. 1 msm fa 'A mm .a