The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 20, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The common council met In regular
session Inst evening, the mayor and
all councilman being present A pe
tition from Chaa. A. Johnson for per
mission to build a sidewalk In front
of his property on Eighth street was
granted, petitions from C. H. M
GreenwaM and Laxell A Co. for li
quor licenses were granted.
Communication from the Retail
Grocers' Association, requesting the
council to so arrange the Improvement
of streets by building or repairing
them In sections, so as to avoid In
convenience for delivery wagons, was
read and referred to the committee on
streets and public ways.
Communication from C. S. Gunder
son, presenting a statement relatlv
to damage done to bis property from
the breaking of a water main, wash
Ing out the bulkhead on his property
and asking the council to reimburse
him In the sum of $400, was read
liebeck stated that the damage could
not possibly equal that amount, as
he put the bulkhead In 12 years ago
and It did not cost one-half of the
amount asked. Logan stated that he
had visited the property the morning
It was washed out and believed
Mr. Gunderson had suffered damage,
but did not know whether the city
was liable for It or not. Belland stat
ed that the charter provided that all
uch claims should be referred to the
committee on "Ways and Means, and
on his motion the petition was re
ferred to that committee and the city
The various committees reported
on a number of claims which were
ordered paid.
The committee on streets and pub
lic ways to whom was referred the
petition of Alex Tagg and others for
a street light at the Intersection of
11th and Commercial streets, report
ed, recommending that the petition be
A remonstrance against the accept
ance of the Bond street improvement
was filed. Hansen stated that all but
one property" owner had signed an
acceptance of the improvement.
A building permit was granted to
A. V. Allen. The report of the sur
veyor, recommending certain grades
on Commercial street and Grand ave
nue was laid over until the next meet
ing. The city surveyor reported plans
and specifications for a sewer on 37th
street, which was filed.
An ordinance accepting the Im
provement of Alameda avenue was
An ordinance authorizing the com
mittee on ways and means to adver
tise for the city printing for one and
two years, also to furnish the city
with blank books, was read the first
and second times and laid over.
An ordinance levying the taxes for
the year 1906 at 10 mills, general tax,
and one-half mill each for the park
and public library, was passed.
An ordinance accepting the Im
provement of Duane between 6th and
10th streets, was passed.
An ordinance accepting the Im
provement of Bond street from 61 h
street to the McClure line, wns passed.
Ordinances appropriating J1.747.7S
and J4.3S5.77 to pay Birch & Jacob,
son for the Improvement of Bond
street, was passed.
An ordinance appropriating the sum
of 32.960 to R A. Cording for the
improvement or Mngnra avenue, was
An ordinance approprlatlnf the sum
of $6,055.00 to Dill & Young, for the
Improvement of Duane street from 6th
to 10th, was passed.
An ordinance appropriating the sum
of 35,125 less 31.200 already paid and
less applications for installments.
was passed.
An ordinance extending the time for
the completion of the Improvement of
Irving and Grand avenues to June 1,
ISO, was passed.
Resolutions providing for the lm
provenwnt of Columbia avenue was
Resolutions providing for the board
of assessors to meet and equalise the
assessments on Commercial from 9th
to 14th: Niagara avenue; Grand ave
nue, from 7th to 12th; Exchange from
8th to 9th; crossing at Intersection
of Bond and Sixth; and Kensington
avenue, were adopted.
Councilman Belland withdrew his
motion to levy a special assessment
of one and one-half mills for build
Ing the proposed new engine house
and no special levy will be made this
year. Mr. Belland stated that he
thought the city could get along with
out making any special levy.
Hansen called up the matter of
building a house to store the old and
new street rollers, and stated that
it would cost about 32oo, was dis- Columbia Left Out for San Fran
cussed and laid over.
before you select your suit for fall. There arc
many things to take into consideration chiefly
ainoug them are fit and fabric, Do you know
that before we buy our stock to place
you we have spent long hours of study and have
carefully compared one with another until we
know that our clothes are the best that it is pos
sible to produce? Theu why should
at any thing that is offered you? You can be well
dressed and well satisfied if you trade with us.
"Lest you forget" we say again'Think well before
you leap."
Cloth., bouflht her, premd free. Copyright too6 by Hart Schaftncr y Marx
It was stated that the council had
decided not to accept the offer of
50 for the old street roller, and
the city would keep It
On motion the council adjourned.
cisco Yesterday.
This Is Worth Remembering.
As no one Is Immune, every person
should remember that Foley's Kidney
Cure will cure any case of kidney or
bladder trouble that Is not beyond
the reach of medicine. T. F. Lauren,
Owl Drug Store.
Samson Off With Schooner Louit-
Menelik Still Has 4,000 Barrels
to Unload Schooner it Dis
tress Reported,
Some tt the nicest people In
the city five in furnished rooms;
people are moving at frequent
integrals. Tell them in a small
ad. bow attractive jour rooms
are. If your rooms are really O.
K , youH have no trouble in get- i
btg them rented through one of
cor want ads. Try it. 4
The cheap Imitations of Foley's
Honey and Tar cost you the same as
the genuine in the yellow package.
Why then risk your health, perhaps
you life, taking them when Foley's
Honey and Tar will cure your cold and
prevent serious results? It Is guai-
anteed. T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store.
Pneumonia Follows a Cold,
but never follows the use of Foley's
Honey and Tar. It stops the cough,
heals and strengthens the lungs and
affords perfect security from an at
tack of pneumonia. Refuse substl
tutes. T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store.
Not Cheap Goods But Good Goods Cheap
Simington Dry Goods Co.
Of our special
Suits and Furs.
sale of 200 Ladies Coats,
The prices being cut lit
erally in two. Miss this and you miss
the season's greatest bargains.
A visit today means assurance, and a
purchase absolute conviction and perfect
satisfaction. What more can you ask
for the money?
. Dont delay an hour, look at our, win
dow and then come inside!
The observer at North-head report
ed yesterday that he saw a schooner
standing off the bar with signal fly
ing, which he Interpreted to read,
"Send tug Immediately." but ho could
not be sure. The fog-bank settled
down over the vessel and he saw her
no more. She was a three-master and
showed no signs of being crippled in
any way, and has not been since ac
counted for.
The steamHhlp Columbia arrived
down from Portland on Sunday late,
and laid here until yesterday morning
at 10 o'clock when she went down
the bay and out to sea, wllh a big
list of passenger and plenty of
freight. She took from thin city W.
CS. West and E. O'Brien, as saloon j
passengers, and Kensey Matheny, W.
R. Williams, I. Mearns. A. H. Pettln
glll and G. Bechtel In the steerage.
The Lurllne came lown In good sea
son yesterday afternoon and Captain
Larkln reports the river growing
much clearer of the debris from the
Cowlitz river flood. She went up at
7 o'clock last evening with a good
lot of freight and a number of pas
sengers. The steamship Geo. W. Elder is due
down frdm Portland today! on hcjr
first sea voyage since she was raised
fro mthe bottom of the Columbia, and
rebuilt. She Is running opposite the
Koinoke, cx?ept Miat she may be con
fined to the San Francisco run and
not go further south.
Captain Buchanan arrived down
from Portland on Sunday afternoon
with the Arago, which has been under
repair there for the past three weeks.
She has been re-palnted andi fully
caulked, and her machinery thorough
ly overhauled and Is In prime order
from stem to stern.
The Hrltlnh ship Ualgnte came down
yesterday from Portland, on the haw
sers of me Harvest Queen and wont
to the lower harbor. She i bound
to Europe with grain.
Captain Sullivan also reports the
Columbia lienrlng up from the late
rush of drift of ul kinds and says he
had hut little trouble In bringing down
the Galgate yesterday.
The French bark Sully came down
the rlvor on Sunday last and Is now
In the lower harbor retulv tn tiukl.v
the hlh seas as soon as the bar
The Ralboa was another Sunday
departure for the Bay City. She was
laden with lumber from the old Or
egon mills and sailed from the Havel
The steamer Robert Dollar t Icitrcil
from the custom house yesterday, for
San Francisco, with 800.000 feet of
good lumber from the Old Oregon
The steamer Tiverton was nnother
arrlvel here yesterday from the Bay
City. Hhe will also go to the Tongue
Point mills for her outward cargo.
The steamer Sue II. Elmore arrived
In from Tillamook bny milnts on
Sunday evening, with a good manifest
of freight and several passengers.
There Is still o.ulle a fleet In the
lower harbor awaiting a chance to
slide out Into the broad Pacific on
various and fundry errands.
The steamer Yosemlte, from Ranter
mr nan r rnnrisco, with nearly a
million feet of lumber, cleared at the
custom house yesterday.
The steamer Thomas I,, Warn! en
tered port yesterday morning and
will load lumber outward from the
Tongue Point mills.
The steamer Northland was among
the arrivals from San Francisco yes
terday morning. She went on to the
metropolis at once.
The government steamer George
Mendel! came up from the forts yes
terday and filled her bunkers with coal
at the Sanborn dock.
The Empereur Menellk, the French
bark unloading at the O. R. & N. pier,
has yet 4,000 barrels of cement to put
on the dock. j
Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers
Edwards and Fuller of Portland spent
the day here yesterday. They came
down to Inspect the steamer Epner,
which Is being built here.
The schooner Irene and the ship
Slntram went up the river on Sun
day last on the tow lines of the Ok
lahoma, the former for Linton and
the latter for Portland.
The Columbine went out over the
bar at noon yesterday, laden with a
lot of new buoys for northern wa
ters, and will place them at once at
various points.
The ocean tug Samson, Captain
Jones, left out on Sunday afternoon
with the five-masted schooner Louis,
from Knappton to San Francisco.
The schooner Compeer made It to
sea on Sunday, lumber laden from
the McGregor mills, bound for the
Bay City.
The steamer Costa Rica Is due In
from San Francisco today with pas- '
sengers and freight for this port and
The. steamers F. A, Kllburn, Alll- !
ance and Asuncion were among the
getaways from this harbor on Sun
day last.
The German ship Nereldn was for
tunate enough to get away on Sun
day on her way to Europe with grain.
The bark C. F. Kinney was towed
to sea yesterday afternoon, en route I
to San Francisco.
Had a Close Call.
"A dangerous surgical operation, ln
olving the removal of a malignant ul
cer, as large as my hand, from my
daughter's hip, was prevented by the
application of Bucklen's Arnica
Salve," says A. C. Stlckel, of Miletus,
W. Va. "Persistent use of the Salve
completely cured it." Cures Cuts,
Burns, and Injuries. 25c at Chaa.
Rogers', druggist.
Pears for Canning, $1.00 per Box
Waxen Cooking Apples, 5cper Box
King Apples, $1.15 per Box
Sour Kraut- 5c lb.
Mince Meat, 2 lbs, 25c.
. Dill Pickles, 20c Doz,
Comb Honey, 2 for 35c.
All Kinds of Kresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season
The Art of Fine Plumbing
haa progressed with the development of the science of
limtlnon IU1 IV tl.v tnt
wee with the improvement..
Haw youf Or to your bathroom en? of
' vw hiiimku, uiuicmjuiy una f
If Too are rn using the "closed in"
fixture of ten yeara ego, It woulj he well
to remove them nJ instill in their ita i,
snowy white "SUniMHT Kiu;:w
eled Wire, of which we hive iamp!-s
displayed in our showroom. Let ui quo:i
you price, Illustrated catalogue free.
I, A. Montgomery, Astoria.
j ii - - n'
Fine Watch
A new line of Alger, Henty,
Otis and Ellis books, written
especially for boys (a whole
window full, and then some)
bound in substantial cloth
binding with illuminated
cover in three colors.
35c a Copy
E. A. Higgins & Co.,
Books Music Stationery