TUESDAY, NOVEMBLH 20, 1000. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 3 HORSE ASSOCIATION Twenty Second Annual Event Ushered in Yesterday. GREATEST EQUINE EXHIBIT Horaemen Have Been Interested In the National Horss Show for Many Yaari, and Thla Yaar Will Eollpta Former One. NKW Yf'ItK. Nov. 1 9.- Promptly at 9 o'clock this morning the bugle will announce tho formal opening of tint 22nd nnmml event of tha Nation al Horse Hhow AMOrliitlon at Madison " B"' Harden, The show of hors UiIh ymr. II I aald, will In aoma re pet lt I hit srrntwt euulne exhibit ever lvin In Now Tork. Nearly all of the former ahow ring champions will be shown and their number will be augmented by the arrivals which will dWHngulshe themselves In mora than one enhlbltlon. In former years tha now arrival have been for com petition In rgular classes only, but thla week i ha public will hnva a chanre to many new champlonhlp rlasae. In nit of whleh tha keenest competition la assured, Horemn who have l ean Interested In th national hors how for manr years were of th opinion yesterday that larger numbera and belter qual ity would be ahown thla week than In any In the lat flown yeara. At uaual there I the keenest Interest In ih "drs parade" which li consid ered one of the chief festurs of the ahow. Fran' In Murphy, the orator at the preliminary) luncheon Inapectlon at Mmllvm Hqunre Harden, voiced thla IntereM wlu-n In li I" describing the homo ahow that It wan "A sprink ling of aristocrat and n quantity of good rlnilirn mid ninw horses." Hoclety Ima come to town and pre pared fr (he ahow nnd visitors will see mnny stunning gowns before the week la over. The ituirnlnit programme today la n followa: Tltng committee-Thomas Hitchcock, Jr.. and I'nlted Htaiea H'tintor Wot mors. 9 a. m. Hhow opens with exercising of horses, lfi:30 a. m. Preliminary trlnl of 29 saddlo horaea, rlnaa 73. 11 a. m. Judging 49 hunter and Jumpers, class 109. BE CHARITABLE to your horaea aa well aa youraelf. aort your horaea need not suffer. Try a bottle of Ilallnrd'a Snow Lini ment. It curee all palna. J. M. Ilo berta, nnkerafleld, Mo., wrltea; "I have uaed your llnament for ten yenra and find It the bet I have ever uaed for man or beaat." Hart'a Prug Store. FIOHT OVER ESTATE. The Uaual Controversy in 8an Fran olioo in Settling Eitatea. HAN FHANCISCO, Nov. 19. The Chronicle nays: Blegfrtd, Bachor) hni arrived hie When A. More HO 1S Heat u PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) And, best of all, H is clean, odorless, light, easily carried about, . J au.i.L., 'I ll W.li sinokelcsa device. Wick cannot be turned too high or too low. Will quickly heat a cold room or hall way, and will keep it warm and cozy. Two finishes nickel and jnpan. Every heater warranted. If not nt your dealer's, write to our nearest agency for descriptive circular. The all-round household uae. Unexcelled in light-giving power; absolutely safe; an ornament to any room. Made of brass throughout and nickel-nlnted. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY from Paris to be ready for tho con teat hla lawyer will begin In the Su perior Court lit Hnnln. Crus it week from todny, when an attempt will be mini. i by (he oppoaltlon to iidmlnlalor I tin palate of (ha widow of tha Inte Colonel 1). I. Cotton, who wa In hla day ii partner of Collin P, Hunting (on and Hmiator Stanford, Hurher la the father and Kunrdlan of six-year-old Helen Margaret Beat rice Anchor, the real contoatitnt. The defendant la Mrs, Caroline CoKon Cook-Martln-Dfthlgren, thrice mar rlad, and the wife, alma a few wecka after Mr. Colton's death of John II Dahlgren, r Washington lawyer. TESTED AND PROVEN. Ther la a Heap of Solace In Being Able to Depend Upon a Well Earned Reputation, For rnontha Aalnrlu readers have aeen the conalunt expression of praise for Donn'S Kidney Pllla, and read about (he good work (hey have done In thla locality, Not another reme dy ever produced euch convincing proof of merit. W. Jenklna, of 428 Hast Mill Ht Portland, Ore., says: "I have no or caalon to change anything that I auld three year ago In recommending txian'a Kidney Pllla. for atnee that time other member of our family have found equally hencltclitl result In (renting kidney complaint. Hefore lining I inn's Kidney Pllla f suffered with acute nttacka of backache and a derangement of the action of the kldneya. and dull dragging palna nmd It difficult for me to attend to my work. Aa (he reault of ualng (hi dim remedy I have been free from kidney complaint ami backache for over three yeara, and therefore feel great confidence In recommending them lo othere." Plenty more proof like thla from Aatorlu people. Call at Chna. Rogers' drug alore and nek what hla custom era report. Kor ante by nil denlera.. Price 50 rents. Koater-Mllburn Co., HulTitlo, New York, sole agenta for the Unit ed Slates. Remember the name Doan'a and take no other. ALWAYS WAS SICK. When a man aaye he la alwaya tick, troubled with a cough that laated all winter what would you think If he ahould nay he never waa alck alnce ualng Rallard'a Horehound Syrup. Such a man exleta: Mr. J. C. Clark, Denver, Colorado, wrltea: Tor year I wax troubled with eevere cough that would laat all winter. Thla cough left ma In a mlaerabte condition. I tried rtallard'a Horehound Syrup nnd have not had a alck day alnce. That's what It did for me.M Hnrt'e Drug Store Commercial Saloon Thla popular place, situated at 800 Commercial street. la up-to-date In every particular. The choicest of winei and all klnda of li quors can be procured here. Best qual ity cigari. Billiard table in connection If you can't come In person, call up 1'lione 1231 Main. tf We owe the young people, of thla country tho beat cxnmple nnd tench log that we chance to know. That's good ndvlce, Tnko Holllater'a Rooky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablet, 35 cents. Kor sale by Frank Hart. Tho ting pole on the atnte capltol nt HaiTlHhutK. Pa., coat 1850. You Need When the ther- ru o met e r drops 'awar down and vou iust can't keep the house warm with the other Stoves or furnace, it need not worry you one bit if there's a Perfection Oil Heater in the house. Let the weather conditions be what they will, there need not be one cold room or hallway if you have a ncrfectlv con structed, and is ASTORIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FIRST SES8ION IN! SEVERAL WEEKS BIQ ACCUMULATION OF CORRESPONDENCE IMPORT ANT RESOLUTIONS. After several weeks of "Innocuous desuetude," (ha Aatorla chamber of coriwicrcu held a formal and fairly well attended sesalon laat night at the Iioud street rooms, when Judge J. Q. A. Howlby presided In the ab sence, of Prealdent Morse and C. R. Hlgglns manipulated the book and document na usual, Hecretary Hlgglna preaented a at Iff asaordnent of accumulated documents from vnrloua sources, mostly kindred usHoclatlons and on numerous topics, mostly In relittlnn to pending conven tions and Mate and national enter prises, all of which were carefully re viewed nnd sent Into committee where they will be duly considered and re ported upon. Judge Bowlby laid especial empha sis on the necessity for an appropria tion from Congress In behalf of the erection and maintenance of a monu ment to definitely mark the site of old Fort Clatsop and the head-qunr-ter camp of tho great explorers, Lew Is and Clark, and at his Instance, the chamber passed a resolution asking for an appropriation of 120,000 In this relation, and thla with the con viol Ion thnt Senator C. W. Fulton will make a stand for It at the proper sources at Washington. It In held by the chamber to be not unreason able to expect this concession In view of (he fact that the last session of Congress saw the successful Issue of the piayer of the Jamestown people for a similar allotment for a monu ment to mark (he Identical spot on which the forefathers of tho nation landed at that fnmous old town. The matter of the Improvements for the harbor of Astoria was also taken up nnd discussed very freely, and Crtnlrmnr Howlby reported that he and Judge F, J. Taylor had recently called In person upon Colonel Roess ler In Portland, and had had a long talk with him on this vital subject, and that the engineer's theory as they deduced It, Is, that there Is no Im mediate need for Improvement In the harbor here, except below Smith's Point, nil of which territory will be Included In whatever appropriation shnll be mnde under tho caption of 'Portland to the Sea" the colomel saying among other things, thnt It wns no part of (he government's duty to make excavations or do any dredg ing In nnd about docks, thnt that was the business of the owners of the berthing privileges. Messrs. Taylor and Bowlby were quite antlsfled with their Interview with Colonel Rossler, and that he was doing what he could In this behalf, nnd basing their Ideas on what he had admitted In this re lntlon. they had drawn a resolution ns coming from the chamber of com merce, and this had been submitted, approved and forwarded to the proper authorities at the national capital, and they hoped for tangible results In time. A number of letters, calling for the nppolntment of delegntes to certain Important conventions, near and fnr, were referred, to tha chntrmtui for his selection of delegn(es In each pnr (Icular Instance nnd these will be re ported In due course. The chamber then adjourned until the meeting In course. A Year of Blood. The year 1903 will long be remem bered In the home of F. N. Tacket, of Alliance, Ky., as a year of blood; which flowed bo copiously from Mr. Tacket'a lungs that death seemed very near- He writes: "Severe bleed ing from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when I began taking Dr. Kings New Discovery, for Consumption, with the astonishing result that after tak ing four bottles I was completely re stored and as time has proven, per manently cured." Guaranteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds, at Chas. Rogers' drug store. Price 60c and J1.00. Trial bottle free. SUNDAY TRAVEL TO PORYLAUd Inoreasea and $2.50 Round Trip Rate via A. & C. R. R. ia Popular. Travel from this city to Portland on Sunday at the low round trip rate of $2.50 Is on the Increase and mnny enjoy that day In the metropolis each week. This rate will be continued throughout the winter and the volume of travel toward Portland every Sun day would Indicate that the public appreciates It. 11-8-tf Danelng Proves Fatal. Many men and women catch cold at dances which terminate in pneumonia and consumption. After exposure, It Foleya Hoey and Tar la taken it will break up a. cold and no serious re sults need be feared. Refuse any but the genuine In a yellow package. T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store. PHENOMENAL DEMAND ' ''X i i V H4 i 4' Mr. T. H. McGinnisi, 2141 Central Ave., Cincinnati, O., says: "I have had catarrh, for seven yeara, and have tried almost every advertised remedy without receiving any benefit. One bottle Cooper's New Discovery has effected a com plete cure. I have gained in weight and feel stronger than I have for years. My head is clear, my appetite good, my food digests perfectly, and my whole system has been greatly benefited by your wonderful remedy. Ism deeply grateful for the remarkable cure the medicine has effected in my case." Signed: T. U. McGINNISS. DONE BY DEED Newton McCoy, administrator, to E. T. Stafford, oereage in Clatsop county 2,072 C. E. Linton and wife to C. F. Tergen, lots 1 nnd 2, block S6. Bradbury's Second Add. to Ocean Grove $ 62 E. Z. Ferguson and wife to E. M. Snow, renjty In Clatsop! county 1 WHAT IS CATARRH ? Simple Way to Overcome the Dangers of this Disagreeable Disease. Catarrh Is an Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and lungs, with many annoying symp toms. In this climate there nre few who do not suffer from this disagree able disease, often In a chronic and dangerous state. Fortunately, within the last few years, a simple and reliable treatment for catarrhal troubles has been found Hyomel, a combination of healing and germ-kllltng balsams, that, when breathed through the neat pocket In haler that comes with every outfit, renches the tiniest cells in the respir atory organs, carrying Its healing and health-giving properties to every part where the catarrhal poison Is pres ent. I Used In this way, Hyomel kills nil! catnrrhal germs, drives the poison' from the system, and heals nil Irrita tion that may be present In the mu cous membrane. If you have the ordinary catarrhal symptoms, such as offensive breath, ' burning pains in the throat, cough, i rnlslng of mucous, difficulty In breath- 1 lug, sneezing, husklness, discharge ; from the nose, droppings In the throat, j coughing spasms, etc., begin the use 1 of Hyomel at once. I A complete Hyomel outfit costs but $1, extra bottles, If needed, 50 cents, nnd Is sold by T. F. Laurens under an absolute guarantee that It will cure catarrh or money will be refunded. Cured of Bright's Disasse. Mr. Robert O. Burke, of Elnora, N. T., writes: "Before I started to use Foley's Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night, and I was all bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired that I could scarcely see one of my fam ily across the room. I had given up hope of living, when a friend recom mended Foley's Kidney Cure. One 50 cent bottle worked wonders and be fore I had taken the third bottle the dropsy had gone, as well as all other symptoms of Bright's Disease." T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store. Into each life some ruins must fall, Wise people don't sit down and bawl; Only fools suicide or take flight, Smart people take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. For sale by Frank Hart. FOR COOPER MEDICINES From All Over (he United States Startling At counts are Received of the Unprecedented Re salts Obtained With L T. Cooper's Remedies. The wonderful new medicines, Cooper's New Discovery and Cooper's Quick Relief, with which h. T. Cooper has had such marvelous success in the treatment of stomach trouble, kidney trouble, catarrh, deafness, rheumatism and other diseases in every large city and about which every one has read numerous accounts in the newspapers, have become in great demand and have had a tremendous sale; this de mand for these famous remedies is increasing. From this very city the sale and results obtained from Cooper's New Discovery and Cooper's Quick Relief has been marvelous. DREAD CATARRH. If you are troubled with a foul smelling breath, inflamma tion and soreness of nasal cavities and air passages and the dropping of a nasty mucous from head to the throat, if there is a dull heavy frontal headache and ringing sounds in your head and you find yourself gradually growing deaf, beware of catarrh. Cooper's New Discovery should be taken Internally to ex pel the catarrhal vims from the system and heal the mu cous membranes of the nasal cavities and air passages. It heals the tissues of the throat and bronchial tubes, and frees the entire system of all catarrhal poison. Cooper's Quick Relief should be used In connection with Cooper's New Discovery for catarrhal headaches and in all cases of catarrhal deafness to open the eustachian tnbes and restore the nerves of the ear to their normal condition. Cooper's New Discovery sells for $L00 per bottle: six for $5.00. Cooper's Quick Relief costs 50 cents per bottle. Yom can get them of Charles Rogers ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pres. V L BISHOP. Secretary Designers and Manufacturers oi THE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE "SOI (CITED. Foot of Fourth htreer. v ? - . ' ' : . . - 1 :1 ..... . "v Good Sample Rooms on the Ground floor for Commercial Hen egetaUcPreparationfor As similating uWoodandRegula ting th&Stcuwhs andBowels of PromotesIHcstlon,CIiceiful ness andltest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor MuxraL Not Narcotic. Mn SmJ- Mxjmm AtcrfectHemcdY for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, WoTtns,Corvvulsions,FcvBrish oess and Loss OF Sleep. TacSimue Signature of NEW YORK. exact copyof VHAPPCB. f am Nelson Trovtr, Vice-Pree. and 8npt. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK. '1 reus H. B. PARKER. E. P. PARKER, Proprietor Manager PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT Free Coach to the Hons Bar and Billiard Room Good Check Restaurant ASTORIA, OREGON For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of lo Use For Over Thirty fears YWt OIKTAUN COMPANY, HCW TOR UTh AW