THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1001 THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1875. Published Daily Except Monday by TBW J. S. DELLINGfcR cOMPAHY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year $7.00 By carrier, per month-.... 60 WEEKLY ASTORIA, mail, per year, in advaaea.. 11.00 most roinpenaiiting oit. Vuolo Sam is talking about building n light -lumso vtsle for this itlstrlot uml this offers a first-class opportunity to Iniuigurate ti systom that would mean much for the safety of human life and IncaU ii lnm stows or property, There are times when thts class of vessels are the only ones to run across crippled ships, and they should be In position to render the utmost of service that cannot be waited for. The Idea Is n wholesome one, mut conies from a practical seaman. Entered a seeond-elkM matter Jul; It, 1M. at the poatofflee at Astoria, ure ton, under tUe act of Congress ot March , IKS. aarOMors for Um dellTOnnjf of Tsi Mom m irroiujt to etthsr retfctawa or place of taithuaa nay be made by postal card or through tetocboo. Any InwjruUrlty in d Umnr should ba 'miMjktWj reported to the office ot publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. Official paper of Chttaop county and the Glty of Astoria, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O EDITORAL SALAD. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WEATHER. Western Washlngtong and Oregon Occasional rain. Eastern Oregon and Wash- lngton and Idaho Rain or anow. THE LOOMING GRAFT. There is a graft looming upon the legislative horizon of Oregon, that de mands the timely and earnest thought of the men who must create It if It Is to be thrust upon the people. There Is a forceful but quiet effort on foot to put the public printing business of the state on a basis of needless and end less cost to the taxpayer. The Typo graphical Union, (presumably at the instance of the syndicated type-founders and other collateral agencies), is sponsoring the thing and lending it all the unction derlveable from Its specific sanction. The idea is to pass the public printing over to the state, in toto; to build a new building at Salem to house a new and costly plant; to enlist a corps of printers, with foreman, sub-foreman, and all the departmental hangers-on usually found in such relations; to put the State Printer on a big salary, and keep the "printing expert" on the rolls at another; to make the department another element of political refuge and emolument for the vags and boo sters of the '"bosses," and to pile up an indefinite and utterly useless bill of expense for the people to pay. In other words, to emulate the folly of which California has been the victim in the establishment of her state prin ting bureau, one of the worst blun ders she ever made, and which will live no longer than outraged public sentiment there can crystallze itself in the utter extinction of the plan and plant. It behooves every legislator to go into the very meat and marrow of this scheme to unearth all its dangers and disadvantages and fight it to ear ly and complete defeat. There Is but one thing for the state to do with her printing, and that Is to put It out to the people in the business, upon the same basis that all other public util ities are maintained and all other ser- vice secured; public contracts for pu bile work Is the rule of compensation and safety, and the state no more needs a public printery than she needs a public grocery, or public livery-stable for the housing of the animals that happen to be on her roster. Put the printing out on contract bals, to the lowest and safest bidder; keep public "expert" on a decent salary, to see to the utter fulfillment of the con tracts, and give the people of the state in that business the same chance that is given in a hundred other lines of auxllliary service. But, in the name of sense and economy, spike the guns of this approaching evil. 0 . AN ELEMENT OF SAFETY. A friend who accasionally puts his feet on our desk, suggests that It would not be a bad idea for the go vernment, In the building of all its new coast-service vessels, such as lightships, light-house-tende's, rev enue' cutters, and small craft gene rally, to equip them with the latest and best models of steam towlng-bits and cable-reels, In order that they may do the specific and timely thing for ships and other deep-sea craft in trouble. It would cost something, per haps, and the mechanism might re main Idle for the greater part of the time, but when its utility was deman ded it would probably be of the THE MERCIFUL FROST. The people of the Northwest will hall with gratification the merciful In tervention of the frost now upon the land, as a check upon the Hoods that have ravaged it. Not In long years has there been such loss and damage as the past ten days have unfolded I this section of the country. In the ma(n. this territory of ours la pecu llarly blessed with freedom from cllmatrlc excesses, and such vlslta tlons as have befallen us lately, are accentuated by their rarity. We d not take the proper measure of our exemptions, and an occasional twist to the side of loss and defeat may be 1 beneficial in the way of a lesson. o TONIGHT'S CONVENTION. It is to be hoped that the convention of the Cltisens' Party of Astoria, bll led for a session at the city hall to night, will do nothing to disturb th quietude of the pending campaign that its nominees may be of the sort already tacitly accepted by the people at large: that it will do the clever thing In the matter of the city attor neyshlp and endorse the candidacy of Mr. Abercromble with the same friend Ilness that has characterized the re publican confirmation of Mayor Wise's renomination and re-election: that the Issues of the "off year" may be. as to policies and men. all that the vast ma jorlty of Astorians can ratify at the polls. It is a good thing for "men to dwell together in unity," once In while, at least. The Negro's Solemn Duty Liu Auu'rioii e:m do JW tho negro; thoro is run oukski.vks. no cxwut.vo BIKl EDITORIAL SALAD. There are 10,000 young women in Chicago who are obliged to work for 5 a week. A wise mother tells girls that a ca reer is not nair so desirable as a gooa husband. 0 Of the 46,216 employes In the pos tal and telegraph service In London, 7,557 are women. 0 The Ideal existance is that of the homemaker, the devoted wife and en dearing mother. Too many girls are willing to marry the first man who Is a candidate for matrimony. 0 Mrs. Sage has presented $2,000 In cash to her coachman, and she Is go ing to build a $4,000 cottage for him. 0 Cultivate the habit of making al lowances for the opinions and feelings of others, as well as their prejudices. 0 When we have moved heaven and earth to get a thing, Isn't It amazing to discover how little we really do want It. A lonely life may not be delirious ly charming, but it is a great Im provement on an unhappy married existence. 0 When days are dark and deeply blue Wife has her troubles, same as you; Show her that your love Is true Tell her so! 0 Kansas farmers are complaining that their ears of corn this year are too long for shelter. There Is always something the matter with Kansas. 0 The Government Agricultural De partment has just issued a valuable book about the art of Irrigation. It can be secured free by application to the Secretary of Agriculture, Wash ington, D. C. Concentrated lye and molasses make a good paste to daub around the rat holes. It makes rats so ten derfoots that theyj leave. Keep it where cats or any other useful thing cannot get Into it. 0 If you do not own a good saddle horse, get one. The landscape looks fairer and the outlook in life much more cneerrul from the back of a horse after a half hour's ride, than from any other point of view. o Two hundred dollars for ten ears of corn may seem an extravagant pnef to pay, but such an amount will be given to some pupil from the schools of Minnesota for the best 10 ears pro duced in the State. y nOOKEIl T. WASHINGTON rHKK is much that tho 1'i-avo, intelligent, patriotic white men much that wo can authorities hIiouuI si t. it that e'verv law is enforced regardless of raeo or color that tiro weak are protected from injustice from the strong. Wo have cN:Mvp'"? in several of the southern states that this is being done iu an oiioH,mging degree. Without the encouragement and protection of the law it is not possible for the negro to succeed (is n laborer or IN ANY LINK OF IJUSIXESS. On the uv gro's part we have n duty. Our lenders should boo to it that the criminal negro is got rid of wherever possible. Making allow uncos' for mistakes, injustice and tho influence of racial prejudice, have no hesitation m saying that one of tho elements m our prescn situation that gives mo most concern is tho largo number of crimes that are being committed by members of our race. TIIK NKOKO IS COMMITTING TOO MUCH CRIME iu the north and in the south. WE SHOULD SEE TO IT, AS FAR AS OUR INFLUENCE EX TENDS, THAT CRIMES ARE FEWER IN NUMBER) OTHERWISE THE RACE WIVL PERMANENTLY 8UFFER. The crime of lynching everywhere and at all times should be con demned, and those who commit a crime of any nature should be con demncd. Our southland today has no greater enemy to business prop ress than lvnchers and those who PROVOKE LYNCHING. AMUSEMENTS The Temptation of "Getting" By Rev. FRANCO L PATTON. Preldnt Princeton Thioloilcil Seminary O the poor man I say, "You poor man, you sell your muscle, you eat the bread of toil, ONLY TO BE DESPISED by those more prosperous." And to the rich man I sav: "Are YOU anv bottort You have bov.ght and sold, your strong box is stuffed with securities, yours is the first fruit of tho FARMERS' PRODUCE, vou travel across the countrv in vour private car. but death comes. Death is a flood that overawes vou both, and vou both must seek refuge in eternal life, the character of which is determined by your conduct HERE." IT IS IiKTTER TO RE THAN TO HAVE. But many of us think the opposite. We go through college and we say these pro fessional attainments musfbring us something, and we start in to get. Nobody is saving anything against ACCUMULATION, but be ware of avarice ! LET NOT THE MONEY CHANGERS MAKE THEIR HOME IN THE SACRED PLACES OF THE SOUL. LEAVE A LITTLE SPACE THERE AT LEAST FOR ART AND LITERATURE. bier. That Is what the court derided In Beaver Kalis, Pu., when Mrs. J. L. Harsha, wife of a prominent Iron manufacturer, pleaded guilty and paid her fine, after arraignment in court 0 The cow that you think the most of may be the very one you ought to get rid of. Find out about that. Test all your cows. Don't be satisfied with one; keep at it till you know. Then do something about It. 0 False hair Is being shipped all over the world by the carload, because to be in the fashion a woman must have her head padded out, puffed up and ung with false hair. In Paris they have gone so far as to have what Is called "the transformation," which Is a sort of a wig that can be donned at a moment's notice so that the hair may match the gown to be worn. o Few International titled marriages ave proved successful, out of 174 American heiresses of more or less note who have bought foreign husbands with $231,000,000 In dowries, there are less than twenty from whom re ports of unhapplness have not rome to America. Perhaps $200,000,000 has been scattered among foreign hus bands who have mistreated and hu miliated the women who trusted them. Famous 8trikt Breakers. The most famous strike breakers In the land are Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver and bowels go on strike, they quickly aettl the trouble, and the purifying work goes right on. Best cure for constipation, headache and dlzzitness. 25c at Chas, Rogers', druggist. A novel fwllng of leaping, bounding Impulse goes through your body. Vou ft I young, act young and are young after taking Holster's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 33 O'Htri. For sale by Frank Hart. w Willi none 1 Eruption Broke Out in Spots All Over Body Caused a Continual Itching for Two Years Doctor's Medicine Did no Good Cured at Expense of only $1,25 and Now In Turkey there are 1,500 schools In which girls received education. There are forty secondary schools having 3, 000 girls on their rolls. The learning of the Koran Is compulsory and arithme tic, geography and elementary science are taught. Teaching has now become respectable profession and young omen, after passing the normal ex aminations, elect to become tutoresses distant parts of the empire. o Made Happy for Life. Great happiness came Into the home of S. C. Blair, school superintendent, ! St. Alban's, West Virginia, when 1 his little daughter was restored from ; the dreadful complaint he names. He says: "My little daughter had St. VI- THANKS CUTICURA FOR COMPLETE CURE n Bridge whlt Is gambling and the society woman who gives a bridge whist party with a prize for the win ner of the most games may be ar rested and fined as a common gam- tiia' rtanna whlnh irfalrlad in -,. (ant. vu ..v-, j.w.... w w i.i,ti.-i ana two exira c;iikoh ui tunuui ment. but grew steadily worse until ! and was completer? cured. 1 had as a last resort we tried Electric Bit- i ijiffercd, for two years, and I again a t ,i,,i o v.,-l thank Cuticura for my cure, li you "Some time ago I wrote you for a book on the Cuticura Remedies and received it O. K. and went and bought the Soap, Ointment, and Tills. They did me more good than any medicine I ever used. They cured me of my skin disease, and I am very thankful to you. My trouble was eruption of tho skin, which broke out in sixits all over my body, and caused a continual itching which nearly drove mo wild ut times. I got medicine of a doctor, but it did not euro me, and when I saw in n paper your ad., I sent to you for tho Cuticura fjook ana I studied my case in it. I then went to the drug store and bought one cake of Cuticura Soap, ono box of Cu ticura Ointment, and ono vial of Cuti cura Pills. From tho first application I received relief. I used tho first sot and two extra cakes of Cuticura Soap. STAR THEATER I OEVURTZ, Manager Margarita Fisher C o. IN- THE GREAT BLUE GRASS DERBY Popular Prices: ;Box Office Opens 7:30. 15c, 25c and 35c. Curtain Rises at 8:15 Sharp. Scats ran be secured by Telephone Main 3831 for all performances, Hox office open from 1 until 4 p. in. daily ASTORIA THEATRE k. v, i:lvi:ks, Mjrr. TO-NIGHT Theflack Swain Theater Co. WILL PRKSKNT THE INSIDE TRACK PRICES, 15c, 25c, 35c. No More. SCOf BAT IRON & BRASS FORKS AMTOHIA, OKKiJON RON AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND MARINE ENCINEERS VHo Put HswlitUI Wmiilnrrjl IT.i. l altrtitioti'rlYrn'li ul. rr tr ork 18thMl Frank lln Ave. Tel. Main '.'Iff I The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co., Inc. Successor to Foard & Stokei C. HEADQUARTERS FOB Ranges, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery Graniteware, Glassware, Iron and Steel Tools and Ship Chandlery. Headquarters for Hardware. FINANCIAL. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, Prenldent. I. PRTFTRFOV, i'l Present. i-RANK PATTON, Caahler. J. W. GARNER, AinbUnt CmqIu, Astoria Savings Bank Capital raid In 1100,000, Surpiun ud Uridlrldnd 1'roflU K.lM TramaeUi (leneral rtHtiklug llunlnnm, lnUiriwl I'uld tin Time l)ril "ft Twnth Otrt, A9TOKIA, OREGON First National Bank of Astoria, Ore, i:.STAHLIHHi:i) 18MM. Capital $100,000 ters; and I rejoice to nay, three hot ., ' . . . . . " . . wish, vou may pumitm mis. jour ties errectea a complete cure." Quick, j frienj forever, ClaudfiN.Jolnmon, Maple sure cure for nervous complaints, gen eral debility, female weaknesses, Im poverished blood and malaria. Guar anted by Chas. Rogers' drug store. Price 60c. Agency Secured. We have secured the agency for Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new laxative that makes the liver lively, purifies the breath, cures- headacho and regulates the digestive organs. Cures chronic constipation. Ask us about it. T. F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store Grove Farm , R. F. D. 2, Walnut, Kan., June 15, 1905." nan nan rraii Scratch I Scratch I Scratch I This is the condition of thousands of skin-tortured men, women, and children, who niay be instantly rdioved and speedily cured by warm baths with Cuticura Soap and gentlo applications of Cuticura Oint ment, the Rrcat Skin Cure, and mild dosns of Cuticura Resolvent Pills, when physicians and all else fail. Fold throiJRliout Uic world. Cuticura Soap, iff.,, Olnt. muni, IWc, KHMlmit, Win. (In form ot Cliucnlala Cnalea I'lll,, 2&c. per vial of 00), may lw liall of all iriiifill. A liiigl ""n ',lr'-'. roUvr Drug ft Chen. Curp., Sola Proof., llonton, Mum. - MU1 "All AWutftli Skin, Scalp, and Ualr." Sherman Transler Co. 'HENRY HJ1KKMAN, Miinauttr U4ckn, Carriagea llnggugv Checked and TranHforreJ Truck ard Furnlttr Wagons Pianoa Moved, 433 Commercial Street lloxed and Shipped. Phone Main 1?) VITR OPIANE The new artistic window deco ration, A substitute for stained glass at one twentieth the cost. Easily applied. B. F. ALLEN & SON NEW STORE COS. nth AND BOND STREETS.